30 research outputs found

    Struktur Komunitas Alga Perifiton Sungai dalam Gua Batu Asahan di Sumpur Kudus Kabupaten Sijunjung Sumatera Barat

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    The cave ecosystem has a unique environment because it receives minimal sunlight and does not even get sunlight at all. Dark conditions in the cave will affect producers such as periphyton algae that live in rivers in caves that need sunlight for photosynthesis. This study aims to determine the periphyton community structure in the river in the Batu Asahan Cave in Sumpur Kudus, Sijunjung District, West Sumatra. This research held in August 2016. The research was carried out by survey method at 3 stations: bright, dim and dark zones. The results showed that periphyton were found as many as 22 species classified as Bacillariophycea 13 species, Cyanophyceae 5 species, Chlorophyceae and Euglenophyceae each of 2 species. Based on the number of individuals Bascillariophyceae 67.0%, Cyanophyceae 24.49%, Chlorophyceae 4.79% and Euglenophyceae 3.72%. Population density in each zone was low, ranges from 1.26 - 2.82 ind / cm2. The dominant species vary in each zone which is the highest shown by Synedra ulna (Bacillariophyceae) and Oscillatoria tenuis (Cyanophyceae). Diversity index ranging from 2.11-2.47 is not significantly different between zones, indicating the quality of clean water. The equitability index was high (E = 0.88-0.96) show the populations in the community evenly. Similarity index between zones was low (C = 25 - 56%). Fisicochemical factors of water indicate the quality of clean water supports the life of periphyton algae in the river

    Bioassessment of Batang Kandis River Water Quality Using Macrozoobenthos in Koto Tangah district, Padang City

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    This study was conducted from July to December 2019 which was aimed to determine the composition of macrozoobenthic community and to assess the water quality of the Batang Kandis river based on the BMWP ASPT index. A survey method was used in this study. The study site was determined by purposive sampling based on environmental condition which was divided into four stations. Macrozoobenthos samples were taken using a surber net (30 x 30 cm2). The physical and chemical factors of water condition were measured during sampling time. The results showed that 23 genera of macrozoobenthic communities were found in the Batang Kandis river which were consisted of two classes i.e., Hirudinea (1 order, 1 family, 1 genus) and Insect (7 orders, 14 families, 22 genera). These macrozoobenthic communities had an average density ranges from 220.00 - 706.67 ind. m-2 with the highest density was found at Station II and the lowest one at Station IV. Variation in the predominant genus was found at every station: Orthocladius and Elophila (station I); Polypedilum, Orthocladius, Elophila, and Hydropsyche (station II); Polypedylum, Macropelopia, and Caenis (station III); and Polypedylum, Orthocladius, and Caenis (station IV). The water quality of Batang Kandis river was classified into not polluted (station I, II and III) to slightly polluted (station IV) based on the BMWP-ASPT indexes.

    Komunitas Makrozoobentos sebagai Indikator Biologis Kualitas Air Sungai Masang Kecil yang Menerima Limbah Cair Industri Minyak Kelapa Sawit di Kinali Pasaman Barat

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    The industrial liquid waste of crude palm oil contains organic material that can lead to degradation of water quality and ultimately affect the macrozoobenthos communities living on the river bed. The Masang Kecil River in Kinali Pasaman Barat receives the liquid waste of the palm oil industry. The research aimed to find out the composition and structure of macrozoobentos community in  Masang Kecil River and determine the water quality of river based on macrozoobenthic community structure was done in June 2017. The research was conducted by survey method with purposive sampling technique. Samples were collected on 3 stations: Station I before entering the liquid waste of palm oil industry, Station II after entering the waste, Station III is located after Station II which has been entered by Anak Aia stream. In each station collected three samples of macrozoobentos with a surber net size of 30x30 cm2. The results showed that macrozoobenthos community found 43 species consist of 33 species of Insecta, Oligochaeta 4 species, Gastropoda 3 species, Hirudinae 2 species, Arachnida and Turbellaria one species respectively. The largest number of individuals was shown by Insecta (71.89%) followed by Hirudinea (25.1%) and the other class was not more than 3%. The highest density is found at station III and the lowest at station I. The dominant species on station I were Stenelmis sp. and Psephenoides sp., stations II and III were Erphobdella sp. and Hydropsyche elisoma. The diversity index ranges from 1.49 to 3.01. The index of equitability ranges from 0.47 to 0.89, the dominant index ranges from 0.06 to 0.43. The similarity of communities between station ranged from 38.46 - 55.0%. Based on the index of diversity, water quality in Station I was classified as not polluted, Station II and III classified as moderate

    Perbandingan kepadatan populasi dan sebaran ukuran cangkang kerang Donax faba Gmelin, 1792 (Lamellibranchiata : Donacidae) berdasarkan kedalaman substrat di perairan pantai Bungus Teluk Kabung, Kota Padang

