78 research outputs found

    Efectos sobre variables antropométricas y de fuerza de dos programas de entrenamiento de contrastes a corto plazo en jugadores jóvenes de deportes colectivos

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    265 p.El objetivo fundamental del presente estudio es establecer y valorar los efectos de dos tipos de entrenamiento de contrastes de 6 semanas de duración sobre diferentes factores de fuerza máxima y fuerza explosiva, así como en variables antropométricas en diferentes jugadores de categoría juvenil de deportes colectivos: fútbol, baloncesto, balonmano y voleibol. A su vez, y con los datos iniciales (pretest), se analizan las diferencias existentes en dichas variables valorando por un lado la influencia de la posición habitual de juego para un mismo deporte, y por otro, las diferencias que hubiera entre los diferentes tipos de modalidades deportiva

    Quantitative assessment of the effects of official match on physical performance factors on under-16 and under-18 female basketball players at national league level

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    [EN] This study aimed to analyze and quantify relevant effects of competition on performance factors in female basketball players (16.45±0.92 years) according to age (under-16 and under-18) and playing positions: guards (n=19), forwards (n=27) and centres (n=22). Participants completed tests to measure jump capacity (countermovement jump-CMJ) and sprint times (10 m and 20 m) at three moments: just before the match (T1), at half-time (T2) and after the match (T3). Associated with the increases of perceived effort, results showed “very likely” negative effects with performance decreased from T1-T3 in 20 m (4.03% and 3.51% for guards under-16 and under-18, respectively) and CMJ (15.17% and 13.7% for guards under-16 and forwards under-18, respectively). We only found a “large” ES in T2-T3 in guards under-16 in CMJ. Findings highlight the necessity to customize training, considering requirements and demands of different ages and playing positions to decrease the impact of fatigue after match.S

    Effect of concurrent training on trainability performance factors in youth elite golf players

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    [EN] Background. Due to the early specialization of golf players, examining the within session sequence of training should be considered to enhance performance and prevent injury risk. The present study analyzed the effects of an 18-week concurrent training developed before or after a specific golf session in adolescence elite golfers on several performance factors. Methods. Sixteen right-handed male golfers, were randomly divided into two groups: After golf specific training (AG) (n = 8, age: 16.77 ± 0.58 years) and before golf specific training (BG) (n=8, age: 16.93 ± 0.59 years). AG and BG players followed a concurrent physical conditioning program (CT) after or before the golf specific training, respectively. Body mass, body fat, muscle mass, jumping ability (CMJ), ball speed (Sball), golf movements screens (GMS), power in a golf swing-specific cable woodchop (Wmax) and the perceived training load (TL) in golf specific training (TL-G) and TL in CT (TL-CT) were measured on three separate occasions. Results. BG demonstrates a lower TL-CT than AG (p < :001, η2 p = 0:90) along the training program without effects on TL-G, achieving significant percentage of change on CMJ (9.38%; p=:165; d D0.73), GMS (50.52%; p=:41, d =0.91), Wmax (16.93%; p=:001; d =2.02) and Sball (1.82%; p=:018; d = 0.92) without interaction effects on anthropometric measures. Conclusions. Performing CT sessions before the regular golf training can improve specific performance factors with a lower perceived TL than the same training carried out after the regular golf training.S

    Running demands and tactical individual actions of wingers appear to depend on the playing formations within an amateur football team

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    [EN] We examine the differences in running performance demands and tactical individual actions for male amateur football wingers in four tactical formations: 4-2-3-1, 4-4-2, 3-5-2 and 3-4-2-1 during an entire season. Running demands were assessed in terms of: total distance run; distance traveled at 3 different speed ranges (Jogging, Running, and Sprinting); and number of accelerations registered in two different magnitude bands (Medium and High) while tactical individual actions were assessed through 3269 team match observations. 3-5-2 formation entails the highest running demands, exhibiting significant disparities in Jogging when compared to 4-2-3-1 and 3-5-2, in Sprinting when comparing 4-2-3-1 with both the 3-5-2 and the 3-4-2-1 formations. Moreover, the wingers in the 3-5-2 formation demonstrate the lowest scores in various tactical individual actions, including Shots: 3-5-2 vs. 3-4-2-1; Goal Area Shots: 3-5-2 vs. 3-4-2-1; and Dribbles: 3-5-2 vs. 3-4-2-1. Finally, wingers registered the highest levels of defensive tactical individual actions in 4-4-2 and 3-5-2. Findings suggest it would be of benefit for coaches to focus on formulating specific training plans to address the specific demands placed on wingers playing in these amateur matches and running performance demands and tactical individual actions should be considered together with tactical formation.S

