1,533 research outputs found

    The perceived restorativeness of gardens

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    Natural environments have been found more restorative than built environments but studies have also highlighted mixed built and natural environments. The aims were to examine the perceived restorativeness of gardens, and evaluate the performance of the Perceived Restorativeness Scale, PRS, when applied to two examples from the same mixed built natural scene type rather than to a contrast between built and natural. The results show that the gardens are perceived restorative and the PRS also proved itself capable of discriminating between the two gardens. This points to the PRS being a useful tool and emphasizes the shortcomings of broad scene type definitions. The results show that one scene type can include environments that are significantly different in perceived restorativeness. This underlines the need to collect data on a greater number of both different scene types and examples within every type, as well as to have more controlled definitions of content and scene types to understand the relationship between the physical expression of a place and its potential of being restorative. The results show that the PRS is sensitive to place characteristics at subscale level, showing a high Being away score for both gardens and a Scope score that differed substantially. The results show a high correlation between restorativeness and preference

    Heparin, dextran 1000 and metastasis formation after I.V. tumour cell injection in dextran non-sensitive rats.

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    The present study of the effect of heparin and dextran 1000 on the metastasis formation after i.v. tumour cell injection in dextran non-sensitive rats using a syngeneic 20-methylcholanthrene induced fibrosarcoma showed that heparin treatment decreased with formation of pulmonary metastases in animals both untreated and treated with dextran 1000. Treatment with dextran 1000 increased the formation of pulmonary metastases in animals both untreated and treated with heparin and the effect of dextran 1000 was thus not affected by heparin treatment. Heparin did not have any direct action on the tumour cells, which influenced metastasis formation. The data suggest that heparin acts as an anticoagulant with decreased microthrombus formation around lodged cells and that dextrax 1000 stimulates metastasis formation primarily by mechanisms other than intravascular coagulation

    Cerebellar cortical AMPA/kainate receptor blockade prevents performance of classically conditioned nictitating membrane responses

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    Classical conditioning of the nictitating membrane-eye blink response of rabbits is a simple form of associative motor learning. Lesion studies have shown that performance of learned responses is dependent on the cerebellum, but they have not shown whether there is storage of memories within the cerebellum or distinguished the roles of the cerebellar cortex and nuclei. Reversible inactivations of the cerebellar nuclei have directly implicated the cerebellum in the acquisition of nictitating membrane conditioning, but previously the cerebellar cortex has not been reversibly inactivated to assess its contribution to the performance or acquisition of conditioned responses. Here we use the water-soluble disodium salt of 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) reversibly to block cerebellar cortical AMPA-kainate receptors in lobule HVI and quantitative autoradiography to map its distribution. Conditioned responses are completely, but reversibly, abolished for 10-60 min depending on the concentration of the CNQX infusion and its location within HVI. Zebrin immunohistochemistry was used to define the optimal cortical infusion site that, we suggest, corresponds to the location of the eye blink control regions. We confirm that areas in HVI are essential for the expression of classically conditioned nictitating membrane responses, and we establish a method to analyze the role of cerebellar cortex in the acquisition of this form of motor learning

    Low incidence of toxoplasma infection during pregnancy and in newborns in Sweden

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    To estimate the burden of disease due to congenital toxoplasmosis in Sweden the incidence of primary infections during pregnancy and birth prevalence of congenital toxoplasmosis in 40978 children born in two regions in Sweden was determined. Women possibly infected during pregnancy were identified based on: 1, detection of specific IgG based on neonatal screening of the phenylketonuria (PKU) card blood spot followed by retrospective testing of stored prenatal samples to detect women who acquired infection during pregnancy and follow up of their children to 12 months; 2, detection of specific IgM on the PKU blood spot. The birth prevalence of congenital toxoplasmosis was 0·73/10000 (95% CI 0·15–2·14) (3/40978). The incidence of primary infection during pregnancy was 5·1/10000 (95% CI 2·6–8·9) susceptible pregnant women. The seroprevalence in the southern part was 25·7% and in the Stockholm area 14·0%. The incidence of infection during pregnancy was low, as the birth prevalence of congenital toxoplasmosis. Neonatal screening warrants consideration in view of the low cost and feasibility

