11 research outputs found

    Turnover Intentions and Job Hopping among Millennials in Serbia

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    Research Question: The purpose of this paper is to determine whether the number of jobs the Millennial generation intend to change during their career is larger than that of previous generations; to compare the Millennialsā€™ intention to leave their current job to the previous generationsā€™, and also to examine the relation between the Millennialsā€™ turnover intention and their job satisfaction. Motivation: Millennials keep their resumes updated and have a reputation to be job hoppers (Shaw & Fairhurst, 2008; Meier& Crocker, 2010). Moreover, their job hopping has been an unprecedented problem for the employers (Tulgan 2015) and they are reported to have higher turnover intention rate than other generations (Kowske, Rasch & Wiley 2013; Deloitte, 2011; Twenge, 2010; Sujansky & Ferri-Reed, 2009). Additionally, it is generally accepted that job satisfaction and employee turnover intention are negatively related (Mobley 1977; Susskind et al. 2000; Schwepker 2001). Having in mind a lack of relevant literature as well as research in Eastern European countries, our goal was to explore if the same can be concluded for the Millennials in Serbia. Idea: The core idea of this paper was to empirically evaluate the relationship between the stated variables. Data: The analysis was conducted during 2017 in Serbia using a questionnaire which was made in the form of an online survey and distributed by email and posted on social networking websites. A total of 802 valid responses were received. Tools: Statistical analyses of all collected data were used to draw conclusions. Findings: The results of the study confirmed that the intention of the respondents to change a larger number of jobs in their career increases as we move towards the youngest generation in the workplace. Generation Y was found to be the only generation that has a higher percentage of those who think that they will quit the current job in the next two years than those who expect the opposite. The analysis confirmed that turnover intention increases with job dissatisfaction - the greater their job satisfaction is, the less Millennials will want to change their current employer in the next two years. Contribution: This paper expands existing research related to the turnover intentions and job hopping of Millennials and provides recommendations for organizations for retaining the members of Generation Y

    LC-MS/MS određivanje ostataka pesticida u viÅ”njama

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    The MRM for the determination of acetamiprid, dimethoate, carbendazim, pyraclostrobin, propiconazole and tebuconazole in sour cherries was done by LC-MS/MS. Propiconazole was detected in two samples above the MRL while all the other pesticide derections were belowe the established values.LC-MS/MS je koriŔćen u MRM određivanja ostataka acetamiprida, dimetoata, karbendazima, piraklostrobina, propikonazola i tebukonazola u uzorcima viÅ”anja. Propikonazol je detektovan u dva uzorka iznad MDK, dok su sve ostale detekcije bile ispod propisanih vrednosti

    ARAP3 Functions in Hematopoietic Stem Cells

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    ARAP3 is a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) that inactivates Arf6 and RhoA small GTPases. ARAP3 deficiency in mice causes a sprouting angiogenic defect resulting in embryonic lethality by E11. Mice with an ARAP3 R302,303A mutation (Arap3KI/KI) that prevents activation by phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) have a similar angiogenic phenotype, although some animals survive to adulthood. Here, we report that hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) from rare adult Arap3KI/KI bone marrow are compromised in their ability to reconstitute recipient mice and to self-renew. To elucidate the potential cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous roles of ARAP3 in hematopoiesis, we conditionally deleted Arap3 in hematopoietic cells and in several cell types within the HSC niche. Excision of Arap3 in hematopoietic cells using Vav1-Cre does not alter the ability of ARAP3-deficient progenitor cells to proliferate and differentiate in vitro or ARAP3-deficient HSCs to provide multi-lineage reconstitution and to undergo self-renewal in vivo. Thus, our data suggest that ARAP3 does not play a cell-autonomous role in HSPCs. Deletion of Arap3 in osteoblasts and mesenchymal stromal cells using Prx1-Cre resulted in no discernable phenotypes in hematopoietic development or HSC homeostasis in adult mice. In contrast, deletion of Arap3 using vascular endothelial cadherin (VEC or Cdh5)-driven Cre resulted in embryonic lethality, however HSCs from surviving adult mice were largely normal. Reverse transplantations into VEC-driven Arap3 conditional knockout mice revealed no discernable difference in HSC frequencies or function in comparison to control mice. Taken together, our investigation suggests that despite a critical role for ARAP3 in embryonic vascular development, its loss in endothelial cells minimally impacts HSCs in adult bone marrow