    Offensive Difference Styles and Technical Situational Variables Between European and South American Elite Football Leagues

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    [ES] El objetivo fue comparar estilos de ataque de los equipos en el fútbol de élite de Europa y Sudamérica en las dos ligas nacionales más valoradas de ambos continentes (Europa: Liga española y Premier League inglesa; Sudamérica: Superliga argentina y Serie A brasileña). Para ello, se empleó una muestra de 84 equipos y 3780 casos en 1214 partidos. Mediante una herramienta de observación, se analizaron indicadores de rendimiento (goles, tiros, regates y pases) y situaciones posicionales de ataque. Para evaluar la incertidumbre, se calculó el tamaño del efecto (ES) y la inferencia basada en la magnitud no clínica (MBI). Los resultados revelaron que los equipos europeos lograron más goles por partido mediante transición rápida (ES = 0,35; “probable” MBI) y ataque posicional (ES = 0,36; “probable” MBI). Además, los europeos pasaron más tiempo jugando en el último tercio del campo rival, realizaron más asistencias (ES = 0,38; “probable” MBI) y asistencias con pase entre defensores rivales (ES = 0,46; “probable” MBI) que los sudamericanos. Finalmente, los equipos sudamericanos realizaron más tiros desde fuera del área (ES = 1,52; “casi seguro” MBI) y tiros fuera de la portería (ES = 1,08; “casi seguro” MBI), y también pasaron más tiempo jugando en el tercio medio del campo (ES = 1,65; “casi seguro” MBI). No se identificaron diferencias en goles mediante jugadas a balón parado, pases largos y duelos aéreos. Estos hallazgos informan sobre estilos de ataque de cada liga continental y podrían ayudar a diseñar situaciones de entrenamiento del proceso ofensivo.[EN] We aimed to compare teams’ attack styles in Europe and South America elite football in the two most valued domestic leagues in both continents (Spanish La Liga & English Premier League in Europe, and Argentinian Superliga & Brazilian Série A in South America). For this purpose, we used a sample of 84 teams and 3,780 cases in 1,214 games. Using an observational tool, we analyzed performance indicators (goals, shots, dribbles, and passes) and attack situations. Effect size (ES) and non-clinical magnitude-based inference (MBI) were used to evaluate uncertainty. Results revealed that European teams scored more goals per game related to fast (ES = 0.35; likely MBI) and positional attack (ES = 0.36; likely MBI). In addition, teams from the European leagues spent more time playing in the opposition third zone of the pitch, performed a higher number of assists (ES = 0.38; likely MBI) and through- ball assists (ES = 0.46; likely MBI) than South American ones. Finally, South American teams made higher numbers of shots out of the box (ES = 1.52, almost certain MBI) and off-target shots (ES = 1.08; almost certain MBI), and they also spent more time playing in the middle third zone (ES = 1.65; almost certain MBI). No differences were identified in set-pieces goals, length passing, and aerial duels. ese findings may provide information regarding attack style profiles from each continent league. Also, it could be highly beneficial for coaches to be able to continuously design the specific training situations of the offensive process. Keywords: game, analysis, football, performance, attack style.S

    Acute effects of basketball competition on physical performance factors in under-18 female players = Influencia de la competición sobre los factores de rendimiento físico en jugadoras de baloncesto sub-18

