518 research outputs found

    Particle production in models with helicity-0 graviton ghost in de Sitter spacetime

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    We revisit the problem of the helicity-0 ghost mode of massive graviton in the de Sitter background. In general, the presence of a ghost particle, which has negative energy, drives the vacuum to be unstable through pair production of ghost particles and ordinary particles. In the case that the vacuum state preserves the de Sitter invariance, the number density created by the pair production inevitably diverges due to unsuppressed ultra-violet(UV) contributions. In such cases one can immediately conclude that the model is not viable. However, in the massive gravity theory we cannot construct a vacuum state which respects the de Sitter invariance. Therefore the presence of a ghost does not immediately mean the breakdown of the model. Explicitly estimating the number density and the energy density of particles created by the pair production of two conformal scalar particles and one helicity-0 ghost graviton, we find that these densities both diverge. However, since models with helicity-0 ghost graviton have no de Sitter invariant vacuum state, it is rather natural to consider a UV cutoff scale in the three-dimensional momentum space. Then, even if we take the cutoff scale as large as the Planck scale, the created number density and energy density are well suppressed. In many models the cutoff scale is smaller than the Planck scale. In such models the created number density and the energy density are negligiblly small as long as only the physics below the cutoff scale is concerned.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    No de Sitter invariant vacuum in massive gravity theory with ghost

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    In this letter we point out that the massive gravity theory with a graviton ghost mode in de Sitter background cannot possess a de Sitter invariant vacuum state. In order to avoid a negative norm state, we must associate the creation operator of the ghost mode with a negative-energy mode function instead of a positive-energy one as the mode function. Namely, we have to adopt a different procedure of quantization for a ghost. When a theory has a symmetry mixing a ghost mode with ordinary non-ghost modes, the choice of a ghost mode is not unique. However, quantization of a ghost is impossible without specifying a choice of ghost mode, which breaks the symmetry. For this reason, the vacuum state cannot respect the symmetry. In the massive gravity theory with a graviton ghost mode in de Sitter background, the ghost is the helicity-0 mode of the graviton. This ghost mode is mixed with the other helicity graviton modes under the action of de Sitter symmetry. Therefore, there is no de Sitter invariant vacuum in such models. This leads to an interesting possibility that non-covariant cutoff of the low energy effective theory may naturally arise. As a result, the instability due to the pair production of a ghost and normal non-ghost particles gets much milder and that the model may escape from being rejected.Comment: 5 page

    Gauge Group and Topology Change

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of topology change in the initial universe. In this study, the concept of GG-cobordism is introduced to argue about the topology change of the manifold on which a transformation group acts. This GG-manifold has a fiber bundle structure if the group action is free and is related to the spacetime in Kaluza-Klein theory or Einstein-Yang-Mills system. Our results revealed that fundamental processes of compactification in GG-manifolds. In these processes, the initial high symmetry and multidimensional universe changes to present universe by the mechanism which lowers the dimensions and symmetries.Comment: 8 page

    Ghosts in the self-accelerating universe

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    The self-accelerating universe realizes the accelerated expansion of the universe at late times by large-distance modification of general relativity without a cosmological constant. The Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati (DGP) braneworld model provides an explicit example of the self-accelerating universe. Recently, the DGP model becomes very popular to study the observational consequences of the modified gravity models as an alternative to dark energy models in GR. However, it has been shown that the self-accelerating universe in the DGP model contains a ghost at the linearized level. The ghost carries negative energy densities and it leads to the instability of the spacetime. In this article, we review the origin of the ghost in the self-accelerating universe and explore the physical implication of the existence of the ghost.Comment: Invited topical review for Classical and Quantum Gravity, 20 pages, 4 figure

    Momentum distribution of accelerated ions in ultra-intense laser-plasma interactions via neutron spectroscopy

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    Copyright 2003 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Physics of Plasmas, 10(9), 3712-3716, 2003 and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.159365

    Measurements of Proton, Helium and Muon Spectra at Small Atmospheric Depths with the BESS Spectrometer

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    The cosmic-ray proton, helium, and muon spectra at small atmospheric depths of 4.5 -- 28 g/cm^2 were precisely measured during the slow descending period of the BESS-2001 balloon flight. The variation of atmospheric secondary particle fluxes as a function of atmospheric depth provides fundamental information to study hadronic interactions of the primary cosmic rays with the atmosphere.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, 4 table
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