106 research outputs found

    Giant microwave absorption in fine powders of superconductors

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    Enhanced microwave absorption, larger than that in the normal state, is observed in fine grains of type-II superconductors (MgB2_2 and K3_3C60_{60}) for magnetic fields as small as a few %\% of the upper critical field. The effect is predicted by the theory of vortex motion in type-II superconductors, however its direct observation has been elusive due to skin-depth limitations; conventional microwave absorption studies employ larger samples where the microwave magnetic field exclusion significantly lowers the absorption. We show that the enhancement is observable in grains smaller than the penetration depth. A quantitative analysis on K3_3C60_{60} in the framework of the Coffey--Clem (CC) theory explains well the temperature dependence of the microwave absorption and also allows to determine the vortex pinning force constant

    Structure and properties of the stable two-dimensional conducting polymer Mg5C60

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    We present a study on the structural, spectroscopic, conducting, and magnetic properties of Mg5C60, which is a two-dimensional (2D) fulleride polymer. The polymer phase is stable up to the exceptionally high temperature of 823 K. The infrared and Raman studies suggest the formation of single bonds between the fulleride ions and possibly Mg-C-60 covalent bonds. Mg5C60 is a metal at ambient temperature, as shown by electron spin resonance and microwave conductivity measurements. The smooth transition from a metallic to a paramagnetic insulator state below 200 K is attributed to Anderson localization driven by structural disorder

    Spin excitations in the antiferromagnet NaNiO2

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    In NaNiO2, Ni3+ ions form a quasi two dimensional triangular lattice of S = 1=2 spins. The magnetic order observed below 20K has been described as an A type antiferromagnet with ferro- magnetic layers weakly coupled antiferromagnetically. We studied the magnetic excitations with the electron spin resonance for frequencies 1-20 cm-1, in magnetic fields up to 14 T. The bulk of the results are interpreted in terms of a phenomenological model involving bi-axial anisotropy for the spins: a strong easy-plane term, and a weaker anisotropy within the plane. The direction of the easy plane is constrained by the collective Jahn-Teller distortion occurring in this material at 480 K

    Magnetic resonance in the antiferromagnetic and normal state of NH_3K_3C_60

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    We report on the magnetic resonance of NH_3K_3C_60 powders in the frequency range of 9 to 225 GHz. The observation of an antiferromagnetic resonance below the phase transition at 40 K is evidence for an antiferromagnetically ordered ground state. In the normal state, above 40 K, the temperature dependence of the spin-susceptibilty measured by ESR agrees with previous static measurements and is too weak to be explained by interacting localized spins in an insulator. The magnetic resonance line width has an unusual magnetic-field dependence which is large and temperature independent in the magnetically ordered state and decreases rapidly above the transition. These observations agree with the suggestion that NH_3K_3C_60 is a metal in the normal state and undergoes a Mott-Hubbard metal to insulator transition at 40 K.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Spin-stretching modes in anisotropic magnets: spin-wave excitations in the multiferroic Ba2CoGe2O7

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    We studied spin excitations of the multiferroic Ba2CoGe2O7 in high magnetic fields up to 33 T. In the electron spin resonance and far infrared absorption spectra we found several spin excitations beyond the two conventional magnon modes expected for such a two-sublattice antiferromagnet. We show that a multi-boson spin-wave theory can capture these unconventional modes, that include spin-stretching modes associated with an oscillating magnetic dipole (or only quadrupole) moment. The lack of the inversion symmetry allows these modes to become electric dipole active. We expect that the spin-stretching modes can be generally observed in inelastic neutron scattering and light absorption experiments in a broad class of ordered S > 1/2 spin systems with strong single-ion anisotropy and/or non-centrosymmetric lattice structure.Comment: 5+4 pages, 3 figures, supplement added, manuscript revise

    Inter-layer spin diffusion and electric conductivity in the organic conductors {\kappa}-ET2-Cl and {\kappa}-ET2-Br

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    A high frequency (111.2-420 GHz) electron spin resonance study of the inter-layer (perpendicular) spin diffusion as a function of pressure and temperature is presented in the conducting phases of the layered organic compounds, {\kappa}-(BEDT-TTF)2-Cu[N(CN)2]X ({\kappa}-ET2-X), X=Cl or Br. The resolved ESR lines of adjacent layers at high temperatures and high frequencies allows for the determination of the inter-layer cross spin relaxation time, Tx and the intrinsic spin relaxation time, T2 of single layers. In the bad metal phase spin diffusion is two-dimensional, i.e. spins are not hopping to adjacent layers within T2. Tx is proportional to the perpendicular resistivity at least approximately, as predicted in models where spin and charge excitations are tied together. In {\kappa}-ET2-Cl, at zero pressure Tx increases as the bad metal-insulator transition is approached. On the other hand, Tx decreases as the normal metal and superconducting phases are approached with increasing pressure and/or decreasing temperature.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure

    Low temperature fullerene encapsulation in single wall carbon nanotubes: synthesis of N@C60_{60}@SWCNT

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    High filling of single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) with C60_{60} and C70_{70} fullerenes in solvent is reported at temperatures as low as 69 o^{o}C. A 2 hour long refluxing in n-hexane of the mixture of the fullerene and SWCNT results in a high yield of C60_{60},C70_{70}@SWCNT, fullerene peapod, material. The peapod filling is characterized by TEM, Raman and electron energy loss spectroscopy and X-ray scattering. We applied the method to synthesize the temperature sensitive (N@C60_{60}:C60_{60})@SWCNT as proved by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. The solvent prepared peapod samples can be transformed to double walled nanotubes enabling a high yield and industrially scalable production of DWCNT

    Generalized Elliott-Yafet theory of electron spin relaxation in metals: the origin of the anomalous electron spin life-time in MgB2

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    The temperature dependence of the electron spin relaxation time in MgB2 is anomalous as it does not follow the temperature dependence of the resistivity above 150 K, it has a maximum around 400 K, and it decreases for higher temperatures. This violates the well established Elliot-Yafet theory of electron spin relaxation in metals. We show that the anomaly occurs when the quasi-particle scattering rate (in energy units) becomes comparable to the energy difference between the conduction- and a neighboring band. We find that the anomalous behavior is related to the unique band structure of MgB2_2 and the large electron-phonon coupling. The saturating spin-lattice relaxation can be regarded as the spin transport analogue of the Ioffe-Regel criterion of electron transport

    Fluctuating-friction molecular motors

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    We show that the correlated stochastic fluctuation of the friction coefficient can give rise to long-range directional motion of a particle undergoing Brownian random walk in a constant periodic energy potential landscape. The occurrence of this motion requires the presence of two additional independent bodies interacting with the particle via friction and via the energy potential, respectively, which can move relative to each other. Such three-body system generalizes the classical Brownian ratchet mechanism, which requires only two interacting bodies. In particular, we describe a simple two-level model of fluctuating-friction molecular motor that can be solved analytically. In our previous work [M.K., L.M and D.P. 2000 J. Nonlinear Opt. Phys. Mater. vol. 9, 157] this model has been first applied to understanding the fundamental mechanism of the photoinduced reorientation of dye-doped liquid crystals. Applications of the same idea to other fields such as molecular biology and nanotechnology can however be envisioned. As an example, in this paper we work out a model of the actomyosin system based on the fluctuating-friction mechanism.Comment: to be published in J. Physics Condensed Matter (http://www.iop.org/Journals/JPhysCM