21 research outputs found
Doctoral Dissertations of the University of Zagreb Published in Journals from 1880 to 1952
Älanak se bavi temom objavljivanja doktorskih disertacija s kraja 19. i prve polovine 20. stoljeÄa. Cilj rada je predstaviti rezultate analize na temelju korpusa najstarijih disertacija SveuÄiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu izraÄenih i obranjenih u razdoblju od 1880. do 1952. godine koje su objavljene u znanstvenim Äasopisima te zahvaljujuÄi tome do danas ostale vidljive i dostupne za koriÅ”tenje. Daje se pregled fakulteta i visokih uÄiliÅ”ta te se navode neki od uvjeta za stjecanje doktorata znanosti u to vrijeme. Uvidom u bibliografije doktorskih disertacija SveuÄiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu utvrÄeno je da je u navedenom razdoblju steÄeno sveukupno 911 doktorata na temelju disertacija, od Äega je 371 disertacija objavljena u ukupno 46 Äasopisa. Uglavnom su se disertacije objavljivale u domaÄim Äasopisima, a najveÄi broj njih može se pronaÄi u Veterinarskom arhivu, Radu Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, Nastavnom vjesniku i Glasniku Hrvatskog prirodoslovnog druÅ”tva. Dobivenim rezultatima nastoji se dati uvid u dio povijesti znanstvenog komuniciranja, kao i u okolnosti koje utjeÄu na sustavno prikupljanje i osiguravanje dostupnosti disertacija (knjižne graÄe s obilježjima sive literature).The paper deals with the topic of publishing of doctoral dissertations from the end of the 19th to the first half of the 20th century. The aim of the paper is to present the outcomes of the analysis based on the corpus of the oldest dissertations produced and defended at the University of Zagreb in the period between 1880 and 1952, which were published in scientific journals and which have thus remained visible and accessible to the general public. The authors also give the survey of institutions of higher education in existence between 1880 and 1952 and some of the requirements for the doctoral degree at that time. An insight into the bibliographies of doctoral dissertations of the University of Zagreb has shown that in the mentioned period a total of 911 doctoral degrees were obtained on the basis of a dissertation, 371 of which were published in a total of 46 mainly domestic journals, such as Veterinarski arhiv, Rad JAZU, Nastavni vjesnik and Glasnik Hrvatskog prirodoslovnog druÅ”tva. The obtained results are intended to provide an insight into a part of the history of scientific communication, as well as to shed light on the factors which influence the systematic acquisition and availability of dissertations (library materials with the characteristics of grey literature)
Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure of Three Sympatric Oak Species in Serbian Landscape of Outstanding Features "Kosmaj" Assessed by Nuclear Microsatellites
Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl., Q. pubescens Willd., and Q. frainetto Ten. grow naturally in sympatry in the Landscape of Outstanding Features "Kosmaj" (Mt. Kosmaj) in Serbia, in the Western Balkans. The levels of genetic diversity and genetic structure in populations of these species (160 trees in total) was assessed by means of 14 nuclear microsatellites. The number of alleles detected in overall sample was 314, with the locus QrZAG90 being the most informative one in all three species (31, 35 and 36 alleles in Q. frainetto, Q. pubescens and Q. petraea, respectively). The levels of genetic diversity of all three species were relatively high (HE = 0.824, 0.834, and 0.794 in Q. petraea, Q. pubescens and Q. frainetto, respectively). Low but statistically significant inbreeding was detected in all three species (F = 0.100, 0.131 and 0.065 in Q. petraea, Q. pubescens and Q. frainetto, respectively), which, however, most likely reflects population substructure, which was observed in the STRUCTURE analysis. The optimal number of genetic groups revealed by Bayesian clustering analysis did not coincide with the number of analyzed species as it amounted to four (one gene pool was observed in each of the two species, Q. petraea and Q. pubescens, while two gene pools were observed in Q. pubescens). Furthermore, a higher level of hierarchical genetic structure, with six gene pools was found, with Q. frainetto being the only oak species in which population substructure was not observed. Genetic differentiation of three sympatric oak species was relatively low but statistically significant, with the highest FST value found among Q. petraea and Q. frainetto (FST = 0.047, P = 0.001), and the lowest between Q. petraea and Q. pubescens (FST = 0.032, P = 0.001). Our results reveal rather high levels of genetic diversity in all three studied oak species, which retained their genetic integrity despite sympatric distribution, indicating low levels of interspecific hybridization, and pronounced genetic structure of Q. pubescens and Q. petraea
The Effects of Soil Type, Exposure and Elevation on Leaf Size and Shape in Quercus cerris L.
