416 research outputs found

    Response of the Bilinear Hysteretic System to Stationary Random Excitation

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    Time-average statistics of the response of the bilinear hysteretic system to an excitation with approximately white-power spectral density and approximately Gaussian probability distribution are determined, using electronic-analog techniques. Results are presented for the mean-squared amplitude, the power spectral density, and the probability distribution of the response. The applicability of the Krylov-Bogoliubov method of equivalent linearization to this problem is investigated by comparing predicted and experimentally measured values of the mean-squared level of response

    Source Mechanism and Wave Propagation Arrays

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    The strong earthquake ground motion experienced at a given site can be considered to be a space-time convolution of the earthquake source function with the path effect and the effect of local site conditions. This chapter deals with the design of arrays to measure source and path effects for strong ground motion

    Sistem Otomasi Penggerak Kamera Dengan Motor Step Sebagai Alat Bantu Kalibrasi Alat Ukur Panjang

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    Alat ukur panjang merupakan alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur jarak antara dua titik dan mengukur pada kegiatan teknik maupun penelitian yang paling banyak dipakai dalam dunia industri maupun perdagangan. Sehingga, pengujian alat ukur panjang mutlak dibutuhkan untuk menjamin kebenaran alat ukur. Saat ini pengujian tera dan tera ulang alat ukur panjang yang ada di Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Kemetrologian (PPSDMK) Bandung dilakukan dengan membandingkan alat ukur terhadap komparator standar. Pengamatan dilakukan menggunakan web-camera yang ditampilkan pada layar monitor. Kondisi kamera terpasang diam sehingga area pengamatan titik uji sempit, pemosisian kamera, dan pembacaan hasil uji harus dilakukan secara manual. Untuk meningkatkan mobilitas kamera, dalam penelitian ini dibuat sistem otomasi penggerak kamera menggunakan motor step. Motor dikontrol menggunakan mikrokontroler, sehingga  kecepatan motor dapat diatur untuk menempatkan kamera pada posisi yang diinginkan menggunakan antar muka yang  yang dilengkapi dengan pengolahan citra sederhana sehingga dapat mendeteksi posisi skala dan menentukan posisi kamera. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan, posisi kamera telah dapat dikontrol sehingga motor akan berhenti ketika kamera mendeteksi posisi skala standar, serta menampilkan citra gambar secara langsung. Karakteristik pengukuran selisih skala meliputi sensitivitas 0,095 mm/pixel, akurasi 96% dan presisi 98%.Keywords: Alat ukur; control; web-camera; motor step; citra; pengukura

    Local Effects Arrays

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    It is not possible to give a precise definition of "local effects" as considered herein in contrast to "wave propagation effects" dealt with elsewhere in this report. By one possible definition, local effects might be those which affect the components of ground motion with a frequency greater than about 1 Hz (or, alternatively, wavelengths less than 1000 m). Seismologists have tended to concentrate their attention on frequencies less than 1 Hz and there is known to be a large degree of coherence in such frequency components over local areas. In the present context, local effects refer to geologic and topographic anomalies and the manner in which they affect ground motion in the frequency ranges of concern to engineers. In the most common specification of design ground motions for a building, no consideration is given to possible variations in ground motion over the site occupied by the building. This suffices for many practical purposes. In effect, one uses a single point specification, without consideration of gradients in the motions. However, for some special large structures (such as nuclear power plants, which may experience rocking and twisting input) and for extended structures (such as bridges, dams and pipelines), it is necessary to consider differential motions between points of the earth, that is, to consider horizontal gradients in the motions. The vertical gradient can also be important for embedded structures. In addition, there are other important engineering problems for which knowledge is incomplete, including interaction between soil and structure, soil failure and the nature of very long period motions

    Low-density series expansions for directed percolation III. Some two-dimensional lattices

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    We use very efficient algorithms to calculate low-density series for bond and site percolation on the directed triangular, honeycomb, kagom\'e, and (4.82)(4.8^2) lattices. Analysis of the series yields accurate estimates of the critical point pcp_c and various critical exponents. The exponent estimates differ only in the 5th5^{th} digit, thus providing strong numerical evidence for the expected universality of the critical exponents for directed percolation problems. In addition we also study the non-physical singularities of the series.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    The Role of Health and Non Health Sector in Expansion the Nhi Membership at Banyuasin Regency

