3 research outputs found

    Manifestações orais em pacientes com doenças celíaca

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    Orientadora: Profª. Drª. Luciana Reichert Assunção ZanonCoorientador: Prof. Dr. Fabian Calixto FraizDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Odontologia. Defesa: Curitiba, 2016Inclui referências : f. 36-39;41-44Área de concentraçãoResumo: A doença celíaca é considerada uma enteropatia imunomediata induzida pela ingestão de glúten na dieta e está relacionada a padrões genéticos com características epidemiológicas diferentes em populações específicas. Esta pesquisa analisou a ocorrência e características de manifestações orais em indivíduos sul brasileiros com a doença celíaca (DC). Estudo transversal envolvendo 40 pacientes com DC assistidos no ambulatório de gastropediatria do Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brasil. Os indivíduos foram classificados de acordo com o tipo de DC em clássica, não clássica e assintomática. O grupo controle (n=40) sem o diagnóstico da doença, pareados por idade. Os participantes ou seus responsáveis responderam a um questionário pré-testado, com questões relacionadas ao histórico médico e odontológico, frequência de escovação e de consumo de alimentos com potencial cariogênico. Clinicamente, avaliou-se em dentes decíduos e permanentes a presença de defeitos de desenvolvimentos de esmalte (DDE) segundo a classificação de AINE e cárie dentária segundo critérios da OMS por um examinador calibrado (kappa?0,826). Presença de ulcerações aftosas recorrentes (UAR) e boca seca foi obtida por relato dos pacientes. Os dados foram analisados por meio de testes não paramétricos (?=0,05). A mediana da idade dos participantes foi 16,50 e as idades variaram entre 5 e 34 anos. Pacientes celíacos apresentaram 2,83 vezes a chance de ocorrência de DDE que o grupo controle (P=0,045). Quanto ao relato de boca seca, indivíduos com DC mostraram 9,15 vezes a chance desta alteração que no grupo controle (P=0,002). Não houve diferença entre os grupos para a ocorrência de UAR e experiência de cárie não tratada. Houve uma tendência de maior presença de DDE entre celíacos com a forma clássica da doença (P=0,054). DDE do tipo específico, ou seja, com o envolvimento dos quatro quadrantes dentários, foi significativamente maior em indivíduos com DC (P=0,048). Do total de 1962 dentes permanentes avaliados, 59 apresentaram DDE, sendo 71,8% dos casos em pacientes celíacos (P=0,001), com predominância nos molares permanentes (P=0,009). Conclui-se que DC aumentou a chance de desenvolvimento de DDE e sensação de boca seca. O exame clínico bucal é uma ferramenta importante no diagnóstico e monitoramento de casos de DC. Palavras-chave: doença celíaca, hipoplasia do esmalte, manifestações bucaisAbstract: Celiac disease (CD) is considered a imunomediata enteropathy induced by ingestion of gluten in the diet and is related to genetic patterns with different epidemiological characteristics in specific populations. This research examined the occurrence and characteristics of oral manifestations in Brazilian southern individuals with CD. Crosssectional study involving 40 patients with CD assisted at the Pediatric Gastroenterology Clinic at Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil. The subjects were classified according to the type of DC classical, non-classical and asymptomatic. The control group (n = 40) without the diagnosis of the disease, age-matched. The participants or their guardians answered a tested questionnaire with questions related to medical and dental history, frequency of toothbrushing and consumption of food with cariogenic potential. Clinically evaluated in primary and permanente teeth the presence of dental enamel defects (DED) according to the classification of AINE and dental caries according to WHO criteria by a calibrated examiner (kappa?0,826). The presence of recurrent aphthous ulcerations (RAU) and dry mouth was obtained from the reporting of the patients. Data were analyzed using nonparametric tests (? = 0.05). The median age of participants was 16.50 and the ages ranged from 5 to 34 years. Patients with CD had 2.83 times the chance of occureence of DED than the control group (P = 0.045). As for the dry mouth report, individuals with AD showed 9.15 times the chance of this alteration in the control group (P = 0.002). There was no difference between groups for the occurrence of RAU and untreated caries experience. There was a trend toward greater presence of DED between celiacs with the classic form of the disease (P = 0.054). DED specific type, in other words, with the involvement of the four dental quadrants was significantly higher in patients with CD (P = 0.048). Of the total of 1962 evaluated permanent teeth, 59 presented DED, and in 71.8% of the cases was in patients with CD (P = 0.001), especially in permanent molars (P = 0.009). It is concluded that CD increased the chance of DED and dry mouth. The oral clinical examination is an important tool in the diagnosis and monitoring of cases of CD. Key-words: celiac disease, dental enamel hypoplasia, oral manifestation

    Dental and oral manifestations of celiac disease

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the dental and oral manifestations in patients with celiac disease. The sample consisted of 40 patients with the disease and 40 without the disease matched by age in southern Brazil. The CD group included patients previously diagnosed by positive anti-endomysial (IgA) examination and confirmed by small intestine biopsy. The presence of dental enamel defects and dental caries was evaluated by a calibrated researcher according to AINE?s and WHO?s criteria, respectively. The history of recurrent aphthous ulcers and dry mouth was obtained through reporting. For the evaluation of the salivary flow, the saliva samples were obtained through the non-stimulated and stimulated saliva collection method. There was a significant association between CD and dental enamel defects (OR=2.38, P=0.045) and dry mouth (OR=9.15, P=0.002). No difference was found for the report of recurrent aphthous ulcers and caries experience between the two groups. Patients with CD had normal pattern of unstimulated and stimulated saliva flow rates (0.67 ± 0.38 ml / min and 1.14 ± 0.47 ml / min, respectively). A higher occurrence of dental enamel defects was observed in patients with classic CD (P=0.054). Of the 1,962 permanent teeth, 59 presented dental enamel defects, 71.8% of which were in patients with CD (P=0.001), predominantly in molars (P=0.009). CD increased the likelihood of dental enamel defects and dry mouth sensation. The oral examination can be an important auxiliary tool for the identification of cases of the disease