399 research outputs found

    T/B scaling without quasiparticle mass divergence: YbCo2Ge4

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    YbCo2_2Ge4_4 is a clean paramagnetic Kondo lattice which displays non-Fermi liquid behavior. We report a detailed investigation of the specific heat, magnetic Gr\"uneisen parameter (Γmag\Gamma_{\rm mag}) and temperature derivative of the magnetization (MM) on a high-quality single crystal at temperatures down to 0.10.1~K and magnetic fields up to 7~T. Γmag\Gamma_{\rm mag} and dM/dTdM/dT display a divergence upon cooling and obey T/BT/B scaling. Similar behavior has previously been found in several other Yb-based Kondo lattices and related to a zero-field quantum critical point without fine tuning of pressure or composition. However, in the approach of B0B\rightarrow 0 the electronic heat capacity coefficient of YbCo2_2Ge4_4 saturates at low TT, excluding ferromagnetic quantum criticality. This indicates that T/BT/B scaling is insufficient to prove a zero-field quantum critical point.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures (including supplemental material

    Pathfinder cells provide a novel therapeutic intervention for acute kidney injury

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    Pathfinder cells (PCs) are a novel class of adult-derived cells that facilitate functional repair of host tissue. We used rat PCs to demonstrate that they enable the functional mitigation of ischemia reperfusion (I/R) injury in a mouse model of renal damage. Female C57BL/6 mice were subjected to 30 min of renal ischemia and treated with intravenous (i.v.) injection of saline (control) or male rat pancreas-derived PCs in blinded experimentation. Kidney function was assessed 14 days after treatment by measuring serum creatinine (SC) levels. Kidney tissue was assessed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) for markers of cellular damage, proliferation, and senescence (TUNEL, Ki67, p16ink4a, p21). Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was performed to determine the presence of any rat (i.e., pathfinder) cells in the mouse tissue. PC-treated animals demonstrated superior renal function at day 14 post-I/R, in comparison to saline-treated controls, as measured by SC levels (0.13 mg/dL vs. 0.23 mg/dL, p<0.001). PC-treated kidney tissue expressed significantly lower levels of p16ink4a in comparison to the control group (p=0.009). FISH analysis demonstrated that the overwhelming majority of repaired kidney tissue was mouse in origin. Rat PCs were only detected at a frequency of 0.02%. These data confirm that PCs have the ability to mitigate functional damage to kidney tissue following I/R injury. Kidneys of PC-treated animals showed evidence of improved function and reduced expression of damage markers. The PCs appear to act in a paracrine fashion, stimulating the host tissue to recover functionally, rather than by differentiating into renal cells. This study demonstrates that pancreatic-derived PCs from the adult rat can enable functional repair of renal damage in mice. It validates the use of PCs to regenerate damaged tissues and also offers a novel therapeutic intervention for repair of solid organ damage in situ

    Baseline for ostracod-based northwestern Pacific and Indo-Pacific shallow-marine paleoenvironmental reconstructions: ecological modeling of species distributions

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    Fossil ostracods have been widely used for Quaternary paleoenvironmental reconstructions, especially in marginal marine environments (e.g., for water depth, temperature, salinity, oxygen levels, pollution). But our knowledge of indicator species autoecology, the base of paleoenvironmental reconstructions, remains limited and commonly lacks robust statistical support and comprehensive comparison with environmental data. We analyzed marginal marine ostracod taxa at 52 sites in Hong Kong for which comprehensive environmental data are available. We applied linear regression models to reveal relationships between species distribution and environmental factors for 18 common taxa (mainly species, a few genera) in our Hong Kong dataset and identified indicator species of environmental parameters. For example, Sinocytheridea impressa, a widely distributed euryhaline species throughout the East and South China Sea and the Indo-Pacific, indicates eutrophication and bottom-water hypoxia. Neomonoceratina delicata, a widely known species from nearshore and estuarine environments in the East and South China Sea and the Indo-Pacific, indicates heavy metal pollution and increased turbidity. The 18 taxa used for this study are widely distributed geographically and divided into the following groups: widespread (throughout the northwestern Pacific and Indo-Pacific regions), temperate (South China Sea to Russia (Sea of Japan coast) and Japan), subtropical (Indo-Pacific to the East China Sea), tropical (Indo-Pacific and South China Sea), and globally distributed. With statistical support from ecological modeling and comprehensive environmental data, these results provide a robust baseline for ostracod-based Quaternary–Anthropocene paleoenvironmental reconstructions in the tropical–extratropical northwestern Pacific and Indo-Pacific. Highlights. We provide a robust baseline for ostracod-based (microscopic Arthropods) paleoenvironmental reconstructions from Quaternary and Anthropocene marginal marine sediments. The studied species have wide distributions over the tropics and extratropics of the northwestern Pacific and Indo-Pacific. Ecological modeling has established ostracod species as reliable indicators for paleoenvironmental reconstructions.</ol

    Shallow marine ostracode distribution in Hong Kong

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    Oral PresentationHong Kong is one of the largest and most rapidly developing cities in Asia. It is known that the marine ecosystems of Hong Kong have been seriously influenced by a variety of anthropogenic factors, including eutrophication, bottom trawling, coastal reclamation, pollution, etc. Crustacean ostracodes are known to be sensitive to such environmental degradation. However, basic information of ostracode distribution is limited in Hong Kong. Here we investigated spatial distribution of modern ostracode assemblages in grab samples. Preliminary results obtained from 55 sites covering most areas of Hong Kong …postprin

    Influences of Holocene environmental changes on submarine cave ostracode community and species diversity

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    Oral PresentationSubmarine cave is a unique ecosystem where some “living fossil” species have been discovered, probably due to its dark and isolated nature. However, the long-term community history of organisms living in submarine cave remains poorly understood. Here, fossil ostracode faunal and diversity changes during the past 7,000 years are examined with the use of 2 sediment cores obtained from Daidokutsu submarine cave in Okinawa, Japan. Ostracode fauna in these cores is dominated by shallow marine reef species (e.g. Loxoconcha japonica, Xestoleberis spp., Paranesidea spp., and Cytherella spp.), besides, it includes some typical submarine cave species (e.g. Kasella ryukyuensis, Cardobairdia sp., Microcythere spp., and Bythocypris sp.). TempOral Presentation changes in relative abundances of typical submarine cave species and shallow marine reef species reflect changes in connectivity between cave and the outside shallow marine reef environment during the Holocene. Based on multi-dimensional scaling and cluster analysis, the faunal composition changes in the cores can be divided into 3 stages, which are possibly in the sequence of 1) cave environment connected with open ocean, 2) transitional stage, to 3) cave environment with limited exchange with open ocean. These results suggest that Daidokutsu cave has gradually changed from a relatively open cave to current dark and enclosed cave, and such dark and enclosed cave environment has only had a history of around 1000 years.postprin

    Dynamics of Simple Balancing Models with State Dependent Switching Control

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    Time-delayed control in a balancing problem may be a nonsmooth function for a variety of reasons. In this paper we study a simple model of the control of an inverted pendulum by either a connected movable cart or an applied torque for which the control is turned off when the pendulum is located within certain regions of phase space. Without applying a small angle approximation for deviations about the vertical position, we see structurally stable periodic orbits which may be attracting or repelling. Due to the nonsmooth nature of the control, these periodic orbits are born in various discontinuity-induced bifurcations. Also we show that a coincidence of switching events can produce complicated periodic and aperiodic solutions.Comment: 36 pages, 12 figure

    Deaminase-independent inhibition of HIV-1 reverse transcription by APOBEC3G

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    APOBEC3G (A3G), a host protein that inhibits HIV-1 reverse transcription and replication in the absence of Vif, displays cytidine deaminase and single-stranded (ss) nucleic acid binding activities. HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein (NC) also binds nucleic acids and has a unique property, nucleic acid chaperone activity, which is crucial for efficient reverse transcription. Here we report the interplay between A3G, NC and reverse transcriptase (RT) and the effect of highly purified A3G on individual reactions that occur during reverse transcription. We find that A3G did not affect the kinetics of NC-mediated annealing reactions, nor did it inhibit RNase H cleavage. In sharp contrast, A3G significantly inhibited all RT-catalyzed DNA elongation reactions with or without NC. In the case of (−) strong-stop DNA synthesis, the inhibition was independent of A3G's catalytic activity. Fluorescence anisotropy and single molecule DNA stretching analyses indicated that NC has a higher nucleic acid binding affinity than A3G, but more importantly, displays faster association/disassociation kinetics. RT binds to ssDNA with a much lower affinity than either NC or A3G. These data support a novel mechanism for deaminase-independent inhibition of reverse transcription that is determined by critical differences in the nucleic acid binding properties of A3G, NC and RT

