21 research outputs found

    Virtualisation Design in Corporate

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    Cieľom mojej diplomovej práce je navrhnúť optimalizáciu desktopov vo firemnom prostredí. Diplomová práca je rozdelená na tri základné časti. Prvá sa venuje teoretickej časti virtualizácie a poznatokom o nej. V druhej časti práce sa zameriavam na analýzu súčasného stavu firmy a tretia je venovaná návrhu optimalizácie stávajúcej infraštruktúry vrátanie projektového riadenia na realizáciu návrhu.The purpose of my master's thesis is to make a proposal for optimalization of desktop infrastructure using virtualization. The master's thesis is divided into three main parts. First one is engaged in theoretical ground about virtualization. Second part is dedicated to analysis of current state of desktop infrastructure in company and the third contains proposal to modernization of existing infrastructure including project management

    Mathematical Methods in Economics

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    Bakalárska práca sa zameriava na analýzu matematický procesov a metód v ekonómii. Cieľom tejto práce je popísať teoreticky a prakticky vybrané metódy, ktoré sa bežne v ekonómií používajúMain focus of this thesis is to analyze mathematical methods in the field of economics and to describe both teoretically and practically some of the mathematical methods comonly used in economics.

    Beta glucan degradation during post harvest maturation of malting barley with emphasis on malt quality

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    β-glucans are natural gum polysaccharides occurring in the bran of cereal grains. Their negative effect consists in blocking enzymes entering the cells whereby they negatively influence the speed of grain degradation during process of malting. Aim of this work was to investigate to what extent post-harvest maturation influences β-glucan degradation with regard to malt quality. Results revealed that post-harvest maturation significantly influenced β-glucan degradation in malt. In barley grains that were stored six weeks after harvest, degradation of β-glucan in malt represented 99 % while using barley grains two weeks after harvest, β-glucan degradation represented only 50 %. Statistically significant was the effect of genotype on β-glucan content in grain as well as on β-glucan degradation level in malt

    Evaluation of carotenoids, polyphenols content and antioxidant activity in the sea buckthorn fruit

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    Due to the content of biologically active substances, sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) has become the object of great interest of both, experts and the general public. It is appreciated particularly for the high content of vitamins and other biologically active substances, not only in berries but also in leaves and bark. The aim of the study was to evaluate the nutritional quality of sea buckthorn juice prepared from different varieties of sea buckthorn based on the content of total carotenoids, polyphenols and antioxidant activity. In this study we used varieties Hergo, Tytti, Vitaminaja, Raisa, Askola, Dorana, Slovan, Leikora, Bojan, Terhi and Masličnaja. Content of different components was quantified using spectrophotometry. The total carotenoids content expressed as β-carotene content in juice ranged from 50.63 mg.100 g-1 DM to 93.63 mg.100 g-1 DM, the highest content was in variety Askola and the lowest one in Terhi. Total polyphenols content determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method ranged from 13.03 mg GAE. dm-3 DM to 25.35 mg GAE. dm-3 DM. The highest content was identified in juice of variety Dorana and the lowest one in Raisa. The antioxidant activity quantified by the FOMO method ranges from 45.11 g AA. dm-3 DM to 108.77 g AA. dm-3 DM. The highest antioxidant activity was determined in juice of Dorana and the lowest in variety Boja

