153 research outputs found

    Environmental and Hunter-Gatherer Responses to the White River Ash East Volcanic Eruption in the Late Holocene Canadian Subarctic

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    The eastern lobe of the Alaskan White River Ash volcanic event of AD 846 – 848 blanketed portions of Yukon and Northwest Territories, Canada, in 5 to 50 cm of tephra. The eruption has been linked to concurrent changes among hunter- gatherers, including the spread of new technologies and the continent-wide migration of a group of Dene ancestors from Subarctic Canada to the United States. We use published palaeoenvironmental data (primarily pollen and charcoal profiles) as well as studies of modern ash fall ecology and human health hazards associated with eruptions to reconstruct effects of the White River Ash east event on northern hunter-gatherer subsistence. While many components of local ecosystems appear to have rebounded quickly from ash deposition, we deduce a more pronounced impact on the important game species of caribou and salmon, the seasonal migration paths of which were intersected by thick deposits of ash. A trophic model informed by palaeoenvironmental data and ethnohistoric records suggests that negative biological effects of the ash temporarily pushed hunter-gatherer populations to neighbouring and less affected kin groups for up to 100 years. This synthesis contextualises archaeological theories of human responses to ecological disturbance events in circumpolar landscapes.Le lobe occidental du dépôt de cendres volcaniques White River Ash, en Alaska, remontant aux années 846 – 848 A.D., a recouvert certaines parties du Yukon et des Territoires du Nord-Ouest, au Canada, d’une couche de téphra de 5 à 50 cm. Cette éruption a été liée à des changements simultanés chez les chasseurs-cueilleurs, dont l’adoption de nouvelles technologies et la migration à l’échelle du continent d’un groupe d’ancêtres dénés, de la zone subarctique canadienne jusqu’aux États-Unis. Nous avons publié des données paléoenvironnementales (principalement des profils de pollen et de charbon de bois) ainsi que des études d’écologie moderne de chutes de cendres et de dangers pour la santé des êtres humains découlant d’éruptions afin de reconstituer les effets du dépôt occidental White River Ash sur la subsistance des chasseurs-cueilleurs nordiques. Même si de nombreuses composantes des écosystèmes locaux semblent s’être remises rapidement des dépôts de cendres, nous déduisons que les répercussions ont été plus prononcées sur les espèces de gibier de caribou et sur le saumon, dont les voies de migration saisonnière croisaient les épais dépôts de cendres. Un modèle trophique établi à l’aide de données paléoenvironnementales et d’enregistrements ethnohistoriques suggère que les effets biologiques négatifs des cendres ont poussé temporairement les populations de chasseurs-cueilleurs chez des groupes apparentés avoisinants et moins touchés pendant une centaine d’années. Cette synthèse met en contexte les théories archéologiques se rapportant aux réactions humaines vis-à-vis d’événements de perturbation écologique dans les paysages circumpolaires

    Isotopic evidence for long-distance connections of the AD thirteenth century Promontory caves occupants

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    Las cuevas Promontory (Utah) y la Cueva Franktown (Colorado) contienen registros de alta fidelidad en cuanto a las ocupaciones de corto término de grupos humanos con cultura material conectada al Subártico/Planicies del Norte. Esta investigación utiliza excremento, pelo, piel de cuero y colágeno del hueso de bisonte provenientes de los sitios Promontory y Franktown para establecer una base de datos isotópicos locales y variabilidad isotópica de carbono e identifica la piel de cuero de procedencia lejana. La envoltura de tobillo de un mocasín recuperado de la Cueva 1 de Promontory tuvo un valor δ13C que indica un componente C4 considerable en la dieta del animal, lo que es un resultado distinto a las dietas C3 que se identificaron a partir del análisis de 171 muestras de bisonte provenientes de Promontory y el norte de Utah. Aplicamos una combinación única de análisis isotópico de tejidos múltiples, mapas isotópicos (“isoscapes”) de carbono, ADN antiguo (identificación de sexo y especie), tasa de remodelación de tejidos, contextos arqueológicos y la ecología del bisonte para demonstrar que el valor alto δ13C probablemente no es un resultado debido al consumo de plantas locales, movilidad del bisonte o comercio. En cambio, la piel de cuero del bisonte fue probablemente adquirida a través de viajes de larga distancia hacia zonas con pastos C4 abundantes muy al sur o al este. El conocimiento extenso sobre el paisaje obtenido a través de asociaciones de larga distancia debió permitir a los habitantes de las cuevas Promontory tomar decisiones bien informadas sobre las direcciones y rutas de movimiento para realizar un cambio territorial, el cual parece haber ocurrido a finales del sigo XIII.The Promontory caves (Utah) and Franktown Cave (Colorado) contain high-fidelity records of short-term occupations by groups with material culture connections to the Subarctic/Northern Plains. This research uses Promontory and Franktown bison dung, hair, hide, and bone collagen to establish local baseline carbon isotopic variability and identify leather from a distant source. The ankle wrap of one Promontory Cave 1 moccasin had a δ13C value that indicates a substantial C4 component to the animal's diet, unlike the C3 diets inferred from 171 other Promontory and northern Utah bison samples. We draw on a unique combination of multitissue isotopic analysis, carbon isoscapes, ancient DNA (species and sex identification), tissue turnover rates, archaeological contexts, and bison ecology to show that the high δ13C value was not likely a result of local plant consumption, bison mobility, or trade. Instead, the bison hide was likely acquired via long-distance travel to/from an area of abundant C4 grasses far to the south or east. Expansive landscape knowledge gained through long-distance associations would have allowed Promontory caves inhabitants to make well-informed decisions about directions and routes of movement for a territorial shift, which seems to have occurred in the late thirteenth century

