38 research outputs found

    Excess erosion and deposition in the catchments of Kamenichka and Radanjska river, Republic of Macedonia

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    One of the greatest environmental problems in the Republic of Macedonia is accelerated soil erosion caused by high human impact during last centuries on to the susceptible landscape. Natural factors itself are very suitable for development of such erosion: from mostly erodible rocks and soils on the mountainous slopes around the depressions, to the generally continental, semi-arid climate and slight vegetation cover. Because of that, there are sites with severe erosion and deposition like those in the catchments of Kamenichka River and Radanjska River, two torrential tributaries of Bregalnica. In these catchments there are varieties of erosion-related landforms: rills, gullies, badlands, landslides, as well as valley-type alluvial fans and huge alluvial plains. Such devastating accelerated erosion and deposition largely transformed original landscape, and represent significant environmental, social, and economic problem in local areas. Because of that, some measures of protection and conservation were taken from 1950-ties in both catchments. But it is obvious that the final effect of these measures is far of enough, so new efforts must be implemented to revitalizing these abandoned lands

    Digitalni model terena i satelitski snimci pri proučavanju potencijalne erozije zemljišta u slivu Pčinje

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    Pcinja is large left tributary of Vardar River (135 km long, 2877,3 km2 catchment’s area), which drainages surface waters from northeastern Macedonia, and small part of southeastern Serbia. Because of suitable physical-geographic factors (geology, terrain morphology, climate, hydrology, vegetation coverage, soil composition, and high human impact), some parts of the catchment’s suffer significant erosion process. For this reason, it is necessary to research properly spatial distribution of erosion, then influence of physical and anthropogenic factors for the intensity of soil erosion, related erosion landforms (with morphology, genesis, evolution, soil erosion protection etc.). Earlier researches in the area have been performed generally with combination of cartographic and classic field analysis. But in last decades, there are new possibilities available like satellite images and digital elevation models. In this work has been presented the methodology of utilization of satellite images and DEM for erosion research, with analysis and comparisons of outcome data.Pčinja je velika leva pritoka Vardara (135 km dužine i 2877,3 km2 površine sliva) i drenira površinske vode severoistočnog dela Makedonije i malog dela jugoistočne Srbije. Zbog raznovrsnih fizičko-geografskih faktora (geologije, morfologije terena, klime, hidrografije, vegetacionog pokrivača, sastava zemljišta i izraženih antropogenih uticaja) pojedini delovi sliva su ugroženi značajnim erozivnim procesima. Iz tog razloga, neophodno je istražiti prostorni raspored erozije zemljišta, uticaj prirodnih i antropogenih faktora na njen intenzitet, pripadajuće erozivne oblike (sa morfologijom, genezom, evolucijom, protiverozivnim merama, itd). Prethodna istraživanja na ovom prostoru predstavljala su kombinaciju kartografskih i klasičnih terenskih istraživanja. U poslednjoj dekadi, ostvarene su nove mogućnosti upotrebe satelitskih snimaka i DEM-a. U ovom radu, prikazana je metodologija korišćenja satelitskih snimaka i DEM-a u istraživanjima erozije, sa analizom i komparacijom dobijenih rezultata

    Digital elevation model and satellite images an assessment of soil erosion potential in the Pcinja catchment

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    Pcinja is large left tributary of Vardar River (135 km long, 2877,3 km2 catchment’s area), which drainages surface waters from northeastern Macedonia, and small part of southeastern Serbia. Because of suitable physical-geographic factors (geology, terrain morphology, climate, hydrology, vegetation coverage, soil composition, and high human impact), some parts of the catchment’s suffer significant erosion process. For this reason, it is necessary to research properly spatial distribution of erosion, then influence of physical and anthropogenic factors for the intensity of soil erosion, related erosion landforms (with morphology, genesis, evolution, soil erosion protection etc.). Earlier researches in the area have been performed generally with combination of cartographic and classic field analysis. But in last decades, there are new possibilities available like satellite images and digital elevation models. In this work has been presented the methodology of utilization of satellite images and DEM for erosion research, with analysis and comparisons of outcome data

