102 research outputs found

    Свобода слова и право на доступ к информации в условиях формирования системы международной информационной безопасности

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    The subject. The article is devoted to the analysis of the freedom of speech and access to information in the context of the emerging system of international information security.The purpose of the article is to try to predict the positive and negative consequences of changing international relations in the digital age, to determine the role of freedom of speech and access to information in the context of confrontation between Russia and the United States.The research presented in this article was carried out by combining different disciplinary approaches, including comparative law, comparative politics and international relations, political theory and sociology. Moreover, study includes methods of dialectical logic, analysis and synthesis, as well as formal legal analysis of international legal acts of the UN.The main results and scope of their application. The rights of freedom of speech and access to information is undoubtedly one of the main in the global digital communication context.Degree of implementation of human and citizen rights to freedom of expression and access to information are indicators of political processes, the pace of building a civil society and legal state in current country. These rights are the foundation of modern democracy.The authors carry out a systematic analysis of the categories “freedom of speech” and “the right to access information”, identify the features of implementation of these rights in cyberspace, analyze international practice of legal regulation of these rights and assess the place and role of these rights in the emerging system of international information security. A legal analysis of international legal acts shows that the positions of the United States and the Russian Federation in the field of international information security are gradually converging, and the convergence is going in the direction of the Russian position Conclusions. The limits on the exercise of freedom of speech and access to information do not correspond to the level of development of public relations, because there are no effective legal tools to prevent defamation in the mass media, which in turn can lead to conflict between countries. It is concluded that there is a need for active international cooperation and consistent unification of the legislation of various countries, taking into account that freedom of speech and access to information in cyberspace should have the same level of protection as in the physical world. Исследуется влияние информационно-коммуникационных технологий на современное общество, права и свободы человека и гражданина в киберпространстве с учетом концепций России и США в области формирования системы международной информационной безопасности. Предлагается рассмотреть двойной характер информационно-коммуникационных технологий, возможность их использования в качестве оружия, а также возможные угрозы международному сообществу. Сравнение позиций указанных стран показывает принципиальные расхождения в вопросах свободы слова и доступа к информации, причиной которых являются разные трактовки ключевых понятий, разные оценки возможности нанесения ущерба с помощью информации, а также последствий применения норм международного права к конфликтам с применением информационно-коммуникационных технологий. Сделан вывод о необходимости активного международного сотрудничества и последовательной унификации законодательства различных стран с учетом того, что свобода слова и доступ к информации в киберпространстве должны обладать тем же уровнем защиты, что и в физическом мире

    Понятие киберпространства в международном праве

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    The subject. The article is devoted to the analysis of approaches in the development of the concept of cyberspace in international law.The purpose of this article is to try to highlight the attributes of cyberspace, which will allow to resolve existing gaps in the field of universal cyber regulation in international law. The research presented in this article was conducted by combining various disciplinary approaches, including comparative law, comparative politics and international relations, political theory, and sociology. In addition, the study includes methods of dialectical logic, analysis and synthesis, as well as a formal-legal analysis of UN international legal acts.The main results and scope of their application. As states pay increasing attention to cyberspace management as the technical architecture that powers the global Internet and governance in cyberspace, in terms of how states, corporations and users can use this technology, the role of international law in cyberspace is increasing, becoming more prominent, becoming more important. At the same time, note that international law has no specific rules for regulating cyberspace. Moreover, the technology is both new and dynamic. Thus, for several years there have been open questions as to whether existing international law applies at all to cyberspace. Cyberspace is now the backbone of global commerce, communication and defense systems, and is a key aspect of the critical infrastructure that sustains our modern civilization. Technology and information spread almost instantaneously, and the global economy and supply chains are integrated to a degree unprecedented in history. Nevertheless, there is still no developed universal concept of cyberspace in international law, only approaches at the level of the UN, international organizations, including the First Committee of the UN General Assembly on Disarmament and International Security, the G20, the European Union, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Organization of American States and doctrinal approaches are singled out.Conclusions. The competition for strategic technology and the competition for advantage in the "information space" is growing, so far without the standard international rules of the road. Moreover, the future is likely to prove even more transformational. The potential threats are also extraordinary: autonomous weapons, cyber warfare, sophisticated disinformation campaigns and geopolitical instability. In such circumstances, it is crucial to develop a universal notion of cyberspace because of the persistent significant vulnerabilities and number of threats in global communications.Рассматривается роль международного права в киберпространстве. Отмечается, что киберпространство в настоящее время является основой глобальных систем торговли, связи и обороны, а также ключевым аспектом критической инфраструктуры, которая поддерживает современную цивилизацию. Технологии и информация распространяются почти мгновенно, а мировая экономика и цепочки поставок интегрированы до беспрецедентной в истории степени. Тем не менее до сих пор в международном праве нет выработанного универсального понятия киберпространства, существуют только подходы на уровне ООН, международных организаций, отдельно выделяются доктринальные подходы. Принципиально важным является выработка универсального понятия киберпространства в силу сохраняющихся значительных уязвимостей и количества угроз в глобальной связи


