46 research outputs found

    A Field Approach to 3D Gene Expression Pattern Characterization

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    We present a vector field method for obtaining the spatial organization of 3D patterns of gene expression based on gradients and lines of force obtained by numerical integration. The convergence of these lines of force in local maxima are centers of gene expression, providing a natural and powerful framework to characterize the organization and dynamics of biological structures. We apply this novel methodology to analyze the expression pattern of the Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (EGFP) driven by the promoter of light chain myosin II during zebrafish heart formation.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, The following article has been submitted to Applied Physics Letters. If it is published, it will be found online at http://apl.aip.or

    Ablation of Dido3 compromises lineage commitment of stem cells in vitro and during early embryonic development

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    The death inducer obliterator (Dido) locus encodes three protein isoforms, of which Dido3 is the largest and most broadly expressed. Dido3 is a nuclear protein that forms part of the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) and is necessary for correct chromosome segregation in somatic and germ cells. Here we report that specific ablation of Dido3 function in mice causes lethal developmental defects at the onset of gastrulation. Although these defects are associated with centrosome amplification, spindle malformation and a DNA damage response, we provide evidence that embryonic lethality of the Dido3 mutation cannot be explained by its impact on chromosome segregation alone. We show that loss of Dido3 expression compromises differentiation of embryonic stem cells in vitro and of epiblast cells in vivo, resulting in early embryonic death at around day 8.5 of gestation. Close analysis of Dido3 mutant embryoid bodies indicates that ablation of Dido3, rather than producing a generalized differentiation blockade, delays the onset of lineage commitment at the primitive endoderm specification stage. The dual role of Dido3 in chromosome segregation and stem cell differentiation supports the implication of SAC components in stem cell fate decisions

    Clustered brachiopod Hox genes are not expressed collinearly and are associated with lophotrochozoan novelties

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    Temporal collinearity is often considered the main force preserving Hox gene clusters in animal genomes. Studies that combine genomic and gene expression data are scarce, however, particularly in invertebrates like the Lophotrochozoa. As a result, the temporal collinearity hypothesis is currently built on poorly supported foundations. Here we characterize the complement, cluster, and expression of Hox genes in two brachiopod species, Terebratalia transversa and Novocrania anomala. T. transversa has a split cluster with 10 genes (lab, pb, Hox3, Dfd, Scr, Lox5, Antp, Lox4, Post2, and Post1), whereas N. anomala has 9 genes (apparently missing Post1). Our in situ hybridization, real-time quantitative PCR, and stage-specific transcriptomic analyses show that brachiopod Hox genes are neither strictly temporally nor spatially collinear; only pb (in T. transversa), Hox3 (in both brachiopods), and Dfd (in both brachiopods) show staggered mesodermal expression. Thus, our findings support the idea that temporal collinearity might contribute to keeping Hox genes clustered. Remarkably, expression of the Hox genes in both brachiopod species demonstrates cooption of Hox genes in the chaetae and shell fields, two major lophotrochozoan morphological novelties. The shared and specific expression of Hox genes, together with Arx, Zic, and Notch pathway components in chaetae and shell fields in brachiopods, mollusks, and annelids provide molecular evidence supporting the conservation of the molecular basis for these lophotrochozoan hallmarks

    Albumin-Associated Lipids Regulate Human Embryonic Stem Cell Self-Renewal

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    BACKGROUND: Although human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) hold great promise as a source of differentiated cells to treat several human diseases, many obstacles still need to be surmounted before this can become a reality. First among these, a robust chemically-defined system to expand hESCs in culture is still unavailable despite recent advances in the understanding of factors controlling hESC self-renewal. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, we attempted to find new molecules that stimulate long term hESC self-renewal. In order to do this, we started from the observation that a commercially available serum replacement product has a strong positive effect on the expansion of undifferentiated hESCs when added to a previously reported chemically-defined medium. Subsequent experiments demonstrated that the active ingredient within the serum replacement is lipid-rich albumin. Furthermore, we show that this activity is trypsin-resistant, strongly suggesting that lipids and not albumin are responsible for the effect. Consistent with this, lipid-poor albumin shows no detectable activity. Finally, we identified the major lipids bound to the lipid-rich albumin and tested several lipid candidates for the effect. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our discovery of the role played by albumin-associated lipids in stimulating hESC self-renewal constitutes a significant advance in the knowledge of how hESC pluripotency is maintained by extracellular factors and has important applications in the development of increasingly chemically defined hESC culture systems

    Hagfish and lamprey Hox genes reveal conservation of temporal colinearity in vertebrates

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    Hox genes exert fundamental roles for proper regional specification along the main rostro-caudal axis of animal embryos. They are generally expressed in restricted spatial domains according to their position in the cluster (spatial colinearity)—a feature that is conserved across bilaterians. In jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes), the position in the cluster also determines the onset of expression of Hox genes (a feature known as whole-cluster temporal colinearity (WTC)), while in invertebrates this phenomenon is displayed as a subcluster-level temporal colinearity. However, little is known about the expression profile of Hox genes in jawless vertebrates (cyclostomes); therefore, the evolutionary origin of WTC, as seen in gnathostomes, remains a mystery. Here, we show that Hox genes in cyclostomes are expressed according to WTC during development. We investigated the Hox repertoire and Hox gene expression profiles in three different species—a hagfish, a lamprey and a shark—encompassing the two major groups of vertebrates, and found that these are expressed following a whole-cluster, temporally staggered pattern, indicating that WTC has been conserved during the past 500 million years despite drastically different genome evolution and morphological outputs between jawless and jawed vertebrates

    Analysis of Human and Mouse Reprogramming of Somatic Cells to Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. What Is in the Plate?