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    p. 285-297Este estudio trató de analizar la evolución del rendimiento de las fases de juego y la forma de puntuar a lo largo El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar y cuantificar los efectos agudos de la competición en distintas capacidades físicas en jugadoras sub-18 de baloncesto. Para tal fin, 37 jugadoras de nivel regional (17,21 ± 0,44 años) mostraron el esfuerzo percibido (RPE), realizaron un sprint de 20 m y se les midió la capacidad de salto inmediatamente antes del inicio partido (T1), en el descanso (T2) y después del partido (T3). En la prueba de sprint se registraron los tiempos en los 10 m iniciales y en el total de los 20 m, mientras que la capacidad de salto se valoró con un salto con contramovimiento (CMJ). Para el análisis posterior, la muestra se dividió en tres posiciones de juego: bases (n = 11), aleros (n = 15) y pívots (n = 11). Asociados con los aumentos esperados de RPE (de 0,3-0,5 a 7,1-7,3), los resultados mostraron una disminución del rendimiento con efectos “muy probables” de T1 a T3 en 20 m (3,51 % para las bases) y en CMJ (13,7 % para las aleros). Encontramos efectos negativos “probables” y “muy probables” entre T1 y T2 en todas las posiciones, pero no entre T2 y T3 en CMJ. Estos hallazgos ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de individualizar el entrenamiento físico, teniendo en cuenta las necesidades y demandas del partido de las diferentes posiciones de juego para minimizar los efectos de la fatiga del partido y acelerar la recuperación a su finalización.S

    Rendimiento físico durante la pretemporada en fútbol femenino. Composición corporal, frecuencia cardíaca y biomarcadores, ¿son importantes?

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    [EN] A well-designed football pre-season is crucial for the subsequent physical performance of the players. This study aimed to analyse, in this period, the effects of body composition, heart rate variability and physiological biomarkers on female football players’ physical performance. To this end, 22 amateur female football players (23.68 ± 3.69 years) of the same team participated in the study. Physical performance factors (acceleration capacity and jumping ability), body composition, perceived exertion load, heart rate variability and some physiological biomarkers (salivary testosterone and cortisol) were evaluated weekly during a 5-week pre-season period (from T0 to T5). Wilks’ Lambda indicated a significant F-value in all variables except the high and low heart frequency ratio (LFtoHF). Scheffe’s post-hoc identified differences between T0 and all weeks in anthropometry variables, and between T0 and T5 in all other variables. According to the regression analyses, it was revealed a negative impact between percentage of body fat and physical capacities, particularly with 20-m (-13.77) and 40-m (-14.46) when the exertion is measured by the logarithm of the root mean square of successive R-R interval differences (RMSSD). Therefore, the present research suggests that amateur female football players who start the training season with a lower body fat percentage are able to achieve a better fitness level in a short period of time.[ES] Una pretemporada de fútbol bien diseñada es fundamental para el posterior rendimiento físico del jugador. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar, en este período, los efectos de composición corporal, variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca y biomarcadores fisiológicos en el rendimiento físico en jugadoras de fútbol. Para ello, participaron en el estudio 22 jugadoras amateur (23,68 ± 3,69 años) del mismo equipo. La capacidad de aceleración y de salto, la composición corporal, la carga de esfuerzo percibida, la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca y los niveles de testosterona y cortisol se evaluaron semanalmente durante un período de pretemporada de 5 semanas (de T0 a T5). Lambda de Wilks indicó un valor F significativo en todas las variables excepto el índice de frecuencia cardíaca alta y baja (LF-HF). El post-hoc de Scheffe identificó diferencias entre T0 y todas las semanas en variables antropométricas, y entre T0 y T5 en todas las demás variables. De acuerdo con los análisis de regresión, se reveló un impacto negativo entre el porcentaje de grasa corporal y las capacidades físicas, particularmente con 20 m (-13,77) y 40 m (-14,46) cuando el esfuerzo se mide por el logaritmo de la raíz cuadrada de la media de la diferencia al cuadrado entre latidos adyacentes (RMSSD). Por lo tanto, la presente investigación sugiere que las jugadoras de fútbol amateur que comienzan la temporada de entrenamiento con un porcentaje de grasa corporal más bajo pueden lograr un mejor nivel de condición física en un corto período de tiempo.S

    Assessing the economic contribution of sports tourism events: A regional social accounting matrix analysis approach

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    In the context of tourism, sports are one of the major attractions countries offer. There cannot be the slightest doubt about the relevance of sports activities for the economy. Previous studies assessing the economic impact of sporting events have usually been partial equilibrium studies. This article contributes to the emerging body of literature by explicitly incorporating four categories of sports tourism events (competitions,championships, tournaments, and leagues), so as to study the effects of sports tourism demand on the economic system in terms of income and added value. It further examines their relative, rather than individual, impact on the regional economy of Castile and Leon through a fixed price multiplier model based on the regional social accounting matrix. The results reveal that sports tourism events represent 3.1% of the regional gross domestic product, highlighting the importance of this sector for its economy.N

