24 research outputs found

    Pigeon Paramixovirosis: a risk factor for urban and commercial avifauna

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    Epizootic performance of domesticated pigeon's paramixovirus was studied and evaluated due to its potential risk for aviculture. A census to collect data on pigeon population, hygiene, and management was carried out by the Institute of Veterinary Medicine in Camagüey, Cuba. Data were processed by the chi-square test. Paramixovirus presence in Camagüey municipality and the high risk of its spread to other zones within the province due to violation of antiepizootic measures was confirmed

    Causes of Liver, Kidney and Heart Condemnation at Swine Slaughterhouse in Ciego de Avila, Cuba.

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    The causes  of    swine liver, kidney and heart condemnation in a slaughterhouse from the Meat Company in the province of Ciego de Avila, Cuba, were determined. The evaluation comprised 90 913 animals. The main causes of condemnation were the so called  milk spots  and cysticercus in the liver, parasitic lesions produced by  Stephanurus dentatus, and others in the kidneys, such as renal cysts, contamination and nephritis, and pericarditis

    Causas de decomisos de hígados, riñones y corazones en un matadero porcino en Ciego de Ávila, Cuba.

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    Se determinaron las causas de decomisos de hígados, corazones y riñones en un matadero porcino de la Empresa Cárnica en la provincia de Ciego de Ávila, Cuba. Se evaluaron 90 913 animales. Las principales causas de decomiso fueron las llamadas “manchas de leche” y cisticercosis en hígado; lesiones parasitarias por Stephanurus dentatus y otras de diferentes orígenes en riñón como quistes renales, la contaminación y nefritis y la presencia de pericarditis.Causes of Liver, Kidney and Heart Condemnation at Swine Slaughter House in Ciego de Ávila, CubaABSTRACTThe causes for confiscation of swine livers, kidneys and hearts at a slaughter house from the Meat Company in the province of Ciego de Avila, Cuba, were determined. The evaluation comprised 90 913 animals. The main causes of condemnation were the so called milk spots and cysticercosis in the liver, parasitic lesions produced by Stephanurus dentatus, and others in the kidneys, such as renal cysts, contamination and nephritis, and the occurrence of pericarditis

    Paramixovirosis de las palomas: un factor de riesgo para la avicultura urbana y comercial

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    Epizootic performance of domesticated pigeon's paramixovirus was studied and evaluated due to its potential risk for aviculture. A census to collect data on pigeon population, hygiene, and management was carried out by the Institute of Veterinary Medicine in Camagüey, Cuba. Data were processed by the chi-square test. Paramixovirus presence in Camagüey municipality and the high risk of its spread to other zones within the province due to violation of antiepizootic measures was confirmed.Se investigó y evaluó el comportamiento epizootiológico de la paramixovirosis de las palomas domésticas por ser un peligro potencial para la avicultura. La población de las palomas, higiene y datos de manejo se obtuvieron de un censo efectuado por el Instituto de Medicina Veterinaria de Camagüey, Cuba. La información se procesó mediante la prueba de Chi-Cuadrado. Se constató la existencia de paramixovirosis en este municipio, y el alto riesgo de propagación a otras zonas de la provincia, por incumplimiento de las medidas contraepizoóticas

    Efectos sobre la fertilidad del cerdo de dos candidatos vacunales recombinantes basados en la GnRH