    Exploring longitudinal measurement invariance and the continuum hypothesis in the Swedish version of the Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire (BRSQ): An exploratory structural equation modeling approach

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    Objectives: The aims of the present study were to: (a) examine longitudinal measurement invariance in the Swedish version of the Behavioral Regulations in Sport Questionnaire (BRSQ) and (b) examine the continuum hypothesis of motivation as postulated within self-determination theory. Design: Two-wave survey. Method: Young competitive athletes (N = 354) responded to the BRSQ early in the season (November) and at the end of the athletic season (April). Data were analyzed using exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) and bifactor ESEM. Results: We found support for strict longitudinal measurement invariance in the BRSQ. Latent mean comparisons showed an increase in external regulation and amotivation across the season. The latent factor correlations indicated some deviations from a simplex pattern related to amotivation, external regulation, and introjected regulation. In the bifactor model, intrinsic motivation items had negative factor loadings on the global factor, identified regulation items had factor loadings approaching zero, and introjected and external regulation and amotivation items all had moderate to strong positive factor loadings. Conclusion: The present study adds longitudinal measurement invariance to the psychometric evidence of the BRSQ. Research on why the latent means of the behavioral regulations changed over the athletic season is warranted. The continuum hypothesis was partially supported. Latent factor correlations and factor loadings on the global factor in the bifactor ESEM highlighted that the discriminant validity of the controlled regulations and amotivation needs further investigation

    Sedimentary mechanisms of a modern banded iron formation on Milos Island, Greece

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    An Early Quaternary shallow submarine hydrothermal iron formation (IF) in the Cape Vani sedimentary basin (CVSB) on Milos Island, Greece, displays banded rhythmicity similar to Precambrian banded iron formation (BIF). Sedimentary, stratigraphic reconstruction, biogeochemical analysis and micro-nanoscale mineralogical characterization confirms the Milos rocks as modern Precambrian BIF analogues. Spatial coverage of the BIF-type rocks in relation to the economic grade Mn ore that brought prominence to the CVSB implicates tectonic activity and changing redox in the deposition of the BIF-type rocks. Field-wide stratigraphic and biogeochemical reconstruction demonstrates two temporal and spatially isolated iron deposits in the CVSB with distinct sedimentological character. Petrographic screening suggest the previously described photoferrotrophic-like microfossil-rich IF (MFIF), accumulated on basement andesite in a ~ 150 m wide basin, in the SW margin of the basin. A strongly banded non-fossiliferous IF (NFIF) caps the Mn-rich sandstones at the transition to the renowned Mn-rich formation. Geochemical evidence relates the origin of the NFIF to periodic submarine volcanism and water column oxidation of released Fe(II) in conditions apparently predominated by anoxia, similar to the MFIF. This is manifested in the lack of shale-normalized Ce anomalies. Raman spectroscopy pairs hematite-rich grains in the NFIF with relics of a carbonaceous material carrying an average ÎŽ13Corg signature of ~ −25 ‰. However, a similar ÎŽ13Corg signature in the MFIF is not directly coupled to hematite by mineralogy. The NFIF, which post dates large-scale Mn deposition in the CVSB, is composed primarily of amorphous Si (opal-SiO2 · nH2O) while crystalline quartz (SiO2) predominates the MFIF. An intricate interaction between tectonic processes, changing redox, biological activity and abiotic Si precipitation, formed the unmetamorphosed BIF-type deposits

    HÄllbart vÀxtskydd. Analys av olika strategier för att minska riskerna med kemiska vÀxtskyddsmedel

