15 research outputs found
Probing DNA - Transcription Factor Interactions Using Single-Molecule Fluorescence Detection in Nanofluidic Devices
Single-molecule fluorescence detection offers powerful ways to study biomolecules and their complex interactions. Here, nanofluidic devices and camera-based, single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) detection are combined to study the interactions between plant transcription factors of the auxin response factor (ARF) family and DNA oligonucleotides that contain target DNA response elements. In particular, it is shown that the binding of the unlabeled ARF DNA binding domain (ARF-DBD) to donor and acceptor labeled DNA oligonucleotides can be detected by changes in the FRET efficiency and changes in the diffusion coefficient of the DNA. In addition, this data on fluorescently labeled ARF-DBDs suggest that, at nanomolar concentrations, ARF-DBDs are exclusively present as monomers. In general, the fluidic framework of freely diffusing molecules minimizes potential surface-induced artifacts, enables high-throughput measurements, and proved to be instrumental in shedding more light on the interactions between ARF-DBDs monomers and between ARF-DBDs and their DNA response element.</p
Image of Lithuania in Spanish newspapers „El País“ and „El Mundo“
Šiame darbe, remiantis šiuolaikinėmis komunikacijos teorijomis (Agenda-setting, „tylos spiralės“ bei įvaizdžio), nagrinėjama Lietuvos ir kitų Baltijos šalių įvaizdžio dinamika Ispanijos dienraščiuose „El País“ bei „El Mundo“ 1987–2007 m. laikotarpiu, analizuojami Ispanijos dienraščių dienotvarkės konstravimo ypatumai. Žiniasklaidoje apgalvotai teikiama informacija apie kiekvieną šalį. Šios žinios gali skatinti ekonomikos augimą, politikos procesus, turizmo plėtrą. Bet kurios šalies ar jos gyventojo paveikslas formuojamas ir atskirų individų. Šio darbo objektu pasirinkti didžiausi populiariausi Ispanijos dienraščiai „El País“ ir „El Mundo“. Atliekama kokybinė ir kiekybinė dviejų didžiausių Ispanijos dienraščių „El País“ bei „El Mundo“ atrinktų publikacijų turinio analizė. Lietuvos įvaizdis lyginamas su Latvijos bei Estijos įvaizdžiais. Taip pat gilinamasi į Agenda-setting, „tylos spiralės“ teorijos modelius įvaizdžio formavimo procese. Aptariami verslo, studijų ir turizmo klausimai. Pateikiamas straipsnių statistinis bei teminis paskirstymas, literatūros analizė bei apžvelgiama vienintelės tarptautinės Ispanijos žinių agentūros EFE veikla. Lietuvių emigruoja daugiau nei latvių ar estų, todėl lietuviai dažniau patenka į Ispanijos spaudos dienotvarkę. Aiškinamasi, kokios naujienos skelbiamos apie Lietuvą ir lietuvius dviejuose skirtinguose dienraščiuose, kokie atgarsiai apie lietuvius migrantus Ispanijoje pasirodo spaudoje, ar labai skiriasi informacijos kiekis dienraščiuose apie Lietuvą, Latviją, Estiją, atlikus 1987–2007 m. laikotarpio pranešimų analizę. Spaudoje yra įvairių lietuvio ir Lietuvos įvaizdžių: geri informacinių technologijų specialistai, darbštūs, svetingi, puikūs pilotai ir... išgeriantys žmonės. Apie Lietuvą ir lietuvius dažniausiai rašoma ekonomikos, politikos bei sporto temų rubrikose. Lietuva pateikiama kaip patraukli turizmui, perspektyvi verslui ir palanki studijoms šalis. Šis darbas galėtų būti įdomus ne tik žiniasklaidos analitikams ar ketinantiesiems užmegzti ryšių su Ispanija įvairiose srityse. Jame naudingos informacijos ras ir norintieji suvokti žiniasklaidos formuojamą šalies bei jos piliečio įvaizdžio dinamiką, ir ieškantieji būdų, kaip jį gerinti ne tik Ispanijoje, bet ir apskritai pasaulyje.On the grounds of modern communication theories (agenda-setting, „spiral of silence“ and image), this paper studies the image dynamics of Lithuania and other Baltic countries in Spanish newspapers “El País“ and “El Mundo“ of 1987-2007, analyses peculiarities of Spanish daily agenda setting. Mass media presents information about every country in a very deliberate manner. This information may promote economical growth, political processes, development of tourism. The image of any country or its inhabitants is formed by separate individuals. Chosen objects of the paper are the most popular newspapers of Spain “El País“and „El Mundo“. The study presents qualitative and quantitative analysis of the contents of selected publications of the aforementioned newspapers. Lithuanian image was found to be compared with Latvian and Estonian images. The paper also goes deep into the models of agenda-setting and spiral of silence in the image formation process, examines the issues of culture, migration, business, studies and tourism. Moreover, a statistical and thematic allocation of the articles and literary analysis is introduced, as well as the review of the activity of the international Spanish news agency EFE is presented. Lithuanians more often find a way into Spanish press than Latvians or Estonians because of greater migration. The paper examines the announcements about Lithuania and its people in the two different newspapers, studies the responses of Lithuanian immigrants in Spain in the press, the difference of the amount of information about Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia during the period of 1987-2007. Different images of Lithuania and Lithuanians are found: people are considered as good specialists of informational technologies, industrious, hospitable, great pilots and as well fond of drink. Lithuania and its people are usually found in the columns of economics, politics and sport subject. It is as well presented as attractive for tourists, business respective and study beneficent country. This study may possibly be newsworthy not only for media analysts or intending to get in touch with Spain in different range, but also for those who want to perceive the dynamics of country and its citizens image, formed by media, and seek after its development not only in Spain but worldwide as well.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Religious heritage and tourism in Regionals parks of Zarasai region
Religinis paveldas gausiai paplitęs tiek visame pasaulyje, tiek Lietuvoje ar atskiruose jos regionuose. Gausūs religinio paveldo ištekliai aptinkami Sartų ir Gražutės regioniniuose parkuose. Šiose saugomose teritorijose sutelktos sakralios vertybės apima religinius – kultūrinius konstruktus, pasižyminčius ypatingumu per savo tapatybę, neatskiriamą nuo bažnytinio konteksto. Sartų ir Gražutės regioninių parkų religinis paveldas – pastoracinė priemonė, kuriai atsirasti iniciatyvos suteikė praeityje gyvenusių žmonių dvasingumas. Tik jo dėka vystant religinį paveldą susiformavo gausios sakralinių vertybių grupės, turinčios simbolinę ir semantinę reikšmę, plačias sąsajas su Šv. Raštu ir katalikiška tradicija.
Sartų ir Gražutės regioniniuose parkuose religinis paveldas skirstomas į tris grupes: sakralus architektūros paveldas, kapinės, kryždirbystės paveldas. Minimos grupės padeda nustatyti dviejų regioninių parkų ir jų religinio paveldo – tiriamo objekto funkcines savybes. Remiantis visuo tuo išryškinamas darbo tikslas: išanalizuoti Sartų ir Gražutės regioninių parkų sakralias vertybes tinkamas religiniam turizmui ir jo maršrutų kūrimui, vystymui ir įgyvendinimui.
Greta darbo tikslo formuojami uždaviniai: išsiaiškinti religinio paveldo sampratą ir su ja susijusio religinio turizmo kūrimo ir pritaikymo galimybes Sartų ir Gražutės regioniniuose parkuose; nustatyti sakralaus architektūrinio paveldo išskirtinumus, derančius religinio turizmo panaudai; suformuluoti kapinių paveldosauginius privalumus, pritaikomus įgyvendinant naujus projektus turizme; nurodyti paveldosaugines dviejų regioninių parkų kryždirbystės ypatybes, išryškinant jų svarbą turizmui; sukurti religinio turizmo maršrutus Sartų ir Gražutės regioniniuose parkuose.
Įgyvendinant darbo uždavinius išsiaiškinta, jog sakralus architektūros paveldas, esantis Sartų ir Gražutės regioniniuose parkuose yra gausus bei pasižymintis interjero ir eksterjero kultūrinių stilių įvairove. Saugomų teritorijų religinio paveldo arsenalą papildo kapinės. Jos tyrimo metu išsiskiria savo šimtmečių tėkmėje besiformavusiomis naujomis liaudies interpretacinėmis, skirtingų amžių ir kultūrinių laikotarpių formomis bei simboliais. Galiausiai, Sartų ir Gražutės regioniniame parke gausiai randami kryždirbystės kūriniai. Jie pasižymi tiek sakralia, tiek menine ir istorine verte. Kryždirbystės paveldas saugomose teritorijose išsiskiria savo ekspozicine funkcija.
Dėl religinio paveldo gausos Sartų ir Gražutės regioniniuose parkuose siūloma puoselėti religinį turizmą bei kurti jam pritaikytus maršrutus. Jų metu būtų susipažįstama su sakraliųjų vertybių įvairove ir specifika.Religious heritage is widespread all over the world, including certain regions of Lithuania. Vast resources of religious heritage have been found in the Sartai and Gražutė Regional Parks. The sacral valuables located in these territories include religious and cultural constructs that are exclusive due to their identity and integral to ecclesiastical context. The religious heritage of the Sartai and Gražutė Regional Parks is a pastoral tool that has been born out of the spirituality of the ancestors who lived here in the past. It is this devoutness that helped to develop religious heritage and shaped large groups of sacral valuables with both symbolic and semantic significance as well as strong relations to the Holy Writ and Catholic traditions.
The religious heritage protected in the Sartai and Gražutė Regional Parks can be broken down into the following three categories: sacral architectural heritage, cemeteries and cross-crafting heritage. These categories allow determining the functional qualities of the object of the research, i.e. two regional parks and their religious heritage. Based on this, the goal of the study is revealed to be the analysis of the sacral valuables located in Sartai and Gražutė Regional Parks and their suitability for the development, improvement and implementation of religious tourism and its routes.
The following objectives were formulated in order to achieve the set goal: to analyze the concept of religious heritage and the related possibilities of religious tourism development and adaptation in the Sartai and Gražutė Regional Parks; to determine the peculiarities of sacral architectural heritage that could be used for the benefit of religious tourism; to formulate the advantages of cemetery protection as heritage that can be adapted to implement new projects in tourism; to indicate the peculiarities of cross-crafting protection as heritage of the two regional parks by accentuating their significance to tourism; to outline religious tours in the Sartai and Gražutė Regional Parks.
The results of the research revealed that the Sartai and Gražutė Regional Parks had a vast sacral architectural heritage that had a distinct variety of interior and exterior cultural styles. The cemetery was also a part of the religious heritage located in the protected territories. The research also revealed certain qualities inherent to the cemetery, e.g. new folk interpretations shaped throughout hundreds of years, forms and symbols coming from different centuries and cultural periods. The Sartai and Gražutė Regional Parks also had a wide variety of cross-crafting examples that were discerned for their sacral, artistic and historic value. The cross-crafting heritage located in the regional parks had remarkable qualities of presentation
Lietuviško vertimo subtitravimo ypatumai (Morgano Spurlock dokumentinis filmas "Super Size Me" (2004)
The article deals with the peculiarities of subtitling as a method of audiovisual translation. The aim of the paper is the investigation of transfer of language and material culture of the film "Super Size Me" through subtitling. The theoretical part of the article overviews specificities of subtitling, cultural translation and rendering of material cultural realia – food. The empirical investigation of the documentary film language revealed that the translation transformations of omission, paraphrase and retention prevail. The preference of omission procedure and the fact that 8 % of original text was not translated exhibits the essence of subtitling, i.e. not all meaningful items of spoken utterances can be rendered in subtitles due to the target text compression. Cases of translation discrepancies evidence inconsiderate attitude towards the original text and prove that subtitling sometimes fails to convey adequate semantic and pragmatic messag
The Final palaeolithic hunter-gatherer colonisation of Lithuania in light of recent palaeoenvironmental research