    Vplyv dlhodobého skladovania na kvalitu zrna sladovníckeho jačmeňa a sladu

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    In the grain samples of five malting barley varieties harvested in 2011, the amount of basic components as well as physiological characteristics of barley were determined. These samples were micromalted and resulting malt was analyzed mainly according to the European Brewery Convention (EBC) and the Mitteleuropäische Brautechnische Analysenkommission (MEBAK) methodologies. The same samples of malting barley grain and also samples of malt were placed in polyethylene bags, from which the air was exhausted and they were further stored at 4 °C until 2016. In 2016, grain and malt samples were subjected to the same analyses as in 2011. Results were statistically evaluated by t-test of dependent samples. Most of the monitored parameters has remained at the same level as in 2011 or has slightly improved. The exception was statistically very highly significant decrease (P ≤ 0.001) of friability and increase of amount of whole and partly unmodified grains. Under conditions described, long-term storage of malting barley grain has not significantly negatively affected its germination. Long-term storage of malt has had not a significant negative impact on its quality too.Vo vzorkách zrna piatich odrôd sladovníckeho jačmeňa, zozbieraných v roku 2011, bolo stanovené množstvo základných obsahových látok a stanovené boli tiež fyziologické znaky jačmeňa. Vzorky zrna boli zosladované a následne vyrobený slad bol analyzovaný najmä podľa metodík EBC a MEBAK. Tie isté vzorky zrna jačmeňa a vzorky sladu boli uložené do polyetylénových vreciek, z ktorých bol odsatý vzduch a boli ďalej skladované pri teplote 4 °C až do roku 2016. V roku 2016 boli vzorky zrna jačmeňa a sladu podrobené rovnakým analýzam ako v roku 2011. Výsledky boli štatisticky spracované pomocou párového t-testu. Väčšina sledovaných znakov zostala na rovnakej úrovni ako v roku 2011 alebo sa mierne zlepšila. Výnimkou bolo štatisticky veľmi vysoko preukazné zníženie (P ≤ 0,001) hodnoty friability a zvýšenie množstva sklovitých a polosklovitých zŕn. Dlhodobé skladovanie zrna sladovníckeho jačmeňa nemalo za popísaných podmienok štatisticky preukazne negatívny vplyv na jeho klíčivosť. Taktiež dlhodobé skladovanie sladu nemalo výrazne negatívny dopad na jeho kvalitu

    Winter squash (Cucurbita moschata Duch) fruit as a source of biologically active components after its thermal treatment

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    To one of the most valuable pumpkin fruit belongs winter squash (Cucurbita moschata Duch). The aim of this work was to assess the quality of C. moschata fruit and to assess the dynamics of compositional changes after the heat treatment of the pulp. We used six varieties Liscia, Orange, Hannah, UG 201 F1, Waltham, Serpentine. In the samples were analyzed carbohydrate content (glucose, fructose and sucrose), total polyphenols, total carotenoids and antioxidant activity. The fresh pulp and pulp after the heat treatment were observed. Content of carbohydrates was determined by FTIR infrared spectroscopy. Content of total carotenoids, polyphenols and antioxidant activity was determined by spectrophotometry. As the dominant sugar was found to be sucrose. The lowest content of all carbohydrates was found in the variety Serpentine. Fructose content ranged from 7.59 to 12.32 g.100 g-1 dry matter, glucose content from 7.23 to 9.79 g.100 g-1 dry matter and sucrose content 38.67 to 55.94 g.100 g-1 dry matter. After processing there was found a decrease in the sucrose and the slight increase in glucose and fructose content. Total carotenoid content in fruits ranged from 39.01 to 97.67 g mg.100 g-1 dry matter, the content of total polyphenols from 443.98 to 565.44 mg GAE.100 g-1 dry matter and antioxidant activity from 680.18 to 851.87 mg AA.100 g-1 dry matter. After the heat treatment, there was found some decrease in total carotenoids, polyphenols and antioxidant activity as well

    Variation of fruits morphometric parameters and bioactive compounds of Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal germplasm collection