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    This paper describes for the first time the generation of the K88ab-GnRH hybrid fimbriae, the fusion of N. meningitidis P64k protein (P64k-GnRH), and its evaluation as vaccine candidates to control fertility in mammals. Twenty hybrid male pigs were randomly distributed in four groups: placebos and immunized with K88ab-GnRH, P64k-GnRH and a GnRH analogue (GnRHm1), linked to a tetanus toxoid (TT) T-helper epitope (positive control), respectively. The pigs were immunized at 9-10 weeks of age, using a two-dose scheme, and were sacrificed sixteen weeks later. K88ab-GnRH, P64k-GnRH, and GnRHm1-TT induced higher, similar, and lower testosterone levels in the serum, compared to the placebo, respectively. In the K88ab-GnRH group, the pigs underwent a reduction in testicle size and weight (P < 0.01), and the weight of epididymes compared to the placebo; none of them was able to ejaculate. In the P64k-GnRH group, the pigs had a reduction in testicle weight (P < 0.05), and only one of them was able to ejaculate. The testicles of the pigs immunized with K88ab-GnRH and P64k-GnRH showed structural and functional damage; spermatogenesis was also affected. The accessory sexual glands of the P64k-GnRH group were normal, in contrast to K88ab-GnRH, where interstitial fibrosis was observed. The damage caused by K88ab-GnRH and P64k-GnRH in the target organs evaluated were in all cases lower than the affectations caused by the GnRHm1-TT peptide.En este trabajo se describe, por primera vez, la obtención de la fimbria híbrida K88ab-GnRH, la fusión de la GnRH a la proteína P64k de N. meningitidis (P64k-GnRH) y su evaluación como candidatos vacunales para controlar la fertilidad en mamíferos. Veinte cerdos machos híbridos fueron asignados al azar a cuatro grupos: placebo e inmunizados con K88ab-GnRH, P64k-GnRH y con un péptido análogo de GnRH (GnRHm1), unido a un epítopo T cooperador del toxoide tetánico (TT) (control positivo), respectivamente. Los cerdos se inmunizaron con 9-10 semanas de edad, en un esquema de 2 dosis y se sacrificaron 16 semanas después. K88ab-GnRH, P64k-GnRH y GnRHm1-TT indujeron niveles de testosterona en suero, mayor, similar y menor, comparados con el placebo, respectivamente. En el grupo K88ab-GnRH los cerdos disminuyeron (P < 0,01) el largo y peso de los testículos y el peso de los epidídimos, comparado con el placebo y ninguno llegó a eyacular. En el grupo P64k-GnRH los cerdos disminuyeron el peso de los testículos (P < 0,05), y sólo uno llegó a eyacular. Los testículos de los cerdos inmunizados con K88ab-GnRH y P64k-GnRH mostraron daños estructurales, funcionales y afectación de la espermatogénesis. Las glándulas sexuales accesorias del grupo P64k-GnRH estaban normales a diferencia de K88ab-GnRH, en las que se observó fibrosis intersticial. Los daños provocados por K88ab-GnRH y P64k-GnRH en los órganos diana evaluados, resultaron inferiores en todos los casos, a las afectaciones que generó el péptido GnRHm1-TT

    Effects of Two GnRH-based Recombinant Vaccine Candidates on Pig Fertility

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    This paper describes for the first time the generation of the K88ab-GnRH hybrid fimbria, the fusion of N. meningitidis P64k protein (P64k-GnRH), and its evaluation as vaccine candidates to control fertility in mammals. Twenty hybrid male pigs were randomly distributed in four groups: placebos and immunized with K88ab-GnRH, P64k-GnRH and a GnRH analogue (GnRHm1), linked to a tetanus toxoid (TT) T-helper epitope (positive control), respectively. The pigs were immunized at 9-10 weeks of age, using a two-dose scheme, and were sacrificed sixteen weeks later. K88ab-GnRH, P64k-GnRH, and GnRHm1-TT induced higher, similar, and lower testosterone levels in the serum, compared to the placebo, respectively. In the K88ab-GnRH group, the pigs underwent a reduction in testicle size and weight (P < 0.01), and a reduction in the weight of epididymes compared to the placebo; none of them was able to ejaculate. In the P64k-GnRH group, the pigs had a reduction in testicle weight (P < 0.05), and only one of them was able to ejaculate. The testicles of the pigs immunized with K88ab-GnRH and P64k-GnRH showed structural and functional damage; spermatogenesis was also affected. The accessory sexual glands of the P64k-GnRH group were normal, in contrast to K88ab-GnRH, where interstitial fibrosis was observed. The damage caused by K88ab-GnRH and P64k-GnRH in the target organs evaluated were in all cases lower than the affectations caused by the GnRHm1-TT peptide