4 research outputs found

    Određivanje zapaljivosti i obilježja gorenja drva smreke

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    This paper deals with the determination of selected fire properties of spruce wood. It describes the general characteristics of spruce wood, microscopic and macroscopic features. Broad application of this material requires the assessment of its properties regarding the fire aspects, being a cause of fire in forests or due to frequent occurrence of wildland fires in the Slovak territory, and being a flammable material used in building industry, furniture industry, etc. This paper analyses the following fire properties: flash-ignition temperature, spontaneous ignition temperature, mass burning rate, ignitability of material exposed to a small open flame.Tema rada je određivanje svojstava zapaljivosti i gorenja drva smreke. Opisuju se opća te mikroskopska i makroskopska obilježja smrekovine. Zbog široke primjene smrekovine vrlo je važna procjena njezinih svojstava zapaljivosti, posebno zato što su u smrekovim šumama na slovačkom području česti požari a smrekovo se drvo često koristi u graditeljstvu, industriji namještaja i sl. Svojstva zapaljivosti i gorenja analizirana u ovom radu jesu flash temperatura zapaljenja, temperatura spontanog zapaljenja, brzina gorenja te zapaljivost materijala izloženoga slaboj otvorenoj vatri

    Selected Fire and Burning Properties of the Spruce Wood

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    Príspevok sa zaoberá stanovením niektorých požiarnotechnických charakteristík smrekového dreva. Popisuje jeho všeobecnú charakteristiku, mikroskopické a makroskopické znaky. Široké uplatnenie tohto materiálu predpokladá posúdenie jeho vlastností z protipožiarneho hľadiska, či už ako súčasť horľavého súboru v lesnom prostredí, z dôvodu častého výskytu lesných požiarov na území Slovenska, alebo ako horľavého materiálu používaného v stavebníctve, nábytkárstve atď. Požiarnotechnickými charakteristikami, ktorými sa zaoberáme v tomto článku sú: teplota vzplanutia a vznietenia, hmotnostná rýchlosť odhorievania, zapáliteľnosť materiálu pri namáhaní účinkom malého plameňa.This paper deals with determination of selected fire properties of the spruce wood. It describes general spruce wood characteristics, microscopic and macroscopic features. Broad application of this material assumes assessment of its properties regarding fire aspects as being a part of flammable aggregate in a forest environment or due to frequent cases of wildfires at the Slovak territory or being a flammable material used in civil engineering, furniture industry etc. Fire properties analysed in this paper are flash-ignition temperature, spontaneous-ignition temperature, mass burning rate, ignitability of material exposed to a small open flame

    Supplemental Material - The effect of flame retardants on the fire technical characteristics of recycled textiles

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    Supplemental Material for The effect of flame retardants on the fire technical characteristics of recycled textiles by Anna Danihelová, Miroslav Němec, Tomáš Gergeľ, Miloš Gejdoš, Martin Lieskovský, Iveta Mitterová, Patrik Sčensný and Rastislav Igaz in Journal of Industrial Textiles</p