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphological parameters and bioactive compounds (antioxidant activity, total polyphenol, flavonoid, and phenolic acid content) of 6 genotypes of dry Asimina triloba (L.) fruit from Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia). Genotypes were obtained from the seeds that were sown in the year 2000. Their morphometric parameters were following: fruit weight from 59.00 to 241.19 g, fruit length from 50.14 to 140.11 mm, fruit diameter from 37.55 to 64.67 mm, number of fruits per cluster from 2 to 8, seed weight from 0.06 to 1.80 g, seed length from 16.33 to 29.11 mm, seed width from 9.56 to 18.33 mm, seed thickness from 4.98 to 9.75 mm, number of seeds in fruit from 4 to 16. The shape indexes of fruits were found ranging from 1.53 to 2.16. The variability of important is the average seeds weight from 7.40 to 35.61%, fruit weight from 14.84 to 32.95%, number of fruits per cluster from 18.21 to 32.54% and a number of seeds in fruit from 13.49 to 27.72%. The other characteristics are more or less stable. Total polyphenol content ranged from 22.13 to 37.36 mg GAE per g, total flavonoid content from 15.10 to 32.03 mg QE per g and phenolic acids content from 0.23 to 0.76 mg CAE per g. All tested samples exhibited DPPH radical scavenging activities with values from 2.84 to 7.04 mg TEAC per g. Antioxidant activity by molybdenum reducing antioxidant power method ranged from 97.25 to 275.41 mg TEAC per g of dry matter. Differences between the genotypes were significant in all observed parameters. This species is potential for propagation and practice used in the Slovak Republic

    Evaluation of the basic saccharides content in tomatoes

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    Saccharides are the basic dry matter components of all fruits and vegetables. The dominant tomatoes saccharides are fructose and glucose, minor ones are sucrose but also arabinose, xylose, and galactose. The objective of this paper is to analyze carbohydrates such as glucose, fructose and sucrose in the selected tomatoes varieties intended for the direct consumption and industrial processing. We used 14 varieties and 3 newly selected tomatoes varieties. The glucose content in the studied varieties was in the range of 4.87 – 15.9 g.kg-1, the fructose content was 11.1 – 22.27 g.kg-1 and sucrose content was 0.07 – 1.73 g.kg-1. The highest fructose and sucrose content was detected in the Tomanova variety, the highest sucrose content was found out in the Bovita variety. When comparing the glucose content it was found out that the higher content on average was achieved in the varieties intended for the industrial processing (10.10 g.kg-1) than in the varieties for the direct consumption (7.96 g.kg-1). The varieties intended for industrial processing were generally characterized by higher glucose and fructose content than the varieties intended for the direct consumption. When comparing the fructose content, we found a higher average content in the varieties intended for industrial processing (15.70 g.kg-1) than in the varieties for the direct consumption (14.40 g.kg-1). In most of the studied varieties sucrose was present in low content (<1.0 g.kg-1), only in the Tomanova variety sucrose content represented more than 1 g.kg-1

    Composition of fatty acids in selected vegetable oils

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    Plant oils and fats are important and necessary components of the human nutrition. They are energy source and also contain fatty acids - compounds essential for human health. The aim of this study was to evaluate nutritional quality of selected plant oil - olive, rapeseed, pumpkin, flax and sesame; based on fatty acid composition in these oils. Fatty acids (MUFA, PUFA, SFA) were analyzed chromatography using system Agilent 6890 GC, injector multimode, detector FID. The highest content of saturated fatty acids was observed in pumpkinseed oil (19.07%), the lowest content was found in rapeseed oil (7.03%), with low level of palmitic and stearic acids and high level of behenic acid (0.32%) among the evaluated oils. The highest content of linoleic acid was determined in pumpkinseed (46.40%) and sesame oil (40.49%); in these samples was also found lowest content of α-linolenic acid. These oils have important antioxidant properties and are not subject to oxidation. The richest source of linolenic acid was flaxseed oil which, which is therefore more difficult to preserve and process in food industry. In olive oil was confirmed that belongs to the group of oils with a predominantly monosaturated oleic acid (more than 70%) and a small amount of polysaturated fatty acid. The most commonly used rapeseed oil belongs to the group of oils with the medium content of linolenic acid (8.76%); this oil also showed a high content of linoleic acid (20.24%). The group of these essentially fatty acids showed a suitable ratio ∑n3/n6 in the rapessed oil (0.44)