22 research outputs found
Adaption and validation of simplified Chinese version of the Low Back Pain Knowledge questionnaire (sC-LKQ)
IntroductionLow back pain (LBP) knowledge questionnaire (LKQ) was developed by a Brazilian research group in 2009. It has been cross-culturally adapted to many languages with good reliability and validity. This work aimed to translate and validate the LKQ into a simplified Chinese version and to evaluate the self-efficacy in LBP among Chinese participants from China and Hungary.MethodsA total of 431 people participated in this research, which lasted from September 2021 to June 2022 and was conducted on the Credamo online platform. The simplified Chinese LKQ (sC-LKQ) was generated through translation and cross-cultural adaptation guidelines. The participants were selected to fill out demographic questions, the sC-LKQ, and the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ). The reliability and validity of the data were evaluated using SPSS 28.0.ResultsThe sC-LKQ showed good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha was 0.79), and the intraclass correlation value was 0.85. There were five components in the questionnaire with good construct validity. The scores of RMDQ had negatively correlated with sC-LKQ.ConclusionIn the Chinese population, the sC-LKQ demonstrated excellent psychometric qualities and could be used to evaluate self-efficacy in clinical practice and research
Új low back pain prevenciós mozgásprogram, amely javítja a törzsizmok állapotát és a lumbalis motoros kontrollt | Improvement of lumbal motor control and trunkmuscle conditions with a novel low back pain prevention exercise program
Bevezetés: A balett-táncosok gyakran szenvednek deréktáji
fájdalomtól. Célkitűzés: Speciális mozgásprogrammal, a
törzsizmok erősítése révén, a deréktáji fájdalmak csökkentése.
Módszer: 62 balett-táncosnőt (átlagéletkor: 14,89 ± 1,21
év) vizsgáltunk. Kezelt csoport: n = 30 fő, átlagéletkor: 14,86 ± 1,00 év,
kontrollcsoport: n = 32 fő, átlagéletkor: 14,91 ± 1,37 év. Vizuális analóg
skálával vizsgáltuk az edzéseken jelentkező derékfájdalom intenzitását,
fotogrammetriás vizsgálattal habituális testtartásukat, Kraus–Weber-teszttel a
hasizmok erejét, core-teszttel a törzsizmok statikus erejét, leg lowering
teszttel a lumbalis motoros kontroll képességet. A kezelt csoport három hónapig
LBP prevenciós mozgásprogramot végzett, majd újból elvégeztük a vizsgálatokat.
Eredmények: Szignifikánsan csökkent az esetcsoport
derékfájásának intenzitása (VAS1: p = 0,012; VAS2: p = 0,021), szignifikánsan
javult hasizomereje (K–W. B: p = 0,025; K–W. C: p<0,001), a törzsizmok
statikus ereje (core-test: p<0,001), lumbalis motoros kontroll képessége,
mindkét láb esetében (Leg low. J.: p<0,001; Leg low. B.: p<0,001). A
habituális testtartás magas százalékban javult (elölnézet: 34,78%, oldalnézet:
52,17%). Következtetés: A speciális mozgásprogrammal
csökkenthető a balett-táncosok derékfájdalma, a sérülések előfordulási
gyakorisága. Orv. Hetil., 2017, 158(2), 58–66.
Introduction: Ballet dancers often suffer from low back pain.
Aim: Low back pain can be reduced by strengthening the core
muscles with the help of a special exercise program. Materials and
methods: In the study 62 ballet dancer women (average age: 14.89 ±
1.21 years) were included. Intervention group: n = 30 participant, average age:
14.86 ± 1.00 years, control group: n = 32 participant, average age: 14.91 ± 1.37
years. We examined the pain intensity that occurs during training with visual
analog scale, the habitual posture with photogrammetry, the abdominal muscle
strength with Kraus–Weber test, the static muscle strength of the trunk muscles
with core test and the lumbar motor control with leg lowering test. The
intervention group did a trunk prevented exercise program during 3 months, and
then we examined them again. Results: In the intervention group
the intensity of pain significantly decreased (VAS1: p = 0.012; VAS2: p =
0.021), the abdominal muscle strength significantly improved (K–W. B: p=0.025;
K–W. C: p<0.001), the static muscle strength of trunk muscles significantly
increased (Core-test: p<0.001) and the lumbar motor control significantly
improved in both legs (Leg low. R.: p<0.001; Leg low. L.: p<0.001). Also,
the habitual posture greatly improved (frontal view: 34.78%, side view: 52.17%).
