16 research outputs found

    Effect of Added Nitrogen on Properties of SiCN Films Prepared by PECVD Using Hexamethyldisilazane

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    Silicon carbonitride thin films were obtained by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition using native precursor hexamethyldisilazane with a nitrogen addition. Films were investigated by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and nanoindentation. It is established that all the films were X-ray amorphous. An increase in nitrogen flow rate leads to increasing the number of Si-N bonds, which, in turn, promotes the rise of nanohardness and elastic modulus up to 20 GPa and 160 GPa, respectively. The optimum deposition parameters were established. The films can be recommended as hard coatings for strengthening cutting tools. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3532

    Characterization of Ti-B-C-N Nanocomposite Coatings

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    Nanocomposite Ti-B-N-C coatings were deposited by magnetron sputtering of TiN and B4C targets in the argon-nitrogen atmosphere at different nitrogen flow rates (FN2). The structure, chemical bonding and mechanical properties were investigated. The results of the investigations of the nanocomposite, TiN and BCN coatings show that the Ti-B-C-N coatings consist of the TiNC nanocrystals (3.4 – 6.5 nm) embedded into the amorphous matrix that consists of amorphous boron nitrogen (a-BN) and amorphous carbon (a-C). The coatings contain a small admixture of titanium oxides that are aggregated at the grain boundaries. The coatings deposited at high nitrogen flow rates were textured. An introduction of nitrogen prompts the formation of the nanocrystallites of the TiN-TiC solid solutions and the a-BN amorphous tissue, which, in turn, causes the improvement of the mechanical properties of the Ti-B-C-N coatings. The best samples ex-hibited nanohardnes above 39 GPa. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3505

    Effect of Substrate Temperature on the Properties of PECVD SiCN Films

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    An influence of substrate temperature on the properties of SiCN films deposited on silicon substrates by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) technique using hexamethyldisilazane is analyzed. The films were studied using XRD, FTIR, XPS, AFM, Knoop hardness test and nanoindentation. It was established that all films were X-ray amorphous and had low surface roughness. Hydrogen effusion takes place above 400 °C, which leads to corresponding changes in chemical bonding and mechanical properties of the films

    Effect of Substrate Temperature on the Properties of PECVD SiCN Films

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    An influence of substrate temperature on the properties of SiCN films deposited on silicon substrates by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) technique using hexamethyldisilazane is analyzed. The films were studied using XRD, FTIR, XPS, AFM, Knoop hardness test and nanoindentation. It was established that all films were X-ray amorphous and had low surface roughness. Hydrogen effusion takes place above 400 °C, which leads to corresponding changes in chemical bonding and mechanical properties of the films

    Tight-binding description of TiCx

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    A parametrized non-orthogonal tight-binding (TB) method combined with the coherent-potential-approximation is applied to the study of the electronic structure of disordered off-stoichiometric TiCx, the lattice relaxation and the electronic spectra of the TiC (001) surface, the local relaxation and energetic states of TiC structures with one or two vacancies in both the non-metal and metal sublattices. The calculated results are in good agreement with available experimental and theoretical data. The importance of the overlap matrix elements of the TB Hamiltonian in describing the electronic structure of this class of compounds is emphasized.Параметризований неортогональний метод сильного зв’язку (СЗ), а також наближення когерентного потенціалу застосовано до вивчення електронної структури розупорядкованого нестехіометричного TiCx , релаксації ґратки та електронного спектру поверхні (001) TiC, локальних релаксацій та енергетичних станів структур TiC , які містять одну або дві вакансії як в неметалевій, так і в металевій підґратках. Результати розрахунків добре узгоджуються з існуючими експериментальними та теоретичними даними. Продемонстрована важливість врахування матричних елементів перекриття гамільтоніану для опису електронної структури цього класу сполук

    Integer Norm for Difference Assessment of the Frame Elements Considering the White Balance

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    The proposed concept suggests a method, based on which a synthesis of an integer norm can be performed, which takes into account the white balance of the camera when performing the evaluation of the difference between the elements of an image. This idea is based on modifying the internal calculations of the camera, aimed at assessing the colour of the image element, using the process of colour model reduction that is embedded inside the camera, to the colour model of the classical representation. The use of this approach provides a number of advantages within the framework of systems in which there is a solution of computer vision problems in terms of using both graphical processing and artificial intelligence.Мета. Метою даної статті є дослідження запропонованого підходу, на основі якого можливо виконати синтез цілочислової норми, що враховує баланс білого камери при розрахуванні оцінки різниці між елементами зображення. Методи. Камера автоматично налаштовує баланс білого відповідно до одного з режимів, встановлених за замовчуванням. Оцінка різниці між двома точками зображення здійснюється за рахунок виконання нормалізації. Як метод розрахунку використовується евклідова норма. Результати. Запропоновано підхід до нормалізації, що враховує коефіцієнти корекції балансу білого. Розрахунки виконуються з точки зору здійснення операцій з цілими значеннями, що надає можливість їх використання для безпосереднього розгортання всередині апаратної логіки пристроїв. Цей факт дозволяє знизити як загальну вартість ресурсів для виконуваних операцій, по відношенню до існуючої арифметики з плаваючою крапкою, так і зниження вимог до конфігурації датчиків.Цель. Целью данной статьи является исследование подхода к синтезу целочисленной нормы, которая учитывает баланс белого камеры при расчете оценки разницы между элементами изображения. Методы. Камера автоматически настраивает баланс белого в соответствии с одним из режимов, установленных по умолчанию. Оценка разницы между двумя точками изображения осуществляется путем выполнения нормализации. В качестве метода расчета используется евклидова норма. Результаты. Предложен подход нормализации, учитывающий коэффициенты коррекции баланса белого. Расчеты выполняются исходя из операций с целыми значениями, что дает возможность использования их для непосредственного развертывания внутри аппаратной логики устройств. Это позволяет снизить как общую стоимость ресурсов для выполняемых операций, по отношению к существующей арифметике с плавающей точкой, так и упростить требования к конфигурации датчиков

