14 research outputs found

    Cercospora leaf spot of sugar beet ā€“ the most significant disease on sugar beet

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    Pjegavost liŔća je najznačajnija bolest Å”ećerne repe i izaziva ekonomski najveće Å”tete kroz smanjenje prinosa i sadržaj Å”ećera u korijenu. Čuvanje zdravog lista i spriječavanje razvoja gljive Cercospora beticola Sacc., u naÅ”im proizvodnim uvjetima osnovni je preduvjet odličnog prinosa i kvalitete korijena.Leaf spot is the most significant disease on sugar beet and it causes the highest economic damages through the decrease in yield and the content of sugar in root. Keeping a healthy leaf and preventing the development of the fungus Cercospora beticola Sacc. in our production conditions is the basic precondition of an excellent yield and the quality of root

    Protection of sugar beet

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    ZaÅ”tita Å”ećerne repe vrlo je važna tehnoloÅ”ka mjera koja direktno utječe na visinu prinosa i kakvoću korijena. Najučinkovitiji način zaÅ”tite je kombinacija dobro provedenih, svih drugih tehnoloÅ”kih mjera koje omogućavaju formiranje zdravog i otpornog usjeva Å”ećerne repe optimalnog sklopa s primjenom potrebnih pesticida.Protection of sugar beet is a very important technological measure, which directly affects the level of yield and root quality. The most effective way of protection is a combination of a good implementation of all the other technological measures, which enable the forming of healthy and resistant sugar beet crop within the optimal complex with application of the needed pesticides


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    U intenzivnoj poljoprivredi, a uslijed prirodnih procesa i antropogenih čimbenika, većina tala proizvodnog područja Å”ećerne repe bilježi pad pH vrijednosti tla čime se smanjuje njihov proizvodni potencijal. KoriÅ”tenjem vapnenih materijala mjerom kalcifikacije popravlja se pH tla Å”to uzrokuje pozitivne reakcije kod ostalih svojstava tla. Jedan od kvalitetnih vapnenih materijala je karbokalk koji je pokazao odlične rezultate u proizvodnji Å”ećerne repe.In intensive agriculture, and because of natural processes and anthropogenic factors, most of the soils of the production areas of sugar- beet record a decrease in the pH- value. That decreases their production potential. Using calcareous materials by calcification method improves the pH- value of the soil, which has positive impact on other characteristics of the soil. One of the calcareous materials which has shown excellent results in sugar- beet production is carbocalk

    Dangerous weed pests in sugar beet

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    ZaÅ”tita Å”ećerne repe od korova je najosjetljivija agrotehnička mjera u proizvodnji te kulture jer zahtijeva najviÅ”e znanja i stručnosti. Prepoznavanje i poznavanje karakteristika pojedinih korovnih vrsta u Å”ećernoj repi je ključno za njenu uspjeÅ”nu proizvodnju.The protection of sugar beet from weed pest is the most sensitive agrotechnical measure in production of this crop because it requires a lot of knowledge and expertise. To know and to recognize the characteristics of certain weed pests in sugar beet is of key importance for its successful production

    Pests of sugar beet

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    Način dorade sjemena Å”ećerne repe, klimatske prilike te geografske specifičnosti zadnjih godina uzrokuju promjene u pojavi i brojnosti pojedinih vrsta Å”tetnika Å”ećerne repe i visinama Å”teta koje uzrokuju. Poznavanje utjecaja tih čimbenika, njihove pojave te same njihove biologije, pridonosi sprječavanju ili smanjenju Å”teta.The method of processing sugar beet seed, climate and geographical features, in recent years have caused by changes in the occurrence and abundance of some species of pests of sugar beet and the amount of damage they cause. Being familiar with the impact of these factors, their appearance and their own biology helps to prevent or reduce such damages

    Damages on sugar beet in first stages of development

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    Najosjetljiviji period Å”ećerne repe u kojem se javljaju i najveće Å”tete je sam početak rasta i razvoja. Sprječavanje nastanka Å”teta u tom periodu znači osnovu za dobivanje odličnog prinosa i kvalitete korijena.The most sensitive period of sugar beet, in which the biggest damages occur, is the beginning of growth and development itself. Prevention of damages in this period represents the base for acquiring excellent yield and root quality

    Damages on sugar beet in first stages of development

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    Najosjetljiviji period Å”ećerne repe u kojem se javljaju i najveće Å”tete je sam početak rasta i razvoja. Sprječavanje nastanka Å”teta u tom periodu znači osnovu za dobivanje odličnog prinosa i kvalitete korijena.The most sensitive period of sugar beet, in which the biggest damages occur, is the beginning of growth and development itself. Prevention of damages in this period represents the base for acquiring excellent yield and root quality