Conclusion: In ballet dancers with a special exercise
program, which improves the conditions of trunk muscles, the motor control of
lumbar regions can be improved and the lower back pain and the incidence of
injuries can be reduced. Orv., Hetil., 2017, 158(2), 58–66
Introduction: The prevalence of posture deformities and muscle weakness among primary school children is high (50-65%). Objective: To assess and improve the back care knowledge and spine disease prevention, the strength of the trunk muscles, the flexibility of the lower limb muscles, the posture, and the lumbar motor control ability of primary school children by a 1-school year back school program. Methods: 102 (mean age: 6.549±0.500 years) children were examined at the baseline, and 48 (23 boys, 25 girls) were chosen for the program. Back care knowledge was examined by validated questionnaire, trunk muscle strength, and muscle flexibility by Lehmann tests, posture by New York Posture Rating Chart, and lumbar motor control by Sitting Forward Lean Test. Results: The complete back care knowledge (2.423±3.911, 19.115±2.833 points; p<0.001), trunk flexor (3.615±7.910, 56.885±113.748 sec; p<0.001), trunk extensor (8.962±5.963, 77.000±139.801 sec; p<0.001) static muscle strength, lower limb flexibility (p<0.001), habitual posture (53.846±10.130, 81.154±9.829 points; p<0.001), posture deemed correct 40.962±16.311, 91.346±6.566 points; p<0.001) and lumbar motor control (8.269±5.474, 0.154±0.368 mm; p<0.001) significantly improved in the intervention group for the end of the program. Conclusions: The back school program improves the back care knowledge and the trunk state among 6-7 years old children
Effect of active and passive techniques used in thromboembolic prophylaxis on venous flow velocity in the post-procedure period
IntroductionStudies have shown that using mechanical thromboembolic prophylaxis methods speeds up venous flow and decreases stasis. These studies examine the post-intervention period of 1–10 min. The length of the effect of procedures to raise venous flow velocity cannot be determined by clinical trials. To apply mathematical techniques to estimate how long mechanical thromboembolism prophylaxis procedures will increase venous flow rate.MethodsIn the survey, we examined 25 persons (poststroke patients), with an average age of 57.2 ± 6.3 years. Regarding the proportion of genders, 13 (52%) participants were male and 12 (48%) female. The peak venous blood flow velocity was measured with a HADECO BIDOP ES-100V II type Doppler ultrasound device, using an 8 MHz head, in the femoral vein, at the level of the hip joint. We estimated the change of the venous blood flow velocity from the available sampled data using the method of least squares. For the calculations, we used Microsoft Excel, version Mac Excel 2019.ResultsThe decrease in peak venous flow velocity can be approximated by a logarithm function. Mathematical calculations show that after active thromboembolic prophylaxis interventions, resting venous flow velocity is restored at 26.8 min on the intact limb and 85.1 min on the hemiparetic side. Resting flow velocity is restored in 131.9 min after passive mobilization of the hemiparetic side and in 137.7 min after the consensual effect.DiscussionAn elementary mathematical function can be used to estimate the time to recovery of peak venous flow velocity to resting state from measurements taken 15 min after the intervention. Active and passive mechanical thromboembolic prophylaxis after the intervention has a longer-term effect on venous flow velocity
Introduction. Premature ejaculation (PE) and erectile dysfunction (ED) are the most common sexual disorders among men regardless of ethnicity. The literature estimates the prevalence of PE between 16,3-32,5 and the prevalence of ED between 10-66% depending on age and secondary diseases. Objectives. We aim to assess the efficacy of the 8-week-long program of pelvic floor muscle(PFM) rehabilitation in the therapy of premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunctions. Materials and methods. The volunteer in our case-study was a 24-year-old, non-smoking, athletic university student living in a heterosexual, sexually active relationship for 5 months. At the beginning of the investigation, the subject had to complete numerous questionnaires. The trial used complex physiotherapy as treatment. The first part of the physiotherapy consisted of exercises to raise consciousness of the function of pelvic floor muscles (PFM). The patient had to learn how to isolate the contractions of PFM from its synergic muscles. The basic exercises consisted of isotonic, isometric and relaxation practices that lasted for 6 weeks. After that, “lifting exercises” supplemented the basic practices for another 2 weeks. Results. At the termination of the 8-week-long program all previously measured qualities showed improvement to a certain extent. Conclusion. At the end of the 8-week-long program, we measured significant change in various qualities regarding sexual life that proves the efficiency and the reason of existence of PFM rehabilitation in the therapy of premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunctions
Egy deréktáji fájdalommal kapcsolatos betegségspecifikus tudást felmérő külföldi kérdőív hazai, magyar nyelvű validálása = The Hungarian translation and validation of the Low Back Pain Knowledge Questionnaire
Bevezetés: A nemzetközi szakirodalomban számos,
betegségspecifikus tudást mérő kérdőív ismert, mely a betegek életminőségét,
állapotuk progresszióját, funkcionális statusukat vizsgálja. Magyar nyelven
kevés, a betegségspecifikus tudás mérésével kapcsolatos kérdőívet validáltak.
Célkitűzés: Célunk volt a Low Back Pain Knowledge
Questionnaire (LKQ) magyar nyelvre fordítása, megbízhatóságának és validitásának
vizsgálata. Módszer: A felmérésben 218 fő vett részt (krónikus
low back pain [derékfájdalom-] szindrómás betegek, egészségügyi dolgozók,
egészségügyi ismeretekkel nem rendelkezők). Átlagéletkor: 34 (18–64) év. A
Maciel és mtsai által 2009-ben megalkotott LKQ fordítását
és validálását Beaton és mtsai 2000-ben megfogalmazott
hatlépcsős elve szerint végeztük. A kérdőív belső konzisztenciáját
Cronbach-alfa-érték-számítással mértük fel. A kérdőív külső validálását
Roland–Morris-index segítségével végeztük. A megismételhetőségi vizsgálatot
teszt-reteszt módszerrel Spearman-féle korrelációs koefficienssel vizsgáltuk.
Eredmények: A kérdőív megbízhatóságát vizsgáló
Cronbach-alfa-érték 0,894 volt. A Roland–Morris-indexszel összehasonlítva az
LKQ-val jól korreláló kérdőívet kaptunk (R = –0,393). A kérdőív teszt-reteszt
vizsgálati eredménye (R = 0,541–0,795, p<0,050) mérsékelt és megfelelő
összefüggést mutatott. Következtetés: Az LKQ magyar nyelvre
fordított verzióját, a Derékfájdalommal kapcsolatos betegségspecifikus tudást
felmérő kérdőívet (DTK) megbízható és valid tudásmérő eszköznek találtuk. Orv
Hetil. 2019; 160(42): 1663–1672.
Introduction: Many disease-specific questionnaires, which
analyze patients’ functional status, quality of life or the progression of the
disease, have been validated in Hungarian. The low back pain (LBP) patients’
knowledge about their problem has not been measured by an officially validated
Hungarian tool. Aim: The aim of our study was to translate and
validate the Low Back Pain Knowledge Questionnaire (LKQ) and to assess its
validity and reliability. Method: We used the translation-back
translation method as the first step. Then we used a synthesis of the back
translations reviewed by independent translators. We enrolled 218 people in our
study: 101 of them were chronic LBP patients and 73 acute LBP patients. For the
validation process, we used the Roland–Morris Disability Index to compare our
questionnaire. We calculated Cronbach’s alpha values and correlation
coefficients. Results: The Hungarian version of LKQ correlated
well with the Roland–Morris Index and it proved to be a valid questionnaire
(correlation coefficient: –0.393; Cronbach’s alpha value 0.894).