    Evaluating the GeoSnap 13-μ\mum Cut-Off HgCdTe Detector for mid-IR ground-based astronomy

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    New mid-infrared HgCdTe (MCT) detector arrays developed in collaboration with Teledyne Imaging Sensors (TIS) have paved the way for improved 10-μ\mum sensors for space- and ground-based observatories. Building on the successful development of longwave HAWAII-2RGs for space missions such as NEO Surveyor, we characterize the first 13-μ\mum GeoSnap detector manufactured to overcome the challenges of high background rates inherent in ground-based mid-IR astronomy. This test device merges the longwave HgCdTe photosensitive material with Teledyne's 2048x2048 GeoSnap-18 (18-μ\mum pixel) focal plane module, which is equipped with a capacitive transimpedance amplifier (CTIA) readout circuit paired with an onboard 14-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The final assembly yields a mid-IR detector with high QE, fast readout (>85 Hz), large well depth (>1.2 million electrons), and linear readout. Longwave GeoSnap arrays would ideally be deployed on existing ground-based telescopes as well as the next generation of extremely large telescopes. While employing advanced adaptive optics (AO) along with state-of-the-art diffraction suppression techniques, instruments utilizing these detectors could attain background- and diffraction-limited imaging at inner working angles <10 λ/D\lambda/D, providing improved contrast-limited performance compared to JWST MIRI while operating at comparable wavelengths. We describe the performance characteristics of the 13-μ\mum GeoSnap array operating between 38-45K, including quantum efficiency, well depth, linearity, gain, dark current, and frequency-dependent (1/f) noise profile.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in special addition of Astronomische Nachrichten / Astronomical Notes as a contribution to SDW202

    Association of Accelerometry-Measured Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Events in Mobility-Limited Older Adults: The LIFE (Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders) Study.

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    BACKGROUND:Data are sparse regarding the value of physical activity (PA) surveillance among older adults-particularly among those with mobility limitations. The objective of this study was to examine longitudinal associations between objectively measured daily PA and the incidence of cardiovascular events among older adults in the LIFE (Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders) study. METHODS AND RESULTS:Cardiovascular events were adjudicated based on medical records review, and cardiovascular risk factors were controlled for in the analysis. Home-based activity data were collected by hip-worn accelerometers at baseline and at 6, 12, and 24&nbsp;months postrandomization to either a physical activity or health education intervention. LIFE study participants (n=1590; age 78.9±5.2 [SD] years; 67.2% women) at baseline had an 11% lower incidence of experiencing a subsequent cardiovascular event per 500&nbsp;steps taken per day based on activity data (hazard ratio, 0.89; 95% confidence interval, 0.84-0.96; P=0.001). At baseline, every 30&nbsp;minutes spent performing activities ≥500&nbsp;counts per minute (hazard ratio, 0.75; confidence interval, 0.65-0.89 [P=0.001]) were also associated with a lower incidence of cardiovascular events. Throughout follow-up (6, 12, and 24&nbsp;months), both the number of steps per day (per 500&nbsp;steps; hazard ratio, 0.90, confidence interval, 0.85-0.96 [P=0.001]) and duration of activity ≥500&nbsp;counts per minute (per 30&nbsp;minutes; hazard ratio, 0.76; confidence interval, 0.63-0.90 [P=0.002]) were significantly associated with lower cardiovascular event rates. CONCLUSIONS:Objective measurements of physical activity via accelerometry were associated with cardiovascular events among older adults with limited mobility (summary score &gt;10 on the Short Physical Performance Battery) both using baseline and longitudinal data. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION:URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01072500

    What Every Business Student Needs to Know About Information Systems

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    Whether Information Systems should or should not be part of the core business school curriculum is a recurring discussion in many universities. In this article, a task force of 40 prominent information systems scholars address the issue. They conclude that information systems is absolutely an essential body of knowledge for business school students to acquire as well as a key element of the business school\u27s long-run strategic positioning within the university. Originally prepared in response to draft accreditation guidelines prepared by AACSB International, the article includes a compilation of the concepts that the authors believe to be the core information systems knowledge that all business school students should be familiar with