    Protection of sugar beet

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    ZaÅ”tita Å”ećerne repe vrlo je važna tehnoloÅ”ka mjera koja direktno utječe na visinu prinosa i kakvoću korijena. Najučinkovitiji način zaÅ”tite je kombinacija dobro provedenih, svih drugih tehnoloÅ”kih mjera koje omogućavaju formiranje zdravog i otpornog usjeva Å”ećerne repe optimalnog sklopa s primjenom potrebnih pesticida.Protection of sugar beet is a very important technological measure, which directly affects the level of yield and root quality. The most effective way of protection is a combination of a good implementation of all the other technological measures, which enable the forming of healthy and resistant sugar beet crop within the optimal complex with application of the needed pesticides

    Utjecaj benefitnih mikroorganizama na prinos i kvalitetu soje u uvjetima smanjene gnojidbe duŔikom

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility to reduce the application of mineral nitrogen fertilizers through the application of beneficial microorganisms (genus Bradyrhizobium, Azotobacter, bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus spp., etc.). Research was conducted during 2013 and 2014 on Eutric brown soil. The experiment was set up in a split-block scheme with 12 different variants in 4 repetitions: two soybean cultivars were used; two different treatments of nitrogen fertilizers and three different treatments of microbiological preparation were applied. Analysed parameters were soybean grain yield (kg/ha) based on 13% moisture, protein content (%), oil content (%) and hectolitre mass (kg). Given that the climatic conditions in the second year of research were more favourable than in the first year of research, all the elements of research, including control variants, achieved better results in the second year of research. All variants treated with microbiological preparations, either by application in soil or by application in soil combined with foliar treatments, also achieved statistically significant differences compared to the control variants.U radu je istraživana mogućnost redukcije duÅ”ičnih gnojiva uz koriÅ”tenje benefitnih mikroorganizama (rodovi Bradyrhizobium, Azotobacter, bacterija Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus spp., itd.), kao alternative duÅ”ičnim gnojivima. Istraživanja su provedena tijekom 2013. i 2014. godine na eutrično smeđem tlu. Pokus je postavljen prema split-blok shemi te sadrži 12 varijanti u 4 ponavljanja kako slijedi: dvije sorte soje, dvije varijante primjene mineralnoga duÅ”ičnoga gnojiva i tri varijante primjene mikrobioloÅ”koga preparata. Elementi istraživanja bili su prinos zrna (kg/ha), preračunat po hektaru na osnovi 13% vode u zrnu; sadržaj proteina (%); sadržaj ulja (%) i hektolitarska masa (kg). S obzirom na to da su klimatske prilike u drugoj godini istraživanja bile povoljnije nego u prvoj istraživačkoj godini, svi elementi istraživanja, uključujući kontrolne varijante, druge godine istraživanja, postigli su bolje rezultate. Sve varijante tretirane mikrobioloÅ”kim preparatima, bilo aplikacijom u tlo ili aplikacijom u tlo uz folijarne tretmane, također su postigli statistički vrlo značajno bolje rezultate u odnosu na kontrolne varijante

    Influence of microbial preparation and nitrogen fertilization on yield and quality of sugar beet root

