12 research outputs found

    Recreation Impact on Plant Communities of Shatsk National Natural Park

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    Туризм у багатьох випадках є причиною виникнення серйозних проблем для навколишнього середовища – забруднення, деградації ландшафтів, виснаження біологічних ресурсів. Джерелом небезпеки є не так збільшення кількості туристів, як відсутність точних норм регулювання рекреаційного навантаження. Створення таких умов має ґрунтуватися на комплексному вивченні впливу людини на фітоценози, їхню стабільність та ефективність, видове різноманіття. Tourism in many cases is the reason of occurrence serious problems for the natural environment -pollution, degradations of landscapes, exhaustions of biological resources. A source of threat is not so much increase in number of tourists, how much absence of precise norms of regulation of recreational loading. Creation of such specifications should be based on complex studying of man influence on natural plant communities, their stability, efficiency and variety.Роботу виконано на кафедрі ботаніки та садово- паркового господарства ВНУ ім. Лесі Українки

    Sequestration of Highly Expressed mRNAs in Cytoplasmic Granules, P-Bodies, and Stress Granules Enhances Cell Viability

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    Transcriptome analyses indicate that a core 10%–15% of the yeast genome is modulated by a variety of different stresses. However, not all the induced genes undergo translation, and null mutants of many induced genes do not show elevated sensitivity to the particular stress. Elucidation of the RNA lifecycle reveals accumulation of non-translating mRNAs in cytoplasmic granules, P-bodies, and stress granules for future regulation. P-bodies contain enzymes for mRNA degradation; under stress conditions mRNAs may be transferred to stress granules for storage and return to translation. Protein degradation by the ubiquitin-proteasome system is elevated by stress; and here we analyzed the steady state levels, decay, and subcellular localization of the mRNA of the gene encoding the F-box protein, UFO1, that is induced by stress. Using the MS2L mRNA reporter system UFO1 mRNA was observed in granules that colocalized with P-bodies and stress granules. These P-bodies stored diverse mRNAs. Granules of two mRNAs transported prior to translation, ASH1-MS2L and OXA1-MS2L, docked with P-bodies. HSP12 mRNA that gave rise to highly elevated protein levels was not observed in granules under these stress conditions. ecd3, pat1 double mutants that are defective in P-body formation were sensitive to mRNAs expressed ectopically from strong promoters. These highly expressed mRNAs showed elevated translation compared with wild-type cells, and the viability of the mutants was strongly reduced. ecd3, pat1 mutants also exhibited increased sensitivity to different stresses. Our interpretation is that sequestration of highly expressed mRNAs in P-bodies is essential for viability. Storage of mRNAs for future regulation may contribute to the discrepancy between the steady state levels of many stress-induced mRNAs and their proteins. Sorting of mRNAs for future translation or decay by individual cells could generate potentially different phenotypes in a genetically identical population and enhance its ability to withstand stress

    Proteomic Identification and Analysis of K63-Linked Ubiquitin Conjugates

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    Post-translational modification of proteins by covalent attachment of ubiquitin or a polyubiquitin chain is involved in myriad of processes in eukaryotic cells. The particular outcome of ubiquitination is directed by the length of the ubiquitin conjugate and its linkage composition. Among seven possible isopeptide linkage sites in ubiquitin, K48 and K63 occur most commonly and act as distinct cellular signals. Strategies are reported here for analysis of linkage sites and complexity of K63-linked polyubiquitin chains, based on rapid chemical proteolysis at aspartate residues combined with immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry. Rapid chemical proteolysis at aspartate residues results in K63-linked peptides with truncated branches, which enable identification and characterization of stretches of consecutive K63 linkages on generally available instruments. A characteristic cleavage pattern and a characteristic fragmentation pattern allow recognition of K63 oligomers in proteolytic mixtures. Engineered K63-linked polyubiquitin chains of defined lengths were used to evaluate and demonstrate the method. In-gel microwave-supported acid hydrolysis was used to observe peptides specific to K63-linked ubiquitin dimers and trimers. Acid hydrolysis in solution, used in conjunction with linkage-specific immunoprecipitation, allowed more complex K63-linked branches to be characterized. Finally a substrate protein, UbcH5b, was conjugated to mono-ubiquitin and to polyubiquitin chains containing only K63 linkages, and the sites of conjugation and chain lengths were characterized

    Human DNA-Damage-Inducible 2 Protein Is Structurally and Functionally Distinct from Its Yeast Ortholog

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    Although Ddi1-like proteins are conserved among eukaryotes, their biological functions remain poorly characterized. Yeast Ddi1 has been implicated in cell cycle regulation, DNA-damage response, and exocytosis. By virtue of its ubiquitin-like (UBL) and ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domains, it has been proposed to serve as a proteasomal shuttle factor. All Ddi1-like family members also contain a highly conserved retroviral protease-like (RVP) domain with unknown substrate specificity. While the structure and biological function of yeast Ddi1 have been investigated, no such analysis is available for the human homologs. To address this, we solved the 3D structures of the human Ddi2 UBL and RVP domains and identified a new helical domain that extends on either side of the RVP dimer. While Ddi1-like proteins from all vertebrates lack a UBA domain, we identify a novel ubiquitin-interacting motif (UIM) located at the C-terminus of the protein. The UIM showed a weak yet specific affinity towards ubiquitin, as did the Ddi2 UBL domain. However, the full-length Ddi2 protein is unable to bind to di-ubiquitin chains. While proteomic analysis revealed no activity, implying that the protease requires other factors for activation, our structural characterization of all domains of human Ddi2 sets the stage for further characterization