18 research outputs found

    Clownfish larvae exhibit faster growth, higher metabolic rates and altered gene expression under future ocean warming

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    Increasing ocean temperatures have been demonstrated to have a range of negative impacts on coral reef fishes. However, despite a wealth of studies of juvenile/adult reef fish, studies of how early developmental stages respond to ocean warming are limited. As overall population persistence is influenced by the development of early life stages, detailed studies of larval responses to ocean warming are essential. Here, in an aquaria-based study we investigate how temperatures associated with future warming and present-day marine heatwaves (+3 °C) impact the growth, metabolic rate, and transcriptome of 6 discrete developmental stages of clownfish larvae (Amphiprion ocellaris). A total of 6 clutches of larvae were assessed, with 897 larvae imaged, 262 larvae undergoing metabolic testing and 108 larvae subject to transcriptome sequencing. Our results show that larvae reared at +3 °C grow and develop significantly faster and exhibit higher metabolic rates than those in control conditions. Finally, we highlight the molecular mechanisms underpinning the response of larvae from different developmental stages to higher temperatures, with genes associated with metabolism, neurotransmission, heat stress and epigenetic reprogramming differentially expressed at +3 °C. Overall, these results indicate that clownfish development could be altered under future warming, with developmental rate, metabolic rate, and gene expression all affected. Such changes may lead to altered larval dispersal, changes in settlement time and increased energetic costs

    The chromosome-scale genome assembly of the yellowtail clownfish Amphiprion clarkii provides insights into the melanic pigmentation of anemonefish

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    Anemonefish are an emerging group of model organisms for studying genetic, ecological, evolutionary, and developmental traits of coral reef fish. The yellowtail clownfish Amphiprion clarkii possesses species-specific characteristics such as inter-species co-habitation, high intra-species color variation, no anemone specificity, and a broad geographic distribution, that can increase our understanding of anemonefish evolutionary history, behavioral strategies, fish-anemone symbiosis, and color pattern evolution. Despite its position as an emerging model species, the genome of A. clarkii is yet to be published. Using PacBio long-read sequencing and Hi-C chromatin capture technology, we generated a high-quality chromosome-scale genome assembly initially comprised of 1, 840 contigs with an N50 of 1, 203, 211 bp. These contigs were successfully anchored into 24 chromosomes of 843, 582, 782 bp and annotated with 25, 050 protein-coding genes encompassing 97.0% of conserved actinopterygian genes, making the quality and completeness of this genome the highest among all published anemonefish genomes to date. Transcriptomic analysis identified tissue-specific gene expression patterns, with the brain and optic lobe having the largest number of expressed genes. Further analyses revealed higher copy numbers of erbb3b (a gene involved in melanocyte development) in A. clarkii compared with other anemonefish, thus suggesting a possible link between erbb3b and the natural melanism polymorphism observed in A. clarkii. The publication of this high-quality genome, along with A. clarkii's many unique traits, position this species as an ideal model organism for addressing scientific questions across a range of disciplines

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Unexpected high abundance of aragonite-forming Nanipora (Octocorallia: Helioporacea) at an acidified volcanic reef in southern Japan

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    Nanipora Miyazaki & Reimer, 2015 is a recently discovered genus of aragonite-skeleton producing octocorals closely related to the blue coral genus Heliopora de Blainville, 1830. Since its discovery, Nanipora has been reported from coral reefs in Okinawa, Japan, and Thailand, and from seagrass beds in the northern South China Sea. However, it remains little known and studied. Here, we report on the unexpected discovery of an abundance of Nanipora colonies in shallow waters less than 2-m deep around a CO2 vent from the uninhabited volcanic island of Iwotorishima, Okinawa, in southern Japan. Nanipora colonies were found covering both coral rubble and hard substrates, alongside a few soft coral and zoantharian species. Polyps were pale white in color with none brown or darker in coloration as in some recent reports. As the original description of N. kamurai from Zamami Island in Okinawa describes the species as azooxanthellate, as the current Iwotorishima specimens also appear to be, and recently reported specimens from Thailand, Dongsha Atoll, and Yaeyama are zooxanthellate, it may be that there are more than one Nanipora species; the type species N. kamurai that is also likely at Iwotorishima, and a zooxanthellate species that constitutes the other records. Although Nanipora is not well studied, its presence at this volcanic CO2 seep suggests it has the ability to survive under unique and extreme environmental conditions, rendering it as a potentially important subject of study in the face of increasing ocean acidification

    Clownfish larvae exhibit faster growth, higher metabolic rates and altered gene expression under future ocean warming

