116 research outputs found

    Gas-sensitive properties of oxide systems based on ln203 and Sn02 obtained by sol-gel technology

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    The influence of structural features of ln203, Sn02, Mo03 and Fe203 simple oxides and their composites on the properties of the corresponding semiconductor gas sensors with regards to different gases (CO, CH4, NH3, C2H5OH, CH3OH, NO, N02, 03) have been studied. Structural peculiarities of oxide systems obtained by sol-gel technology have been considered. It was shown the possibility to control the sensor sensitivity to the mentioned above gases by varying chemical composition of sensitive materials and adjusting their structure, as well as by regulat-ing of detecting temperatur

    Antibiotic Susceptibility Assessment of Helicobacter pylori Isolates by Disk-Diffusion Method

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    © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is tightly associated with gastrointestinal disorders such as chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastric MALToma, and gastric cancer. Decreased antibiotic susceptibility in H. pylori is a worldwide problem. Our objective was to determine in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility of H. pylori isolates obtained from gastric mucosa biopsies of children with H. pylori-associated gastroduodenal diseases using disk-diffusion method. A total 76 biopsy specimens were studied; antibiotic susceptibility was assessed in case of 30 children in whom H. pylori was revealed by bacteriology. The maximum resistance of H. pylori isolates was revealed to clarithromycin with nine resistant isolates (30.0%). The rate of resistance to metronidazole, amoxicillin, furazolidone, tetracycline, and levofloxacin was 23.3, 33.3, 16.7, 25.0, and 16.7%, respectively. Multidrug resistance was detected in 20.0% of H. pylori strains. The high prevalence of resistance to antibiotics used in eradication therapy is becoming a problem which needs eradication therapy regimen use based on regional H. pylori resistance rates

    Территориальное распределение аллелей SSR-локусов хлоропластной ДНК сосны обыкновенной (Pinus sylvestris L.) в Беларуси

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    Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is one of the main forest forming species in Belarus, which cover 49.2 % of the country’s forested area. The aim of the study was to investigate spatial distribution of microsatellite (SSR) alleles (chloroplast DNA) and identify the features of the genetic structure and genogeographic differentiation of P. sylvestris populations in Belarus. Molecular genetic analysis of six SSR loci of Scotch pine cpDNA in samples form 73 naturally originated stands was carried out. 35 allelic variants of loci PCP1289, PCP4507, PCP83314, PCP71987, PCP26106, PCP30277 were identified. The analysis of the geographic distribution of the dominant allelic variants showed that the population structure of the pine forest is rather homogeneous. Certain regional differences in a number of cases were found for less common, but also widespread variants. One group of alleles is characterized by an increase or decrease in the frequency of occurrence in the direction from the southwest to the northeast. Another group includes allelic variants which share is maximal in the zone covering the Grodno region, the southwestern part of the Minsk region and the Gomel region, while to southwest and to northeast from this zone their frequency of occurrence decreases or is absent. A number of alleles were found only in one of the analyzed stands or in a limited area, which may indicate their local origin as a result of spontaneous mutations. The obtained results are important both from a general biological point of view in studying the evolution and formation of the genetic structure of P. sylvestris in Belarus, and from a practical point of view, since they allow to improve the forest seed zoning of the species.Cосна обыкновенная (Pinus sylvestris L.) является одним из основных лесообразующих видов Беларуси, древостои которой занимают 49,2 % лесопокрытой площади страны. Целью исследования являлось выявление на основе изучения территориального распределения аллелей микросателлитных (SSR) локусов хлоропластной ДНК особенностей генетической структуры и геногеографической дифференциации популяций P. sylvestris в Беларуси. Проведен молекулярно-генетический анализ шести SSR-локусов хпДНК сосны обыкновенной в 73 древостоях естественного происхождения. Выявлено 35 аллельных вариантов локусов PCP1289, PCP4507, PCP83314, PCP71987, PCP26106, PCP30277. Анализ географического распространения аллельных вариантов показал, что по доминирующим вариантам популяционная структура сосновой формации достаточно однородна. Определенные региональные отличия в ряде случаев обнаружены по менее встречающимся, но также широко распространенным вариантам. Одна группа аллелей характеризуется увеличением или уменьшением частоты встречаемости в направлении с юго-запада на северо-восток. Другая группа включает аллельные варианты, долевое участие которых максимально в зоне, охватывающей Гродненскую область, юго-западную часть Минской области и Гомельскую область, в то время как юго-западнее или северо-восточнее от этой зоны отмечается снижение их частоты встречаемости или отсутствие. Ряд аллелей встречался только в одном из проанализированных древостоев или же на ограниченной территории, что может свидетельствовать об их местном происхождении в результате спонтанных мутаций. Полученные результаты важны как с общебиологической точки зрения при изучении эволюции и процессов формирования генетической структуры P. sylvestris в Беларуси, так и с практической, поскольку позволяют совершенствовать лесосеменное районирование вида


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    Studied are two DNA-markers of mitochondrial gene cob characterizing S- and N-cytoplasm, marker of mitochondrial region orfA501 with S- and T-cytoplasm, and two markers co-segregating with Ms or ms, nuclear genes which control the fertility of phenotypes with S-cytoplasm in the onion (Allium cepa L.) varieties developed in the Institute of Vegetable Growing.Изучены два ДНК-маркера митохондриального гена cob, характеризующие S- и N-типы цитоплазмы, маркер митохондриального региона orfA501, выделяющий S- и T-стерильные типы цитоплазмы и два маркера, косегрегирующие с Ms или ms, ядерными генами, контролирующими фертильность фенотипов с S-цитоплазмой, лука репчатого (Allium cepa L.) на примере сортов белорусской селекции

    Effect of structure and surface state of nanocrystalline tin dioxide on its gas sensing properties

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    Effect of particle size, concentration of structural defects and the presence of sulfite and sulfate groups on the response of thick-film SnO2 sensors to CH4 and CO were revealed. Particle size and the presence of SO-groups were found to be main parameters determining the sensitivity of SnO2-based sensors to CH4, while structural defects of SnO2 layers are essential for CO detection