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    Risker som Ă€r förknippade med kemiska vĂ€xtskyddsmedel kan sammanfattas i fem omrĂ„den: risker för anvĂ€ndare, risker för rester i livsmedel samt i yt- och grundvatten och risker för natursystemet (t.ex. förlorad biodiversitet). De viktigaste fördelarna med vĂ€xtskyddsmedel Ă€r att de bidrar till skördeökningar och att de förbĂ€ttrar möjligheten till stabila skördenivĂ„er, oavsett Ă„rsmĂ„n. Det finns olika strategier för att hantera vĂ€xtskyddet i dagens jordbruk och beroende pĂ„ vilken strategi som vĂ€ljs förĂ€ndras riskerna som Ă€r förknippade med anvĂ€ndningen av vĂ€xtskyddsmedel. Syftet med MAT 21-projektet HĂ„llbart VĂ€xtskydd har varit att analysera den miljömĂ€ssiga hĂ„llbarheten i olika vĂ€xtskyddsstrategier med hjĂ€lp av konkreta exempel. Ambitionen Ă€r att ge vĂ€gledning om genomförandet av politiska miljömĂ„l, tolkning av miljöanalyser och utveckling av kvalitets- och miljöledningssystem i livsmedelsföretag. I projektet har en varierad vĂ€xtföljd setts som en viktig förebyggande Ă„tgĂ€rd för att minska riskerna med vĂ€xtskyddsmedel. En diversifierad vĂ€xtföljd bidrar till att reducera vissa typer av ogrĂ€s och till att minska trycket av mĂ„nga svampsjukdomar. Mekanisk ogrĂ€sreglering ger tillsammans med förebyggande Ă„tgĂ€rder möjligheter att minska anvĂ€ndningen av vĂ€xtskyddsmedel. Exempel pĂ„ tekniska lösningar som kan minska riskerna Ă€r bandsprutning i kombination med radrensning eller ny bredsprutningsteknik med lufttillsats vilket reducerar vindavdriften vid en applikation med vĂ€xtskyddsmedel. För att analysera riskerna som Ă€r förknippade med vĂ€xtskyddsmedel anvĂ€ndes modellen PRI-Farm som Ă€r en riskindikatormodell utvecklad av Kemikalieinspektionen. I modellen poĂ€ngsĂ€tts faktorer för fara och exponering vid applikation av vĂ€xtskyddsmedel. Farofaktorerna utrycker belastningen av de inneboende egenskaperna hos preparatens aktiva substans som persistens, bioackumulering och rörlighet. Exponeringsfaktorerna beaktar applikationsmetod, anvĂ€nd dos, markegenskaper och spruttidpunkt. Resultaten vĂ€gs samman i en poĂ€ngsumma (ett miljöriskindex), dĂ€r risk för transport till yt- och grundvatten vĂ€ger tungt. Även ett hĂ€lsoriskindex kan berĂ€knas, vilket inte gjorts i denna studie. Modellen kan inte anvĂ€ndas för att kvantifiera risker utan Ă€r i stĂ€llet ett verktyg för att kunna göra jĂ€mförande bedömningar mellan olika strategier för vĂ€xtskyddsinsatser, identifiera problemanvĂ€ndningar eller för att visa pĂ„ risktrender över tiden. För att analysera andra miljöeffekter (t.ex. klimatpĂ„verkan och energianvĂ€ndning) anvĂ€ndes metodiken för livscykelanalys (LCA). Detta Ă€r en metod som anvĂ€nds för att göra miljöbedömningar av produkter och tjĂ€nster. Man genomför berĂ€kningar för produktens potentiella bidrag till olika miljöeffekter, sĂ„som vĂ€xthuseffekt och försurning, och man summerar Ă€ven den förbrukning av viktiga resurser som produkten givit upphov till. Tanken Ă€r att dessa berĂ€kningar skall kunna ge information som kan leda till att man kan minska miljöpĂ„verkan frĂ„n en viss produkt pĂ„ ett effektivt sĂ€tt. Resultaten kan ocksĂ„ ge vĂ€gledning vid val mellan produkter som Ă€r likvĂ€rdiga i övrigt. I fallstudien av den allsidiga vĂ€xtodlingsgĂ„rden jĂ€mfördes ocksĂ„ nulĂ€get med ett scenario dĂ€r gĂ„rden lades om till ekologisk produktion. I detta alternativ anvĂ€ndes inga kemiska vĂ€xtskyddsmedel. OmlĂ€ggningen till ekologisk produktion pĂ„verkade Ă€ven andra miljöeffekter, förutom riskerna med vĂ€xtskyddsmedel. En negativ effekt av det ekologiska scenariot var att grödan kepalök fick utgĂ„ p.g.a. att risken bedömdes som för stor för ett