199 research outputs found

    Timing and patterns of debris flow deposition on Shepherd and Symmes Creek fans, Owens Valley, California, deduced from cosmogenic 10Be

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    Debris-flow fans on the western side of Owens Valley, California, show differences in their depths of fan head incision, and thus preserve significantly different surface records of sedimentation over glacial-interglacial cycles. We mapped fan lobes on two fans (Symmes and Shepherd Creek) based on the geometry of the deposits using field observations and high-resolution Airborne Laser Swath Mapping (ALSM) data, and established an absolute fan lobe chronology by using cosmogenic radionuclide exposure dating of large debris-flow boulders. While both fans and their associated catchments were subject to similar tectonic and base level conditions, the Shepherd Creek catchment was significantly glaciated while that of Symmes Creek experienced only minor glaciation. Differences in the depth of fan head incision have led to cosmogenic surface age chronologies that differ in the length of the preserved depositional records. Symmes Creek fan preserves evidence of exclusively Holocene deposition with cosmogenic 10Be ages ranging from 8 to 3 ka. In contrast, the Shepherd Creek fan surface was formed by late Pleistocene and Holocene debris-flow activity, with major deposition between 86-74, 33-15, and 11-3 ka. These age constraints on the depositional timing in Owens Valley show that debris-flow deposition in Owens Valley occurred during both glacial and interglacial periods, but may have been enhanced during marine isotope stages 4 and 2. The striking differences in the surface record of debris-flow deposition on adjacent fans have implications for the use of fan surfaces as paleoenvironmental recorders, and for the preservation of debris-flow deposits in the stratigraphic record

    Quantitative reconstruction of late Holocene surface evolution on an alpine debris-flow fan

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    Debris-flow fans form a ubiquitous record of past debris-flow activity in mountainous areas, and may be useful for inferring past flow characteristics and consequent future hazard. Extracting information on past debris flows from fan records, however, requires an understanding of debris-flow deposition and fan surface evolution; field-scale studies of these processes have been very limited. In this paper, we document the patterns and timing of debris-flow deposition on the surface of the large and exceptionally active Illgraben fan in southwestern Switzerland. We use terrain analysis, radiocarbon dating of sediment fill in the Illgraben catchment, and cosmogenic 10Be and 36Cl exposure dating of debris-flow deposits on the fan to constrain the temporal evolution of the sediment routing system in the catchment and on the fan during the past 3200 years. We show that the fan surface preserves a set of debris-flow lobes that were predominantly deposited after the occurrence of a large rock avalanche near the fan apex at about 3200 years ago. This rock avalanche shifted the apex of the fan and impounded sediment within the Illgraben catchment. Subsequent evolution of the fan surface has been governed by both lateral and radial shifts in the active depositional lobe, revealed by the cosmogenic radionuclide dates and by cross-cutting geometrical relationships on the fan surface. This pattern of frequent avulsion and fan surface occupation provides field-scale evidence of the type of large-scale compensatory behavior observed in experimental sediment routing systems

    Paleo-denudation rates suggest variations in runoff drove aggradation during last glacial cycle, Crete, Greece

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    Fluvial aggradation and incision are often linked to Quaternary climate cycles, but it usually remains unclear whether variations in runoff or sediment supply or both drive channel response to climate variability. Here we quantify sediment supply with paleo-denudation rates and provide geochronological constraints on aggradation and incision from the Sfakia and Elafonisi alluvial-fan sequences in Crete, Greece. We report seven optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)and ten radiocarbon ages, eight 10Be,and eight 36Cl denudation rates from modern channeland terrace sediments. For five samples, 10Be and 36Cl were measured on the same sample by measuring 10Be on chert and 36Cl on calcite. Results indicate relatively steady denudation rates throughout the past 80kyr, but the aggradation and incision history indicates a link with climate shifts. At the Elafonisi fan, we identify four periods of aggradation coinciding with Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 2, 4, 5a/b, and likely 6, and three periods of incision coinciding with MIS 1, 3, and likely 5e. At the Sfakia fan, rapid aggradation occurred during MIS 2 and 4,followed by incision during MIS 1. Nearby climate and vegetation records show that MIS 2, 4, and 6 stadials were characterized by cold and dry climates with sparse vegetation, whereas forest cover and more humid conditions prevailed during MIS 1, 3, and 5. Our data thus suggest that past changes in climate had little effect on landscape-wide denudation rates but exerted a strong control on the aggradation-incision behaviour of alluvial channels on Crete. During glacial stages, we attribute aggradation to hillslope sediment release promoted by reduced vegetation cover and decreased runoff; conversely, incision occurred during relatively warm and wet stages due to increased runoff. In this landscape, past hydroclimate variations outcompeted changes in sediment supply as the primary driver of alluvial deposition and incision

    Atmospheric dynamics over Europe during the Younger Dryas revealed by palaeoglaciers

