320 research outputs found

    hDbr1 is a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein with a protein phosphatase-like motif essential for debranching activity.

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    In higher eukaryotes most genes contain multiple introns. Introns are excised from pre-mRNAs by splicing and eventually degraded in the nucleus. It is likely that rapid intron turnover in the nucleus is important in higher eukaryotes, but this pathway is poorly understood. In order to gain insights into this pathway, we analyzed the human lariat RNA debranching enzyme1 (hDbr1) protein that catalyzes debranching of lariat-intron RNAs. Transfection experiments demonstrate that hDbr1 is localized in a nucleoplasm of HeLa cells through a bipartite type nuclear localization signal near carboxyl-terminus. The conserved GNHE motif, originally identified in protein phosphatase protein family, is critical for hDbr1 to dissolve lariat structure in vitro. Furthermore, heterokaryon experiments show that hDbr1 is a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein, suggesting novel role(s) of hDbr1 in the cytoplasm

    Association between Survival Prognosis and Intraoral Conditions in Cancer Patients Receiving Palliative Care

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    目的:緩和ケア受療進行がん患者の口腔内評価を実施し,生命予後予測と口腔内状況の関係を検証した。 方法:対象は,2017年11月から2018年7月の期間に,聖隷浜松病院に入院中の緩和ケア受療がん患者で,同意が得られた85名とした。基本情報はカルテから抽出し,口腔内の状態はOral Health Assessment Tool日本語版(以下,OHAT-J)と口腔機能評価表を用いて評価した。Palliative Prognostic Index(以下,PPI)を用いて,対象者を生命予後が3週未満と予測される群(以下,予後短期群)と,それ以上(以下,予後長期群)の2群に分け比較した。 結果および考察:対象者の平均年齢は65.6±13.2歳であり,予後長期群が62名,予後短期群が23名であった。OHAT-Jでは,口唇,歯肉・粘膜,唾液,口腔清掃の項目および合計スコアにおいて予後短期群で有意に悪化が認められた。口腔機能においては,すべての項目において予後短期群で有意な悪化が認められた。口腔粘膜など口腔乾燥が影響する項目に有意な悪化が認められたものと考えられ,口腔機能に関しては,Activities of Daily Living(日常生活動作:以下,ADL)や意識状態の悪化などの結果と推察された。 結論:生命予後予測と口腔内状況には関連性があり,予後短期群の口腔内状況は予後長期群よりも不良であることが示唆された。PPIによる予後予測は口腔内状況の把握に有用であることが示唆された

    Japanese Development Cooperation in a New Era: Recommendations for Network-Based Cooperation

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    経済学 / EconomicsThe landscape of international development has changed markedly, with the acceleration of global integration and the shaping of the post-2015 development framework. This paper discusses the new era of Japan’s development cooperation from two perspectives—broader and deeper partnerships with the private sector, as well as ‘cooperation and competition’ with Asian emerging donors. It proposes ‘network-based cooperation’ as a central pillar of Japan’s future development cooperation, based on the analyses of the nature of a new wave of internationalization of Japanese manufacturing foreign direct investment (FDI) which involves small-and medium enterprises (SMEs), as well as the extensive local human and organizational networks accumulated in Asia through sixty years of Japan’s official development assistance (ODA). Unique roles of Japan as a mature knowledge partner based on international comparative analysis and a quality leader in global business activity are also discussed. Japan should leverage its distinctive strengths in both the corporate and ODA sectors, and actively embark on the new era of development cooperation.http://www.grips.ac.jp/list/jp/facultyinfo/ohno_izumi