stort skördebortfall utan tillgĂ„ng pĂ„ fungicider. PĂ„ grund av en lĂ€gre skördenivĂ„ i ekologisk produktion behövdes en betydligt större yta för att producera en given mĂ€ngd livsmedel. I en ekonomisk analys jĂ€mfördes nulĂ€get pĂ„ den allsidiga vĂ€xtodlingsgĂ„rden med ett ekologiskt scenario. Resultatet var likvĂ€rdigt för de tvĂ„ alternativen. För att ekologisk odling skall vara en ekonomiskt lyckad satsning pĂ„ gĂ„rdar i intensiva slĂ€ttbygder med odling av specialgrödor Ă€r det, med dagens nivĂ„ pĂ„ miljöstödet för ekologisk produktion, helt nödvĂ€ndigt att det finns ett bra merpris för produkterna. I en fallstudie av en allsidig vĂ€xtodlingsgĂ„rd jĂ€mfördes nulĂ€get med ett scenario dĂ€r olika strategier testades som minskade riskerna med vĂ€xtskyddsmedel utan att skördenivĂ„n Ă€ndrades nĂ€mnvĂ€rt. Detta scenario (kallat BĂ€sta Möjliga Teknik) innebar anvĂ€ndning av mekanisk och/eller termisk behandling som alternativ till konventionell bekĂ€mpning i vissa grödor samt medvetna val av vĂ€xtskyddsmedel som hade mindre dĂ„liga miljöegenskaper. Fallstudien visade pĂ„ flera olika möjligheter till att reducera riskerna i konventionell drift. Eftersom gĂ„rden i studien hade mĂ„nga radodlade specialgrödor bedömdes bandsprutning kombinerat med radrensning vara en intressant förbĂ€ttring. Att vĂ€sentligt reducera anvĂ€ndningen av fungicider i potatis och lök utan att Ă€ventyra skördenivĂ„n bedömdes som mycket svĂ„rt i konventionell drift, Ă€ven med bĂ€sta odlingsteknik. I fallstudien av den allsidiga vĂ€xtodlingsgĂ„rden jĂ€mfördes ocksĂ„ nulĂ€get med ett scenario dĂ€r gĂ„rden lades om till ekologisk produktion. Detta alternativ minskar riskerna med vĂ€xtskydds-medel radikalt men pĂ„verkar Ă€ven andra miljöeffekter. För mĂ„nga grödor minskade energianvĂ€ndning, liksom utslĂ€pp av vĂ€xthusgaser vid en övergĂ„ng till ekologisk odling. En negativ effekt av det ekologiska scenariot var att grödan kepalök fick utgĂ„ p g a att risken bedömdes som för stor för ett betydande skördebortfall utan tillgĂ„ng till fungicider. Ur miljö- och resurssynpunkt var den mest negativa effekten att det ekologiska scenariot krĂ€vde mycket större yta för att producera en given mĂ€ngd livsmedel. I en ekonomisk analys jĂ€mfördes nulĂ€get pĂ„ den allsidiga vĂ€xtodlingsgĂ„rden med ett ekologiskt scenario. Resultatet var likvĂ€rdigt för de tvĂ„ alternativen. För att ekologisk odling skall vara en ekonomiskt lyckad satsning pĂ„ gĂ„rdar i intensiva slĂ€ttbygder Ă€r det helt nödvĂ€ndigt att det finns ett bra merpris för produkterna. Studien visar att det finns flera olika strategier för att minska riskerna med anvĂ€ndningen av vĂ€xtskyddsmedel. En varierad vĂ€xtföljd Ă€r en grundlĂ€ggande förutsĂ€ttning i alla odlingssystem och inom detta omrĂ„de finns det mycket gammal kunskap som behöver vĂ€ckas till liv. Miljöanalyserna visar ocksĂ„ att mĂ„nga tekniska lösningar, som leder till minskat behov av vĂ€xtskyddsmedel, kan tillĂ€mpas utan att andra miljöeffekter pĂ„verkas nĂ€mnvĂ€rt. Att vĂ€lja bort vĂ€xtskyddsmedel som har mindre goda miljöeffekter Ă€r en strategi som förefaller ha stor potential för att minska riskerna. PRI-Farm kan bli ett viktigt beslutsstöd i lantbrukets arbete för bĂ€ttre produktval och sĂ€krare vĂ€xtskydd. Ekologisk produktion har goda förutsĂ€ttningar att bli en viktig strategi för minskade risker i de utökade vattenskyddsomrĂ„den som kommunerna nyligen har beslutat om. För att denna strategi skall bli lyckosam krĂ€vs att marknaden fortsĂ€tter att öka för ekologiska produkter i Sverige, sĂ„ att produkternas merpris tillsammans med samhĂ€llets stöd via miljöersĂ€ttningsprogram fortsĂ€tter att betala merkostnaden för denna produktionsform

