168 research outputs found

    Removal of Heavy Metals from Wastewater in Hawassa Textile Factory Treatment Ponds by Shoenoplectus Lacustris: Opportunity of Phytoremediation by Aquatic Macrophyte

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    A phytoremediation study was made on Hawassa Textile Factory Treatment ponds to assess the potential of Shoenoplectus lacustris to accumulate heavy metals in the plant tissues with reference to water. To achieve the objectives of this study, roots and shoots of Shoenoplectus lacustris along with surface water in the two treatment ponds having the macrophyte at their shoreline were analyzed by EPA standard methods for six heavy metals, i.e., Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Mn and Zn.  The results showed that the concentration of heavy metals were higher in macrophytes than water. The accumulation of heavy metals in water and in the macrophytes had the same pattern with descending order of Zn>Mn>Cu>Cr>Cd while Cu and Zn were more accumulated in macrophytes.  Lead was below detection in all samples analyzed for heavy metals. There were significant differences in accumulation of the different heavy metals in roots and shoots of Shoenoplectus lacustris. Results from both ponds showed that higher heavy metals accumulation generally occurred in the root of Shoenoplectus lacustris than the shoot. However, the shoot accumulated higher concentration of Mn than the root. Therefore, the present study revealed that Shoenoplectus lacustris can serve as bioremediant due to its ability to remove heavy metals from contaminated water and accumulate in its roots and shoots thereby improving water quality. Thus, in order to improve the efficiency of biological lagoons constructed for the treatment of the city sewage industry wastes, it is very important to growth the Shoenoplectus lacustris. Keywords: Heavy metals, Bioremediant, Macrophytes, Phytoremediation, Ponds, Textile factory DOI: 10.7176/JEES/9-4-02 Publication date: April 30th 201

    The Prevalence and Associated Factors of Protein Energy Malnutrition among under Five Year Children in Pediatric OPDs of Public Health Institution in Yirgalem Town, Southern Ethiopia, 2017

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    Introduction: Protein energy malnutrition is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in children under the age of five in developing countries. Ethiopia being one of these countries malnutrition is an important public health problem and among the highest in the world Objectives: The main objective of this study is to assess the prevalence and associated factors of protein energy malnutrition among under-five children in pediatric OPDs of public health institutions at Yirgalem town, Dale woreda, Sidama zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia from September 18-26, 2017. Methodology: Institutional based cross sectional study was conducted in pediatric OPDs of public health institutions in Yirgalem town, on a total of 204 children age less than five years from September 18-26, 2017. Study subjects were selected by using quota sampling technique. Interviewer administered structured questionnaire and anthropometric measurements were used to collect data. Data was analysed using SPSS version 20.0statistical software. Result: This study indicated that the prevalence of stunting wasting and Under-weight was 41.2%, 1.7% and 25% respectively. Factors showed statistically significant association in multivariate analysis were family planning use by mother, children eat together with older siblings and exclusive breast feeding with P-value (0.02), (0.036) and (0.002) respectively. Conclusion: This study reviled that the prevalence of stunting, wasting and under-weight were higher among under-five children participated in this study. Thus children are at a higher risk of under nutrition related morbidity and mortality. Further progress in under nutrition prevention can be achieved by specifically targeting children at their early age and conducting tailored public education to improve the nutritional status of the study subjects

    An IEEE 1149.x Embedded Test Coprocessor

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    This paper describes a microprogrammed architecture for an embedded coprocessor that is ableto control IEEE 1149.1 to IEEE 1149.7 test infrastructures, and explains how to expand the supportedtest command set. The coprocessor uses a fast simplex link (FSL) channel to interface a32-bit MicroBlaze CPU, but it can work with any microprocessor core that accepts this simpleFIFO-based interface method. The implementation cost (logic resource usage for a Xilinx Spartan6FPGA) and the performance data (operating frequency) are presented for a test command setcomprising two parts: 1) the full IEEE 1149.1 structural test operations; 2) a subset of IEEE 1149.7operations selected to illustrate the implementation of advanced scan formats

    Algal Multipurpose Benefit

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    Algae are the mass groups of photosynthetic agent that are able to contribute the variety food component and oxygen for the planet.  The review emphasized on the benefits of algae for multipurpose. As a result, several research paper finding reviewed to be informed about algal benefit for different purposes. Many paper findings agreeing the algal potential to regulate the environment by reducing the concentration of corbondioxide, releasing the oxygen for organism’s respiration and aeration to decompose the pollutant into usable nutrients. . And also several findings ascertain us the algae importance to increase the crop production by fixing the nitrogen biomass in agricultural fields and contribute to enhance high crop biomass production by change the nitrogen gas to utilizable form. They have also the potential to indicate the environmental pollution and have the potential to treat the wastes for reducing the pollutants concentration.  Algae also contain all essential amino acids, Iodine, vitamins B1, B2, B6, niacin, carotene and minerals, while the presence of heavy metals is negligible. They are also used as extracts in food, cosmetics, and industrial uses. Moreover, they have been reported for their potential medicinal uses as antioxidant, anticancer, antiviral properties. Algal potential to produce biofuels production also has been many scholars’ research findings. Generally algae are much important for ecology, economy, nutrition, health and production of fuels. Keywords: Algae, biofuel production, Medicine, nitrogen fixation, bioindicator DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/9-23-01 Publication date: December 31st 201

    Transient Analysis of Two-Phase Induction Motor driven by Voltage Source Inverter with Current Limiter

