394 research outputs found

    Prognostic significance of right bundle branch block in patients with acute inferior myocardial infarction

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    There is little information available concerning the influence of right bundle branch block (RBBB) on the prognosis of patients with inferior myocardial infarction (MI). In this study we evaluated the influence of RBBB on the short-term prognosis of patients with inferior MI. Our study subjects were 1,265 hospitalized patients with Q wave MI. Patients were divided into 4 groups based on the presence or absence of RBBB and on the location of the infarction. RBBB was classified into 4 categories according to the timing of its appearance and its duration as new permanent, transient, old and age indeterminate. In-hospital death and pulmonary congestion were observed more frequently in patients with RBBB than in those without RBBB. Moreover, in inferior MI as in anterior MI, in-hospital death and pulmonary congestion occurred more frequently in new permanent RBBB patients than in patients with other types of RBBB. Multivariate regression analysis reveals that new permanent RBBB was a strong independent predictor for an adverse short-term prognosis in patients with inferior MI, as well as in patients with anterior MI. New permanent RBBB during inferior MI is a strong independent predictor for increased in-hospital mortality, regardless of the infarction location.</p

    One-loop renormalization factors and mixing coeffecients of bilinear quark operators for improved gluon and quark actions

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    We calculate one-loop renormalization factors and mixing coefficients of bilinear quark operators for a class of gluon actions with six-link loops and O(a)-improved quark action. The calculation is carried out by evaluating on-shell Green's functions of quarks and gluons in the standard perturbation theory. We find a general trend that finite parts of one-loop coefficients are reduced approximately by a factor two for the renormalization-group improved gluon actions compared with the case of the standard plaquette gluon action.Comment: LATTICE98(improvement), 3 page

    Population genetic structure ofYamato-sllijimi clam in Lake Sbinji, Japan

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    Yamato-shijimiclam Corbicula japonica is the best-known bivalve inhabiting ln brackish estuaries and lakes around Japan and one of the most commercially important species in inland fisheries. Althoughthe amotmt of C japonica from Lake Shinji has accotmted for the large part of the domestic catch, itsamolmt has dramatically fallen in recent years・ This study was conducted to verifythe genetic structtue and reproduction mechanism of C・ japonica, both of which are essential to its stock management in Lake Shinji. Weanalyzed sequence polymorphism of the 588 bp portion ofthemitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I (Col) gene to determinethe population genetic structure of C・ japonica in Lake Shinji・Among a total of 177 C・ japonica specimens collected from 4 colonies, 37 haplotypes were obtained, and 2 major haplotypes were apparent withrelatively highabtmdance in all colonies・ Well correspondingmismatch distributions along the Col gene were determined for the data sets of the individual colonies, and the pairwise population estimates FsT among the individual colonies were also generally low, Such small genetic differentiation of C japonica is derived kom highgeneflow in Lake Shinji, and this could be caused by a lake-wide dispersion of its larvae mediated by the water movements・Article信州大学山地水環境教育研究センター研究報告 6: 115-124(2010)departmental bulletin pape

    Chirality-selected crystal growth and spin polarization over centimeters of transition metal disilicide crystals

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    We performed a chirality-controlled crystal growth of transition metal disilicide NbSi2_{2} and TaSi2_{2} by using a laser-diode-heated floating zone (LDFZ) method. The crystal chirality was evaluated in the crystals of centimeters in length by performing single crystal X-ray diffraction as well as probing a spin polarization originating from chirality-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect. The crystals of right-handed NbSi2_{2} and of left-handed TaSi2_{2} were obtained in the conventional LDFZ crystal growth, while the left-handed NbSi2_{2} and right-handed TaSi2_{2} crystals were grown by the LDFZ method with the composition-gradient feed rods. The spin polarization via the CISS was observed over centimeters in the NbSi2_{2} single crystals and the sign of the CISS signals was dependent on the chirality of crystals. The correlation between the crystal chirality and CISS signals indicates that the CISS measurements work as a non-destructive method for chirality determination even in centimeter-long specimens.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Comparison of animal communities on benthic and drifting brown algae Sargassum horneri in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan

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    2018年5月,6月に広島県竹原市周辺海域にて着生している状態および流れ藻のアカモクを採集し,動物群集相の比較を行った。着生状態および流れ藻ともにソコミジンコ目カイアシ類,端脚類,等脚類,多毛類などがアカモク上で生息していることがわかった。Hornの重複度指数を用いて,月別の着生状態と流れ藻につく動物群集組成を比較したところ,6月の流れ藻における動物群集組成がほかと大きく異なることが明らかとなった。In May and June 2018, we collected both benthic and drifting large brown algae Sargassum horneri on the coast of Takehara City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. The animal communities on benthic and drifting thalli were compared. Phytal animals such as harpacticoid copepods, amphipods, isopods, and polychaetes were predominantly found on both thalli. The Horn’s overlap index showed that the animal communities on drifting thalli in June 2018 were clearly different from those of the benthic thalli