    Elucidation of Short Linear Motif-Based Interactions of the FERM Domains of Ezrin, Radixin, Moesin, and Merlin

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    The ERM (ezrin, radixin, and moesin) family of proteins and the related protein merlin participate in scaffolding and signaling events at the cell cortex. The proteins share an N-terminal FERM [band four-point-one (4.1) ERM] domain composed of three subdomains (F1, F2, and F3) with binding sites for short linear peptide motifs. By screening the FERM domains of the ERMs and merlin against a phage library that displays peptides representing the intrinsically disordered regions of the human proteome, we identified a large number of novel ligands. We determined the affinities for the ERM and merlin FERM domains interacting with 18 peptides and validated interactions with full-length proteins through pull-down experiments. The majority of the peptides contained an apparent Yx[FILV] motif; others show alternative motifs. We defined distinct binding sites for two types of similar but distinct binding motifs (YxV and FYDF) using a combination of Rosetta FlexPepDock computational peptide docking protocols and mutational analysis. We provide a detailed molecular understanding of how the two types of peptides with distinct motifs bind to different sites on the moesin FERM phosphotyrosine binding-like subdomain and uncover interdependencies between the different types of ligands. The study expands the motif-based interactomes of the ERMs and merlin and suggests that the FERM domain acts as a switchable interaction hub

    Comparison between interstitial laser thermotherapy and excision of an adenocarcinoma transplanted into rat liver.

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    The aim of this study was to compare interstitial laser thermotherapy with excision of a liver tumour. A dimethylhydrazine-induced adenocarcinoma was transplanted (implanted if not stated otherwise) into the left lateral lobe of the rat liver, and treatment was performed 8 days later. In the main experiment, rats were treated with resection of the tumour-bearing lobe or underwent interstitial laser thermotherapy, which was performed at a steady-state temperature of 46 degrees C for 30 min, 3 mm from the tumour margin. The incidence and extent of intraperitoneal spread was smaller after laser thermotherapy than after resection of the tumour-bearing lobe, with no difference in local control. Metastatic spread after resection of the median liver lobe was similar to that observed after sham procedures for thermotherapy or resection, suggesting that the advantage of thermotherapy was not due to a difference in surgical trauma. Additional studies showed that laser thermotherapy reduced intraperitoneal spread when treatment was suboptimal or in a tumour inoculation model and suggested that immunological mechanisms might be involved. It is concluded that interstitial laser thermotherapy reduces spread of liver tumour compared with resection