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    Increasing ocean temperatures have been demonstrated to have a range of negative impacts on coral reef fishes. However, despite a wealth of studies of juvenile/adult reef fish, studies of how early developmental stages respond to ocean warming are limited. As overall population persistence is influenced by the development of early life stages, detailed studies of larval responses to ocean warming are essential. Here, in an aquaria-based study we investigate how temperatures associated with future warming and present-day marine heatwaves (+3 °C) impact the growth, metabolic rate, and transcriptome of 6 discrete developmental stages of clownfish larvae (Amphiprion ocellaris). A total of 6 clutches of larvae were assessed, with 897 larvae imaged, 262 larvae undergoing metabolic testing and 108 larvae subject to transcriptome sequencing. Our results show that larvae reared at +3 °C grow and develop significantly faster and exhibit higher metabolic rates than those in control conditions. Finally, we highlight the molecular mechanisms underpinning the response of larvae from different developmental stages to higher temperatures, with genes associated with metabolism, neurotransmission, heat stress and epigenetic reprogramming differentially expressed at +3 °C. Overall, these results indicate that clownfish development could be altered under future warming, with developmental rate, metabolic rate, and gene expression all affected. Such changes may lead to altered larval dispersal, changes in settlement time and increased energetic costs

    A chromosome-scale genome assembly of the false clownfish, Amphiprion ocellaris

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    The false clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris is a popular fish species and an emerging model organism for studying the ecology, evolution, adaptation, and developmental biology of reef fishes. Despite this, high-quality genomic resources for this species are scarce, hindering advanced genomic analyses. Leveraging the power of PacBio long-read sequencing and Hi-C chromosome conformation capture techniques, we constructed a high-quality chromosome-scale genome assembly for the clownfish A. ocellaris. The initial genome assembly comprised of 1,551 contigs of 861.42 Mb, with an N50 of 863.85 kb. Hi-C scaffolding of the genome resulted in 24 chromosomes containing 856.61 Mb. The genome was annotated with 26,797 protein-coding genes and had 96.62% completeness of conserved actinopterygian genes, making this genome the most complete and high quality among published anemonefish genomes. Transcriptomic analysis identified tissue-specific gene expression patterns, with the brain and optic lobe having the largest number of expressed genes. Further, comparative genomic analysis revealed 91 genome elements conserved only in A. ocellaris and its sister species Amphiprion percula, and not in other anemonefish species. These elements are close to genes that are involved in various nervous system functions and exhibited distinct expression patterns in brain tissue, potentially highlighting the genetic toolkits involved in lineage-specific divergence and behaviors of the clownfish branch. Overall, our study provides the highest quality A. ocellaris genome assembly and annotation to date, whilst also providing a valuable resource for understanding the ecology and evolution of reef fishes

    The chromosome-scale genome assembly of the yellowtail clownfishAmphiprion clarkiiprovides insights into the melanic pigmentation of anemonefish

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    Anemonefish are an emerging group of model organisms for studying genetic, ecological, evolutionary, and developmental traits of coral reef fish. The yellowtail clownfish Amphiprion clarkii possesses species-specific characteristics such as inter-species co-habitation, high intra-species color variation, no anemone specificity, and a broad geographic distribution, that can increase our understanding of anemonefish evolutionary history, behavioral strategies, fish-anemone symbiosis, and color pattern evolution. Despite its position as an emerging model species, the genome of A. clarkii is yet to be published. Using PacBio long-read sequencing and Hi-C chromatin capture technology, we generated a high-quality chromosome-scale genome assembly initially comprised of 1,840 contigs with an N50 of 1,203,211 bp. These contigs were successfully anchored into 24 chromosomes of 843,582,782 bp and annotated with 25,050 protein-coding genes encompassing 97.0% of conserved actinopterygian genes, making the quality and completeness of this genome the highest among all published anemonefish genomes to date. Transcriptomic analysis identified tissue-specific gene expression patterns, with the brain and optic lobe having the largest number of expressed genes. Further analyses revealed higher copy numbers of erbb3b (a gene involved in melanocyte development) in A. clarkii compared with other anemonefish, thus suggesting a possible link between erbb3b and the natural melanism polymorphism observed in A. clarkii. The publication of this high-quality genome, along with A. clarkii's many unique traits, position this species as an ideal model organism for addressing scientific questions across a range of disciplines

    High abundances of zooxanthellate zoantharians (Palythoa and Zoanthus) at multiple natural analogues: potential model anthozoans?

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    Whilst natural analogues for future ocean conditions such as CO2 seeps and enclosed lagoons in coral reef regions have received much recent research attention, most efforts in such locations have focused on the effects of prolonged high CO2 levels on scleractinian corals and fishes. Here, we demonstrate that the three species of zooxanthellate zoantharians, hexacorallian non-calcifying “cousins” of scleractinians, are common across five coral reef natural analogue sites with high CO2 levels in the western Pacific Ocean, in Japan (n = 2), Palau, Papua New Guinea, and New Caledonia (n = 1 each). These current observations support previously reported cases of high Palythoa and Zoanthus abundance and dominance on various impacted coral reefs worldwide. The results demonstrate the need for more research on the ecological roles of zooxanthellate zoantharians in coral reef systems, as well as examining other “understudied” taxa that may become increasingly important in the near future under climate change scenarios. Given their abundance in these sites combined with ease in sampling and non-CITES status, some zoantharian species should make excellent hexacoral models for examining potential resilience or resistance mechanisms of anthozoans to future high pCO2 conditions