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    The results of bacteriological research of scatological material from children with allergic diseases (atopic dermatitis, bronchia! asthma combined, with allergic rhinitis, dermal and respiratory syndrome, allergic rhinitis) in Irkutsk are presented, in the article. 62 patients from 1 year to 17 years were examined, and. significant deviations from the scatological norm, were revealed: in lactic acid, bacteria — 75,8 % while the number of bifidobacteria was reduced, in 58 % of patients. The most frequently identified, bacteria were S. aureus (24,2 %) and. K. pneumoniae (14,5 %)


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    The aim of the study is to assess the effect of systemic and local risk factors on the rate of glaucoma progression, the specificity and informative nature of ophthalmological studies for assessment of the rate of glaucoma progression.Material and methods. A retrospective analysis of the medical case histories and outpatient charts of 217 patients (268 eyes) for the period from 2014 to 2017 was conducted. The patients with primary open-angle glaucoma having at least 5 Humphrey field-of-view (24-2) studies and optic coherence tomography of the optic nerve disk and retina with a guided progression analysis (GPA) function (SD-OCT) were included in the study. The patients were divided into 2 groups: with rapid progression (more than 1 dB per year, 144 eyes (103 patients)) and slow progression (less than 1 dB per year, 124 eyes (114 patients)). The data of standard ophthalmological methods of investigation (visometry, ophthalmoscopy, biomicroscopy, measurement of intraocular pressure (IOP) according to Maklakov) were additionally analyzed. Demographic and clinical data were assessed: gender, age, cornea central thickness, refraction, IOP, glucocorticosteroid intake, cardiovascular diseases presence, arterial hypertension, arterial hypotension, local hypotensive therapy. Results and discussion. The analysis revealed the main risk factors in glaucoma progression, which include age, cardiovascular diseases presence, high initial IOP values, pronounced functional changes in thevisual fields (lower mean deviation), pseudoexfoliation syndrome


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    The results of bacteriological examination of scatological material from children with allergic diseases (atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma combined with allergic rhinitis, dermal and respiratory syndrome, allergic rhinitis) in Irkutsk are presented. The study involved 62 patients aged from 1 year to 17 years. Significant deviations from the microecological norm were revealed: of lactic acid bacteria — 75,8 %, while the number of bifidobacteria was reduced in 58 % of patients. The most frequently identified opportunistic bacteria were S. aureus (24,2 %) and K. pneumoniae (14,5 %)


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    The present study aims to reveal the role of a semi-solid vehicle in the composition of Indomethacin dosage forms for their physical and chemical stability, in vitro and ex vivo behavior. Three types of hydrogels and emulgels were prepared with gelling agents Methylcellulose 2%, Poloxamer 407 20% and Carbomer 940 1%. Each preparation was observed for physical and chemical stability at 5°C and 25°C within 3 months. Test formulations, along with USP standard Indomethacin gel and combined marked product Indextol,were subjected to in vitro drug release test and ex vivo permeation study, using porcine intestinal mucosa on Franz diffusion cell. A hypothesis was built to predict steady-state plasma concentration (Css) of Indomethacin for each formulation following mucosal administration. Results revealed sustained chemical stability of all emulgels for the period observed and significantly lower chemical stability of the corresponding hydrogels. Methylcellulose hydrogel (at both temperatures) and emulgel (at 25°C) showed signs of phase separation, while all other formulations kept their physical appearance for the duration of the study. Methylcellulose emulgel along with Poloxamer 407 hydrogel showed highest cumulative drug release in 12 hours (58.01% and 55.00%, respectively). Same formulations exhibited also highest drug permeation rate (Jss) through mucosa (10.55 µg.cm-2.h-1 and 13.20 µg.cm-2.h-1, respectively) and highest predicted value of plasma concentration (Css up to 100.49 µg.l-1 and 125.71 µg.l-1, respectively), whereas highest drug deposition in mucosal tissue was detected for Poloxamer 407 emulgel (2.1 mg.cm-3)

