23 research outputs found

    Sakarya ilindeki ilköğretim ikinci kademe öğrencilerinin fen başarısının değerlendirilmesi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bilimin ve bilime bağlı olarak teknolojinin hızla geli?tiği günümüz dünyasında, Fen Bilimlerine gereken önemi veren toplumlar her alanda kalkınarak güçleneceklerdir. Bugünün ilköğretim öğrencilerinin yarının toplumuna ?ekil verecek bireyler olduklarını dü?ünürsek, onları birer fen okur-yazarı olarak yeti?tirmemiz gerektiğinin farkına varabiliriz.Bu çalı?ma Sakarya ilinde bulunan ilköğretim ikinci kademe öğrencilerinin, Fen Bilgisi (Fen ve Teknoloji) dersindeki ba?arılarını tespit etmek amacıyla yapılmı?tır. Bunun için, ağırlıklı olarak, Sakarya'da 2005?2006 eğitim ve öğretim yılında yapılmı? olan seviye tespit sınavlarının istatistikleri ile 2003, 2004, 2005 ve 2006 yıllarında yapılan Ortaöğretim Kurumları Sınavı verileri kullanılmı?tır. Bunun dı?ında herhangi bir ölçek veya ankete yer verilmemi?tir. Çalı?mada OKS ve ülkemizde sınav gerçeği irdelenmi?tir. Ayrıca, Sakarya'daki öğrencilerin Türkiye geneli ve kom?u illere göre Fen Bilgisi ba?arısı değerlendirilmi?tir. Sakarya'da 2005?2006 eğitim ve öğretim yılında yapılan STS istatistiklerine göre ilçelere, özel okul ve devlet okullarına, kız ve erkek öğrencilere göre kıyaslamalar yapılarak Sakarya'nın ba?arı durumu tespit edilmeye çalı?ılmı?tır.Çalı?ma sonuçları; Türkiye'ye paralel olarak Sakarya'daki öğrencilerin de Fen ba?arısının dü?ük olduğunu göstermektedir. Bölgelerin geli?mi?lik düzeyi ba?arıyla doğru orantılıdır. 2003?2006 arası OKS'lerde en ba?arılı bölge Marmara'dır. Sakarya ise Marmara Bölgesi'nin en ba?arısız ikinci ilidir. Deprem ya?amı? kom?u illere göre Sakarya; Yalova ve Kocaeli'ye göre ba?arısı dü?ük, Düzce'ye göre daha ba?arılıdır.STS istatistikleri de OKS gibi sayısal derslerdeki ba?arının diğer derslere oranla daha dü?ük olduğunu göstermi?tir. ?statistikler, Sakarya'da tüm derslerdeki ortalama netler dikkate alındığında kız öğrencilerin daha ba?arılı olduğunu göstermektedir. Fakat erkek öğrencilerin sayısal derslerde kız öğrencilerden daha ba?arılı oldukları tespit edilmi?tir. Sadece okul birincilerinin ortalama netlerine göre değerlendirme yapıldığında ise erkek okul birincisi öğrencilerin daha ba?arılı oldukları görülmü?tür. Sakarya'da ba?arı konusunda özel okulların belirgin bir üstünlüğü vardır. Adapazarı, özel okullar istatistiklere dahil edilmediğinde de Sakarya'nın en ba?arılı ilçesidir.Türkiye genelinde yapılan OKS ile Sakarya'da yapılan STS'ler, öğrencilerin ba?arısını tespit etmektedir. Ba?arının da, sekiz yıllık eğitimden mezun olacak öğrencilerin, Fen okur-yazarı olabilmeleri için bir adım olduğu dü?ünülmektedir. Bu nedenle ara?tırmanın bulguları, ba?arıyı artırıcı önlemler alınabilmesinde bir ölçüt olacaktır.Anahtar Kelimeler: ?lköğretim ?kinci Kademe Öğrencileri, Bilimsel Okur-Yazarlık, Fen Ba?arısı, OKS, Sakarya ili Seviye Tespit SınavıScience is very important concept in today?s world which technologic development level dictates power of countries. Societies which give weight to science, will develop rapidly in every area. As it?s well known, today?s elementary school students are tomorrow?s adults who will shape our future, to educate them to be science literate individuals is the crucial point for the future of our society. Therefore, elementary education is the base of development of our society.This study conducted to determine academic achievement level of secondary school students in science and technology lesson. Predominantly, results and statistics of STS(Achievement Tests) in 2005-2006 term and OKS(Secondary Schools Entrance Exam) between 2003-2006, held in Sakarya, used as data source in the process. No other data or survey taken into consideration. Evaluation methods and processes in our schools, OKS exams and examination fact in our country, factors which affect students? achievement are expilicated in the study. Besides, evaluation of achievement level in Sakarya in comparison with neighbour cities and Türkiye general, included. In light of STS statistics of 2005-2006 term, comparisons between towns of Sakarya, private schools and state schools, male studens and female students also included to find out achievement level in Sakarya.Results of study show that, science achievement level is low in Sakarya in parallel with Turkey general. There is positive correlation between development level of region and achievement level. According to results of OKS?s in 2003?2006 terms, Marmara is the most successful region in Turkey. Sakarya is the second worst in achievement in Marmara Region. Among the cities which experinced earthquake disaster, Sakarya is better than Düzce but less successful than Yalova and Kocaeli in terms of achievement level.STS statistics, same as OKS statistics, indicate that, achievement level in science lessons lower than other lessons. Female students are more successful than male students in general. But, in terms of science lessons statistics, male students are better. When honor students considered, male students take the lead. Statistics also show that, private schools are superior compared to state schools. In comparison between towns of Sakarya, Adapazarı is the most successful one even private schools are excepted.Academic achievement of students is evaluated and tested by means of OKS and other exams held in Sakarya. Academic achievement considered as key factor for students who will graduate from eight years elementary school to be science literate. Findings of this study will be the criteria while taking measures to increase achievement level.Key Words: Secondary School Students, Science Literacy, Achievement in Science, OKS, ST

