2,379 research outputs found

    Spatial and Temporal Trends of Deer Harvest and Deer-Vehicle Accidents in Ohio

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    Author Institution: Buckeye Valley High School ; USDA Forest Service, Delaware CountyWhite-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus} have been increasing dramatically in the eastern United States, with concomitant increases in impacts resulting from deer browsing and deer-vehicle collisions. In Ohio, the number of deer were estimated at near zero in 1940 to over 450,000 in 1995. We analyzed estimates of deer harvest and deer-vehicle collisions in 1995 for 88 counties in Ohio. These data were also related to county-level spatial data on the length of major highways, urban land, rural land, crop land, forest land, all land, and human population. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the spatial and temporal trends of white-tailed deer across Ohio and to relate these patterns to the formerly mentioned environmental and human variables. For 1995 data, positive relationships existed between the amount of urban land in the county versus the number of deer-vehicle collisions, the amount of forest land in the county versus the number of deer harvested, the human population of a county versus the number of deer-vehicle collisions, and the length of major highways in a county versus the number of deer-vehicle collisions. Negative relationships existed between the amount of crop land in a county versus the number of deer harvested, the amount of crop land versus the number of deer-vehicle collisions, and the amount of urban land versus the number of deer harvested. Nine counties, representing various levels of land-use and human population tendencies, were analyzed for historic trends in deer harvest (1985-1995) and deer-vehicle collisions (1988-1995); in each case, there were substantial rises over the previous decade. Extensions of the resulting regression lines show the possibility for continued increases in deervehicle collisions, especially those with a high human population and forest cover. The dramatic increases in deer populations can be attributed to increasing forest land in the state, more habitat of shrubby land, few predators, mild winters, and the deer's ability to adapt to human-inhabited environments


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    The application of remote sensing techniques to the study of eutrophication in natural waters and the location and characterization of fronts is considered. The specific problem to be studied is examined along with the feasibility and capabability of remote sensing techniques for each application

    Complex metal halides in fused alkali nitrates

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    The results of this investigation have provided additional information by chemical methods of the extent of association in fused salts. Association effects observed in solubility and rate studies in fused alkali nitrate are shown to be consistent with the assumption that complex ions such as those existing in aqueous solutions are formed between metal ions and halide ions. In addition, the rate studies suggest a mechanism for a reaction involving dichromate and nitrate ions in a fused alkali nitrate solvent

    Interpreting forest and grassland biome productivity utilizing nested scales of image resolution and biogeographical analysis

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    Several hardware, software, and data collection problems encountered were conquered. The Geographic Information System (GIS) data from other systems were converted to ERDAS format for incorporation with the image data. Statistical analysis of the relationship between spectral values and productivity is being pursued. Several project sites, including Jackson, Pope, Boulder, Smokies, and Huntington Forest are evolving as the most intensively studied areas, primarily due to availability of data and time. Progress with data acquisition and quality checking, more details on experimental sites, and brief summarizations of research results and future plans are discussed. Material on personnel, collaborators, facilities, site background, and meetings and publications of the investigators are included

    Transoral Approach to Excision of Massive Dermoid Cysts in Pediatric Patients: A Case Series

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    Floor of mouth (FOM) dermoid cysts are a rare but clinically significant lesion of the head and neck. Classically, large cysts have been excised via a transcervical approach, although the limits of the transoral approach are expanding. The majority of FOM dermoid cysts present in the midline, but true lateral cysts have been reported. In this case series, we describe 3 pediatric patients who all underwent successful transoral excision of massive dermoid cysts, along with a literature review. Massive cystic lesions were identified on preoperative imaging. The dermoid cysts averaged 6 × 4.3 × 5 cm and were successfully removed via a transoral approach. Two were removed via a median ventral FOM incision and one via a lateral trans-sublingual approach to the FOM. When needed, the geniohyoid muscle was divided to gain access to the cyst. All cysts were removed intact, although partial, controlled decompression was performed to aid in dissection. There were no post-operative complications. FOM dermoid cysts are a rare but important cause of pediatric neck masses that present a challenging but satisfying surgical opportunity. The transoral approach is a viable option for massive dermoid cysts superior to the mylohyoid

    Intern Self-Care: An Exploratory Study Into Strategy Use and Effectiveness

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    In this exploratory study, 363 interns were surveyed to assess the frequency of use and effectiveness of self-care strategies used during the internship year. Among the most frequently used strategies were family and friend social support, active problem solving, and humor. The most effective strategies were family and friend social support, seeking pleasurable experiences, and humor. A strong positive relationship was found between total scores for Frequency and Effectiveness subscales, and women reported significantly more use and effectiveness of strategies. Recommendations and resources are provided for interns and internship sites that seek to further understand and encourage intern self-care

    Benchmarking Gas Path Diagnostic Methods: A Public Approach

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    Recent technology reviews have identified the need for objective assessments of engine health management (EHM) technology. The need is two-fold: technology developers require relevant data and problems to design and validate new algorithms and techniques while engine system integrators and operators need practical tools to direct development and then evaluate the effectiveness of proposed solutions. This paper presents a publicly available gas path diagnostic benchmark problem that has been developed by the Propulsion and Power Systems Panel of The Technical Cooperation Program (TTCP) to help address these needs. The problem is coded in MATLAB (The MathWorks, Inc.) and coupled with a non-linear turbofan engine simulation to produce "snap-shot" measurements, with relevant noise levels, as if collected from a fleet of engines over their lifetime of use. Each engine within the fleet will experience unique operating and deterioration profiles, and may encounter randomly occurring relevant gas path faults including sensor, actuator and component faults. The challenge to the EHM community is to develop gas path diagnostic algorithms to reliably perform fault detection and isolation. An example solution to the benchmark problem is provided along with associated evaluation metrics. A plan is presented to disseminate this benchmark problem to the engine health management technical community and invite technology solutions
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