    Eicosapentaenoic acid provokes stronger in vitro antiadipogenic effect than docosahexaenoic acid in differentiated 3T3-L1 cells

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    The comparative studies of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) effects on the amount of lipid droplets (LD) and within adipocytes are limited. In this study, 3T3-L1 mouse embryo fibroblasts (ATCC® CL-173™) were expanded up to fifth passage. At the stage of growth arrest, the cells were treated with EPA and DHA separately and in combination at 100 μg/mL for 2 days. Oil Red O staining protocol, subsequent extraction with isopropanol and spectrophotometric determination of absorbed dye were used to establish the amount of intracellular lipid droplets depo-sition. While DHA administration had no significant effect on reduction of LD intracellular deposi-tion, the EPA treatment decreased optical density (OD) significantly (P<0.05). Furthermore, a syner-gic effect of combined application of both PUFAs was not observed. In conclusion, EPA provoked stronger antiadipogenic effect than DHA suggesting that EPA administration would be more effective in already existing obesity

    Economic Assessment of Growth Factors of Labour Productivity at Core Enterprises of the Defence Industry: Impact on Single-Industry Towns

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    The insufficient growth of labour productivity at the enterprises of the Russian defence industry compared to the world level results in the need to identify the causes of the current situation. In recent years, the military rearmament led to the use of new technologies in production, personnel reduction, and, ultimately, to the increase in labour productivity. Nevertheless, the growth of the target value due to a decrease in the number of employees has mixed effects on the development of the socio-economic environment of single-industry towns. As an information base for the study, we used the statistical data of six core enterprises of ROSATOM State Corporation for the period from 2008 to 2017. The paper relies on Russian and foreign research focused on measuring the impact of various factors on labour productivity. We applied correlation-regression analysis and index method of factor analysis. As a result, we built a multiple linear model of the dependence of labour productivity on the average headcount, capital-labour ratio of active business assets, the ratio of the active part of assets in their total value, and investments. Further, we examined the statistically significant difference of the multiple linear regression model and its parameters and confirmed the applicability of the postulated model for predicting indicators values. The index analysis of labour productivity as well as indices of capital-labour ratio and capital productivity revealed a discrepancy between the growth of an indicator and the increase in the utilisation efficiency of fixed assets in dynamics. Additionally, it indicated the need to compare labour productivity factors with performance indicators when predicting the development of enterprises. The conducted research and constructed model can be used for developing strategic plans for the defence industry enterprises, as well as for considering how the changes in labour productivity and personnel of the core enterprises of the defence industry influence the economy of single-industry towns.Проблема недостаточного роста производительности труда на российских предприятиях ОПК относительно мирового уровня приводит к необходимости выявления причин сложившейся ситуации. В последние годы перевооружение военной промышленности стало основой для использования новых технологий в производстве, снижения численности персонала и, как следствие, для повышения производительности труда. Тем не менее, рост целевого показателя за счет снижения численности персонала имеет неоднозначные последствия для развития социально-экономической среды моногородов присутствия. В качестве информационной базы исследования использованы статистические данные шести градообразующих предприятий ГК «Росатом» за 2008–2017 гг. Методологической основой послужили труды отечественных и зарубежных ученых по проблемам измерения влияния факторов на производительность труда. Для проведения исследования применены такие методы, как корреляционно-регрессионный анализ, индексный метод факторного анализа. В результате построена многофакторная линейная модель зависимости производительности труда от среднесписочной численности персонала, фондовооруженности активными производственными фондами, удельного веса активной части фондов в их общей стоимости, а также инвестиций. Проведена проверка статистической значимости модели множественной линейной регрессии и ее параметров, установлена пригодность постулируемой модели для использования ее в целях прогнозирования исследуемого показателя. Индексный анализ производительности труда, показателей фондовооруженности и фондоотдачи позволил выявить несоответствие роста исследуемого показателя увеличению эффективности использования основных фондов в динамике и свидетельствует о необходимости сопоставления факторов производительности труда с показателями эффективности при построении прогнозов развития предприятий. Проведенное исследование и построенная модель могут быть использованы при разработке стратегических планов предприятий ОПК, а также при учете влияния изменения производительности труда и численности персонала градообразующих предприятий ОПК на экономику моногородов