44 research outputs found


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    The history of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) was marked by several major events of magmatism which produced large volumes of volcanic and intrusive (mafic-ultramafic and granitic) rocks within a relatively short time span (30–40 Ma) over a vast area. The magmatic activity postdated the orogenic stages of accretionary-collisional belts in Central Asia and likely resulted from the impact of mantle plumes that formed Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs). The formation of the Tarim–South Mongolia LIP at 300–270 Ma is the best known among the major Permian events of basaltic and granitic magmatism. Early Permian igneous rocks (volcanic, subvolcanic and intrusive suites that vary from ultramafic to felsic compositions) of the same age range (300 to 270 Ma) have been recently found also in Eastern Kazakhstan, within the late Paleozoic Altai collisional system. The compositions and ages of the rocks suggest that the Eastern Kazakhstan magmatism was the northward expansion of the Tarim LIP. The spread of the Tarim LIP was apparently facilitated by lithospheric extension after the Siberia-Kazakhstan collision. The extension led to rheological weakening of the lithosphere whereby deep mantle melts could penetrate to shallower depths. The early Permian history of Eastern Kazakhstan was controlled by the interplay of plate tectonic and plume processes: plate-tectonic accretion and collision formed the structural framework, and the Tarim mantle plume was a heat source maintaining voluminous magma generation.В истории развития крупнейшего Центрально-Азиатского складчатого пояса (ЦАСП) выявлены несколько периодов крупномасштабной эндогенной активности, характеризующихся проявлениями значительных объемов вулканических и интрузивных (как базитовых, так и гранитоидных) пород на обширных территориях в сравнительно короткие временные интервалы (30–40 млн лет). Эти вспышки магматической активности обычно происходят после завершения аккреционно-коллизионных процессов в складчатых системах и рассматриваются как результат воздействия мантийных плюмов на литосферу – крупные изверженные провинции. Одним из ярких примеров является Тарим-Южномонгольская крупная изверженная провинция (300–270 млн лет назад), характеризующаяся широким развитием базитового и гранитоидного магматизма в западной части ЦАСП. Исследования последних лет показали, что в Восточном Казахстане, в пределах Алтайской коллизионной системы герцинид, широко распространены как базитовые, так и гранитоидные комплексы раннепермского возраста (300–270 млн лет). В приведенном кратком обзоре показано, что особенности состава и условия формирования этих магматических ассоциаций позволяют рассматривать их как результат северо-западного распространения влияния Таримской крупной изверженной провинции. Распространение этого термического возмущения в литосфере,по-видимому, стало возможным благодаря пост-орогеническому растяжению после коллизии Сибирского и Казахстанского континентов. Реологическое ослабление литосферы позволило глубинным расплавам проникать в литосферную мантию, образовав крупные очаги базитовых магм. Таким образом, современный геологический облик и металлогеническая специфика территории Восточного Казахстана является результатом плейт-тектонических процессов посторогенического растяжения на фоне повышенного термического градиента в мантии, вызванного активностью Таримского мантийного плюма


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    The tectonomagmatic evolution of the Sangilen massif has been described in detail in numerous publications, but little attention was given to heat sources related to the HT/LP metamorphism. Modeling of the magma transport to the upper‐crust levels in West Sangilen shows that the NT/LP metamorphism is related to gabbromonodiorite intrusions. This article is focused on the thermo‐mechanical modeling of melting and lifting of melts in the crust, taking into account the density interfaces. The model of the Erzin granitoid massif shows that in case of fractional melting, the magma ascent mechanism is fundamentally different, as opposed to diapir upwelling – percolation take place along a magmatic channel or a system of channels. An estimated rate of diapiric rise in the crust amounts to 0.8 cm/yr, which is more than an order of magnitude lower than the rate of melt migration in case of fractional melting (25 cm/yr). In our models, a metamorphic thermal ‘anticline’ develops in stages that differ, probably, due to the modes of crust melting: batch melting occurs at the first stage, and fractional melting takes place at the second stage. It is probable that the change of melting modes from melting conditions in a ‘closed’ system to fractional melting conditions in ‘open’ systems is determined by tectonic factors. For the Sangilen massif, we have estimated the degrees of melting in the granulite, granite, and sedimentary‐metamorphic layers of the crust (6, 15, and 5 vol. %, respectively).Тектономагматическая эволюция Сангиленского массива детально охарактеризована в многочисленных публикациях, в то время как источникам тепла при метаморфизме НТ/LР‐типа уделялось мало внимания. Моделирование процессов транспорта магм на верхнекоровые уровни является актуальным, так как для Западного Сангилена устанавливается связь метаморфизма НТ/LР‐типа с габбро‐монцодиоритовыми интрузиями. Статья посвящена результатам термомеханического моделирования порционного режима плавления и подъема расплавов в коре с наличием плотностных границ. Объект моделирования – Эрзинский гранитоидный массив. Показано, что в отличие от диапирового всплывания механизм подъема магмы при фракционном плавлении оказывается принципиально иным – в форме просачивания по магматическому каналу (системе кана‐ лов). Оценено, что скорости подъема диапиров в земной коре (0.8 см/год) более чем на порядок ниже скорости миграции расплава при фракционном плавлении, которая составляет 25 см/год. Показано, что этапы развития метаморфической термальной «антиклинали» могли быть обусловлены разным режимом плавления материала коры: на первом этапе –порционного типа, на втором –фракционного. Смена режимов плавления от условий плавления в «закрытой» системе к условиям фракционного плавления в «открытых» системах, вероятно, определялась тектоническими факторами. Сделаны оценки степени плавления в гранулитовом (6 об. %), гранитном (15 об. %) и осадочно‐метаморфическом (5 об. %) слое коры Сангиленского массива

    U-Pb-Hf zircon study of two mylonitic granite complexes in the Talas-Fergana fault zone, Kyrgyzstan, and Ar-Ar age of deformations along the fault

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    A 2000 km long dextral Talas-Fergana strike-slip fault separates eastern terranes in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan from western terranes. The aim of this study was to constrain an age of dextral shearing in the central part of the fault utilizing Ar-Ar dating of micas. We also carried out a U-Pb-Hf zircon study of two different deformed granitoid complexes in the fault zone from which the micas for Ar dating were separated. Two samples of the oldest deformed Neoproterozoic granitoids in the area of study yielded UP-b zircon SHRIMP ages 728 ± 11 Ma and 778 ± 11 Ma, characteristic for the Cryogenian Bolshoi Naryn Formation, and zircon grains analyzed for their Lu-Hf isotopic compositions yielded epsilon Hf(t) values from -11.43 to -16.73, and their calculated tHfc ages varied from 2.42 to 2.71 Ga. Thus varying Cryogenian ages and noticeable heterogeneity of Mesa- to Paleoproterozoic crustal sources was established for mylonitic granites of the Bolshoi Naryn Formation. Two samples of mylonitized pegmatoidal granites of the Kyrgysh Complex yielded identical ²⁰⁶Pb/²³⁸U ages of 279 ± 5 Ma corresponding to the main peak of Late-Paleozoic post-collisional magmatism in the Tien Shan (Seltmann et al., 2011), and zircon grains analyzed for their Lu-Hf isotopic compositions yielded epsilon εHf(t) values from -11.43 to -16.73, and calculated tHfc ages from 2.42 to 2.71 Ga indicating derivation from a Paleoproterozoic crustal source. Microstructural studies showed that ductile/brittle deformation of pegmatoidal granites of the Kyrgysh Complex occurred at temperatures of 300-400 °C and caused resetting of the K-Ar isotope system of primary muscovite. Deformation of mylonitized granites of the Bolshoi Naryn Formation occurred under high temperature conditions and resulted in protracted growth and recrystallization of micas. The oldest Ar-Ar muscovite age of 241 Ma with a well defined plateau from a pegmatoidal granite of the Kyrgysh Complex is considered as a "minimum" age of dextral motions along this section of the fault in the Triassic while younger ages varying from 227 Ma to 199 Ma with typical staircase patterns indicate protracted growth and recrystallization of micas during ductile deformations which continued until the end of the Triassic.13 page(s

