43 research outputs found

    A Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology Can Transform Mental Health Research

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    For more than a century, research on psychopathology has focused on categorical diagnoses. Although this work has produced major discoveries, growing evidence points to the superiority of a dimensional approach to the science of mental illness. Here we outline one such dimensional system—the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP)—that is based on empirical patterns of co-occurrence among psychological symptoms. We highlight key ways in which this framework can advance mental-health research, and we provide some heuristics for using HiTOP to test theories of psychopathology. We then review emerging evidence that supports the value of a hierarchical, dimensional model of mental illness across diverse research areas in psychological science. These new data suggest that the HiTOP system has the potential to accelerate and improve research on mental-health problems as well as efforts to more effectively assess, prevent, and treat mental illness.FSW – Publicaties zonder aanstelling Universiteit Leide


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    In the publication the necessity of functioning of system of monitoring on the state of natural complexes in the area of land and sea interaction was justified. The methodical bases of creation of the investigation complex was determinated.В публикацци обосновано целесообразность функционирования системы наблюдений за состоянием природных комплексов в зоне взаимодействия суша-моря и определены методические основы создания комплекса исследований.Обґрунтовано доцільність функціонування системи спостережень за станом природних комплексів у зоні взаємодії суходолу і моря та визначено методичні основи створення зазначеного комплексу досліджень


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    Obesity is a global epidemic of modern times and has serious health consequences, as it is a major risk factor for the development of chronic diseases such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis and its complications. The study of risk factors, pathogenetic mechanisms, as well as the search for new methods of treatment and prevention of this pathology is an important task of modern medicine. Today it is known that the composition and function of the intestinal microbiota play a certain role in the development of obesity and a number of metabolic disorders. One of the areas of prevention of early onset and development of these diseases may be the maintenance of a normal composition and correction of disorders of the intestinal ecosystem. In this review, the currently known interrelationships of changes in the composition of the intestinal microbiota and obesity are reviewed, and studies have been analyzed to assess the composition of the adult intestinal microbiota in obesity. The presently available data on the correction of overweight and obesity by exposing the composition of the intestinal microbiota are presented


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    Introduction. ARI occupying the first place in the structure of total human morbidity. The aim of the study was to investigate the species diversity of the viruses causing ARI among residents of the Novosibirsk region during epidemic season (October to April). Materials and methods. 164 nasopharyngeal swabs were collected and analyzed. Viral RNA/DNA, cDNA synthesis and PCR were carried out employing “RIBO-prep”, “Reverta-L”, “AmpliSens Influenza virus A/B-FL” and “AmpliSens ARI-screen-FL” kits (CRI of Epidemiology). Results. Etiological agent of the disease was found in 69 (43%) samples. Monoinfection was found in 58 (35%).In 14 (9%) samples were detected serogroup I coronaviruses, in 13 (8%) rhinoviruses, in 7 (4%) respiratory syncytial virus, in 6 (4%) parainfluenza virus type 1, in 5 (3%) parainfluenza virus type 3. Adenoviruses and bocavirus were identified in 3 (2%) samples. Parainfluenza virus type 2 and 4, metapneumovirus, serogroup II coronaviruses (HKU1 and OC43) were presented in 2 (1%) samples. In 11 (7%) samples was found mixed infection. Conclusion. The majority of common colds were caused by serogroup I coronaviruses (NL63 and 229E), rhinoviruses and mixed infections. The peak of species variability of viruses caused acute respiratory infections was determined in age group of children 2–4 years old. In older age groups the species variability of analyzed viruses was decreased, rhinovirus infection becomes prevalent. Введение. В структуре общей инфекционной заболеваемости человека ОРИ занимают первое место. Цель исследования изучение видового разнообразие вирусов, вызывающих ОРИ у жителей Новосибирской обл. в период максимальной регистрации случаев заболевания ОРИ (с октября по апрель). Материалы и методы. Исследовано 164 назофарингеальных смыва собранных от жителей г. Новосибирске и Новосибирской обл. с симптомами ОРИ. Выделение вирусной РНК/ДНК, синтез кДНК и ПЦР проводили с использованием наборов «РИБО-преп», «Реверта-L», «АмплиСенс Influenza virus A/B-FL», «АмплиСенс ОРВИ-скрин-FL» (ФБУН «ЦНИИЭ», Россия). Результаты. Этиологический агент заболевания был установлен в 69 (43%) образцах. В 58 (35%) обнаружена моноинфекци. В 14 (9%) образцах были обнаружены коронавирусы I серогруппы (NL63 и 229E), в 13 (8%) – риновирусы, в 7 (4%) – респираторно-синцитиальный вирус, в 6 (4%) – вирус парагриппа типа 1, в 5 (3%) – вирус парагриппа типа 3 (3%). Аденовирусы и бокавирус были идентифицированы в 3 (2%) образцах. Вирус парагриппа типа 2 и 4, метапневмовирус, коронавирусы II серогруппы (HKU1 и OC43) присутствовали в 2 (1%) образцах. В 11 (7%) образцах обнаружена сочетанная инфекция. Выводы. В структуре заболеваемости преобладали коронавирусы I серогруппы, риновирусы и сочетанная инфекция. Пик видового разнообразия вирусов, вызывающих острые респираторные инфекции у человека, приходится на группу детей в возрасте 2–4 лет. В старших возрастных группах наблюдается спад видового разнообразия вирусов и преобладание риновирусной инфекции.