This paper critically reviews the culture-historical framework for the re-colonisation of Lithuania during the Final Palaeolithic in the light of recent palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental data. We argue that the existing chronology of the Final Palaeolithic in Lithuania suffers from an undue western European orientation grounded in research history, and that it likely requires reconsideration. The lack of well-constrained excavations, the paucity of both radiocarbon dates and of palaeoenvironmental data pertinent to the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition (LGIT) lead us to be cautious with regard to the existing chronology. In reviewing the typological classification of the relevant lithic material, we argue in particular that there is a lack of reliable evidence not only for Hamburgian occupation but also for any substantive Federmessergruppen, Brommean and Ahrensburgian presence. Whilst Swiderian sites are better represented, a large majority of these may date to the early Holocene. In light of the current evidence, we question the usefulness of existing archaeological taxonomies for this period and favour a model of punctuated colonisation for the Lithuanian territory, where periodic and ephemeral forager presences are interspersed with longer periods of depopulation. In closing, we outline avenues for future research in the region
Investigating bunkers: Lithuanian partisans, archaeology and excavation in Pagrenda Forest
The article presents the investigations of Lithuanian partisan bunkers, discusses their results, and reveals the significance and potentialities of archaeological research. Special attention is paid to the archaeological excavation of the platoon bunker of Ignotas Nasutavičius (codename Bondaras) of the Didžioji Kova brigade in Pagrenda Forest (Elektrėnai Municipality) carried out by the Kaišiadorys Museum archaeological expedition in 2013. The curved entrance and wooden structures were detected, their dimensions were determined, and a total of 414 finds were discovered during the investigation of the bunker. Based on the results of the excavation, its analysis, and interpretation, battle scenes between Lithuanian partisans and Soviet soldiers that took place at the bunker on 20 January 1945 were reconstructed. The archaeological investigation of the bunker, the methods employed, the comparison of archaeological data with written and oral history, its analysis and interpretation contribute to the development of archaeology of the Lithuanian Partisan War
All these fantastic cultures? Research history and regionalization in the late Palaeolithic tanged point cultures of Eastern Europe
The Late Glacial, that is the period from the first pronounced warming after the Last Glacial Maximum to the beginning of the Holocene (c. 16,000–11,700 cal BP), is traditionally viewed as a time when northern Europe was being recolonized and Late Palaeolithic cultures diversified. These cultures are characterized by particular artefact types, or the co-occurrence or specific relative frequencies of these. In north-eastern Europe, numerous cultures have been proposed on the basis of supposedly different tanged points. This practice of naming new cultural units based on these perceived differences has been repeatedly critiqued, but robust alternatives have rarely been offered. Here, we review the taxonomic landscape of Late Palaeolithic large tanged point cultures in eastern Europe as currently envisaged, which leads us to be cautious about the epistemological validity of many of the constituent groups. This, in turn, motivates us to investigate the key artefact class, the large tanged point, using geometric morphometric methods. Using these methods, we show that distinct groups are difficult to recognize, with major implications for our understanding of patterns and processes of culture change in this period in north-eastern Europe and perhaps elsewhere
Oriented soft DNA curtains for single-molecule imaging
Over the past 20 years, single-molecule methods have become extremely important for biophysical studies. These methods, in combination with new nanotechnological platforms, can significantly facilitate experimental design and enable faster data acquisition. A nanotechnological platform, which utilizes a flow-stretch of immobilized DNA molecules, called DNA Curtains, is one of the best examples of such combinations. Here, we employed new strategies to fabricate a flow-stretch assay of stably immobilized and oriented DNA molecules using a protein template-directed assembly. In our assay, a protein template patterned on a glass coverslip served for directional assembly of biotinylated DNA molecules. In these arrays, DNA molecules were oriented to one another and maintained extended by either single- or both-end immobilization to the protein templates. For oriented both-end DNA immobilization, we employed heterologous DNA labeling and protein template coverage with the antidigoxigenin antibody. In contrast to single-end immobilization, both-end immobilization does not require constant buffer flow for keeping DNAs in an extended configuration, allowing us to study protein–DNA interactions at more controllable reaction conditions. Additionally, we increased the immobilization stability of the biotinylated DNA molecules using protein templates fabricated from traptavidin. Finally, we demonstrated that double-tethered Soft DNA Curtains can be used in nucleic acid-interacting protein (e.g., CRISPR-Cas9) binding assay that monitors the binding location and position of individual fluorescently labeled proteins on DNA