    Structural and Electro-physical Properties of Heterogenous Film Materials Based on Refractory Metals

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    In this paper an electro-physical properties and structural phase composition analysis of heterogenous film materials based on refractory metals is presented. A thermal activity nature of their conductivity was determined. As a result of investigation were estimated thermal resistance coefficient and electro-conductivity activation energy

    Structural and Electro-physical Properties of Heterogenous Film Materials Based on Refractory Metals

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    In this paper an electro-physical properties and structural phase composition analysis of heterogenous film materials based on refractory metals is presented. A thermal activity nature of their conductivity was determined. As a result of investigation were estimated thermal resistance coefficient and electro-conductivity activation energy

    Technosols on mining wastes in the subarctic: Efficiency of remediation under Cu-Ni atmospheric pollution

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    The copper-nickel factory's emissions in the Murmansk region, Russia, led to the degradation of plant cover and topsoil with the subsequent formation of industrial barrens. In this study, the industrial barrens were remediated by means of Technosol engineering, when grasses were sown on the two different types of mining wastes (carbonatite and serpentinite-magnesite) covered by hydroponic vermiculite. The serpentinite-magnesite waste was significantly different from the carbonatite waste in the content of silicon (Si) and manganese (Mn), pH, and texture. Both wastes had an alkaline pH level and high content of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg). The vegetation and Technosol properties at the remediated sites were analyzed in 2017 and compared to the initial state (2010 year) to assess the efficiency of the long-term remediation. The quality and sustainability of Technosols based on the serpentinite-magnesite wastes were substantially higher compared to the carbonatite-based Technosol. Biomass and a projective cover of the grass community depended on Si content in the original mining waste and were found to be higher in the serpentinite-magnesite Technosol. The content of organic carbon and its fractions, microbial biomass and basal respiration after seven years of Technosol evolution was comparable to natural values. These parameters were directly related to plant cover state and were inversely proportional to copper (Cu) content in Technosol. The Technosol development led to the reduction of nickel (Ni) and Cu migration in soil-plant ecosystems due to neutralization and adsorption properties of mining wastes and phytostabilization by underground parts of grass communities. The Technosol development in its early stage of pedogenesis indicates the efficiency of applied remediation technology to the degraded acidic soil under the conditions of industrial atmospheric pollution. © 2019 International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation and China Water and Power Pres

    Organic matter accumulation by alkaline-constructed soils in heavily metal-polluted area of Subarctic zone

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    Purpose: The research aimed to investigate properties and functions of soils constructed from alkaline mining wastes of different origin to remediate the industrial barren resulted from long-term emissions of the copper-nickel factory in the Subarctic region (Kola Peninsula, Russia). Conventional indicators of the remediation effectiveness (pH and metal content in geochemical fractions) were related to the indicators of soil functions such as biomass production, accumulation of organic carbon, microbial activity, and soil respiration. Materials and methods: The experimental area included two sites with polluted and degraded Podzol and Histosol soils located in 1.5 and 0.7 km from the nonferrous (Cu-Ni) smelter, respectively. At the sites, artificial soil constructions were made from mining wastes or quarry sand covered by the vermiculite layer with lawn grasses planted on top. Plant biomass was collected every year starting from the experiment set-up. In 5 to 8 years, soil samples were collected on the layer basis, and chemical, biological, and morphological properties were analyzed. Sequential fractionation of metals was conducted using a modified Tessier’s scheme. The microbial biomass and its respiration activity were determined. Micromorphological studies were conducted using an optical microscope. Soil respiration was measured on-site by IRGA with simultaneous observations of soil moisture and temperature. Results: The plant growth and residues' deposition at both experimental sites triggered carbon accumulation and resulted in 2–3 times higher content of organic carbon in the upper constructed soil layer compared to the initial content in mining wastes. Carbon accumulation was a key driver for the development of soil microbial communities and had a positive effect on the metal immobilization. This effect was strengthened by high pH inherited from the alkaline wastes and resulted in the performance of constructed soils as geochemical barriers. In their upper layers, where the root biomass was the highest, about 30–60% of Cu and Ni were bound by organic matter. In the underlying polluted soil, the most toxic water-soluble metal fraction was completely neutralized; and the metal concentrations in exchangeable fraction decreased by a factor of four improving the habitat conditions of the microbiome. Organic matter accumulation by clay material with the formation of organo-mineral films was found in the vermiculite-lizardite variant. Conclusion: Soil constructions made from alkaline mining wastes in the Subarctic supported the development of plant and microbial communities, organic matter accumulation, and metal immobilization. This technology allows protecting the environment from further pollution under the continuous emissions of the copper-nickel factory. © 2020, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature