6 research outputs found
Porast izdanaka inbred linija kukuruza (Zea mays L.) pod uticajem tretmana semena pesticidima
Seed treatment is a common way of fungicide and insecticide use nowadays, since this way of pesticide application can provide the best protection in the vicinity of the future plant. The aim of research was to evaluate the effects of different seed treatments on germination and seedling growth in three maize inbred lines. The research included the seed treatment with several combinations of a fungicide Maxim XL 035-FS (a.i. metalaxil-M + fludioxonil) and neonicotinoid insecticides Gaucho 600-FS (a.i. imidacloprid) and Cruiser 350-FS (a.i. thiamethoxam), as well as untreated seed (control). The results indicated that inbred lines 21202 x 21101 NS and 317659 NS had a highly vigourous seed which was not affected by the seed treatments. The seed treatments with Maxim XL 035- FS+Gaucho 600-FS and Maxim XL 035-FS+Cruiser 350-FS led to a decrease in germination (90.25% and 89.50%, respectively) of maize inbred line 306081 NS as well as a decrease in root length (126.75 mm and 125.25 mm, respectively) and dry root weight (0.135 g and 0.1875 g, respectively) of maize inbred line 21202 x 21101 NS. All seed treatments had positive effects on root growth, as well as on fresh root weight of maize inbred lines 306081 NS and 317659 NS.Tretiranje semena fungicidima i insekticidima je uobičajen način pripreme semena pre setve, s obzirom na to da ovaj način primene pesticida može da pruži najbolju zaštitu mlade biljke od patogena i štetočina u zemljištu. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita uticaj različitih tretmana semena pesticidima na klijanje semena i početni porast izdanaka različitih inbred linija kukuruza. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo testiranje tretmana semena inbred linija kukuruza sa nekoliko kombinacija fungicida (Maxim XL 035-FS, fludioksonil, 25 g/l + metalaksil-M, 10 g/l) i insekticida (Gaucho 600-FS, imidakloprid 600 g/l i Cruiser 350-FS, tiametoksam, 350 g/l). Netretirano seme je uzeto za kontrolu. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da inbred linije 21202 x 21101 NS i 317659 NS imaju visoko vigorozno seme, na koje nisu uticali testirani preparati. Testirane kombinacije preparata pesticida Maxim XL 035-FS+Gaucho 600-FS i Maxim XL 035-FS+Cruiser 350-FS dovele su do smanjenja klijavosti semena inbred linije 306081 NS (90,25%, odnosno 89,50%), kao i do smanjenja dužine korena (126,75 mm, odnosno 125,25 mm) i mase suvog korena (0,135 g, odnosno 0,1875 g) izdanaka inbred linije 21202 x 21101 NS. Svi testirani tretmani imali su pozitivan uticaj na porast korena izdanaka, kao i na masu svežeg korena izdanaka inbred linija 306081 NS i 317659 NS
Actual contamination of the Danube and Sava Rivers at Belgrade (2013)
This study was focussed on a comprehensive investigation on the state of pollution of the Danube and Sava Rivers in the region of Belgrade. Different complementary analytical approaches were employed covering both i) organic contaminants in the river water by target analyses of hormones and neonicotinoids as well as non-target screening analyses and ii) heavy metals in the sediments. Finally, some common water quality parameters were analysed. The overall state of pollution is on a moderate level. Bulk parameters did not reveal any unusual observations. Moreover, quantification of preselected organic contaminants did not indicate to elevated pollution. More significant contaminations were registered for chromium, nickel, zinc and partially copper in sediments with values above the target values according to Serbian regulations.
Lastly, non-target screening analysis revealed a wider spectrum of organic contaminants comprising pharmaceuticals, technical additives, personal care products
and pesticides. The study presented a comprehensive view on the state of pollution of the Sava and Danube Rivers and is the base for setting up further monitoring programs. As a superior outcome, it was illustrated how different chemical analyses can result in different assessments of the river quality. A comparison of target and non-target analyses pointed to potential misinterpretation of the real state of pollution
Cardiac echinococcosis
Cardiac hydatid disease is rare. We report on an uncommon hydatid cyst localized in the right ventricular wall, right atrial wall tricuspid valve left atrium and pericard. A 33-year-old woman was treated for cough, fever and chest pain. Cardiac echocardiograpic examination revealed a round tumor (5.8 x 4 cm) in the right ventricular free wall and two smaller cysts behind that tumor. There were cysts in right atrial wall and tricuspidal valve as well. Serologic tests for hydatidosis were positive. Computed tomography finding was consistent with diagnosis of hydatid cyst in lungs and right hylar part. Surgical treatment was rejected due to great risk of cardiac perforation. Medical treatment with albendazole was unsuccessful and the patient died due to systemic hydatid involvement of the lungs, liver and central nervous system