One of the main environmental factors that influence plant species and community diversity are soil types, exposure and elevation. This study aimed to evaluate differences in leaf size and shape of Quercus cerris L. along environmental gradients in the Å umadija region in Serbia by using geometric morphometrics methods. The results showed significant differences between Q. cerris individuals inhabiting sites with different soil types, exposures and elevations. Individuals growing on nutrient deficient soils had smaller leaf size, elongated petiole, wide leaf blade, and higher values of fluctuating asymmetry compared to individuals growing on nutrient-rich soils whose leaf size was larger, more variable in shape and had lower values of fluctuating asymmetry. Additionally, individuals inhabiting higher elevations had elongated and narrow leaves and short petioles. Leaf size was also greater in individuals from lower elevations and north-exposed sites. The results of this study suggest that leaf morphological traits are affected by habitat differences and exhibit considerable plasticity in response to environmental demands
Reproductive immunology in viviparous mammals: evolutionary paradox of interactions among immune mechanisms and autologous or allogeneic gametes and semiallogeneic foetuses
Literally, reproductive immunology was born in bovine on-farm reproduction where seminal experiments intended for developing methods for embryo transfer in cattle were performed. Actually, these experiments led to two of major concepts and fundamental principles of reproductive immunology using the bovine species as a model for biomedical research, namely the concept of acquired immunological tolerance and the paradox of the semiallogeneic bovine foetus whereby such organism can develop within an immunologically competent host. Peter Medawar, a scientist who together with Frank Macfarlande Burnet shared the 1960 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for discovery of acquired immunological tolerance, while studying dizygotic cattle twins, thereby giving birth to reproductive immunology. Also, these findings significantly influenced development of organ transplants and showed that using farm animals as models for studying transplantation immunology had general relevance for mammalian biology and health including those of humans. However, the interest for further research of the fascinating maternal immune influences on pregnancy and perinatal outcomes and of the prevention and treatment of immunologically mediated reproductive disorders in viviparous mammals of veterinary relevance by veterinary immunologists and reproductive clinicians have been very scarce regarding the application of nonspecific immunomodulatory agents for prevention and treatment of subfertility and infertility in pigs and cattle, but still broadening knowledge in this area and hold great potential for improving such therapy in the future. The aim of the current overview is to provide up-to-date information and explaining/translating relevant immunology phenomena into veterinary practice for specialists and scientists/clinicians in reproduction of animals.Link to the corrected article: [https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2052
Spremnost visokih uÄiliÅ”ta za javnu objavu ocjenskih radova u repozitorijima sustava Dabar ā analiza dokumenata dostupnih na mrežnim stranicama visokih uÄiliÅ”ta
PoÅ”tujuÄi zakonske okvire, hrvatska visoka uÄiliÅ”ta preuzela su odgovornost pohranjivanja digitalnih inaÄica ocjenskih radova u institucijske repozitorije sustava Dabar. Rad ima za cilj istražiti njihovu spremnost za prihvat, pohranu i javnu objavu ocjenskih radova u repozitorijima. Istraživanje je temeljeno na utvrÄivanju postojanja uputa,pravilnika i ostalih dokumenata dostupnih na mrežnim stranicama ustanova. Provedeno je u studenom 2016. godine na 124 visoka uÄiliÅ”ta. Pregledane su upute za oblikovanje ocjenskih radova, dokumentacija o akademskoj i znanstvenoj Äestitosti, te izjave o suglasnosti za javnu objavu rada. Analizirana je usklaÄenost dokumenata s definiranim smjernicama i uputama vezanima za unos podataka, kao Å”to su važeÄe specifikacije metapodatkovnog opisa u Dabru, te ostali preduvjeti za koje se smatra da omoguÄuju javnu objavu, koriÅ”tenje radova i promicanje akademske i znanstvene Äestitosti. Rezultati pokazuju da samo manji dio istraživanjem obuhvaÄenih visokih uÄiliÅ”ta ima svu potrebnu dokumentaciju, dok veÄina ima dostupne tek pojedine dokumente koji bi trebali biti nužni preduvjet za pohranu i javnu objavu ocjenskih radova u institucijskim i nacionalnim repozitorijima
Institucijski repozitorij kao sredstvo globalne vidljivosti znanstvenih informacija ā na primjeru Digitalnoga repozitorija SveuÄiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu
Otvorena znanost, naÄela otvorenoga pristupa i slobodan pristup informacijama neprestano se zagovaraju i promiÄu u akademskim i znanstvenim krugovima. Rezultat navedenih nastojanja ogleda se u globalnoj vidljivosti znanstvenih informacija, Å”to izravno utjeÄe na konkurentnost, priznanje i vrednovanje ustanova i pojedinaca u meÄunarodnome okruženju. Jedan od naÄina za ostvarivanje tih ciljeva svakako su i institucijski repozitoriji. Hrvatska akademska i znanstvena zajednica ima potrebne preduvjete za to, no pitanja otvorenosti nisu joÅ” posve prihvaÄena te je potrebno uÄestalo podsjeÄati na njihovu važnost.U radu se na primjeru Digitalnoga repozitorija SveuÄiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu analiziraju pohra-njeni objekti s obzirom na vrstu i pristup sadržajima. Uz poÄetnu pretpostavku da otvoreni pristup radovima izravno utjeÄe i na koriÅ”tenje njima, istraživanje je pokazalo kako omjer pregledavanja i preuzimanja radova nije uvjetovan iskljuÄivo otvorenim pristupom. Upravo suprotno, digitalni objekti s najviÅ”e pogleda u ograniÄenome su pristupu. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju kako potreba za znanstvenim informacijama sve viÅ”e raste te je nužno nastaviti promicati otvorenost sadržaja u repozitorijima radi poveÄanja zastupljenosti i vidljivosti hrvatskih znanstvenih informacija u meÄunarodnome okruženju