Conclusion: We found the Hungarian version of LKQ a valid
and reliable tool to measure patients’ knowledge about LBP. We recommend future
studies should apply bigger and more homogenous populations to assess LBP
disease-specific knowledge in this country. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(42):
A rectus diastasis prevalenciája, lehetséges rizikófaktorai és szövődményei | Prevalence, potential risk factors and sequelae of diastasis recti abdominis
Bevezetés: Leggyakrabban a terhesség harmadik trimeszterétől
jelentkezik a rectus diastasis, amellyel kapcsolatban csekély információ áll
rendelkezésünkre. Célkitűzés: Célunk volt meghatározni a rectus
diastasis hazai előfordulásának gyakoriságát, a lehetséges rizikófaktorokat,
megvizsgálni a derékfájással, vizeletinkontinenciával és az életminőséggel való
kapcsolatát. Módszer: Az interrectus távolságát digitális
caliperrel 200 olyan nőnél mértük meg, akik kitöltötték a saját készítésű rectus
diastasis, továbbá az SF-36, az Oswestry Disability Index és az International
Consultation on Incontinence Modular Questionnaire – Urinary Incontinence Short
Form kérdőíveket. Eredmények: A prevalencia 46,5%-os lett. A
rizikófaktorok közül csak a szülések száma és az interrectusrés között volt
szignifikáns kapcsolat. Jelentős különbséget találtunk azonban az életminőség, a
derékfájás és a vizeletinkontinencia kapcsán a normál és a kóros csoport tagjai
között. Következtetések: A külföldi szakirodalommal megegyeztek
eredményeink, amelyek alapján elmondhatjuk, hogy a rectus diastasis majdnem
minden második szült nőt érint. Az állapot hajlamosíthat a derékfájásra és a
vizeletinkontinenciára, amelyből egy csökkent életminőség származhat. Orv.
Hetil., 2017, 158(12), 454–460.
Introduction: There is scant knowledge on diastasis recti which
occurs mostly in 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Aim: Our aim was
to assign the prevalence of diastasis recti and the possible risk factors and to
investigate its association with some chronical diseases, like low back pain and
urinary incontinence. Method: 200 women’s interrectus distance
was measured who filled out a self-made diastasis recti questionnaire, the
SF-36, Oswestry Disability Index and the International Consultation on
Incontinence Modular Questionnaire – Urinary Incontinence Short Form
questionnaires. Results: Prevalence of the condition was 46.5%.
In case of risk factors, relationship between number of deliveries and
interrectus distance was significant. We found a significant difference in
quality of life, in presence of low back pain and urinary incontinence between
the normal and the abnormal group. Conclusions: In line with
the literature we found, that diastasis recti can predispose on serious
sequelae, hence on decreased quality of life. Orv. Hetil., 2017,
158(12), 454–460
Objective: It is known, that incontinence rarely develops during pregnancy. The authors examined pelvic floor muscle function changes during pregnancy. Study Design: Authors examined 156 women and performed vaginal squeeze pressure measurements. Statistical data were analyzed by t-test, differences were considered to be significant at p<0.05. Results: Significant difference was found concerning maximum voluntary contraction (p=0.002) and duration of maximum muscle contraction (p=0.012) in young nulliparous women compared to average results of pregnant women. This result can be proved in young nulliparous women and among pregnant women in the 2nd (p=0.045), and 3rd trimesters (p=0.005). Comparing only the results of pregnant women a significantly decreased pelvic floor muscle strength was observed (p=0.032) in women exercising occasionally. Significantly weaker muscle strength was demonstrated in those young nulliparous women (n=21) who experienced vaginal wind (p=0.003) than in young nulliparous women without symptoms. Conclusions: Vaginal contraction strength decreases during pregnancy