3 research outputs found

    Verification of Wiedemann-Franz law in silver with moderate residual resistivity ratio

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    Electrical and thermal transport were studied in a vacuum-annealed polycrystalline silver wire with residual resistivity ratio 200-400, in the temperature range 0.1-1.2K and in magnetic fields up to 5T. Both at zero field and at 5T the wire exhibits the Wiedemann-Franz law with the fundamental Lorenz number, contrary to an earlier report [Gloos, K. et al, Cryogenics 30, 14 (1990)]. Our result demonstrates that silver is an excellent material for thermal links in ultra-low-temperature experiments operating at high magnetic fields.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Cooling low-dimensional electron systems into the microkelvin regime.

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    Two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) with high mobility, engineered in semiconductor heterostructures host a variety of ordered phases arising from strong correlations, which emerge at sufficiently low temperatures. The 2DEG can be further controlled by surface gates to create quasi-one dimensional systems, with potential spintronic applications. Here we address the long-standing challenge of cooling such electrons to below 1 mK, potentially important for identification of topological phases and spin correlated states. The 2DEG device was immersed in liquid 3He, cooled by the nuclear adiabatic demagnetization of copper. The temperature of the 2D electrons was inferred from the electronic noise in a gold wire, connected to the 2DEG by a metallic ohmic contact. With effective screening and filtering, we demonstrate a temperature of 0.9 ± 0.1 mK, with scope for significant further improvement. This platform is a key technological step, paving the way to observing new quantum phenomena, and developing new generations of nanoelectronic devices exploiting correlated electron states

    Intertwined superfluid and density wave order in two-dimensional 4He

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    Superfluidity is a manifestation of the operation of the laws of quantum mechanics on a macroscopic scale. The conditions under which superfluidity becomes manifest have been extensively explored experimentally in both quantum liquids (liquid 4He being the canonical example) and ultracold atomic gases1, 2, including as a function of dimensionality3, 4. Of particular interest is the hitherto unresolved question of whether a solid can be superfluid5, 6. Here we report the identification of a new state of quantum matter with intertwined superfluid and density wave order in a system of two-dimensional bosons subject to a triangular lattice potential. Using a torsional oscillator we have measured the superfluid response of the second atomic layer of 4He adsorbed on the surface of graphite, over a wide temperature range down to 2 mK. Superfluidity is observed over a narrow range of film densities, emerging suddenly and subsequently collapsing towards a quantum critical point. The unusual temperature dependence of the superfluid density in the limit of zero temperature and the absence of a clear superfluid onset temperature are explained, self-consistently, by an ansatz for the excitation spectrum, reflecting density wave order, and a quasi-condensate wavefunction breaking both gauge and translational symmetry