    Modeling the ligand specific Ī¼- and Ī“-opioid receptor conformations

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    An automated docking procedure was applied to study the binding of a series of mu- and delta-selective ligands to ligand-specific mu- and delta-opioid receptor models. Short-time molecular dynamic simulations were used to obtain ligand-specific mu- and delta-opioid receptors from arbitrarily chosen models of the active form of these receptors. The quality of receptor model depended on the molecular volume of the ligand in the receptor-ligand complex used in the molecular dynamic simulations. Within a series of ligands of similar size (volume), the results of ligand docking to the obtained ligand-specific receptor conformation were in agreement with point mutation studies. The correlation of the calculated and the experimentally determined binding energies was improved in relation to the initial receptor conformation.Računska metoda automatizovanog dokiranja primenjena je na vezivanje serije liganada, specifičnih za Āµ- i Ī“-receptore, za modele ovih receptora. Kratkotrajna molekulsko dinamička simulacija je koriŔćena za dobijanje konformacija ovih receptora koje su specifične za pojedine ligande, polazeći od slučajno izabranog modela aktiviranog receptora. Kvalitet ovako dobijenog modela receptora zavisi od molekulske zapremine liganda u ligand-receptor kompleksu koriŔćenog u molekulsko-dinamičkoj simulaciji. Za seriju liganda slične zapremine rezultati dokiranja su u skladu sa eksperimentalnim rezltatima mutacija aminokiselina u receptoru. Korelacija izračunatih i merenih energija vezivanja je poboljÅ”ana u odnosu na rezultate dobijene sa polaznom konformacijom receptora

    Patient dose measurements in diagnostic radiology procedures in Montenegro

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    It was the aim of the study presented here to estimate for the first time patient dose levels in conventional diagnostic radiology in Montenegro. Measurements of patient dose in terms of entrance surface air kerma (ESAK) and kerma-area product (KAP) were performed on at least 10 patients for each examination type, in each of five randomly selected health institutions in Montenegro, so that a total of 872 patients for 16 different examination categories were included in the survey (817 patients for 1049 radiographies and 55 fluoroscopy patients). Exposure settings and individual data were recorded for each patient. Mean, median and third quartile values ESAK of patient doses are reported. The estimated mean ESAK values obtained are as follows: 4.7 mGy for pelvis anteroposterior (AP), 4.5 mGy for lumbar spine AP, 7.8 mGy for lumbar spine lateral (LAT), 3.1 mGy for thoracic spine AP and 4.3 mGy for thoracic spine LAT. When compared with the European diagnostic reference values, the mean ESAK for all studied examination types are found to be below the reference levels, except in chest radiography. Mean ESAK values for chest radiography are 0.9 mGy for posteroanterior (PA) projection and 2.0 mGy for LAT. The results exhibit a wide range of variation. For fluoroscopy examinations, the total KAP was measured. The mean KAP value per procedure for barium meal is found to be 22 Gy cm(2), 41 Gy cm(2) for barium enema and 19 Gy cm(2) for intravenous urography. Broad dose ranges for the same types of examinations indicate the necessity of applying practice optimisation in diagnostic radiology and establishment of national diagnostic reference levels

    Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of antioxidant fractions from selected Lamiaceae herbs and their antioxidant capacity

