151 research outputs found

    Nucleosynthesis of Light and Heavy Elements in Baryon-Rich Outflows Associated with Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) must originate from low baryon load, ultrarelativistic outflows; however, slower, more baryon-rich outflows (BROs) should also arise in connection with GRBs as ``circum-jet winds'' and/or ``failed GRBs''. We study the possibility of nucleosynthesis within such BROs by conducting detailed reaction network calculations in the framework of the fireball model, showing that they can be interesting sites for synthesis of heavy neutron capture elements, as well as of light elements such as deuterium. These products may be observable in the companion stars of black hole binary systems or in extremely metal-poor stars, offering an interesting probe of conditions in the central engine.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, slightly modified version of article to be published in Proc. of "GRBs in the Afterglow Era: 3rd Workshop (Rome 2002)

    The first chemical enrichment in the universe and the formation of hyper metal-poor stars

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    The recent discovery of a hyper metal-poor (HMP) star, whose metallicity Fe/H is smaller than 1/100,000 of the solar ratio, together with one earlier HMP star, has raised a challenging question if these HMP stars are the actual first generation, low mass stars in the Universe. We argue that these HMP stars are the second generation stars being formed from gases which were chemically enriched by the first generation supernovae. The key to this solution is the very unusual abundance patterns of these HMP stars with important similarities and differences. We can reproduce these abundance features with the core-collapse ``faint'' supernova models which undergo extensive matter mixing and fallback during the explosion.Comment: To be published in Science. 12 pages, 3 figure

    Supernova Nucleosynthesis in the Early Universe

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    The first metal enrichment in the universe was made by supernova (SN) explosions of population (Pop) III stars. The trace remains in abundance patterns of extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars. We investigate the properties of nucleosynthesis in Pop III SNe by means of comparing their yields with the abundance patterns of the EMP stars. We focus on (1) jet-induced SNe with various energy deposition rates [E˙dep=(0.3−1500)×1051ergss−1\dot{E}_{\rm dep}=(0.3-1500)\times10^{51}{\rm ergs s^{-1}}], and (2) SNe of stars with various main-sequence masses (Mms=13−50M⊙M_{\rm ms}=13-50M_\odot) and explosion energies [E=(1−40)×1051E=(1-40)\times10^{51}ergs]. The varieties of Pop III SNe can explain varieties of the EMP stars: (1) higher [C/Fe] for lower [Fe/H] and (2) trends of abundance ratios [X/Fe] against [Fe/H].Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. To appear in "Low-Metallicity Star Formation: From the First Stars to Dwarf Galaxies", Proceedings of IAU Symposium 255 (June 2008, Rapallo), eds. L.K. Hunt, S. Madden, & R. Schneider (Cambridge Univ. Press

    The Connection between Gamma-Ray Bursts and Extremely Metal-Poor Stars: Black Hole-forming Supernovae with Relativistic Jets

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    Long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are thought to be connected to luminous and energetic supernovae (SNe), called hypernovae (HNe), resulting from the black-hole (BH) forming collapse of massive stars. For recent nearby GRBs~060505 and 060614, however, the expected SNe have not been detected. The upper limits to the SN brightness are about 100 times fainter than GRB-associated HNe (GRB-HNe), corresponding to the upper limits to the ejected 56^{56}Ni masses of M(56Ni)∌10−3M⊙M({\rm ^{56}Ni})\sim 10^{-3}M_\odot. SNe with a small amount of 56^{56}Ni ejection are observed as faint Type II SNe. HNe and faint SNe are thought to be responsible for the formation of extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars. In this Letter, a relativistic jet-induced BH forming explosion of the 40 M⊙M_\odot star is investigated and hydrodynamic and nucleosynthetic models are presented. These models can explain both GRB-HNe and GRBs without bright SNe in a unified manner. Their connection to EMP stars is also discussed. We suggest that GRBs without bright SNe are likely to synthesize \Mni\sim 10^{-4} to 10−3M⊙10^{-3}M_\odot or ∌10−6M⊙\sim 10^{-6}M_\odot.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters (10 March 2007, v657n2 issue

    Measurements of neutron total and capture cross sections of 139^{139}La and evaluation of resonance parameters

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    Neutron total and capture cross sections of Lanthanum(La)-139 were measured at the Accurate Ne-utron-Nucleus Reaction measurement Instrument (ANNRI) of the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) in the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). The total cross section was largely different from that in evaluated libraries, such as JENDL-5, in the energy range from 80 to 900~eV. Resonance parameters for four resonances including one negative resonance were obtained using a resonance analysis code, REFIT. The resonance analysis revealed discrepancies in several resonance parameters with the evaluated libraries. Furthermore, the information about the scattering radius was also extracted from the results of the total cross section. The obtained scattering radius was larger than that recorded in the evaluated libraries.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figure

    Nucleosynthesis in Baryon-Rich Outflows Associated With Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    Robust generation of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) implies the formation of outflows with very low baryon loads and highly relativistic velocities, but more baryon-rich, slower outflows are also likely to occur in most GRB central engine scenarios, either as ``circum-jet winds'' or ``failed GRBs''. Here we study the possibility of nucleosynthesis within such baryon-rich outflows by conducting detailed reaction network calculations in the framework of the basic fireball model. It is shown that high baryon load fireballs attaining mildly relativistic velocities can synthesize appreciable quantities of heavy neutron capture elements with masses up to the platinum peak and beyond. Small but interesting amounts of light elements such as deuterium and boron can also be produced. Depending on the neutron excess and baryon load, the combination of high entropy, rapid initial expansion and gradual expansion at later times can cause the reaction flow to reach the fission regime, and its path can be intermediate between those of the rr- and ss-processes (``nn-process''). The nucleosynthetic signature of these outflows may be observable in the companion stars of black hole binary systems and in the most metal-poor stars, potentially offering an important probe of the inner conditions of the GRB source. Contribution to the solar abundances for some heavy elements may also be possible. The prospects for further developments in various directions are discussed.Comment: ApJ, in press; 11 pages, 3 figure

    Empirical Abundance Scaling Laws and Implications for the Gamma-Process in Core-Collapse Supernovae

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    Analyzing the solar system abundances, we have found two empirical abundance scaling laws concerning the p- and s-nuclei with the same atomic number. The first scaling is s/p ratios are almost constant over a wide range of the atomic number, where the p-nculei are lighter than the s-nuclei by two or four neutrons. The second scaling is p/p ratios are almost constant, where the second pp-nuclei are lighter than the first p-nucleus by two neutrons. These scalings are a piece of evidence that most p-nuclei are dominantly synthesized by the gamma-process in supernova explosions. The scalings lead to a novel concept of "universality of gamma-process" that the s/p and p/p ratios of nuclei produced by individual gamma-processes are almost constant, respectively. We have calculated the ratios by gamma-process based on core-collapse supernova explosion models under various astrophysical conditions and found that the scalings hold for materials produced by individual gamma-processes independent of the astrophysical conditions assumed. The universality originates from three mechanisms: the shifts of the gamma-process layers to keep their peak temperature, the weak s-process in pre-supernovae, and the independence of the s/p ratios of the nuclear reactions. The results further suggest an extended universality that the s/p ratios in the gamma-process layers are not only constant but also centered on a specific value of 3. With this specific value and the first scaling, we estimate that the ratios of ss-process abundance contributions from the AGB stars to the massive stars are almost 6.7 for the ss-nuclei of A > 90. We find that large enhancements of s/p ratios for Ce, Er, and W are a piece of evidence that the weak s-process actually occurred before SNe.Comment: 35 pages, 15 figure
