301 research outputs found

    The chemistry of dispirotetraenediones

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    A literature survey of the oxidative coupling of phenols and phenolic ethers has been carried out and is included. The thermal decomposition of dispiro-(5,0,5,3)-pentadeca-1,4,8,11-tetraene-3,10-dione, prepared by oxidation of the appropriate diphenol, has been studied in both solution and in the solid state. The decomposition in ethanol occurs by approximately first order kinetics at 74°C, the rate is not completely insensitive to concentration, however, suggesting a second order component. Decomposition in benzene is kinetically less regular: it is characterised by a slow initial phase followed by a more rapid reaction leading to complete decomposition. Addition of benzoyl peroxide has no effect on the decomposition rate in benzene; however, addition of 2,6-di-t-butyl-4-methyl phenol accelerates the decomposition in both benzene and ethanol. [Continues.

    Natural bounds on herbivorous coral reef fishes

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    Humans are an increasingly dominant driver of Earth's biological communities, but differentiating human impacts from natural drivers of ecosystem state is crucial. Herbivorous fish play a key role in maintaining coral dominance on coral reefs, and are widely affected by human activities, principally fishing. We assess the relative importance of human and biophysical (habitat and oceanographic) drivers on the biomass of five herbivorous functional groups among 33 islands in the central and western Pacific Ocean. Human impacts were clear for some, but not all, herbivore groups. Biomass of browsers, large excavators, and of all herbivores combined declined rapidly with increasing human population density, whereas grazers, scrapers, and detritivores displayed no relationship. Sea-surface temperature had significant but opposing effects on the biomass of detritivores (positive) and browsers (negative). Similarly, the biomass of scrapers, grazers, and detritivores correlated with habitat structural complexity; however, relationships were group specific. Finally, the biomass of browsers and large excavators was related to island geomorphology, both peaking on low-lying islands and atolls. The substantial variability in herbivore populations explained by natural biophysical drivers highlights the need for locally appropriate management targets on coral reefs

    Christian joy

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    Christian joy is identified by linguistic and symbolic, experiential and psychological studies, and by a study of its opposite, sorrow. The final and most comprehensive approach is Biblical and theological. Here, through Judaism and Christianity, the genesis and fulfilment of Christian joy is examined, in life and the gifts of God, in hope, and in union with God. It is defined as "a gift of God's Holy Spirit as man becomes one with Christ in love." Five hypotheses are evaluated and confirmed: - 1. God is perfect joy, 2. God is the source and end of all Christian joy, 3. Jesus Christ is both the most joyful and the most sorrowful of men, 4. The Christian participates in the joy and sorrow of Jesus Christ, 5. Christian joy is eschatological in nature. The need is stressed for a fuller understanding and expression of Christian joy, which is seen as the complement of Christian love, and as a distinguishing characteristic of Christians, because of its primary intentional and ultimate satisfactory natur

    Photochemical studies in the steroid series

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    The ultraviolet irradiation of hecegenin apostate has been shown to give two products,. Lumihecagenin acetate, 3beta-acetexy=12, 13-sece-5alpha, 25D-spirest-13-en-12one, which is the initial product, is converted by oridative cyclisation into 14alpha = hydrexyhecagenin 3beta=acetate, 3?=acetex-14+hydrexy-5alpha, 25D-spirestan-12-one. Prolanged irradiation of hacegenin acetate, er of lumihecogenin acetate, gives a second isemeric productm "phetehecohenin acetate", 3beta-acetoxy-12alpha, 14alpha-epexy-5alpha, 25D-spirestan. Treatment of lumihecegenin acetate or photohecegenin acetate with boren triflueride-other complex gives a mioxture of products, one products being 3beta-acetoxy-12alpha-hydroxy-5alpha, 25D-spirest-14-en. The other product from this reaction is believed to be a C-home-exastereid. Epexidation of the Delta14-12alpha-ol gives A 14alpha, 15alpha-opexide which on reduction with lithium aluminium hydride affords the same trial as is obtained on similar reduction of 14alpha-hydroxy-hecegenin

    Paul's "in Christ" - the mystical theory.