    A study of the impact of individual thermal control on user comfort in the workplace: Norwegian cellular vs. British open plan offices

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    In modern offices, user control is being replaced by centrally operated thermal systems, and in Scandinavia, personal offices by open plan layouts. This study examined the impact of user control on thermal comfort and satisfaction. It compared a workplace, which was designed entirely based on individual control over the thermal environment, to an environment that limited thermal control was provided as a secondary option for fine-tuning: Norwegian cellular and British open plan offices. The Norwegian approach provided each user with control over a window, door, blinds, heating and cooling as the main thermal control system. In contrast, the British practice provided a uniform thermal environment with limited openable windows and blinds to refine the thermal environment for occupants seated around the perimeter of the building. Field studies of thermal comfort were applied to measure users’ perception of thermal environment, empirical building performance and thermal control. The results showed a 30% higher satisfaction and 18% higher comfort level in the Norwegian offices compared to the British practices. However, the energy consumption of the Norwegian case studies was much higher compared to the British ones. A balance is required between energy efficiency and user thermal comfort in the workplace

    Population dynamics of an RNA virus and its defective interfering particles in passage cultures

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Viruses can fall prey to their defective interfering (DI) particles. When viruses are cultured by serial passage on susceptible host cells, the presence of virus-like DI particles can cause virus populations to rise and fall, reflecting predator-prey interactions between DI and virus particles. The levels of virus and DI particles in each population passage can be determined experimentally by plaque and yield-reduction assays, respectively.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To better understand DI and virus particle interactions we measured vesicular stomatitis virus and DI particle production during serial-passage culture on BHK cells. When the multiplicity of infection (MOI, or ratio of infectious virus particles to cells) was fixed, virus yields followed a pattern of progressive decline, with higher MOI driving earlier and faster drops in virus level. These patterns of virus decline were consistent with predictions from a mathematical model based on single-passage behavior of cells co-infected with virus and DI particles. By contrast, the production of virus during fixed-volume passages exhibited irregular fluctuations that could not be described by either the steady-state or regular oscillatory dynamics of the model. However, these irregularities were, to a significant degree, reproduced when measured host-cell levels were incorporated into the model, revealing a high sensitivity of virus and DI particle populations to fluctuations in available cell resources.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study shows how the development of mathematical models, when guided by quantitative experiments, can provide new insight into the dynamic behavior of virus populations.</p

    A gap analysis on modelling of sea lice infection pressure from salmonid farms. I. A structured knowledge review

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    Sustainability of aquaculture, an important component of the blue economy, relies in part on ensuring assessment of environmental impact and interactions relating to sea lice dispersing from open pen salmon and trout farms. We review research underpinning the key stages in the sea lice infection process to support modelling of lice on wild salmon in relation to those on farms. The review is split into 5 stages: larval production; larval transport and survival; exposure and infestation of new hosts; development and survival of the attached stages; and impact on host populations. This modular structure allows the existing published data to be reviewed and assessed to identify data gaps in modelling sea lice impacts in a systematic way. Model parameterisation and parameter variation is discussed for each stage, providing an overview of knowledge strength and gaps. We conclude that a combination of literature review, empirical data collection and modelling studies are required on an iterative basis to ensure best practice is applied for sustainable aquaculture. The knowledge gained can then be optimised and applied at regional scales, with the most suitable modelling frameworks applied for the system, given regional limitations

    A gap analysis on modelling of sea lice infection pressure from salmonid farms. II. Identifying and ranking knowledge gaps: output of an international workshop

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    Sea lice are a major health hazard for farmed Atlantic salmon in Europe, and their impact is felt globally. Given the breadth of ongoing research in sea lice dispersal and population modelling, and focus on research-led adaptive management, we brought experts together to discuss research knowledge gaps. Gaps for salmon lice infection pressure from fish farms were identified and scored by experts in sea lice-aquaculture-environment interactions, at an international workshop in 2021. The contributors included experts based in Scotland, Norway, Ireland, Iceland, Canada, the Faroe Islands, England and Australia, employed by governments, industry, universities and non-government organisations. The workshop focused on knowledge gaps underpinning 5 key stages in salmon lice infection pressure from fish farms: larval production; larval transport and survival; exposure and infestation of new hosts; development and survival of the attached stages; and impact on host populations. A total of 47 research gaps were identified; 5 broad themes emerged with 13 priority research gaps highlighted as important across multiple sectors. The highest-ranking gap called for higher quality and frequency of on-farm lice count data, along with better sharing of information across sectors. We highlight the need for synergistic international collaboration to maximise transferable knowledge. Round table discussions through collaborative workshops provide an important forum for experts to discuss and agree research priorities