2 research outputs found

    Substansi Kebolehan Poligami dan Relevansinya dengan Perundang-Undangan Perkawinan Indonesia

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    Artikel ini mengkaji tentang substansi kebolehan poligami dan relevansi terhadap undang-undang perkawinan Indonesia. Poligami telah ada pada zaman jahiliyyah hingga saat ini. Islam tidak melarang dan menganjurkan poligami, tetapi Islam datang untuk mengatur dan membatasi aturan poligami. Substansi poligami dapat dilihat dari konteks atau nash poligami serta historisitas Arab pada masa jahiliyyah. Secara kontekstual nash, poligami diperbolehkan bagi wanita janda dan anak yatim dengan batasan empat orang isteri dengan syarat berlaku adil. Ayat ini diturunkan karena banyak kaum muslim yang gugur saat peperangan uhud yang berdampak pada tingginya jumlah janda dan anak yatim yang ditinggal wafat dengan kondisi yang memprihatinkan dalam segi ekonomi, sosial dan pendidikan. Selain itu dalam historisitas tradisi arab pada masa jahiliyyah juga menganggap bahwa menikahi banyak perempuan merupakan harta kekayaan yang dimilki. Maka dengan tanggapan tersebut wanita diibaratkan seperti binatang dan barang yang layak diperjualbelikan tanpa memperdulikan hak-hak seorang wanita. Dasar Hukum poligami dalam Islam QS. An-Nisa: 3 yang mengedepankan asas keadilan dan kemaslahatan dalam kondisi darurat. Relevansi ketentuan berpoligami dalam Undang-Undang Perkawinan No.1 Tahun 1974 dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam memang belum sepenuhnya sejalan dengan substansi atau nash kebolehan poligami dalam Islam tetapi sudah mengarah pada dasar QS. An-Nisa: (3) dengan prinsip keadilan, menciptakan kemaslahatan dan mencegah kerusakan. Alasan kebolehan poligami yaitu dengan jumlah wanita yang lebih banyak dari pria dan jika monogamy terus dipertahankan maka akan muncul banyak praktek pelacuran.


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    This study discusses the implementation of the protection of wife's rights in divorce decisions at the Samarinda Religious Court in 2020. The author examines the efforts made by judges to provide protection for the rights of wives in decisions at the Samarinda Religious Court and analyzes six judges' decisions that have implications for the imposition of the wife's rights over mut'ah and iddah using John Rawls' theory of justice and the discovery of progressive law. The purpose of the study is to understand the efforts of the Samarinda Religious Court in protecting the wife's rights to mut'ah and iddah support in the 2020 divorce decision and to understand the analysis of the judge's decision in the divorce case at the Samarinda Religious Court according to John Rawls' theory of justice and the discovery of progressive law. This research is a library research with descriptive analytical research. The approach used by the author is a normative juridical approach with an approach to legal theories, namely John Rawls' theory of justice and Satjipto Rahardjo's progressive legal discovery. The data collection methods are documentation and interviews. Documentation was taken from six copies of the decision on the divorce case at the Religious Courts which had implications for the imposition of the wife's rights over mut'ah and iddah and interviews with three judges at the Samarinda Religious Court. The conclusions of this study are First, that the Samarinda Religious Courts have tried to provide protection for the rights of the wife in the divorce decision; Second, that from the analysis of the 6 decisions related to the implementation of the protection of the rights of the wife after divorce on mut'ah and iddah support in the divorce decision at the Samarinda Religious Court in 2020, it has not been fully in accordance with the principles of justice of John Rawls and has not made legal discoveries. progressive, namely by using the authority of ex-officio rights. This is due to the differences in the judge's paradigm of thinking textually and contextually