25 research outputs found

    Preparation of rat synovial membrane for studies of cytokine secretion.

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    The objective of this work was to devise an in vitro system for studies on cytokine secretion by synovial membrane treated as a whole organ with various synoviocyte populations. Synovial membrane from knee joints of WAG rats was dissected and incubated in culture medium without serum for 4 - 48 h. The level of IL-1alpha was determined in synovial lysates and IL-6 in culture medium. The synovial membrane from left and right knee joint of the same rat produced similar amount of cytokines both in lysates and in the medium. Synovial membrane stimulated by LPS for 4 or 24 h gave significantly stronger cytokine response than the membrane from the opposite (control) knee. After 48 h incubation of synovial membrane drastic drop in cytokine level was noted, which indicated on deterioration of the membranes. The test may be useful in studies on factors affecting cytokine secretion by synoviocytes

    Application of AHP and DEMATEL Methods in Choosing and Analysing the Measures for the Distribution of Goods in Szczecin Region

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    Urban areas are centres of business and innovation. Freight transport is indispensable for the proper functioning of any modern urban society. Urban areas cannot function without an appropriate freight transport system, due to the need to replenish stocks of food and other goods in retail shops. The complexity of the decisions concerning implementation of measures to improve the movement of goods in the city requires tools designed to support this process. In this context, a research gap and a research problem occur&mdash how to obtain a reliable set of factors for development of sustainable urban freight transport (UFT). The purpose of this article is to introduce the possibility of applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) as well as the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory Method (DEMATEL) in choosing a set of measures and in analysing the field of distribution logistics, which will help to solve delivery problems and streamline cargo flow in Szczecin, in the context of sustainable development. This paper presents the findings of a survey in which experts evaluate the main coefficients for sustainable freight transport in the city area. Using both AHP and DEMATEL methods, we have concluded that: (i) all coefficients from administrative, financial, technical and promotional measures are highly interconnected (ii) strategy of freight transport development should take into consideration how these coefficients influence each other (iii) P2&mdash eco-driving trainings, T4&mdash alternative delivery systems and P1&mdash promotional campaigns for sustainable transport are the most important criteria and should be priorities for investments (iv) A1&mdash implementation of loading/unloading and transit restrictions&mdash highly influences other coefficients (v) T2&mdash intelligent route guidance in freight transport is greatly influenced by them. Document type: Articl

    Puszcza Nalibocka - największy kompleks leśny Białorusi. Warunki fizycznogeograficzne i ochrona

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    Physicogeographical conditions, in which the Naliboki Forest (about 240 thousand hectares in the central part of Belarus) functions were characterised. It makes the forest-swampy complex, consisting of various types of forests, swamps, reservoirs of standing waters and rivers. It is characterized by the unique biodiversity and the presence of many protected and rare plant and animal species. Since 2005 year within its borders the Landscape Reserve „Naliboki” functions (area – 77,54 th ha), in which the limited economic activity is allowed (forest felling, hunting), and touristic and recreational activity as well. They cause a certain threat to protect this area and its high biodiversity

    Ostrovnye pescanye vozvysenia recnyh dolin (na primere doliny Pripati v Belorusskom Polec'e)

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    The general physicogeographical characteristics of the study area was presented. The contemporary relief of sandy island and the physical features of building it sands, and vegetation covering this object were discussed as well. On the basis of 14C dating of charcoal and analysis of artifacts (flints worked by man and fragments of pottery) at least 3-time stay of population groups (Paleolithic, from the turn of eras and medieval) in this area as well as the beginning of the development of the upper aeolian series of anthropogenic basis were determined

    Krajobrazy eoliczne obszarów wododziałowych na obszarze Polesia Białoruskiego

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    At watershed area of the neighbourhood of Bobrovichi Lake in the western part of Byelorussian Polessye we deal with morphological effects of both older and contemporary wind activity. The last one has an anthropogenic origin and it reveals in the development of sandy aeolian cover, and also in a form of intensive soil blowing, which however does not give the clear accumulative morphological equivalent (soil blowing is an effect of landscape transformation owing to processes of peatbogs drainage). One should also emphasize that once (about 11 thousand years ago) the human factor laid here at the base of development of older, presently already fixed wind relief. The vegetation adapted here, what is obvious, to rather dry aeolian habitats. In majority of cases it has a forest character — pine coniferous forests Peucedano‑Pinetum and Cladino‑Pinetum with mosses and different species of lichens. In the area investigated Cladonietum mitis is the most widely distributed syntaxon among psammophylous grasses. This association shows different phases of development, from initial to optimal ones. The largest floristic and phytosociologial variety was stated in the most widespread area of drift sands in the range Tupichitsy. Then, the valuable associations are as follows Koelerio‑Astragаletum arenarii and Kochietum arenariae