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang perbandingan kepadatan populasi dan sebaran ukuran cangkang kerang Donax faba Gmelin, 1792 (Lamellibranchiata : Donacidae) berdasarkan kedalaman substrat di perairan pantai Bungus Teluk Kabung, Kota Padang dari September hingga Desember 2010. Kerang dikoleksi di daerah intertidal dengan metode survei dan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan stratified sistimatik sampling. Masing-masing strata (Upper, middle dan lower) diambil dua ulangan menggunakan petak kuadrat ukuran 1x1 m2 dan digali substratnya berdasarkan kedalaman (permukaan, 0-2 cm, >2-4 cm, >4-6 cm, >6-8 cm dan > 8-10 cm). Hasil penelitian didapatkan 972 individu kerang dengan ukuran panjang cangkang berkisar antara 1,9 – 31 mm dengan distribusi dari permukaan substrat sampai kedalaman substrat > 6-8 cm. Kepadatan populasi kerang D. faba tertinggi pada strata II yaitu 4,06 ind./m2 dan terendah strata I yaitu 1,2 ind./m2. Berdasarkan kedalaman substrat bahwa kepadatan tertinggi ditemukan pada kedalaman >2-4 cm dan kepadatan terendah pada permukaan substrat dan diikuti kedalaman substrat >6-8 cm. Sebaran ukuran panjang cangkang ditemukan tiga fase yaitu Juvenil, panjang cangkang (1,9-11mm), muda (14-21 mm) dan dewasa (25-31 mm). Kerang juvenile lebih banyak ditemukan pada kedalaman > 2-4 mm dan kerang muda dan dewasa terdistribusi berimbang dari kedalaman 0-2 mm sampai >8-10 mm. Kedalaman substrat dan ketidakstabilan daerah intertidal sangat mempengaruhi kepadatan dan sebaran ukuran panjang cangkang D. faba

    Tingkah laku beberapa predator dalam memangsa Kerang Kopah (Gafrarium tumidum Röding 1798) di perairan Teluk Kabung, Sumatera Barat

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    Penelitian tentang tingkah laku beberapa predator dalam memangsa kerang kopah (Gafrarium tumidum Röding 1798) di perairan Teluk Kabung, Sumatera Barat telah dilakukan pada Februari 2012. Hasil pengamatan menunjukan bahwa predator kerang kopah yaitu kepiting bakau Thalamita prymna (Herbsd, 1803) dan Gastropoda Siput Bulan Natica stellata (Hedley, 1913). Kerang Kopah yang dimangsa siput predator berukuran 7,5-20,5 mm (n=283). Kerang tersebut sebaran ukurannya cenderung terkonsentrasi pada kelompok juvenil yaitu 7,5-14,5 mm sedangkan yang dominan dimangsa pada ukuran 8,5-11,5 mm. Kerang yang berukuran lebih dari 20,5 mm tidak dimangsa lagi oleh siput Bulan. Siput predator ditemukan berukuran 7,5-29,5 mm (n=76) dan cenderung terkonsentrasi pada kelompok muda dan dewasa dengan ukuran 15,5-21,5 mm. Kerang yang dimangsa kepiting bakau berukuran 17,1-29,1 mm dan yang berukuran lebih dari 29,1 mm tidak lagi dimangsa oleh kepiting bakau. Dari pengamatan bahwa kerang kopah memiliki strategi mengatasi predator dengan cara mengali lubang pada saat predator sudah menempel pada cangkang kerang dan mempertebal cangkang

    Kelimpahan Populasi dan Kondisi Habitat Labi-Labi (Dogania subplana: Reptilia: Trionychidae) di Kawasan Kampus Universitas Andalas Padang

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    A study on population and habitat of forest softshelled turtle (Dogania subplana: Reptilia: Trionychidae) has been conducted from January to March 2014. This study aimed to understand population abundance and to describe non-natural and natural habitats. Population abundances were found out through searching, counting and release methods. Habitats were described based on physic-chemical, potential food-resource and vegetation factors. The turtles were more abundance in non-natural habitat (33 individual of 640 m²) than natural habitat (5 individual of 5.100 m²). The turtles were abundance in sand and gravel streams of non-natural habitat and sand and rocky streams of natural habitat. The turtles prefered in slow streams (0-10 cm/s) and neutral pH (7.1-7.6).Keywords: population abundance, non-natural habitat, natural habitat, Dogania subplana

    Water Quality Bioassessment Using Macrozoobenthos In The Batang Arau River, Padang City

