4,329 research outputs found

    Join Execution Using Fragmented Columnar Indices on GPU and MIC

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    The paper describes an approach to the parallel natural join execution on computing clusters with GPU and MIC Coprocessors. This approach is based on a decomposition of natural join relational operator using the column indices and domain-interval fragmentation. This decomposition admits parallel executing the resource-intensive relational operators without data transfers. All column index fragments are stored in main memory. To process the join of two relations, each pair of index fragments corresponding to particular domain interval is joined on a separate processor core. Described approach allows efficient parallel query processing for very large databases on modern computing cluster systems with many-core accelerators. A prototype of the DBMS coprocessor system was implemented using this technique. The results of computational experiments for GPU and Xeon Phi are presented. These results confirm the efficiency of proposed approach

    Six-loop ε\varepsilon expansion study of three-dimensional nn-vector model with cubic anisotropy

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    The six-loop expansions of the renormalization-group functions of φ4\varphi^4 nn-vector model with cubic anisotropy are calculated within the minimal subtraction (MS) scheme in 4ε4 - \varepsilon dimensions. The ε\varepsilon expansions for the cubic fixed point coordinates, critical exponents corresponding to the cubic universality class and marginal order parameter dimensionality ncn_c separating different regimes of critical behavior are presented. Since the ε\varepsilon expansions are divergent numerical estimates of the quantities of interest are obtained employing proper resummation techniques. The numbers found are compared with their counterparts obtained earlier within various field-theoretical approaches and by lattice calculations. In particular, our analysis of ncn_c strengthens the existing arguments in favor of stability of the cubic fixed point in the physical case n=3n = 3

    Supernova Ia: a Converging Delayed Detonation Wave

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    A model of a carbon-oxygen (C--O) presupernova core with an initial mass 1.33 M_\odot, an initial carbon mass fraction 0.27, and with an average mass growth-rate 5 x 10^{-7} M_\odot/yr due to accretion in a binary system was evolved from initial central density 10^9 g/cm^3, and temperature 2.05 x 10^8 K through convective core formation and its subsequent expansion to the carbon runaway at the center. The only thermonuclear reaction contained in the equations of evolution and runaway was the carbon burning reaction 12C + 12C with an energy release corresponding to the full transition of carbon and oxygen (with the same rate as carbon) into 56Ni. As a parameter we take \alpha_c - a ratio of a mixing length to the size of the convective zone. In spite of the crude assumptions, we obtained a pattern of the runaway acceptable for the supernova theory with the strong dependence of its duration on \alpha_c. In the variants with large enough values of \alpha_c=4.0 x 10^{-3} and 3.0 x 10^{-3} the fuel combustion occurred from the very beginning as a prompt detonation. In the range of 2.0 x 10^{-3} >= \alpha_c >= 3.0 x 10^{-4} the burning started as a deflagration with excitation of stellar pulsations with growing amplitude. Eventually, the detonation set in, which was activated near the surface layers of the presupernova (with m about 1.33 M_\odot) and penetrated into the star down to the deflagration front. Excitation of model pulsations and formation of a detonation front are described in detail for the variant with \alpha_c=1.0 x 10^{-3}.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Astronomy Letter

    On the estimate of the sigma^(I = 1)_(KN)(0)-term value from the energy level shift of kaonic hydrogen in the ground state

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    Using the experimental data on the energy level shift of kaonic hydrogen in the ground state (the DEAR Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 212302 (2005)) and the theoretical value of the energy level shift, calculated within the phenomenological quantum field theoretic approach to the description of strong low-energy anti-K N and anti-K NN interactions developed at Stefan Meyer Institut fuer subatomare Physik in Vienna, we estimate the value of the sigma^(I = 1)_(KN)(0)-term of low-energy anti-K N scattering. We get sigma^(I = 1)_(KN)(0) = (433 +/- 85) MeV. This testifies the absence of strange quarks in the proton structure.Comment: 7 pages, no figure

    Detrended fluctuation analysis as a statistical tool to monitor the climate

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    Detrended fluctuation analysis is used to investigate power law relationship between the monthly averages of the maximum daily temperatures for different locations in the western US. On the map created by the power law exponents, we can distinguish different geographical regions with different power law exponents. When the power law exponents obtained from the detrended fluctuation analysis are plotted versus the standard deviation of the temperature fluctuations, we observe different data points belonging to the different climates, hence indicating that by observing the long-time trends in the fluctuations of temperature we can distinguish between different climates.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, submitted to JSTA

    Some aspects of ecological and economic education in the process of studying geography in Pedagogical University

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. This article deals with basic issues of ecological and economic education in the process of studying geography in Pedagogical University

    Non-Abelian Vortices, Super-Yang-Mills Theory and Spin(7)-Instantons

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    We consider a complex vector bundle E endowed with a connection A over the eight-dimensional manifold R^2 x G/H, where G/H = SU(3)/U(1)xU(1) is a homogeneous space provided with a never integrable almost complex structure and a family of SU(3)-structures. We establish an equivalence between G-invariant solutions A of the Spin(7)-instanton equations on R^2 x G/H and general solutions of non-Abelian coupled vortex equations on R^2. These vortices are BPS solitons in a d=4 gauge theory obtained from N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in ten dimensions compactified on the coset space G/H with an SU(3)-structure. The novelty of the obtained vortex equations lies in the fact that Higgs fields, defining morphisms of vector bundles over R^2, are not holomorphic in the generic case. Finally, we introduce BPS vortex equations in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory and show that they have the same feature.Comment: 14 pages; v2: typos fixed, published versio