    Sequence and structural determinants of human APOBEC3H deaminase and anti-HIV-1 activities

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    Background: Human APOBEC3H (A3H) belongs to the A3 family of host restriction factors, which are cytidine deaminases that catalyze conversion of deoxycytidine to deoxyuridine in single-stranded DNA. A3 proteins contain either one (A3A, A3C, A3H) or two (A3B, A3D, A3F, A3G) Zn-binding domains. A3H has seven haplotypes (I-VII) that exhibit diverse biological phenotypes and geographical distribution in the human population. Its single Zn-coordinating deaminase domain belongs to a phylogenetic cluster (Z3) that is different from the Z1- and Z2-type domains in other human A3 proteins. A3H HapII, unlike A3A or A3C, has potent activity against HIV-1. Here, we sought to identify the determinants of A3H HapII deaminase and antiviral activities, using site-directed sequence- and structure-guided mutagenesis together with cell-based, biochemical, and HIV-1 infectivity assays. Results: We have constructed a homology model of A3H HapII, which is similar to the known structures of other A3 proteins. The model revealed a large cluster of basic residues (not present in A3A or A3C) that are likely to be involved in nucleic acid binding. Indeed, RNase A pretreatment of 293T cell lysates expressing A3H was shown to be required for detection of deaminase activity, indicating that interaction with cellular RNAs inhibits A3H catalytic function. Similar observations have been made with A3G. Analysis of A3H deaminase substrate specificity demonstrated that a 5" T adjacent to the catalytic C is preferred. Changing the putative nucleic acid binding residues identified by the model resulted in reduction or abrogation of enzymatic activity, while substituting Z3-specific residues in A3H to the corresponding residues in other A3 proteins did not affect enzyme function. As shown for A3G and A3F, some A3H mutants were defective in catalysis, but retained antiviral activity against HIV-1vif (-) virions. Furthermore, endogenous reverse transcription assays demonstrated that the E56A catalytic mutant inhibits HIV-1 DNA synthesis, although not as efficiently as wild type. Conclusions: The molecular and biological activities of A3H are more similar to those of the double-domain A3 proteins than to those of A3A or A3C. Importantly, A3H appears to use both deaminase-dependent and -independent mechanisms to target reverse transcription and restrict HIV-1 replication

    Transcriptional activity of the 5′-flanking region of the thyroid transcription factor-1 gene in human thyroid cell lines

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    Thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1, NKX2-1) is a homeodomain-containing transcriptional factor that binds to and activates the promoters of thyroid and lung-specific genes, such as thyroglobulin, thyroid peroxidase, and thyroid stimulating hormone receptor. TTF-1 is known to play a key role in the development of the thyroid. However, the precise mechanism of TTF-1 gene transcription in human thyroid cells has not been studied. The expression of transcriptional activity in various lengths of the 5′-flanking region of the human TTF -1 gene was studied in TTF-1 positive and negative human thyroid cell lines. Increased transcriptional activity was observed in thyroid cell lines containing plasmids that coded for a sequence proximal to the transcription start site of exon 1 of the TTF-1 gene. However, we did not observe any difference in promoter activity in the region up to −2.6 kb from the proximal transcription start site of the TTF-1 gene between TTF-1 positive and negative cells. These results suggest that the proximal 5′-flanking region of the human TTF -1 gene does not contain sufficient cis-active regulatory information to direct gene expression in thyroid cells, and that other cis- or trans-acting factors participate in the thyroid specific gene expression of TTF-1

    Studies of ultra-intense laser plasma interactions for fast ignition

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    Copyright 2000 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Physics of Plasmas, 7(5), 2014-2022, 2000 and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.87402