4 research outputs found

    Expectations versus the reality of women during childbirth by caesarean section in conduction anaesthesia

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá porovnáním očekávání a následné reality žen při porodu císařským řezem ve svodné anestezii. Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a průzkumnou část. V teoretické části je rozebrána problematika císařského řezu. Jsou uvedeny indikace k jeho provedení, techniky provedení, postup předoperační přípravy, možné komplikace a není opomenuta ani pooperační péče. Další kapitola se věnuje svodné anestezii, konkrétně typům této anestezie a jejich indikacím a kontraindikacím, technice provedení jednotlivých typů anestezie a jsou uvedeny i komplikace. Na závěr je rozebrána péče perioperační sestry. Průzkumná část práce byla provedena prostřednictvím kvantitativního průzkumného šetření formou dotazníku vlastní konstrukce. Sběr dat probíhal ve třech vybraných nejmenovaných zdravotnických zařízeních od prosince 2019 do února 2020. Cílem průzkumné části diplomové práce bylo zjistit, jaká je informovanost rodiček o svodné anestezii, jaké mají rodičky očekávání o průběhu operace i pooperačního období a zda se tato očekávání shodovala s následnou realitou.The diploma thesis deals with the comparison of expectations and subsequent reality of women during caesarean delivery under conduction anaesthesia. The work is divided into two parts: theory and research. The theoretical part deals with the issue of caesarean section. Described here are indications for its implementation, techniques of implementation, procedure of preoperative preparation, possible complications as well as postoperative care. The next chapter deals with conduction anaesthesia, more specifically different types of it, and it focuses on their indications, contraindications and the technique of performing the various types. There are also possible complications listed in this part. Finally, the care of the perioperative nurse is discussed. The exploratory part of the work was carried out through a quantitative exploratory survey in the form of a questionnaire I myself designed. The data collection took place in three selected (anonymous) medical facilities from December 2019 to February 2020. The aim of the research was to find out mothers' knowledgeability regarding conduction anaesthesia, their expectations about the operation itself and about the postoperative period, and whether these expectations coincided with subsequent reality.Fakulta zdravotnických studiíHodnocení vedoucího: velmi dobře Hodnocení oponenta: velmi dobře minus Doplňující otázky k obhajobě: 1. Jak by se podle Vás dala zvýšit informovanost těhotných žen o jednotlivých typech anestezie pro císařský řez? 2. Vysvětlete, co zmiňujete v závěru, že by mělo být perioperačním sestrám umožněno, aby mohly provádět edukaci? Obhajoba diplomové práce s prezentací výborná.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    The childbirth through the eyes of woman who gives birth

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    This bachelor thesis deals with pregnant women's ideas of their childbirth and, subsequently, compares these ideas with the real course of it. In the theoretical part the issue of childbirth, its course and the midwifery care in each of the stages of labour were described as well as alternative conducts of labour. Given the theme of this thesis, the psychophysical preparation for childbirth, the birth plan, the role of the accompanying person during labour as well as the prevention of childbirth injuries were also described. For the scientific part of the thesis two goals were set, namely to find out about the ideas women have about childbirth and, afterwards, to compare these ideas with the real course of labour. Based on these two goals, two scientific issues have emerged which focused on the ideas and visions that women had about childbirth and also how they felt about it afterwards. The quantitative method of half-structured in-depth interviews with the women before and after childbirth was used to complete the scientific research. The research was carried out between January and February 2018 and included 15 women who agreed to give an interview. The interview was divided into two parts, the first part before birth, the second part after birth. During the first part of the interview the women answered nine and, in the second one, ten open questions. As soon as the collection of data was finished, the interviews were transcribed word by word and analysed (by hand). After that the answers were encoded and put into prepared categories. Based on the research it has become clear that all of the respondents were informed about childbirth, either through the internet or by means of childbirth preparation courses and most often they wished for their childbirth to be quick. Some of the respondents had their birth plan and all of them wished to be accompanied by their partner. Some of them also asked for a doula or a private midwife assistant. Most of the respondents hadn't been preparing for labour pains and almost all of them wanted to use hydro-therapy as a means of analgesia during the first stage of labour. More than a half of the respondents had been using some method of prevention of perineal tear during pregnancy. As for the role of the midwife assistant, they mostly expected her to be friendly and able to provide advice. The course of childbirth was mostly seen and valued as an unforgettable and positive "experience". According to most of the respondents their midwife assistant was kind and able to provide them with understandable information. The environment of the delivery room was described as pleasant by almost all of the women. Most of them handled their labour pains well. All the respondents understood the person accompanying them as mental support. Most respondents suffered from childbirth injuries. Almost all of the respondents could apply some of the knowledge they had acquired during pregnancy. All of the women who had their birth plan ready could see their wishes at least partially fulfilled. The research has shown that most of the respondents were satisfied with the course of their childbirth and their ideas were not very different from reality. This bachelor thesis can be used as a source of information for pregnant women or as a summary of midwifery care regarding the woman in labour. Thee information leaflet can be given to pregnant women attending antenatal classes as a source of helpful information for the whole process of giving birth

    The Structure–Antimicrobial Activity Relationships of a Promising Class of the Compounds Containing the N-Arylpiperazine Scaffold

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    This research was focused on in silico characterization and in vitro biological testing of the series of the compounds carrying a N-arylpiperazine moiety. The in silico investigation was based on the prediction of electronic, steric and lipohydrophilic features. The molecules were screened against Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis CIT03, M. smegmatis ATCC 700084, M. kansasii DSM 44162, M. marinum CAMP 5644, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, methicillin-resistant S. aureus 63718, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212, Candida albicans CCM 8261, C. parapsilosis CCM 8260 and C. krusei CCM 8271, respectively, by standardized microdilution methods. The eventual antiproliferative (cytotoxic) impact of those compounds was examined on a human monocytic leukemia THP-1 cell line, as a part of the biological study. Promising potential against M. kansasii was found for 1-[3-(3-ethoxyphenylcarbamoyl)oxy-2-hydroxypropyl]-4-(3-trifluoromethylphenyl)piperazin-1-ium chloride (MIC = 31.75 μM), which was comparable to the activity of isoniazid (INH; MIC = 29.17 μM). Moreover, 1-{2-hydroxy-3-(3-methoxyphenylcarbamoyl)oxy)propyl}-4-(4-fluorophenyl)piperazin-1-ium chloride was even more effective (MIC = 17.62 μM) against given mycobacterium. Among the tested N-arylpiperazines, 1-{2-hydroxy-3-(4-methoxyphenylcarbamoyl)oxy)propyl}-4-(3-trifluorometh-ylphenyl)piperazin-1-ium chloride was the most efficient against M. marinum (MIC = 65.32 μM). One of the common features of all investigated substances was their insignificant antiproliferative (i.e., non-cytotoxic) effect. The study discussed structure–antimicrobial activity relationships considering electronic, steric and lipophilic properties