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    Thesis (Ph.D)-University of Durban-Westville, 2001.In Paul's thirteen letters the 'in Christ' phrase, with its variants (in the Lord etc.), appears about 167 times. Since Deissmann's foundational study of the phrase over 100 years ago scholars have suggested many theories seeking to explain Paul's meaning in its use . Their findings range over several disciplines, but are inconclusive. Our study takes a fresh theological look at the phrases, and seeks to test the hypothesis that "Paul uses the 'in Christ' phrase principally in a mystical sense". Christian mysticism is defined as "union with God through Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit". Firstly, eight models of mysticism are constructed from various disciplines and examined to give an overview of mysticism, i.e. historic (Judaism and Apocalyptic, Neoplatonic), anthropology (Synderesis), ecclesiastic (Eastern Orthodox, Holy Spirit / Charismatic), personal (Schweitzer, Calvin), and Postmodern. Jewish mysticism is found to exist from about 300BC in two forms - contemplative and chariot. Christian mysticism derives from Jewish mysticism and has the same goal- union with God. Secondly, a study of Paul's background reveals parallels in his theology showing possible influences from contemporary sources. Thirdly, Paul's 'in Christ' phrase and its variants with different prepositions indicate that the phrase probably derives from the early church's baptism liturgy and focuses in particular upon the new creation which replaces the old. Fourthly, of the many theories advanced to account for the 'in Christ' phrase five are examined, all of which can make a contribution towards understanding the phrase better. Fifthly, an original theory which is mystical is proposed in which Paul's 'in Christ' phrases are divided into those that relate to God's Work in Christ 66 (40%), and to Believers' Work in Christ 101 (60%) . The first category phrases are indicative, objective and positional; the second are imperative, subjective and practical. The twofold division is typical of Paul's letter - writing style, with encouragement and practice following doctrine. Both categories are further subdivided. Paul's theology is Christocentric as revealed to him after hisconversion and call by Christ. The 'in Christ' phrase may be said to be the answer to all the problems of the early church for it is axiomatic that God can accept nothing that is not in Christ. This is evident from Paul's outline of God's pre - history plan for His creation which is fulfilled when all things in heaven and on earth are united 'in Christ' . Since Christology takes precedence over other theological doctrines which are derived from it, so the 'in Christ' phrase may be seen as central to Paul's theology in pre - history, through time and into eternity again. As the analysis of mysticism reveals, it has many similarities with the 'in Christ' phrase, and both doctrines could be defined in the same way. The mystical interpretation seems to provide the fullest understanding of scripture, and thus when Paul's phrase is examined mystically its true intentions seem to be revealed for the believer's lifestyle, for maintaining church unity and fellowship with fellow believers, and for providing the closest relationship with God through the beatific vision, mystical union, spiritual marriage or deification. In church history the 'in Christ' phrase and the mystical element were slowly replaced by scholasticism and institutionalism, but from the beginning of the twentieth century the world -wide charismatic revival is restoring them hence the present . phenomenal church growth and ecumenical outreach. The hypothesis that Paul uses the 'in Christ' phrase principally in a mystical sense may be said to be confirmed

    Building a Tailored Text Messaging System for Smoking Cessation in Native American Populations

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    When starting new and healthy habits or encouraging vigilance against returning to poor habits, a simple text message can be beneficial. Text messages also have the advantage of being easily accessible for lower-income populations spread over a rural area, who may not be able to afford smartphones with apps or data plans. Users benefit the most from text messages that are customized for them, but personalization requires time and effort on part of the user and the counselor. However, personalization that focuses on the cultural background of a pool of recipients, in addition to general personal preferences, can be a low-cost method of ensuring the best experience for patients interested in taking up new habits. In this paper, we discuss the development of a system for motivating users to quit smoking designed for Native American users in South Dakota, using text messaging as a daily intervention method for patients. Our results show that focusing on modular message customization options and messages with a conversational tone best helps our goal of providing users with customization options that help motivate them to live happy and healthy lifestyles

    Ontological insecurity of inattentiveness:Conceptualizing how risk management practices impact on patient recovery when admitted to an acute psychiatric hospital

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    This is the final version. Available from Wiley via the DOI in this record. DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.Risk management which assesses and mitigates risks such as suicide and violence is under scrutiny, particularly within psychiatric inpatient settings. Restrictive practices, which result from risk assessment, such as observations, physical restraint and ward seclusion can impact negatively on patient recovery, hindering abilities to develop a meaningful life that emphasizes purpose, hope and autonomy, despite experiencing mental distress. Yet, less is known about the impact from the patient's perspective when first admitted to hospital, a period which among other reasons may come with increasing risk management practices owing to the clinical uncertainties about patient risks. In this grounded theory study, we explore the impact on recovery, interviewing 15 adult participants with patient experiences of being in an acute hospital. The main theme of the study, termed a core category with a grounded theory, was identified as "ontological insecurity of inattentiveness". This highlighted a staff inattentiveness with involving patients with risk management and explaining the purposes of the practice, which raised insecurities about what was happening to the patients when admitted to hospital. Four subcategories support the core category; discounting the patients' experiences to gain a meaningful grasp of risk management, ambiguity about risk management rules, particularly the reasons around their use, forebodingness to the hospital environment and, management from afar, with patients feeling scrutinized from observations without a voice to offer different views. It is hoped these findings will add to the field of patient involvement in psychiatric inpatient settings, proposing attempts to raise understanding and inclusivity of risk management, starting when first admitted to hospital

    The childrens palliative care provider of the future: A blueprint to spark, scale and share innovation

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    This policy report sets out an optimistic vision of what a world-class provider of children's palliative care (CPC) could look like in the future. It proposes nine key features through which providers can innovate to improve access and quality over time, drawing on best practice and trends as described by 50 CPC service leaders in 27 countries, as well as insights from other healthcare sectors. Recognising that there is huge variation among CPC providers and the systems they work in, this 'blueprint' is intended for inspiration and challenge, not prescription. In addition to key areas for future innovation it also highlights many areas in which CPC providers are already exemplars within the healthcare sector. CPC leaders and other stakeholders are invited to reflect on the opportunities the blueprint describes and how their own organisations might benefit from pursuing these
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