    GIS and RS-based modelling of potential natural hazard areas in Pehchevo municipality, Republic of Macedonia

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    In this paper, one approach of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) assessment of potential natural hazard areas (excess erosion, landslides, flash floods and fires) is presented. For that purpose Pehchevo Municipality in the easternmost part of the Republic of Macedonia is selected as a case study area because of high local impact of natural hazards on the environment, social-demographic situation and local economy. First of all, most relevant static factors for each type of natural hazard are selected (topography, land cover, anthropogenic objects and infrastructure). With GIS and satellite imagery, multi-layer calculation is performed based on available traditional equations, clustering or discreditation procedures. In such way suitable relatively 'static' natural hazard maps (models) are produced. Then, dynamic (mostly climate related) factors are included in previous models resulting in appropriate scenarios correlated with different amounts of precipitation, temperature, wind direction etc. Finally, GIS based scenarios are evaluated and tested with field check or very fine resolution Google Earth imagery showing good accuracy. Further development of such GIS models in connection with automatic remote meteorological stations and dynamic satellite imagery (like MODIS) will provide on-time warning for coming natural hazard avoiding potential damages or even causalities

    Statistical and expert-based landslide susceptibility modeling on a national scale applied to North Macedonia

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    This article presents a Geographic Information System (GIS) assessment of Landslide Susceptibility Zonation (LSZ) in North Macedonia. Because of the weak landslide inventory, statistical method (frequency ratio) is combined with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). In this study, lithology, slope, plan curvature, precipitations, land cover, distance from streams, and distance from roads were selected as precondition factors for landslide occurrence. There are two advantages of the approach used. The first is the possibility of comparing of the results and cros svalidation between the statistical and expert based methods with an indication of the advantages and drawbacks of each of them. The second is the possibility of better weighting of precondition factors for landslide occurrence, which can be useful in cases of weak landslide inventory. The final result shows that in the case of weak landslide inventory, LSZ map created with the combination of both models provide better overall results than each model separately

    Multi-hazard assessment using GIS in the urban areas: Case study - Banja Luka municipality, B&H

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    The research presents a techniques for natural hazard assessment using GIS and cartographic approaches with multi-hazard mapping in urban communities, because natural hazards are a multi-dimensional phenomena which have a spatial component. Therefore the use of Remote Sensing and GIS has an important function and become essential in urban multi-hazard assessment. The first aim of this research was to determine the geographical distributions of the major types of natural hazards in the study area. Seismic hazards, landslides, rockfalls, floods, torrential floods, and excessive erosion are the most significant natural hazards within the territory of Banja Luka Municipality. Areas vulnerable to some of these natural hazards were singled out using analytical maps. Based on these analyses, an integral map of the natural hazards of the study area was created using multi-hazard assessment and the total vulnerability was determined by overlapping the results. The detailed analysis, through the focused research within the most vulnerable areas in the study area will highlight the administrative units (urban centres and communes) that are vulnerable to various types of natural hazard. The results presented in this article are the first multi-hazard assessment and the first version of the integral map of natural hazards in the Republic of Srpska.</jats:p

    Geo-values of the natural monument Markovi Kuli near Prilep

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    Located on the southwestern branches of Babuna Mountain, north of Prilep in North Macedonia is the Natural Monument Markovi Kuli – a geosite with an exceptional weathering landscape. It is a host to a vast variety of weathering landforms (boulders, pillars, weathering pits, tafoni, etc.), mainly due to the lithology where Proterozoic gneiss rocks are intruded by Late Paleozoic granitic rocks. In addition, landform development is also controlled by the local climate conditions. As a result of its geomorphological significance, in 2004 Markovi Kuli geosite was placed on the tentative list of UNESCO World Heritage, and in 2006 it was proclaimed as a Natural Monument, within the network of protected areas in Macedonia. However, despite its geodiversity being the cornerstone of its significance, not many geomorphological studies have been made so far. Considering that, and especially the necessity for the effective protection of the area, the results of the latest research are presented in this work