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    A dataset of 120 palaeoglaciers ranging from Morocco in the south to Svalbard in the north and from Ireland in the west to Turkey in the east, has been assembled from the literature. A robust quality control on the chronology was undertaken and, when derived from cosmogenic nuclides, ages were recalculated using the most up-to-date production rates. All the reconstructed glaciers date to the Younger Dryas. Frontal moraines/limits were used to initiate the palaeoglacier reconstructions using GlaRe, a GIS tool which generates an equilibrium profile ice surface along a single flowline and extrapolates this to out to a 3D ice surface. From the resulting glacier surfaces palaeo-ELAs were calculated within the GIS. Where multiple glaciers were reconstructed within in a region, a single ELA value was generated. Results show that ELAs decrease with latitude but have a more complex pattern with longitude. A database of 121 sites, spanning the same geographical range as the palaeoglaciers, was compiled for Younger Dryas temperature, determined from palaeoproxies, for example pollen, diatoms, coleoptera, chironimids etc. These proxy data were merged and interpolated to generate maps of average temperature for the warmest and coldest months and annual average temperature. Results show that, in general, temperature decreases with latitude. Temperature at the palaeo-ELAs were determined from the temperature maps using a lapse rate of 0.65C/100m and the precipitation required for equilibrium was calculated. Positive precipitation anomalies are found along much of the western seaboard of Europe, with the most striking positive anomalies present in the eastern Mediterranean. Negative precipitation anomalies appear on the northern side of the Alps. This pattern is interpreted to represent a southward displaced polar frontal jet stream with a concomitant track of Atlantic midlatitude depressions, leading to more frequent incursions of low pressure systems especially over the relatively warm eastern Mediterranean, enhancing cyclogenesis. This is similar to the modern Scandinavia (SCAND) pattern which, in its positive phase, is characterised by a high pressure anomaly over Fennoscandia and western Russia, negative pressure anomalies around the Iberian Peninsula and enhanced cyclogenesis in the central and eastern Mediterranean. During the YD the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet and permafrost across much of northern continental Europe and Russia would have generated a high pressure region leading to a persistent, enhanced SCAND circulation

    Piecing together the Lateglacial advance phases of the Reussgletscher (central Swiss Alps)

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    Exposure dating has substantially improved our knowledge about glacier advances during the Younger Dryas (YD) and the early Holocene. The glacier development after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the timing of morphologically evidenced, earlier Lateglacial re-advances is, however, still widely unknown. In this study we used 10Be surface exposure and radiocarbon dating to address these phases and corresponding landforms in the catchment of the former Reussgletscher (central Swiss Alps). We obtained clear indication for moraine deposition prior to the YD. The oldest samples predate the Bølling–Allerød interstadial (&gt;14.6&thinsp;ka). Morphostratigraphically even older lateral moraines, probably corresponding to terminal positions in the Lake Lucerne, could not be dated conclusively. Due to the geomorphological constraints of the sampling environment, the establishment of a local pre-YD chronology remains a challenge: moraines with adequate numbers of datable boulders were rarely preserved, and age attributions based on few samples are complicated by outliers.</p

    Modelling last glacial cycle ice dynamics in the Alps

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    The European Alps, the cradle of pioneering glacial studies, are one of the regions where geological markers of past glaciations are most abundant and well-studied. Such conditions make the region ideal for testing numerical glacier models based on simplified ice flow physics against field-based reconstructions and vice versa.Here, we use the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM) to model the entire last glacial cycle (120–0&thinsp;ka) in the Alps, using horizontal resolutions of 2 and 1&thinsp;km. Climate forcing is derived using two sources: present-day climate data from WorldClim and the ERA-Interim reanalysis; time-dependent temperature offsets from multiple palaeo-climate proxies. Among the latter, only the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) ice core record yields glaciation during marine oxygen isotope stages 4 (69–62&thinsp;ka) and 2 (34–18&thinsp;ka). This is spatially and temporally consistent with the geological reconstructions, while the other records used result in excessive early glacial cycle ice cover and a late Last Glacial Maximum. Despite the low variability of this Antarctic-based climate forcing, our simulation depicts a highly dynamic ice sheet, showing that Alpine glaciers may have advanced many times over the foreland during the last glacial cycle. Ice flow patterns during peak glaciation are largely governed by subglacial topography but include occasional transfluences through the mountain passes. Modelled maximum ice surface is on average 861&thinsp;m higher than observed trimline elevations in the upper Rhône Valley, yet our simulation predicts little erosion at high elevation due to cold-based ice. Finally, despite the uniform climate forcing, differences in glacier catchment hypsometry produce a time-transgressive Last Glacial Maximum advance, with some glaciers reaching their modelled maximum extent as early as 27&thinsp;ka and others as late as 21&thinsp;ka.</p


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    Landslides are a critical process in landscape evolution and may pose a serious threat to people and infrastructure. In the last decades, a growing interest in such phenomena has developed in the Alps, where narrow valleys are increasingly in\uachabited, and landslides have caused several casualties. Understanding the driving factors, triggers, evolution, and impact of past and future failures is of the utmost importance when dealing with land use and risk reduction. In this paper, four distinct case stud\uacies are presented, showing how different approaches can interact and produce a comprehensive understanding of a landslide event. All examples lie in the middle sector of the Piave Valley (NE Italy) and deal with failures that occurred in the distant past (i.e., the historic Masiere di Vedana rock avalanche), in the near past (i.e., the 1963 Vajont event), in the present (i.e., the 60-years -lasting Tessina landslide) and in the future (i.e., possible Mt. Peron instabilities). The final goal of the paper is to show how the understanding of past landslides is fundamental to obtain reliable predictions on future failures, and how modelling designed to predict the evolution of potential detachments can be applied to understand the dynamics of ancient events