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    In this paper, the analysis of transient performance of two-phase induction motor driven by a voltage source inverter with current limiter is described. The motor is represented by using a two-axis model, that is, the Kron primitive machine. The state equations of mechanical-electrical system are derived. The calculation method with a discrete point of time is employed in order to decrease the CPU time of computer. The calculated results gained from this method agree well with the measured. Then, with the aid of this analytical method, the discussions on transient performance of this system are also performed

    Fibroplasia Ossificans Progressiva: A Case Report of a Rare Disease Entity

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    BACKGROUND: Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP), also known as Myositis ossificans progressiva or Munchmeyer's disease, is an extremely rare and disabling genetic condition of congenital skeletal malformations and progressive heterotopic ossification (HO). The disease is characterized by congenital skeletal anomalies and progressive ectopic bone formation in connective tissues such as ligaments, muscles and tendons. The disease has an incidence of about 1 in 2 million population.CASE DETAILS: We report a case of a 2-year and 8-month old male child with an initial diagnosis of soft tissue sarcoma based on fine needle aspiration (FNAC) of neck swelling.CONCLUSION: Fibroplasia ossificans progressive (FOP) characteristically manifests with bilateral malformation of the great toe and progressive heterotopic ossification (HO). Clinicians and radiologists should be aware of these to prevent permanent disability.KEYWORDS: Fibroplasia ossificans progressive, myositis ossifican

    Prevalence and determinants of cardiac arrhythmias and conduction anomalies in adults aged ≥ 40 years in Jimma Town, Southwest of Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: The prevalence of cardiac arrhythmia (CA) in the Ethiopian population is unknown. A community study was conducted to assess the magnitude and predictors of CAs in adults aged≥40 years in Jimma Town. Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted in Jimma town from May to July 2017. A total of 634 adults aged 40 years or older were selected using a systematic sampling technique from six kebeles of the Town. Study participants were screened for CA using a 12-lead ECG machine. Face-to-face interviews, anthropometric, important clinical measurements were performed. Data analysis was done using SPSS for windows version 21.0. Results: A total of 634 study participants, significant CA occurred in 217 individuals (34.2%). Conduction abnormalities and sinus bradycardia were the commonest findings (25.4%). Premature beats (ventricular 1.9%, atrial 1.1%) and atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (2.1%) were the next most frequent arrhythmias. Arrhythmias were independently associated with smoking(AOR=1.9;P=.047), hypertension(AOR=1.5;P=.02), heart failure(AOR=2.06;P=.023), prior stroke(AOR=4.9;P=.001), previous history of MI(AOR=1.78;P=.039), vigorous intensity activities(AOR=0.56;P=.024), solidified vegetable oil consumption (AOR=3.5;P=.004), and occupation(pensioner, none)[AOR=1.7;P=.017]. Conclusions: CA is highly prevalent in Jimma. Hypertension and history of heart diseases are the most potent predictors of cardiac arrhythmia. Large-scale screening for early detection of arrhythmia has important implications for treatment. Keywords: Cardiac arrhythmia; prevalence; pisk-factors; 12-lead ECG; Jimma Town

    Dysglycemia in Critically Ill Children Admitted to Jimma Medical Centre, Southwest Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND፡ Abnormal blood glucose level is one of the most frequently encountered problems in children with severe illnesses. However, its magnitude and outcome have rarely been determined in Ethiopia. We aimed to determine the magnitude, associated factors and outcome of dysglycemia in critically ill children admitted to Jimma Medical Center.METHODS: Prospective longitudinal study was conducted on children aged 28 days to 14 years admitted with critical illnesses at the different units of the Department of Pediatrics and Child Health of Jimma Medical Center, Southwest Ethiopia, from June to August 2019. Data were collected by trained medical personnel using structured questionnaire and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) windows version 20.0. Dysglycemia was considered whenever the child had a random blood sugar >150mg/dl or <45mg/dl.RESULT: Dysglycemia was seen at admission in 139/481, 28.9% children; 24 (5.0%) had hypoglycemia whereas 115 (23.9%) had hyperglycemia. The factors associated with dysglycemia at admission were severe acute malnutrition (p=002, AOR=3.09, CI=1.18,7.77), impaired mental status (p=0.003, AOR=4.63, CI=1.68, 12.71), place of residence (p=0.01, AOR=1.85, CI=1.15-2.96) and presence of diarrhea on date of admission. Among the children who had dysglycemia at admission, 16/139, 11.5% died.CONCLUSION: Dysglycemia is a common problem in critically ill children in the setting. Blood glucose level should be determined for all critically ill children, and routine empirical administration of dextrose should be minimized since most of the children with dysglycemia had hyperglycemia than hypoglycemia

    Origin of ocean island basalts in the West African passive margin without mantle plume involvement

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    The geochemical variabilities in intraplate basalts (IB) from the West African passive margin (WAPM) region, have generally been employed to indicate the presence of recycled materials in an associated upwelling mantle plume. However, the absence of time-progressive linear hotspot tracks in WAPM-IB make it difficult to explain their genesis solely by the mantle plume hypothesis. Here, we show that the Sr–Nd–Hf–Pb isotopic variations in basalts from most of the WAPM-IB could have mainly attributed to the derivation from two types of fusible regions of the refertilized subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) and the sub-lithospheric mantle. The locations and magma genesis of WAPM-IB are strongly related to the distance from the Mesozoic rift axis and the structure of the rifted SCLM. The melting of the source region can possibly be attributed to small-scale mantle convection at the base of the SCLM without the involvement of a mantle plume