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    Backgroud: Based on BPJS Kesehatan of Palembang's membership data on NHI era, the lowest percentage is Banyuasin Regency, that is 36,33% (registered member is 338.075 people/total population 930.523 people).One of the strategies in the expansion of membership is the integration between institutions (Partnership with other sectors).The aim from this study is to analyze role of partnership in health and non health sector in case to expand the membership of NHI in Banyuasin Regency. Method: This study is a qualitative study. Data were obtained through indeepth interview and observation. Analysis data is content analysis. Result: The partnership that exist between health and non health sector with BPJS Kesehatan had the type of membership, that is ‘Partnerships'. The communication that established regularly and nicely and activities are planned joint unrealized. Non health sector and BPJS Kesehatan have been sharing the data, but the data are involved is not accurate. This partnership had a MoU and decree, but it wasn't downgraded to other relevant agencies. The participation of key stakeholders are good and the partner act flexible with the change of rules and tasks. Vision and mission of special joint expansion membership and roles distribution wasn't written and there is the party who haven't believe that UHC in 2019 will be achieved. Conclusion: The partnership that exist between health and non health sector with BPJS had done. However, there was still the lack. Sugesstion for this study is to be better for the agreement of joint vision and mission and roles distribution to be written. It is better for the local goverment to continiouing the MoU to other relevant agencies and intertwining of good coordination among partners

    Garapan Penyajian Upacara Siraman Calon Pengantin Adat Sunda Grup Swari Laksmi Kabupaten Bandung

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    Penelitian “Garapan Penyajian Upacara Siraman Calon Pengantin Adat Sunda Grup Swari Laksmi Kabupaten Bandung”, bertujuan memaparkan struktur penyajian dan tekstualitas lagu. Latar belakang permasalahan Swari Laksmi memiliki konsep garap tersendiri dalam penyajian upacara siraman adat Sunda.Metode yang digunakan deskriptif analisis melalui paradigma kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, studi literatur, dan dokumentasi. Semua data yang terkumpul diolah dan dianalisis melalui reduksi, penyajian, verifikasi dan penyimpulan data. Temuan hasil tentang struktur penyajian upacara siraman adat Sunda dilaksanakan melalui tahapan: bubuka yaitu calon pengantin diais sang ibu menuju tempat ngaras, inti melaksanakan ngaras, sungkem dan siraman, penutup diakhiri dengan calon pengantin digendong sang ayah dan suapan puncak manik. Tekstualitas lagu yang digunakan merupakan lagu yang sudah ada, dipilih, dan pada pelaksanaannya sebagian rumpaka lagu dirubah, disesuaikan dengan pesan dan makna yang terkandung dalam setiap tahapan upacara siraman, yaitu lagu Cacandran, Ayun Ambing, Pangapungan, Budak Ceurik, dan Nimang

    Low-density series expansions for directed percolation II: The square lattice with a wall

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    A new algorithm for the derivation of low-density expansions has been used to greatly extend the series for moments of the pair-connectedness on the directed square lattice near an impenetrable wall. Analysis of the series yields very accurate estimates for the critical point and exponents. In particular, the estimate for the exponent characterizing the average cluster length near the wall, τ1=1.00014(2)\tau_1=1.00014(2), appears to exclude the conjecture τ1=1\tau_1=1. The critical point and the exponents ν\nu_{\parallel} and ν\nu_{\perp} have the same values as for the bulk problem.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Ground accelerations caused by large quarry blasts

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    Ground acceleration-time measurements have been made within 2000 ft. of two quarry blasts of total charge weight 185 tons and 673 tons. Ground accelerations were of a character and magnitude similar to those associated with damaging earthquakes. Complete response spectrum curves calculated from the acceleration records are presented. Direct comparisons are made between these results and previous similar measurements and calculations using identical instruments, which have been made of strong-motion earthquakes, H. E. blasts, and the Rainier nuclear blast