235 research outputs found

    Principal maize viruses in Mediterranean countries

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    Maize plants with virus-like symptoms were sampled in fields in Greece, Yugoslavia and Italy in 1994. Disease incidence (%) and disease severity (1-6) were assessed. Leaf samples were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and electroblot immunoassay (EBIA). Antisera against maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV), sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) and barley yellow dwarf viruses (BYDVs) (PAV- and RPV-like) were used in these tests. A higher disease incidence occurred in Italy and Greece than in Yugoslavia. MDMV was proved by both ELISA and EBIA in all maize genotypes in Greece, Yugoslavia and Italy. None of the samples reacted with SCMV antibodies. A total of 13.7 and 11% of individual Greek samples were positive for PAV- and RPV- respectively, while, 17.5 and 5% of Yugoslav samples were positive for PAV- and RPV- respectively. Phragmites sp, a perennial maize weed, was also positive for PAV- and RPV- by ELISA

    Structural requirements for ligands of the delta-opioid receptor

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    The delta-opioid receptor is sensitive to ligand geometry. In order to assist the synthesis of new delta-selective opioid ligands, the structure elements of delta-selective opioid ligands necessary for their effective binding were investigated. The automated docking procedure with a flexible ligand was used to simulate the binding of 17 delta-selective ligands to the delta-receptor. It was found that voluminous N-alkyl groups reduce the binding potency of naltrindole derivatives by preventing the ligands from adopting the preferred conformation in the receptor. This was confirmed by enantiospecific binding of chiral compounds where only one enantiomer adopts the naltrindole-like preferred conformation in the binding pocket. Voluminous groups replacing the hydroxyl group in the 3-hydroxybenzyl fragment of naltrindole analogs reduce the binding potency due to unfavorable steric interactions with the receptor. The two diastereoisomers of the potent delta-opioid ligand SNC80 confirmed the preferred binding conformation and the major receptor-ligand interactions

    Effect of the orientation of the initially formed grains on the final morphology of electrodeposited lead

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    The processes of Pb electrodeposition under diffusion control were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the formed crystals. The orientation of grains of hexagonal shape formed in the initial stage of electrodeposition strongly affected the final morphology of the Pb crystals. The formation of Pb crystals of the different shape from the same initial shape was discussed in terms of the effect of orientation of initially formed grains on the type of diffusion control. A spherical diffusion layer was formed around the tip of the hexagonal-shaped grain oriented with its tip towards the bulk solution that led to the formation of elongated crystals in the growth process. On the other hand, a cylindrical type of diffusion was responsible for the growth of hexagonal-shaped grains oriented with the lateral side towards the bulk solution. Pb crystals with well-defined sides parallel to the surface area of the macroelectrode were formed under this type of diffusion

    Uticaj strukture čestica na nasipnu masu elektrolitički dobijenog bakarnog praha

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    The quantitative microstructural analysis and the sieve analysis of copper powder as well as the scanning electron microscopy analysis of the copper powders particles were performed. It was found that the structure of the copper powder particles determines the apparent density of copper powder. The powder particles from the same fractions of different powders occupy approximately the same volume, but the structure of metallic copper is very different. This causes the difference in apparent densities of copper powder obtained under different conditions. The more dendritic is the structure of powder particles the smaller is the apparent density of copper powder.Izvršena je kvalitativna mikrostrukturna i granulometrijska analiza bakarnih prahova kao i analiza morfologije i strukture čestica praha pomoću skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije (SEM). Ustanovljeno je da struktura čestica praha određuje nasipnu masu bakarnog praha. Čestice iste frakcije različitih prahova zauzimaju otprilike istu zapreminu, ali je struktura metalnog bakra različita. Ovo uzrokuje razlike u nasipnoj masi bakarnog praha dobijenog pod različitim uslovima. Što je struktura čestica više dendritična to je manja nasipna masa bakarnog praha

    Uticaj reversne struje na nasipnu masu pri elektrolitičkom taloženju bakarnog praha

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    The possibility of depositing copper powders with different apparent density by changing the shape of reversing current wave is shown. The morphology and crystallinity of powder particles can be varied considerably by changing shape of the reversing current wave and, hence, the apparent density of powders. The relation of apparent density with particle morphology and structure was illustrated.U radu je pokazana mogućnost dobijanja bakarnih prahova različitih nasipnih masa promenom oblika talasa reversne struje. Uspostavljena je zadovoljavajuća veza između morfologije i strukture čestica praha bakra i nasipne mase praha