    Geomorphometric characteristics of the high mountains in North Macedonia

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    Abstract— As a result of powerful local and regional geotectonic movements, the landscape of North Macedonia (25,713 km2 ) has a typical chequerboard topography with frequent changes of mountains and depressions. There are 38 mountain ranges, of which 13 extending above 2000 m are defined as high, while the highest - Korab, reach 2753 m. Because of their geomorphological and overall significance, geomorphometric features of these 13 dominant high mountain ranges are analyzed in this work. The data are calculated from a previously prepared 15-m DEM with particular attention to hypsometry, slope gradient, aspect, and curvature. Based on these variables, a simple classification of the high mountain ranges is mad

    Prirodni uslovi kao ograničavajući faktor razvoja pograničnog prostora Srbije i Makedonije

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    Natural conditions of certain area imply to the complex influence of various elements of the environment (surface, relief, climate, water, vegetation type) and man, and knowledge of their recent state represents basis of an integrated approach in the land use planning. Analysis of natural conditions and processes in the Serbian-Macedonian border area is usually done through the valorization of natural potentials, but aspect of their limiting influence on the development of this territory - natural hazards assessment has remained unresolved. Degree of natural hazards vulnerability of a certain territory is an important factor in land use planning, because it represents a threat to the undisturbed development of a certain teritory. The basic idea of this paper is to provide multi-hazard assessment and the integral map of areas vulnerable to various types of natural hazards in Serbian-Macedonian border area. In this way seclusion of areas where natural conditions can represent the limiting factor for the development of the analyzed territory shall be performed.Pod prirodnim uslovima nekog prostora podrazumeva se kompleks uticaja različitih elemenata prirodne sredine (podloge, reljefa, klime, vode, tipa vegetacije) i čoveka, a poznavanje njihovog recentnog stanja predstavlja osnovu integralnog pristupa u planiranju korišćenja površina. Analiza prirodnih uslova i procesa u pograničnom prostoru Srbije i Makedonije najčešće je vršena kroz valorizaciju prirodnih potencijala, ali je ostao nerazjašnjen aspekt njihovog ograničavajućeg uticaja na razvoj ove teritorije - povredivost prirodnim hazardima. Stepen ugroženosti određene teritorije prirodnim hazardima predstavlja bitan činilac u planiranju korišćenja zemljišta, jer su oni pretnja nesmetanom razvoju nekog prostora. Osnovna ideja ovog rada je da se za pogranični prostor Srbije i Makedonije uradi multi-hazard assessment i kreira the integral map sa površinama ugroženim različitim tipovima prirodnih hazarda. Na taj način izvršiće se izdvajanje površina na kojima prirodni uslovi mogu predstavljati ograničavajući faktor razvoja analizirane teritorije

    Late Pleistocene glacial advances, equilibrium-line altitude changes and paleoclimate in the Jakupica Mts (North Macedonia)

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    In the Jakupica Mts a plateau glacier was reconstructed (max. area ~45 km2, max thickness: ~260 m). The study area comprises six formerly glaciated valleys, five of which were fed by the plateau glacier and one had an independent cirque when local glaciation reached its maximum ice extent (MIE). The equilibrium line altitude (ELA) of the most extended glacial phase was at 2075+37/-25 m asl. The 10Be cosmic ray exposure (CRE) age of this phase was estimated at 19.3+1.7/-1.3 ka, conformable with the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). CRE ages from the next moraine generation placed the first phase of deglaciation to 18.2+1.0/-3.0 ka. The samples from the moraine of the penultimate deglaciation phase provided CRE ages with large scatter and biased towards old ages, which is probably the result of inherited cosmogenic nuclide concentrations within the rock. Glacio-climatological modelling was performed for the MIE, which has a well-established LGM age. The degree-day model was used to calculate the amount of accumulation required to sustain the glaciological equilibrium assuming a certain temperature drop at the ELA. The degree-day model constrained by the pollen- based July paleo-temperature reconstructions yielded an annual total melt at the LGM ELA comparable to or slightly higher than the current mean annual precipitation at the same elevation. These wetter LGM conditions inferred from the paleo-glaciological evidence in Jakupica Mts suggest an enhanced moisture advection in the region