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    Tautomerism in a series of monoazopigments based on 1-phenylazo-2-oxy-3-phenylcarbamoylnaphthalene was studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The ratio of integral intensities of 01s photoelectron peaks from oxygen atoms occurring in different states in the molecule showed the presence of two tautomeric forms, namely, azo and. quinonehydrazone isomers, and allowed the calculation of their relative contents. Contributions from the two tautomeric forms were directly affected by the nature of substituents

    Устойчивость органа зрения к бевацизумабу (авастину) при его системном введении у детей со злокачественными солидными опухолями

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    Purpose.The study of stability of visual organ to high volumes of bevacizumab (Avastin) doses in its systemic application in children with malignant solid tumors to determine possibilities of its use in children in case of retinopathy of prematurity. Material and methods.The study examination included 25 children (случайная выборка) aged from 3 to 17 years with malignant solid tumors. A standard ophthalmologic examination was carried out before and after performed treatment using:visometry, biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy, refractometry, tonometry. Results. Changes in visual organ were insignificant and not critical: appearance of anisocoria was detected in 4% of cases that was resolved during 24 hours, edema of conjunctiva was noted in 4% of cases and conjunctivitis was developed 2 days after the treatment start. Moderate norrowed arteries were observed in 16% of cases. Moderate norrowed arteries were found before systemic application of bevacizumab (Avastin) only in 3 patients (12% of cases). Intraocular pressure remained practically on the same level that was before the treatment. Conclusion.The systemic application of bevacizumab in children with malignant tumors using doses in 600 times higher the dose for intravitreal injection demonstrates a big stability of ocular tissues and functions to inhibitors of angiogenesis, does not cause pathologic changes in them. The performed study allows to transfer to intravitreal injections of bevacizumab in case of retinopathy of prematurityРЕФЕРАТ Цель. Изучение устойчивости органа зрения к большим дозам бевацизумаба (авастина) при системном его применении у детей со злокачественными солидными опухолями для определения возможности использовать его у детей при ретинопатии недоношенных. Материал и методы. Обследовано 25 детей (случайная выборка) в возрасте от 3 до 17 лет со злокачественными солидными опухолями. Проведено стандартное офтальмологическое обследование до и после проведенного лечения: визо-метрия, биомикроскопия, офтальмоскопия, рефрактометрия, тонометрия. Результаты. Изменения со стороны органа зрения были малочисленны и не критичны: в 4% случаев отмечалось появление анизокории, что разрешилось в течение суток, в 4% случаев наблюдалась отечность конъюнктивы и развился конъюнктивит на 2-й день после начала лечения. В 16% случаев отмечались умеренно суженные артерии. До системного применения бевацизумаба (авастина) умеренно суженные артерии отмечались только у 3 пациентов (12% случаев). Внутриглазное давление сохраняется практически на уровне до лечения. Заключение. Системное применение бевацизумаба у детей со злокачественными опухолями, в дозе в 600 раз превосходящей дозу для интравитреального введения, демонстрирует большую устойчивость тканей глаза и его функций к ингибиторам ангиогенеза, не вызывает в них патологических изменений. Проведенное исследование позволяет перейти к интравитреальному введению бевацизумаба при ретинопатии недоношенных

    Polyprenyl Phosphates Induce a High Humoral and Cellular Response to Immunization with Recombinant Proteins of the Replicative Complex of the Hepatitis C Virus

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    The search for new adjuvants remains the critical task for the creation of hepatitis C vaccines due to the weak immunogenicity of biotechnological products. When immunizing mice with the recombinant proteins NS3 and NS5B of the hepatitis C virus (HCV), the adjuvant activity of three immunomodulators was compared. Phosprenyl® on the basis of polyprenyl phosphate (PPP), chemically synthesized analogue of the bacterial cell wall glucosaminyl muramyl dipeptide (GMDP), and IFN-α recombinant protein were tested. GMDP increased the activity of IgG1 antibodies 4–6 times but did not stimulate the production of IFN-γ; IFN-α has not shown any adjuvant properties. The introduction of recombinant HCV proteins together with PPP in low doses increased the activity of IgG2a isotype antibodies 4–7 times and increased IFN-γ secretion 3 times. Thus, it was first shown that PPP polarizes the immune response to Th1-type and is a promising adjuvant for the development of a vaccine against hepatitis C. © 2018, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd