461 research outputs found

    Distribution and abundance of early life stages of squid (Illex argentinus) in the south-west Atlantic

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    A joint research cruise (Japan-Argentina-Uruguay) was carried out in the South-western Atlantic during August-September 1989 in order to study the winter-spawning and hatchery areas of Illex argentinus, and also the migration pattern of the juveniles towards the continental shelf. A few Rhynchoteuthion larvae were found in subtropical waters of the Brazil Current, next to the Brazil-Malvinas confluence, and in the frontal zone with shelf water, but never at temperatures below 14°C. Large numbers of juveniles found in subantarctic waters (6–10°C) on the shelf were probably migrating southward from their hatchery grounds following the zooplankton concentrations on which they were feeding

    Nonlinear quantum state transformation of spin-1/2

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    A non-linear quantum state transformation is presented. The transformation, which operates on pairs of spin-1/2, can be used to distinguish optimally between two non-orthogonal states. Similar transformations applied locally on each component of an entangled pair of spin-1/2 can be used to transform a mixed nonlocal state into a quasi-pure maximally entangled singlet state. In both cases the transformation makes use of the basic building block of the quantum computer, namely the quantum-XOR gate.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, amssym, epsfig (2 figures included

    CP^n, or, entanglement illustrated

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    We show that many topological and geometrical properties of complex projective space can be understood just by looking at a suitably constructed picture. The idea is to view CP^n as a set of flat tori parametrized by the positive octant of a round sphere. We pay particular attention to submanifolds of constant entanglement in CP^3 and give a few new results concerning them.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    Lattice relaxation around arsenic and selenium in CdTe

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    We have investigated the lattice relaxation around impurity atoms at the anion sublattice in CdTe, such as As acting as acceptor and Se which is isovalent to Te, with fluorescence detected EXAFS. We experimentally verify the lattice relaxation with a bond length being reduced by 8% around the As atom as inferred indirectly from ab-initio calculations of the electric field gradient in comparison with the measured value in a PAC experiment (S. Lany et al., Phys. Rev. B 62, R2259 (2000)). In the case of the isovalent impurity atom Se, the bond length is similarly reduced as determined experimentally by EXAFS and by model calculations with the density functional theory implemented in the WIEN97 program. In contrast to this inward relaxation, preliminary calculations for Br in CdTe, the next element in the series As, Se, and Br, which acts as donor at the Te sublattice, indicate an increase in bond length, an interesting prediction waiting for experimental verification

    Binary Weighted DAC with 2-ξ Resistor Ratio

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    In this paper we present a new digital analog converter (DAC) design, based on the binary weighted resistor network. The proposed design ensures high conversion accuracy using low precision resistors with ±1% ±2%, ±5%, ±10% and ±20% resistor tolerance. High accuracy is achieved due to better coverage of the analog domain of the transfer characteristic. In binary weighted converters the imprecision of resistors introduces positive and negative differential nonlinearities (DNL). Positive DNL causes gap in the analog domain of the transfer characteristic and negative DNL causes non-monotonicity. In the proposed solution we change the resistor ratio of the two consecutive DAC branches from 2 to 2-ξ, where ξ is small positive number. With this change, we intentionally introduce an additional negative DNL in order to entirely avoid the positive gap. Simulation results confirm that even with resistors tolerance of up to ±10%, we can achieve a converter with maximal gap in the transfer characteristic less than or around one LSB

    Exploring Apprenticeship Learning for Player Modelling in Interactive Narratives

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    In this paper we present an early Apprenticeship Learning approach to mimic the behaviour of different players in a short adaption of the interactive fiction Anchorhead. Our motivation is the need to understand and simulate player behaviour to create systems to aid the design and personalisation of Interactive Narratives (INs). INs are partially observable for the players and their goals are dynamic as a result. We used Receding Horizon IRL (RHIRL) to learn players' goals in the form of reward functions, and derive policies to imitate their behaviour. Our preliminary results suggest that RHIRL is able to learn action sequences to complete a game, and provided insights towards generating behaviour more similar to specific players.Comment: Extended Abstracts of the 2019 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI Play

    Unambiguous state discrimination in quantum cryptography with weak coherent states

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    The use of linearly independent signal states in realistic implementations of quantum key distribution (QKD) enables an eavesdropper to perform unambiguous state discrimination. We explore quantitatively the limits for secure QKD imposed by this fact taking into account that the receiver can monitor to some extend the photon number statistics of the signals even with todays standard detection schemes. We compare our attack to the beamsplitting attack and show that security against beamsplitting attack does not necessarily imply security against the attack considered here.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, updated version with added discussion of beamsplitting attac

    Strategies and Networks for State-Dependent Quantum Cloning

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    State-dependent cloning machines that have so far been considered either deterministically copy a set of states approximately, or probablistically copy them exactly. In considering the case of two equiprobable pure states, we derive the maximum global fidelity of NN approximate clones given MM initial exact copies, where N>MN>M. We also consider strategies which interpolate between approximate and exact cloning. A tight inequality is obtained which expresses a trade-off between the global fidelity and success probability. This inequality is found to tend, in the limit as NN{\to}{\infty}, to a known inequality which expresses the trade-off between error and inconclusive result probabilities for state-discrimination measurements. Quantum-computational networks are also constructed for the kinds of cloning machine we describe. For this purpose, we introduce two gates: the distinguishability transfer and state separation gates. Their key properties are describedComment: 12 pages, 6 eps figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Violations of local realism with quNits up to N=16

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    Predictions for systems in entangled states cannot be described in local realistic terms. However, after admixing some noise such a description is possible. We show that for two quNits (quantum systems described by N dimensional Hilbert spaces) in a maximally entangled state the minimal admixture of noise increases monotonically with N. The results are a direct extension of those of Kaszlikowski et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 85}, 4418 (2000), where results for N9N\leq 9 were presented. The extension up to N=16 is possible when one defines for each N a specially chosen set of observables. We also present results concerning the critical detectors efficiency beyond which a valid test of local realism for entangled quNits is possible.Comment: 5 pages, 3 ps picture