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    Antioxidant fractions from four herb spices belonging to the Lamiaceae family: rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), sage (Salvia officinalis), thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and hyssop (Hyssop officinalis) were isolated using supercritical CO2 at 35 MPa and 100 degrees C. The antioxidant fractions were characterized chemically by HPLC-DAD/ESI-ToF-MS. Antioxidant activity of obtained extracts was determined by measuring their ability to scavenge stable 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical and reactive hydroxyl radical during the Fenton reaction trapped by 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyroline-N-oxide (DMPO), using electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. The antioxidant activity of the extracts was compared to the activity of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and Flavor' Plus (TM) water-soluble rosemary extract. In DPPH radical assay the order from the strongest to the weakest antioxidant activity was: BHA, thyme extract, Flavor' Plus (TM), rosemary and sage extracts, and hyssop extract, while in hydroxyl radical assay order was: Flavor' Plus (TM), sage extract, rosemary extract, hyssop extract, BHA and thyme extract. Industrial relevance: Spices and herbs have been used not only for flavoring food but also for improving the overall quality of the product and to extend the shelf-life of foods. The present investigation relates to the field of food additives, and particularly to an antioxidant fractions from four herb spices which belong to the Lamiaceae family: rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), sage (Salvia officinalis), thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and hyssop (Hyssop officinalis). Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and Flavor' Plus (TM) are used in food industry as antioxidants due to their ability to prolong the shelf-life of foodstuffs by protecting them against deterioration caused by oxidation, such as fat rancidity, colour changes, degradation of the flavor and loss of nutrient value. Synthetic antioxidants such as BHA now being replaced by natural antioxidants because of their possible toxicity and due to a suspected action as promoters of carcinogens. The present study confirms that investigated herb spices belonging to the Lamiaceae family present important sources for the production of food additives

    Cytotoxicity of the gold complex based on mercaptotriazole - A comparison with the conventional cyanide electrolyte

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    The study presents the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay results on human erythroleukemia K562 cell line to compare the toxicity of electrolytes based on the mercaptotriazole gold complex (Au-MT) and gold potassium cyanide. Solutions immediately after mixing and after three months at different concentrations were compared, with a prolonged aging period, to a year, for the electrolytes at pH = 9. Lower toxicity of new organic gold complex at pH = 4, 7, and 12 than of alkaline cyanide electrolyte, but higher at pH = 2, was determined. The solution of the Au-MT at pH = 9 had comparable, but lower cell toxicity in the whole investigated period

    Ī±-Tocopherol Acetate Attenuates Mitochondrial Oxygen Consumption and Maintains Primitive Cells within Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Population

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    We present here the data showing, in standard cultures exposed to atmospheric O-2 concentration, that alpha-tocopherol acetate (alpha-TOA) has a positive impact on primitive cells inside mesenchymal stromal cell (MstroC) population, by maintaining their proliferative capacity. alpha-TOA decreases the O-2 consumption rate of MStroC probably by impacting respiratory chain complex II activity. This action, however, is not associated with a compensatory increase in glycolysis activity, in spite of the fact that the degradation of HIF-1 alpha was decreased in presence of alpha-TOA. This is in line with a moderate enhancement of mtROS upon alpha-TOA treatment. However, the absence of glycolysis stimulation implies the inactivity of HIF-1 alpha which might - if it were active - be related to the maintenance of stemness. It should be stressed that alpha-TOA might act directly on the gene expression as well as the mtROS themselves, which remains to be elucidated

    IAEA Survey of Pediatric CT Practice in 40 Countries in Asia, Europe, Latin America, and Africa: Part 1, Frequency and Appropriateness

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    OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study was to assess the frequency of pediatric CT in 40 less-resourced countries and to determine the level of appropriateness in CT use. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Data on the increase in the number of CT examinations during 2007 and 2009 and appropriate use of CT examinations were collected, using standard forms, from 146 CT facilities at 126 hospitals. RESULTS. The lowest frequency of pediatric CT examinations in 2009 was in European facilities (4.3%), and frequencies in Asia (12.2%) and Africa (7.8%) were twice as high. Head CT is the most common CT examination in children, amounting to nearly 75% of all pediatric CT examinations. Although regulations in many countries assign radiologists with the main responsibility of deciding whether a radiologic examination should be performed, in fact, radiologists alone were responsible for only 6.3% of situations. Written referral guidelines for imaging were not available in almost one half of the CT facilities. Appropriateness criteria for CT examinations in children did not always follow guidelines set by agencies, in particular, for patients with accidental head trauma, infants with congenital torticollis, children with possible ventriculoperitoneal shunt malfunction, and young children ( LT 5 years old) with acute sinusitis. In about one third of situations, nonavailability of previous images and records on previously received patient doses have the potential to lead to unnecessary examinations and radiation doses. CONCLUSION. With increasing use of CT in children and a lack of use of appropriateness criteria, there is a strong need to implement guidelines to avoid unnecessary radiation doses to children