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    After the hope and controversy brought by embryonic stem cells two decades ago for regenerative medicine, a new turn has been taken in pluripotent cells research when, in 2006, Yamanaka's group reported the reprogramming of fibroblasts to pluripotent cells with the transfection of only four transcription factors. Since then many researchers have managed to reprogram somatic cells from diverse origins into pluripotent cells, though the cellular and genetic consequences of reprogramming remain largely unknown. Furthermore, it is still unclear whether induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are truly functionally equivalent to embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and if they demonstrate the same differentiation potential as ESCs. There are a large number of reprogramming experiments published so far encompassing genome-wide transcriptional profiling of the cells of origin, the iPSCs and ESCs, which are used as standards of pluripotent cells and allow us to provide here an in-depth analysis of transcriptional profiles of human and mouse cells before and after reprogramming. When compared to ESCs, iPSCs, as expected, share a common pluripotency/self-renewal network. Perhaps more importantly, they also show differences in the expression of some genes. We concentrated our efforts on the study of bivalent domain-containing genes (in ESCs) which are not expressed in ESCs, as they are supposedly important for differentiation and should possess a poised status in pluripotent cells, i.e. be ready to but not yet be expressed. We studied each iPSC line separately to estimate the quality of the reprogramming and saw a correlation of the lowest number of such genes expressed in each respective iPSC line with the stringency of the pluripotency test achieved by the line. We propose that the study of expression of bivalent domain-containing genes, which are normally silenced in ESCs, gives a valuable indication of the quality of the iPSC line, and could be used to select the best iPSC lines out of a large number of lines generated in each reprogramming experiment

    A Src-Tks5 Pathway Is Required for Neural Crest Cell Migration during Embryonic Development

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    In the adult organism, cell migration is required for physiological processes such as angiogenesis and immune surveillance, as well as pathological events such as tumor metastasis. The adaptor protein and Src substrate Tks5 is necessary for cancer cell migration through extracellular matrix in vitro and tumorigenicity in vivo. However, a role for Tks5 during embryonic development, where cell migration is essential, has not been examined. We used morpholinos to reduce Tks5 expression in zebrafish embryos, and observed developmental defects, most prominently in neural crest-derived tissues such as craniofacial structures and pigmentation. The Tks5 morphant phenotype was rescued by expression of mammalian Tks5, but not by a variant of Tks5 in which the Src phosphorylation sites have been mutated. We further evaluated the role of Tks5 in neural crest cells and neural crest-derived tissues and found that loss of Tks5 impaired their ventral migration. Inhibition of Src family kinases also led to abnormal ventral patterning of neural crest cells and their derivatives. We confirmed that these effects were likely to be cell autonomous by shRNA-mediated knockdown of Tks5 in a murine neural crest stem cell line. Tks5 was required for neural crest cell migration in vitro, and both Src and Tks5 were required for the formation of actin-rich structures with similarity to podosomes. Additionally, we observed that neural crest cells formed Src-Tks5-dependent cell protrusions in 3-D culture conditions and in vivo. These results reveal an important and novel role for the Src-Tks5 pathway in neural crest cell migration during embryonic development. Furthermore, our data suggests that this pathway regulates neural crest cell migration through the generation of actin-rich pro-migratory structures, implying that similar mechanisms are used to control cell migration during embryogenesis and cancer metastasis

    Involvement of FGF-8 in initiation, outgrowth and patterning of the vertebrate limb.

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    Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGFs) are signaling molecules that are important in patterning and growth control during vertebrate limb development. Beads soaked in FGF-1, FGF-2 and FGF-4 are able to induce additional limbs when applied to the flank of young chick embryos (Cohn, M.J., Izpisua-Belmonte, J-C., Abud, H., Heath, J. K., Tickle, C. (1995) Cell 80, 739-746). However, biochemical and expression studies suggest that none of these FGFs is the endogenous signal that initiates limb development. During chick limb development, Fgf-8 transcripts are detected in the intermediate mesoderm and subsequently in the prelimb field ectoderm prior to the formation of the apical ectodermal ridge, structures required for limb initiation and outgrowth, respectively. Later on, Fgf-8 expression is restricted to the ridge cells and expression disappears when the ridge regresses. Application of FGF-8 protein to the flank induces the development of additional limbs. Moreover, we show that FGF-8 can replace the apical ectodermal ridge to maintain Shh expression and outgrowth and patterning of the developing chick limb. Furthermore, continuous and widespread misexpression of FGF-8 causes limb truncations and skeletal alterations with phocomelic or achondroplasia phenotype. Thus, FGF-8 appears to be a key signal involved in initiation, outgrowth and patterning of the developing vertebrate limb

    Dorsal cell fate specified by chick Lmx1 during vertebrate limb development.

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    The positional cues that govern the fate of cells along the dorsoventral axis of the developing vertebrate limb are established in the mesoderm before outgrowth of limb buds. In Drosophila, a LIM/-homeodomain gene, apterous, expressed in the dorsal compartment of the wing disc, specifies dorsal cell fate. Here we report the isolation of a vertebrate LIM-homeodomain containing gene, Chick Lmx1 (C-Lmx1). Transcripts for C-Lmx1 are detected in the presumptive dorsal limb mesoderm and are restricted thereafter to the dorsal mesoderm of the developing chick bud. C-Lmx1 expression is regulated by the overlying ectoderm where Wnt7a messenger RNA is localized. Wnt7a, required for normal development of the dorsoventral axis in mouse limbs, can induce ectopic expression of C-Lmx1 in ventral mesoderm. Misexpression of C-Lmx1 during limb outgrowth causes ventral to dorsal transformations of limb mesoderm. We propose that C-Lmx1 specifies dorsal cell fate during chick limb development