    Influence of competition on performance factors in under-19 soccer players at national league level

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to analyse and quantify the acute effects of competition on several performance factors in under-19 male soccer players. To this end, 198 national league players (17.56 ± 0.78 years) performed various tests to measure jump capacity, kicking velocity and sprint times immediately pre-match (T1), at half-time (T2) and post-match (T3). Tests included kicking the ball to measure ball velocity (KICK), sprinting for 40 meters, timing the first 30 meters (30mACCEL), the last 10 meters (10mACCEL) and the total distance (40mACCEL), and performing countermovement jumps (CMJ). For subsequent analysis, the sample was divided into 5 playing positions: goalkeepers (n = 24), defenders (n = 51), midfielders (n = 36), wingers (n = 54) and forwards (n = 33). For all positions, we found a significant decline in performance (p<0.05) for kicking velocity (2.91% - 6.51%) and sprinting (0.44%-5.85%). For the CMJ, all positions except defenders presented a significant decline in performance that ranged from 1.5% to 4.56%. These findings highlight the need to individualise fitness training, taking into account the match needs and demands of the different playing positions in order to minimise the effects of match fatigue and accelerate post-match recovery.S

    The Effect of Relative Age in the top seven professional women's soccer leagues of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA)

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    [ES] El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar las fechas de nacimiento de las jugadoras de fútbol (n = 2.250) correspondientes a los 86 equipos que componen las mejores siete ligas profesionales femeninas de la Unión de Federaciones Europeas de Fútbol (UEFA), con el fin de observar el efecto de la edad relativa (RAE: Relative Age Effect) a lo largo de la temporada 2020-2021. A su vez, analiza el RAE en función de la posición de juego de las jugadoras y de la clasificación de los equipos al final de la temporada. La fecha de nacimiento de cada jugadora se clasificó en cuatro trimestres (Q1, Q2, Q3 y Q4). La prueba chi cuadrado se aplicó para analizar las frecuencias y porcentajes observadas y esperadas de los meses de nacimiento. Para comprobar diferencias en la distribución entre subgrupos, se calculó el odds Ratio (CI 95%) para los distintos trimestres. Los resultados confirmaron una mayor representación de jugadoras nacidas en Q1 y Q2 para todas las ligas estudiadas, con un dato menor para la Primera Iberdrola (España). Esta significatividad se repitió sobre todo en las jugadoras que ocupan la posición de mediocampistas y, en menor medida, en las porteras, defensas y delanteras. Finalmente, existen diferencias significativas en función de la clasificación al final de la temporada, sobre todo, en los equipos de media tabla. En conclusión, se aprecia la presencia de RAE en el fútbol profesional femenino europeo, esta apariencia en la práctica puede suponer una selección del talento en fútbol femenino desenfocada, con una captación orientada al corto plazo, a los resultados inmediatos en detrimento del talento deportivo.[EN] The aim of this study is to analyze the dates of birth of female football players (n=2,250) corresponding to the 86 teams that make up the top seven women's professional leagues of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), in order to observe the relative age effect (RAE: Relative Age Effect) over the 2020-2021 season. In turn, it analyzes the RAE according to the playing position of the players and the ranking of the teams at the end of the season. The date of birth of each player was classified into four semesters (Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4). The chi-square test was applied to analyze the observed and expected frequencies and percentages of birth months. To test for differences in the distribution between subgroups, the odds ratio (95% CI) was calculated for the different quartiles. The results confirmed a higher representation of players born in Q1 and Q2 for all the leagues studied, except in the Primera Iberdrola (Spain). This significance was repeated mainly in midfielders and, to a lesser extent, in goalkeepers, defenders and forward. Finally, there are significant differences depending on the classification of the team in the mid-table and bottom three groups. In con- clusion, the presence of RAE in European women's professional soccer can be appreciated, this appearance in practice can mean an unfocused selection of talent in women's soccer, with a recruitment oriented to the short term, to the immediate results to the detri- ment of sporting talent.S