    The Khairkhan dunite-troctolite-gabbro massif (Lake Zone of the Western Mongolia) - example of syncollision Middle Cambrian mafic intrusion

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    Geological, mineralogical, petrochemical and geochronological data are considered for the Khairkhan dunite-troctolite-gabbro massif in the Lake zone of Western Mongolia. The massif intrude the Lower Cambrian molasse stratum and intruded by the Middle Cambrian diorite-plagiogranite bodies (507 Ma). Mineralogical, petrographic and geochemical data show typical suprasubduction characteristics: high An component of plagioclases with increased iron content of olivines, high whole-rock alumina content, low contents of titanium and alkalis, Ta, Nb, Zr and Hf minima. The layered series is characterized by a layers of orbicular gabbros, which can be considered as gabbro-gabbro mingling. At the same time, high-temperature viscous-plastic deformations are characteristic of the layered series, which cover the entire volume of the intrusion. These observations, together with geological and geochronological data related to the melting of the suprasubduction mantle in the Cambrian-Ordovician time, allow treating the Khairkhan massif as an example of syncollisional stratified gabbroids


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    The history of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) was marked by several major events of magmatism which produced large volumes of volcanic and intrusive (mafic-ultramafic and granitic) rocks within a relatively short time span (30–40 Ma) over a vast area. The magmatic activity postdated the orogenic stages of accretionary-collisional belts in Central Asia and likely resulted from the impact of mantle plumes that formed Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs). The formation of the Tarim–South Mongolia LIP at 300–270 Ma is the best known among the major Permian events of basaltic and granitic magmatism. Early Permian igneous rocks (volcanic, subvolcanic and intrusive suites that vary from ultramafic to felsic compositions) of the same age range (300 to 270 Ma) have been recently found also in Eastern Kazakhstan, within the late Paleozoic Altai collisional system. The compositions and ages of the rocks suggest that the Eastern Kazakhstan magmatism was the northward expansion of the Tarim LIP. The spread of the Tarim LIP was apparently facilitated by lithospheric extension after the Siberia-Kazakhstan collision. The extension led to rheological weakening of the lithosphere whereby deep mantle melts could penetrate to shallower depths. The early Permian history of Eastern Kazakhstan was controlled by the interplay of plate tectonic and plume processes: plate-tectonic accretion and collision formed the structural framework, and the Tarim mantle plume was a heat source maintaining voluminous magma generation


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    The tectonomagmatic evolution of the Sangilen massif has been described in detail in numerous publications, but little attention was given to heat sources related to the HT/LP metamorphism. Modeling of the magma transport to the upper‐crust levels in West Sangilen shows that the NT/LP metamorphism is related to gabbromonodiorite intrusions. This article is focused on the thermo‐mechanical modeling of melting and lifting of melts in the crust, taking into account the density interfaces. The model of the Erzin granitoid massif shows that in case of fractional melting, the magma ascent mechanism is fundamentally different, as opposed to diapir upwelling – percolation take place along a magmatic channel or a system of channels. An estimated rate of diapiric rise in the crust amounts to 0.8 cm/yr, which is more than an order of magnitude lower than the rate of melt migration in case of fractional melting (25 cm/yr). In our models, a metamorphic thermal ‘anticline’ develops in stages that differ, probably, due to the modes of crust melting: batch melting occurs at the first stage, and fractional melting takes place at the second stage. It is probable that the change of melting modes from melting conditions in a ‘closed’ system to fractional melting conditions in ‘open’ systems is determined by tectonic factors. For the Sangilen massif, we have estimated the degrees of melting in the granulite, granite, and sedimentary‐metamorphic layers of the crust (6, 15, and 5 vol. %, respectively)