255 research outputs found

    Terahertz Technology for Defense and Security-Related Applications

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    This thesis deals with chosen aspects of terahertz (THz) technology that have potential in defense and security-related applications. A novel method for simultaneous data acquisition in time-resolved THz spectroscopy experiments is developed. This technique is demonstrated by extracting the sheet conductivity of photoexcited charge carriers in semi-insulating gallium arsenide. Comparison with results obtained using a standard data acquisition scheme shows that the new method minimizes errors originating from fluctuations in the laser system out-put and timing errors in the THz pulse detection. Furthermore, a new organic material, BNA, is proved to be a strong and broadband THz emitter which enables spectroscopy with a bandwidth twice as large as conventional spectroscopy in the field. To access electric fields allowing exploration of THz nonlinear phenomena, field enhancement properties of tapered parallel plate waveguide


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    Plants signal their health in a broader spectrum than we can see with our eyes. We compared sunlight reflectance on plants at spectral wavelengths ranging from 430 nm to 870 nm in our study. These are based on multispectral images captured at a distance of 2 m. Indoor plants were observed over a period of 18 days and stressed due to a lack of sunlight or water. Wild sedge photographed on the forest floor at close range and with a difficult capture setup produced results comparable to published multispectral signatures derived from aerial imagery. Changes of leaf reflectance were noticed in spectral signatures and in vegetation indices. When calculating vegetation indices, our results show that comparing red and red edge reflectance values is superior to comparing red and NIR reflectance values

    Nuclear power plants as the balancing source in fulfillment of energy requirements – forecast up to 2030

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    The energetic management in most of the countries, mainly based on the hard coal and lignite consumption, must be changed up to 2030 and the natural gas energy as well renewable energy should be more and more significant. As the energy forecast up to 2030 for Poland shows, taking into consideration growth the national requirement and the necessity of lowering the environmental pollution (being the effect of Union Directives), it is necessary to introduce the nuclear energy into energetic balance. The paper shows that the energy development decision makers took into account renewable energy and nuclear energy, which were neglected in the past by the government and ignored by coal energy producers. The newest data of nuclear energy in energy balances of various countries were presented.Енергетичний менеджмент, який у більшості країн світу базується на кам’яному вугіллі та споживанні лініту, повинен зазнати змін до 2030 року, а видобування енергії з природного газу, як більш екологічно чистого джерела енергії, повинно збільшитися. Прогнози для Польщі до 2030 року, враховуючи зростання національних потреб і вимог (згідно Директив Євросоюзу) щодо зниження екологічного забруднення, показують, що в енергетичний баланс країни необхідно ввести ядерну енергетику. Стаття показує, що теперішня влада, на відміну від попередньої, почала враховувати потреби використання відновлювальної та ядерної енергетики, що раніше ігнорувалося з огляду на виробників енергії з кам’яного вугілля. У статті також наведено найновіші дані про частку ядерної енергії в енергетичних балансах різних країн


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    The FAIR principle (find, access, interoperability, reuse) forms a sustainable resource for scientific exchange between researchers. Currently, the implementation of this principle is an important process for future research projects. To support this process in the ISPRS community, the usage of data repositories for dataset publication has the potential to bring closer the achievement of the FAIR principle. Therefore, we (1) analysed available data repositories, (2) identified common keywords in ISPRS publications and (3) developed a tool for searching appropriate repositories. Thus, infrastructures from the field of geosciences, that can already be used, become more accessible

    Automatic coregistration of three-dimensional building models with image features

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    The aim of this article is to investigate methods for\ud the automatic extraction of the infrared (IR) textures\ud for the roofs and facades of existing building models.\ud We focus on the correction of the measured exterior\ud orientation parameters of the IR camera mounted on\ud a mobile platform. The developed method is based on\ud point-to-point matching of the features extracted from\ud IR images with a wire-frame building model. Firstly,\ud the extraction of different feature types is studied on\ud a sample IR image; Förstner and intersection points\ud are chosen for a representation of the image features.\ud Secondly, the three-dimensional (3D) building model\ud is projected into each frame of the IR video sequence\ud using orientation parameters; only coarse exterior\ud orientation parameters are known. Then the automatic\ud co-registration of a 3D building model projection into\ud the image sequence with image features is carried out.\ud The matching of a model and extracted features is\ud applied iteratively, and exterior orientation parameters\ud are adjusted with least square adjustment. The method\ud is tested on a dataset of a dense urban area. Finally,\ud an evaluation of the developed method is presented\ud with five quality parameters, i.e. efficiency of the\ud method, completeness and correctness of matching\ud and extraction


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    Open science is an important attribute for developing new approaches. Especially, the data component plays a significant role. The FAIR principle provides a good orientation towards open data. One part of FAIR is findability. Thus, domain specific dataset search platforms were developed: the Earth Observation Database and our Benchmark Metadata Database (BeMeDa). In addition to the search itself, the datasets found by this platforms can be compared with each other with regard to their interoperability. We compare these two platforms and present an update of our platform BeMeDa. This update includes additional location information about the datasets and a new frontend design with improved usability. We rely on user feedback for further improvements and enhancements