    The Demand for Data, Information and Knowledge in the Management of Urban Freight Transport

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    Istotnym czynnikiem warunkującym zrównoważony rozwój miejskiego transportu towarowego jest efektywne zarządzanie przepływami danych pomiędzy poszczególnymi stronami zaangażowanymi w mniejszym lub większym stopniu w jego funkcjonowanie. W większości systemów miejskich brakuje jednak danych na temat realizowanych przez ich obszary przewozów ładunków, destynacji tych przewozów oraz ich specyfiki. W artykule skoncentrowano się na wynikach badań, których celem jest określenie struktur danych istotnych dla funkcjonowania zrównoważonego miejskiego transportu towarowego i ustalenie źródeł ich pozyskiwania.An important factor of the sustainable development of urban freight transport is the effective management of data flows between the various parties involved to a lesser or greater extent in its functioning. But in most urban systems there is no data regarding freight flows at their areas, destinations of these flows and their specificity. This paper is focused on the results of research aimed on defining data structures important for the functioning of sustainable urban freight transport and identifying the sources of their acquisition

    Analysis of Selected Solutions for Sustainable Urban Deliveries in the Construction Industry

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    Modern cities are places where the ever-increasing human needs are met. This is possible through the creation of friendly living conditions and enabling economic exchange, as a result of which enterprises provide their clients with goods and services. Urban freight transport is an element that supports these processes. However, in addition to the benefits it delivers, its organization and impacts pose challenges in environmental, economic, and social terms. Implementation of construction projects is a determinant of the development of modern cities. However, this entails transport for supply purposes, which significantly affects the volume of freight transport in cities. Such a large share translates into a growing interest in the topic of using more sustainable ways of organizing and providing construction-related transport. The paper presents the first stage of research aimed at building a model for the implementation of good practices in the field of construction supplies. The aim of the paper was to analyze the transport of construction supplies in terms of compliance with the principles of sustainable development on the example of construction projects currently implemented in Szczecin. Furthermore, this paper is centered around collecting good practices in the field of construction transport. The goal was achieved using the analysis of the statistical data, non-structured observation, and surveys regarding construction projects being carried out in Szczecin, and also paper-and-pencil interviews with experts. It was possible to identify irregularities and gaps in knowledge in the field of sustainable urban freight transport for the implementation of construction supplies. The diagnosed current condition may be a significant source of problems in the future and clearly indicates the need for further research and action by both city authorities and enterprises in the direction of implementing measures for sustainable urban freight transport. As part of the paper, the possibility of using Petri nets in decision-making processes on the implementation of selected organizational solutions contributing to a more sustainable organization of construction supplies was also examined. The developed decision models were simulated in the HPSim software. Models created by the authors using Petri nets can be an important tool that clearly and transparently shows enterprises their possibilities in the implementation of good practices

    Risk assessment of international urban logistics projects on the Low Carbon Logistics example

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    Głównym celem artykułu jest ocena ryzyka realizacji projektów międzynarodowych na przykładzie Low Carbon Logistics. Realizując cel przeprowadzono analizę ryzyk mogących mieć wpływ na realizację projektu przy pomocy metody delfickiej. Ryzyka zostały wytypowane przez grupę ekspertów wyłonioną spośród uczestników projektu, a więc osób bezpośrednio związanych z projektem, zorientowanych w realiach jego wdrażania i realizacji, co w dużej mierze uwiarygodnia rezultaty analizy. Opracowane grupy ryzyk kolejnej ocenie dzięki której wyłoniono spośród nich te, które według szacunku mają zarówno duży wpływ na powodzenie przedsięwzięcia, jak i wysokie prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia. Działania te pozwoliły na wykonanie macierzy ryzyka dla wewnętrznej oceny projektu Low Carbon Logistics.The main purpose of the article is to assess the risk of international projects on the Low Carbon Logistics example. In accomplishing the goal, an analysis of the risks could have an impact on the project implementation. The risks were selected by a group of experts chosen from participants of the project. People opinion directly related to the project, oriented in the realities of its implementation largely validates the results of the analysis. In the next step identified risk groups were developed for the next assessment,. Thanks to that authors select those of them which, have a large impact on the success of the project and a high probability of occurrence. These activities enabled the creation of a risk matrix for the internal assessment of the Low Carbon Logistics project