22 research outputs found

    Droga jako istotny element treści ogrodu pokazowego

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    In this article, we focus on the subject of the show garden and place for path in the garden, in particular its forms and functions in space and meaning. The form and function of path was examined on the basis of selected, representative examples of historical gardens and contemporary show gardens of the festival in Chaumont-sur-Loire. The results showed that a path is the leading element of every garden, and its form has a decisive influence on the composition of the entire space and allows you to note content. Based on the research results, road system diagrams in historical gardens were developed and model concepts for show gardens inspired by the history of gardens were developed. The currently very touching topic of Quarantine has become the leitmotif of the garden content.W niniejszym artykule skupiamy się na tematyce ogrodu pokazowego i drogi w ogrodzie, a w szczególności jej form i funkcji w przestrzeni oraz znaczeń. Forma oraz funkcja drogi została zbadana na przykładzie wybranych, reprezentatywnych przykładów ogrodów historycznych oraz współczesnych ogrodów pokazowych festiwalu w Chaumont-sur-Loire. Wyniki wykazały, że droga jest elementem wiodącym każdego ogrodu, a jej forma ma decydujący wpływ na kompozycję całej przestrzeni i pozwala notować treści. Na podstawie wyników badań opracowano schematy układów drogowych w ogrodach historycznych i wypracowano modelowe koncepcje ogrodów pokazowych inspirowanych historią ogrodów. Motywem przewodnim dla ogrodowej treści stał się aktualnie bardzo poruszający temat Kwarantanna

    Warstwa konstrukcyjna ogrodu. Ramy do budowania kompozycji

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    The garden has always been understood as a place sanctified by values that cause excitement and rapture in man. He became a character or a background, a scenery for other plays. The garden as a work has its frame - a structure on which all other garden elements, both decorative and functional, are 'hung'. Construction layer considerations include a fencing with an entrance, secondary fencing, a road, a house as the center, and dead trees. Understanding the priority we give to construction in garden design, and the function and importance of the elements in this layer, organizes thinking about the garden composition and allows you to understand the content encoded in the works of garden art and inspired by the garden.Ogród zawsze rozumiany był jako miejsce uświęcone wartościami powodującymi w człowieku wzbudzenie i uniesienie. Stawał się postacią bądź tłem, scenografią dla sztuk innych. Ogród jako dzieło ma swoją ramę – konstrukcję, na której ‘zawieszane’ są wszystkie pozostałe elementy ogrodowe, zarówno dekoracyjne i użytkowe. Rozważania dotyczące warstwy konstrukcyjnej obejmują ogrodzenie z wejściem, ogrodzenia dodatkowe, drogę, dom jako centrum oraz martwe drzewa. Rozumienie pierwszeństwa jakie dajemy konstrukcji w projektowaniu ogrodu, oraz funkcji i znaczenia elementów w tej warstwie, porządkuje myślenia o ogrodowej kompozycji i pozwala rozumieć treść zakodowaną w dziełach sztuki ogrodowej i ogrodem inspirowanych

    Vaccine against African swine fever – where are we and where are we going?

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    African swine fever (ASF), is a viral disease of pigs and wild boar that is usually deadly. There are neither vaccines nor cures. African swine fever has got a significant negative impact on the global pig industry. The disease control is based on ensuring biosecurity, early diagnosis and culling pig herds with ASFV‐infected animals. However, in view of the ease with which ASFV spreads, its high resistance to environmental conditions and the many difficulties related to the introduction of effective specific immunoprophylaxis, this process is extremely difficult. Despite encountering problems such as lack of an animal model other than the natural host, lack of an effective continuous cell line for the isolation and propagation of ASFV, a risk of reversion to virulence, or inability to differentiate infected animals from vaccinated ones, scientists do not stop trying to design an effective vaccine. Recent approaches to ASF vaccine construction have focused on the development of modified live vaccines by targeted gene deletion from different isolates or of subunit vaccines. Here, we discuss current scientific advances and technological progress in this issue. The design of a safe and effective vaccine against ASFV seems to be achievable, nevertheless, a commercial vaccine is unlikely to appear within the next few years

    Threshold sensor for high-doses of radiation

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    International audienceMEMS threshold sensor for high-doses of radiation (above 10 kGy) has been design and development. In the sensor, small portion of high density polyethylene (HDPE) is trapped inside silicon-glass MEMS hermetically sealed structure. When the sensor is exposed to ionizing radiation, HDPE degrades and releases atomic hydrogen. The resulting pressure of hydrogen destroys thin silicon membrane of the sensor. The proper parameters of the silicon membrane of the sensor have been selected by simulations in ANSYS softwar