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    Penelitian mengenai Bioassessment Kualitas Air dengan Menggunakan Makrozoobentos di Sungai Batang Arau, Kota Padang telah dilakukan pada bulan Maret - September 2021. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi dan struktur komunitas makrozoobentos serta kualitas air di Sungai Batang Arau berdasarkan indeks BMWP-ASPT. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dan penentuan stasiun dengan purposive sampling, berdasarkan rona lingkungan. Sampel makrozoobentos diambil menggunakan surber net 30x30 cm2 dan eckman grab ukuran  15x15 cm2, dan juga dilakukan pengukuran faktor fisika kimia perairan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunitas makrozoobentos yang ditemukan di Sungai Batang Arau sebanyak 37 genera dengan komposisi Gastropoda 6 genera, Insecta 28 genera, Hirudinea 2 genera, dan Oligochaeta 1 genus. Kepadatan total makrozoobentos berkisar 140-1775 ind/m2 dengan kepadatan tertinggi terdapat pada Stasiun V dan terendah terdapat pada Stasiun III. Genus predominan (KR ≥ 10%) yang ditemukan pada setiap stasiun bervariasi. Pada Stasiun I dan Stasiun II yaitu Orthocladius dan Caenis; Stasiun III yaitu Polypedium, Orthocladius, Baetis, dan Elophila, Stasiun IV yaitu Orthocladius, Caenis, Erpobdella, Hellopdella, dan  Tubifex, dan Stasiun V yaitu Melanoides. Indeks keanekaragaman makrozoobentos di Sungai Batang Arau yaitu 2,38 dengan kisaran H’ = 0,5-2,57 tergolong rendah sampai sedang, dan distribusi populasi makrozoobentos yaitu 0,65 dengan kisaran E = 0,25-0,8 tergolong tidak merata sampai merata . Kualitas perairan di Sungai Batang Arau berdasarkan indeks BMWP-ASPT pada Stasiun I dan II tergolong tidak tercemar, Stasiun III tercemar ringan, Stasiun IV tercemar sedang, dan Stasiun V tercemar berat


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    Penelitian mengenai Kepadatan Populasi dan Pola Distribusi Kerang Corbicula sumatrana Clessin (1887), Pada Zona Litoral di Danau Diatas, Kabupaten Solok, Sumatera Barat telah dilaksanakan pada bulan April sampai Juli 2015 dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kepadatan populasi dan pola distribusi kerang C. sumatrana. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei dengan pengambilan sampel kerang C. sumatrana secara purposif sampling. Lokasi dipilih 6 stasiun dengan kedalaman 1-1,5 meter menggunakan petak kuadrat ukuran 60 x 60 cm2 yang dibagi atas 4 subplot. Hasil penelitian kepadatan rata-rata populasi kerang C. sumatrana tertinggi ditemukan di stasiun Batang Hari yaitu 305,00 ind./m2, dan kepadatan terendah di stasiun Teluk Kinari yaitu 103,33 ind./m2. Pola distribusi disetiap stasiun yaitu mengelompok dengan nilai rata-rata berkisar 1,23-1,80. Faktor fisika kimia kondisi perairan masih mendukung kehidupan kerang C. sumatrana dan kepadatannya sangat dipengaruhi substrat

    The Perifiton Alga Community in Masang Kecil River Receives Liquid Palm Oil Mill Waste in Kinali District, West Pasaman Regency

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    The study of the periphyton algae community in Masang Kecil River that received palm oil mill effluent in Kinali District, West Pasaman Regency was held from November 2017 to September 2018. This study aims to determine the composition and structure of periphyton communities in the Masang Kecil River in Kinali, West Pasaman. This study used purposive sampling method with a sampling location of 4 stations. Based on this study, 88 species of periphyton were classified as 3 classes i.e Bacillariophyceae (64 species), Chlorophyceae (15 species) and Cyanophyceae (9 species). The average density is 8.967 ind/ cm2.  The highest relative density (KR) at stations 1,2 and 3 is Navicula lanceolata and station 4 is Fragilaria capucina. Species that are always found at each station (FK= 100%) are Fragilaria capucina, Navicula lanceolata and Synedra ulna. The diversity index in the Masang Kecil River is classified as medium (H’ = 2.87). Equitability index is evenly distributed (E= 0.64). Dominance index (C= 0.12) there is no dominant  species. The similarity index is almost the same except between stations 1 and 3


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    The study about Diversity and Distribution Patterns of Gastropods On Littorall Zones in Lake Diatas, Solok regency, West Sumatra, had been conducted from April to June 2015. Purposes of this study are to determine the diversity and distributeon patterns of gastropods in the littoral zone of the Lake Diatas. This research was conducted using a survey methods and gastropods sampling with purposive sampling. Six stations were chosen as sampling location with 1-1.5 meters depth using squared plot size of 60 x 60 cm2 and divided into 4 sub-plots. The result showed diversity index of gastropods of over all population in the lake above1,21 and population density of 284,17ind/m2. The highest index value diversity of gastropods populations found in station Villa is 1.70 and the lowest was found in Gelagah station 0,67. The total value of the highest population densities gastropods found in Gelagah station which is 518,33 ind/m2, and the lowest density at the Villa station is 142,78 ind/m2. The distribution pattern in the Lake Diatas of gastropods are clustered, whereasthe distribution pattern at each station varies from uniform and clumped. Factorsc hemical and physic swater conditions at Lake Diatas still support life of Gastropods and density is very influenced by the substrate. Keyword: Gastropod, Diversity, Density, Distribution Pattern,Littoral zone