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    Istraživanja su provedena u istočnoj Hrvatskoj na dva lokaliteta tijekom tri vegetacijske godine. U pokusu su uključena četiri hibrida hibrida Å”ećerna repe, od kojih su dva tolerantna, a dva osjetljiva na patogenu gljivu Rhizoctonia solani KĆ¼hn. Pokusi su postavljeni po split ā€“ blok shemi u 4 ponavljanja na dva tipa tla, na svakom u 24 različite varijante. Elementi istraživanja bili su: A. Hibrid (A1 - tolerantan na patogenu gljivu R. solani (Santino ā€“ Strube); A2 - tolerantan na patogenu gljivu R. solani (Jadranka - KWS); A3 - osjetljiv na patogenu gljivu R. solani (Fred - Strube); osjetljiv na patogenu gljivu R. solani (Terranova ā€“ KWS)); B. Primjena mikrobioloÅ”kog pripravka EM Aktiv (B1 ā€“ kontrola; B2 - tretman tla (40 l/ha); B3 - tretman tla (30 l/ha) + folijarna primjena (10 l/ha)); C. Gnojidba duÅ”ikom (C1 - na osnovu rezultata analize tla; C2 - reducirana za 30%). Prisustvo patogene gljive R. solani potvrđeno je uzastopno 3 godine na oba tipa tla koja su se koristila u pokusu tzv. Ā«brzom metodomĀ» koja je prihvaćena u svijetu i uvrÅ”tena u standardne metode dokazivanja prisustva patogene gljive R. solani u biljkama (STRUBE ā€“ DIECKMANN; Alert LFTM) kao i izolacijom patogena koriÅ”tenjem selektivnih podloga Potatoe dekstrose agar te Corn meal agar. MikrobioloÅ”ki pripravak EM Aktiv sadrži P. fluorescens, B. megaterium i B. subtilis. Ove benefitne bakterije svojim eksudatima mikrobicidno djeluju na patogene gljive u tlu ā€“ uzročnike truleži korijena Å”ećerne repe. Nadalje, mikrobioloÅ”ki pripravak sadrži i duÅ”ične bakterije Azotobacter chroococcum i Azospirillum brasilense. U varijantama gdje je primijenjen biopreparat, bilo samo apliciran u tlo ili apliciran u tlo i folijarno, u odnosu na kontrolnu varijantu, dobiven je niži prosječni postotak inficiranih i propalih biljaka, sadržaj kalija, natrija i alfa-amino duÅ”ika i Å”ećera, kao i viÅ”i prinos korijena, sadržaj Å”ećera, postotak iskoriÅ”tenja Å”ećera na repu i prinos čistog Å”ećera. Tolerantni hibridi su u odnosu na osjetljive hibride ostvarili niži prosječni postotak inficiranih i propalih biljaka, sadržaj kalija, natrija i alfa-amino duÅ”ika i Å”ećera, kao i viÅ”i prinos korijena, sadržaj Å”ećera, postotak iskoriÅ”tenja Å”ećera na repu i prinos čistog Å”ećera. Međutim, značajno veća je razlika između kontrolne varijante i varijanti u kojima je primijenjen biopreparat kod deklarirano osjetljivih hibrida u odnosu na deklarirano tolerantne hibride.The investigations were conducted in Eastern Croatia on two sites during three vegetation years. Four sugar beet hybrids were included in the experiment, two tolerant and two sensitive to the pathogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani KĆ¼hn. The experiments were set up according to a split - block scheme in 4 repetitions on two soil types, each in 24 different variants. Elements of the study were: A. Hybrid (A1 - tolerant to pathogenic fungi R. solani (Santino ā€“ Strube); A2 - tolerant to pathogenic fungi R. solani (Jadranka - KWS); A3 - sensitive to pathogenic fungi R. solani (Fred - Strubs); sensitive to pathogenic fungus R. solani (Terranova - KWS)); B. Application of microbiological preparation EM Aktiv (B1 - control; B2 - soil treatment (40 l / ha); B3 - soil treatment (30 l / ha) + foliar application (10 l / ha)) C. Nitrogen fertilization (C1 - based on soil analysis results; C2 - reduced by 30%)). The presence of the pathogenic fungus R. solani was confirmed using the so-called ā€žfast methodā€œ repeatedly for all 3 years on both soil types used in the experiment. The "fast method" is accepted worldwide and is included in the standard methods of demonstrating the presence of the pathogenic fungus R. solani in plants (STRUBE - DIECKMANN; Alert LFTM). Also, R. solani was confirmed through the isolation of pathogens using selective media as Potato dextrose agar and Corn meal agar. The microbiological preparation EM Aktiv contains P. fluorescens, B. megaterium and B. subtilis. Because of their exudats, these beneficial bacteria have a microbicidal effect on pathogenic fungi in the soil - causative agents of sugar beet root rot. Furthermore, the microbiological composition contains nitrogenous bacteria A. chroococcum and A. brasilense. In variants where biopreparation was applied, either solely applied into the soil or applied into the soil and foliar, compared to the control variant, a lower average percentage of infected and failed plants, potassium, sodium and alpha-amino nitrogen and sugar content was obtained, as well as higher root yield, sugar content, percentage of sugar utilization in beet root and pure sugar yield. Tolerant hybrids achieved a lower average percentage of infected and failed plants, potassium, sodium and alpha-amino nitrogen and sugar content than sensitive hybrids, as well as higher root yield, sugar content, sugar beet yield and pure sugar yield. However, significantly higher is the difference between the control variants and variants with biopreparation observing sensitive hybrids than it is on the variants with tolerant hybrids