    Neuropeptides SP and CGRP Diminish the Moraxella catarrhalis Outer Membrane Vesicle- (OMV-) Triggered Inflammatory Response of Human A549 Epithelial Cells and Neutrophils

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    Neuropeptides such as substance P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) play both pro- and anti-inflammatory activities and are produced during infection and inflammation. Moraxella catarrhalis is one of the leading infectious agents responsible for inflammatory exacerbation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Since the airway inflammation in COPD is connected with activation of both epithelial cells and accumulated neutrophils, in this study we determined the in vitro effects of neuropeptides on the inflammatory potential of these cells in response to M. catarrhalis outer membrane vesicle (OMV) stimulant. The various OMV-mediated proinflammatory effects were demonstrated. Next, using hBD-2-pGL4[luc2] plasmid with luciferase reporter gene, SP and CGRP were shown to inhibit the IL-1β-dependent expression of potent neutrophil chemoattractant, hBD-2 defensin, in transfected A549 epithelial cells (type II alveolar cells) upon OMV stimulation. Both neuropeptides exerted antiapoptotic activity through rescuing a significant fraction of A549 cells from OMV-induced cell death and apoptosis. Finally, CGRP caused an impairment of specific but not azurophilic granule exocytosis from neutrophils as shown by evaluation of gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) or CD66b expression and elastase release, respectively. Concluding, these findings suggest that SP and CGRP mediate the dampening of proinflammatory action triggered by M. catarrhalis OMVs towards cells engaged in lung inflammation in vitro

    Measurement of the High Gamma Radiation Dose Using The MEMS Based Dosimeter and Radiolisys Effect

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    International audienceThe measurement of high and very high doses of ionizing radiation is crucial for the monitoring of the existing Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) and high energy physics facilities as Large Hadron Collider (LHC). All of the structural materials exposed to such high gamma doses are continuously damaged and their mechanical properties are strongly affected. The constant monitoring of the absorbed dose is then crucial in order to assure safety operation of these facilities. In this paper we present the new technique of such a measurement using simple MEMS transducer and phenomenon of polymer radiolysis

    Micromechanical high-doses radiation sensor with bossed membrane and interferometry optical read-out

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    International audienceThe silicon-glass MEMS high-doses radiation sensor with in situ detection, so far not possible in the field of detection of doses above 10 kGy, has been presented. The sensor consists of a chamber filled with the high density polyethylene (HDPE) and a silicon bossed membrane. The radiolysis product of HDPE increases the pressure inside the chamber causing the deflection of the membrane, which is proportional to the pressure, thus to radiation dose. The sensor has been irradiated with high energy electron beam and shows good detectability for 10-40 kGy. The deflection of the membrane has been detected by optical interferometer

    Affordability of medicines in the European Union.

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    BACKGROUND:Medications and their prices are key issues for healthcare. Although access to medicines at affordable prices had been specified as a key objective of the European Health Policy, it seems that these goals have not been achieved. Therefore, we attempted an evaluation of affordability of selected medicines at full prices. METHODS:The analysis concerned 2012 and was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all the European Union (EU) countries divided into 3 groups depending on the date of their accession to the EU. Finally, we considered 9 originators used in the treatment of schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis. Information on drug prices were collected from pharmacies. Participation in the study was voluntary and anonymous in order to avoid accusations of advertising. To evaluate affordability, several factors were used (e.g. minimum earnings and Gini coefficient). Due to unavailability in some countries, the exact number of analyzed medicines varies. RESULTS:Drug prices vary significantly between EU Member States. Almost eleven fold difference was observed between Germany (EUR 1451.17) and Croatia (EUR 132.77) in relation to Interferone beta-1a 22 μg. Generally, prices were the highest in Germany. The cheapest drugs were found in various countries but never in the poorest ones like Bulgaria or Romania. Discrepancies in wages were observed too (the smallest minimum wage was EUR 138.00 in Bulgaria and the highest EUR 1801.00 in Luxembourg). Full price of olanzapine 5mg, however, was higher in Bulgaria (EUR 64.53) than, for instance, in Belgium (EUR 37.26). CONCLUSIONS:Analyzed medications are still unaffordable for many citizens of the EU. Besides, access to medicines is also impaired e.g. due to parallel trade. Unaffordability of medications may lead to the patients' non-compliance and therefore to increased direct and indirect costs of treatment. Common European solutions are needed to achieve a real affordability and accessibility of medications