819 research outputs found

    Codeposition of a-alumina particles from acid copper sulfate bath

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    The purpose of this work is to elucidate the factors affecting the codeposition of a-alumina particles with copper from an acid copper sulfate bath. The effect of current density and particle concentration in the bath on the amount of codeposited a-alumina were determined. In order to evaluate the surface-chemical properties of the particles, the zeta-potential of a-alumina particles in the plating bath was determined by means of the streaming potential method. The amounts of adsorbed Cu 2+ and SO2( from the plating bath were also determined. The amount of codeposited a-alumina particles was found to be greater than those reported in literature, in spite of the negative zeta-potential values of a-alumina. This indicates that the electrostatic interaction between the particles and the cathode is not the essential factor of the codeposition process. It is considered that the amount of adsorbed Cu 2+ on the a-alumina particle plays an important role in the codeposition behavior.</p

    看護基礎教育における「安楽確保技術」の効果的な教授方法 : 「リラクセーション」「指圧」「マッサージ」に焦点をあてて

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    「リラクセーション」「指圧」「マッサージ」の学生教育に関する研究論文を分析し,効果的な教授方法および課 題を検討した.医学中央雑誌Web. 版Ver.5を用いて,2000年から2013年までの文献を検索し,17件を分析の対象と した.  17の文献は,【学生への教育効果に関する研究】と【リラクセーション技法・技術に関する研究】の2つのカテゴ リーに分類され,以下のことが明らかになった.1.リラクセーション技法について教授することが必要である.2. 基礎看護技術演習を実施する初期にマッサージ・指圧に関する教育を実施することが有用と考える.3.リラクセー ション技法・技術演習の際,血圧,脈拍数測定など生理学的指標を実施することは科学的根拠を提示することに繋 がる.4.リラクセーション技法は多種類あり,その技法の特徴や対象となる患者の状態や個別性を考えて選択で きるように教授する.5.看護におけるリラクセーション技術としてのマッサージや指圧の目的,対象者,方法, 手順,禁忌,効果判定方法等について今後さらなる研究が必要と考える.The aims of this study are firstly analyzing methods of relaxation technique and secondly how to effectively educate students. We investigated literature of Ichushi Web Ver.5 from 2000 to 2013.  Seventeen articles of literature were found related to relaxation methods and about the effective education methods for students. These 17 literature were categorized in two types. One is the effective education methods for students, the other is the relaxation methodology how to relax patients and make them comfort.  17 papers, which we have categorized and concluded are as follows.  【1】 Education for students, related to relaxation, Shiatsu, and variable massage techniques has not yet been sufficiently taught, thus we must propose to educate wide variety of relaxation techniques.  【2】 At the early stage of fundamental nursing practice, it will be necessary to teach the basics of massage and Shiatsu maneuvers.  【3】 Physiological indices such as blood pressure, pulse rate and so on are essential for understanding the usefulness and scientific basis of these relaxation methods and prevent the unexpected hazards by such maneuvers.  【4】 There exists wide variety of relaxation methods in the world, such as traditional oriental maneuvers and western methods, education to students must be based on not only physiological states and symptoms but also based on emotional state of patients.  【5】 Nursing staffs should be aware of the purposes, methods and procedure of massage technique and Shiatsu. It will be also important to assess the objective effectiveness and contraindications of these maneuvers.  Further scientific and objective investigation should still be needed in these relaxation maneuvers

    Dermoscopy of Pigmented Bowen's Disease Mimicking Early Superficial Spreading Melanoma

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    A 89-year-old Japanese woman presented at our clinic because of a several months’ history of an asymptomatic gradually enlarging pigmented skin lesion on the dorsum of the left foot. Physical examination revealed a single hyperpigmented oval macule of 5 mm with a rough surface. The color of the lesion was dark brown to light brown. Dermoscopic examination demonstrated atypical pigment network with small dotted vessels. Irregular streaks were also partially noted at the periphery. We suspected superficial spreading melanoma and performed an excision. The histologic features were consistent with a diagnosis of pigmented Bowen's disease. We could not completely account for dermoscopic aspects from the pathological findings of hematoxylin and eosin-stained specimens; therefore, specimens were stained with Fontana-Masson stain. It clearly demonstrated the distribution of melanin in the epidermis. We concluded that atypical network was due to an uneven melanin deposition in the variably thickened epidermal rete ridges

    Increases in Nonspecific Immunoglobulin E and Eosinophils after H. pylori Eradication

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    Helicobacter pylori infection has been reported to be inversely associated with allergic disorders. We by chance experienced a patient with atrophic gastritis who presented marked elevations of both nonspecific serum immunoglobulin E and eosinophil counts after H. pylori eradication. A 49-year-old Japanese man received eradication of H. pylori using lansoprazole 60 mg/day, amoxicillin 1,500 mg/day, and clarithromycin 400 mg/day for 7 days. Serum immunoglobulin E increased to more than four times its pretreatment level, 306 → 485 → 1,325 U/ml, and peripheral eosinophil counts increased to more than three times, 99 → 139 → 298 per μl. Deducing from the current case, H. pylori eradication might develop allergic disorders in some patients

    Toxicological Pathology in the Rat Placenta

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    The placenta grows rapidly for a short period with high blood flow during pregnancy and has multifaceted functions, such as its barrier function, nutritional transport, drug metabolizing activity and endocrine action. Consequently, the placenta is a highly susceptible target organ for drug- or chemical-induced adverse effects, and many placenta-toxic agents have been reported. However, histopathological examination of the placenta is not generally performed, and the placental toxicity index is only the placental weight change in rat reproductive toxicity studies. The placental cells originate from the trophectoderm of the embryo and the endometrium of the dam, proliferate and differentiate into a variety of tissues with interaction each other according to the development sequence, resulting in formation of a placenta. Therefore, drug- or chemical-induced placental lesions show various histopathological features depending on the toxicants and the exposure period, and the pathogenesis of placental toxicity is complicated. Placental weight assessment appears not to be enough to evaluate placental toxicity, and reproductive toxicity studies should pay more attention to histopathological evaluation of placental tissue. The detailed histopathological approaches to investigation of the pathogenesis of placental toxicity are considered to provide an important tool for understanding the mechanism of teratogenicity and developmental toxicity with embryo lethality, and could benefit reproductive toxicity studies

    Mesoscopic Multimodal Imaging Provides New Insight to Tumor Tissue Evaluation : An Example of Macrophage Imaging of Hepatic Tumor using Organosilica Nanoparticles

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    Multimodal imaging using novel multifunctional nanoparticles provides new approach to biomedical field. Thiol-organosilica nanoparticles containing iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) and rhodamine B (thiol OS-MNP/Rho) were applied to multimodal imaging of hepatic tumor of Long−Evans Cinnamon (LEC) rat. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of LEC rats revealed tumors in the liver clearly and semi-quantitatively due to a labeling of macrophages in liver. The fluorescent imaging (FI) showed abnormal fluorescent patterns of the liver at the mesoscopic level that was between macroscopic and microscopic level. We performed correlation analysis between optical imaging including FI and MRI. We found that the labeled macrophages located specific area in the tumor tissue and influenced the tumor size on MRI. In addition histological observation showed the labeled macrophages related specific tissue in the pathological region. We demonstrated a new approach to evaluate tumor tissue at the macroscopic and microscopic level as well as mesoscopic level using multimodal imaging

    Classification of minimal actions of a compact Kac algebra with amenable dual

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    We show the uniqueness of minimal actions of a compact Kac algebra with amenable dual on the AFD factor of type II1_1. This particularly implies the uniqueness of minimal actions of a compact group. Our main tools are a Rohlin type theorem, the 2-cohomology vanishing theorem, and the Evans-Kishimoto type intertwining argument.Comment: 68 pages, Introduction rewritten; minor correction

    Nationwide survey on quasi-moyamoya disease in Japan

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    Objectives: Moyamoya disease (MMD) is a unique occlusive disease of the bilateral internal carotid arteries with moyamoya vessels. Inherited or acquired disorders and conditions may present in conjunction with MMD. This condition is known as quasi-moyamoya disease. To identify the clinical features of quasi-MMD in Japan, a nationwide survey was conducted. Patients and methods: A questionnaire was mailed directly to 241 departments that had acknowledged treating quasi-MMD patients in the primary survey. We ascertained the sex, age, family history, clinical manifestation, radiological findings, treatments, course of the disease, and daily activity of the patients. Results: A total of 114 departments replied to the questionnaire. The data of 108 patients (66 female and 42 male; female to male ratio 1.57) were registered and analyzed. Mean age was 30.6 years old, with a peak in children. Seven patients (7 %) exhibited familial MMD. The initial clinical manifestation was motor weakness, followed by transient ischemic attack and headache. Their imaging study type included ischemic type in 64 patients (63.4 %), bleeding type in seven (6.9 %), and normal in 27 (26.7 %). Stenoocclusive lesion was seen in the internal carotid artery in more than half of the patients. Development of moyamoya vessels was mild in approximately 40 % of the patients. Almost all cases were accompanied by cerebral hypoperfusion. About half of them were unilateral lesion. Vascular reconstruction was employed for the approximately 60 % patients. The prognosis did not change significantly. Conclusion: Clinical features of quasi-MMD were revealed in the nationwide study. In quasi-MMD, unilateral lesion is dominant, and the development of moyamoya vessels and intracranial hemorrhage are less dominant