    The Proximal Effect of Alcohol on Intimate Partner Violence

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    Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a concerning public health problem in the United States. There has been consistent evidence for a positive association between alcohol use and IPV perpetration. However, relatively little research has been conducted to explore the proximal relation between alcohol use and IPV and how violent incidents differ depending on whether alcohol was involved or not. The current study used sequential analysis to examine women’s descriptions of violent incidents and explore the particular types of behaviors or events that preceded men’s perpetration of IPV. In accordance with the attention-allocation model (AAM) of alcohol use (Steele, Southwick, & Pagano, 1986), it was hypothesized that intoxicated men would respond violently to a wide range of partner cues, whereas men who were sober would only react violently in response to the most threatening partner cues. Moreover, intoxicated men were expected to demonstrate less inhibition of violence to suppressor cues of the partners’ distress as compared to sober men. Participants were 80 couples in which at least one partner reported some male-to-female IPV within the past year. While sober men were more likely than would be expected based on chance to react violently to their partner’s physical threat (z = 4.86, p < .001) and perceived threat (z = 2.26, p = .024) behavior, these behaviors were not significantly predictive of violence for intoxicated men. Sober men were less likely to become violent after their partners displayed distress cues (z = -2.35, p = .019), whereas women’s distress cues had no significant impact on intoxicated men’s perpetration of violence. Clinical implications are discussed.Psychology, Department o

    The Two Factors of Psychopathy as Predictors of Autonomic Reactivity in Intimate Partner Abusers

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    Psychopathy is a personality disorder that has emerged as a correlate of antisocial, impulsive, and violent behavior, including intimate partner violence (IPV). Several studies have found that psychopathic and/or criminal individuals tend to experience a blunted physiological response to stress-inducing stimuli and two competing theories have been offered as to the origins of this hypoarousal. One argues that psychopaths exhibit a dysfunctional fear learning response and the other argues instead that psychopaths experience chronic underarousal that leads them to engage in problematic sensation-seeking behavior. Although these two theories have been viewed as competing, in this paper we hypothesized that each theory could prove useful when applied to underlying factors of psychopathy. Specifically, we predicted that PPI-I (the interpersonal-affective component of psychopathy) would be positively correlated with IPV and negatively correlated with psychophysiological reactivity in a marital conflict task. Additionally, we predicted that PPI-II (the overt antisocial behavioral component of psychopathy) would be positively correlated with IPV and negatively correlated with baseline heart rate and skin conductance level. The results demonstrated a positive correlation between psychopathy and IPV only for PPI-I. None of the correlations between each of the factors of psychopathy and measures of physiological responding were significant. The current study also explored the moderating effect of severity of violence and conviction status in the relationships between psychopathy and psychophysiological responding, but found no significant moderators. These results suggest that future IPV intervention efforts may do well to target individuals high in PPI-I, particularly when treating severe forms of IPV.Psychology, Department o

    Windows, a collection of stories

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    English, Department o

    Re-Defining Traditional Bazaar Areas and Shade Structures Via Parametric Design Methods

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    For the continuation of life, people created various equipment and goods. To create mutual benefits, they’ve exchanged the overpruduced items with different products. This has begun the shopping act. By the increased amount of transactions, a need of defined area for shopping have arisen.  For a temporary time, trading areas have been developed at different locations at a certain period. In the course of time, beside trading, these areas served as socio-cultural spaces where the human relations were established. Moreover, demand of being able to immediately access to needed goods have emerged. This situation made having a permanent trading area essential. Therefore, enclosed and permanent trade areas from bazaar, inn, bedesten, arasta to shopping malls have emerged. Next to all these trading areas, traditional bazaar areas keep being established. Nowadays, there is a need of providing some determined comfort conditions to the users for these street alley bazaars. Decreasing the effect of unfavorable weather conditions and providing supportive certain services and units (like WCs, security, cleanliness, etc.) are some of them. As a fundamental solution, without disengaging the user relations with the outside, shade structures are generally provided. Shade structures can support cleaning and similar jobs by gathering and using rainwater besides its purpose of protecting the user from bad weather conditions. Application examples of these systems are gradually increasing. However, it is necessary to develop new approaches, in order to stop these proposed shade structures, become prototypes and to adapt the proposal to its environment and to increase diversity. In this study, a convenient shade structure and its alternatives, which are adapted to environmental conditions, were designed to create a sample model for other bazaar areas. In models, basically, folding design approaches were pursued. For production of these shade structure models, parametric modelling technics (Grasshoppers and Rhinoceros software) were used and different variations of model were generated. Chosen examples of models were evaluated in the aspect of feasibility. A comparison was made between the existing examples and our designed models. Ecological contributions of these models were also taken into consideration and harvestable rainwater amount by this system was calculated. Accordingly, advantages of the system to the bazaar area and to its environment were studied