44 research outputs found

    Apricot production in Bulgaria, opportunities for organic production and comparison with other main producing countries in the world

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    The apricot is a well-known, preferred and very tasty fruit in Bulgaria. Its homeland is northeastern Armenia, but the largest number of apricots in the world are still grown in Turkey. The purpose of this article is to determine the amount of harvested areas in the country from this type of permanent planting, to determine the dynamics of the change in the amount of production in different years in the period from 2015 to 2020 y., what are the average yields, which are the main producing countries, what quantities of apricots in tons do they produce and to offer opportunities for biological cultivation and processing of this tasty and irreplaceable fruit in valuable minerals and vitamins. The scientific methods used in the article are methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction, extrapolation, comparative method, method of weighted average values, as well as other statistical and mathematical methods

    Physiotherapy in Children With Cri Du Chat Syndrome: A Clinical Case

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    Cri du chat syndrome is a rare genetic abnormality characterized by a specific set of symptoms. It occurs as a result of the deletion of the short arm of the fifth chromosome. The syndrome can be inherited or congenital. Children suffering from this genetic disease have characteristic signs: low birth weight, microcephaly, short fingers, clinodactyly, muscular hypotonia, congenital heart defects, mental retardation, delayed psychomotor development, a characteristic cry resembling a cat`s meow, etc. The timely inclusion of physiotherapy and consistency in the implementation of the physiotherapeutic complexes would help prevent or limit the development of certain deficits, both in the physical development and in the neurological status of the child. This, in turn, will help the parents in their care of the child, ensuring greater independence and socialization within society.The aim of this report is to prepare and present a physiotherapeutic protocol whose purpose is to improve coordination and concentration while helping the patient adapt to activities of daily living.Materials and methods: A case study involving a five-year-old girl with congenital cri du chat syndrome.Results and discussion: Long-term physiotherapy, employing a range of methods and tools at each stage, combined with interdisciplinary collaboration with specialists such as speech therapists, psychologists, and occupational therapists. All of them contribute to the development and adaptation of the patient to the surrounding environment

    The correlation between the rotation of upper first permanent molars and malocclusions in the individual dental arch and in the occlusion

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    IntroductionMalocclusions disturb the integrity of the dental arch and the interdental/occlusal relationship. All this leads to a change in the position of the upper molars in the sagittal, transversal and vertical plane. The rotation of the upper first molar leads to a shift of position of molar cups in a mesio-distal direction demonstrated by the great impact on the distribution of occlusal forces.AimThe rotation of upper first molars should not be underestimated in the biometrical analysis of diagnostic dental casts as this can lead to incomplete and improper treatment plan.Ðœaterials and MethodsOur study investigated 681 children aged 7-10 years who attended the Department of Orthodontics at the Faculty of Dental Medicine in Varna. All children were clinically evaluated and biometrical assessment of diagnostic dental casts was performed. Diagnostic records included also photo-analysis and measurements of diagnostic dental casts. The relationship between the rotation of upper first permanent molars and the transversal and sagittal dimension, and also the overjet were assessed. The degrees of rotation were classified using the Friel and Vigano methods.ResultsA regressional statistical analysis was conducted to determine the frequency of malocclusion and to establish the relationship between the rotation of upper first permanent molar and the length of the arch, the intercanine distance, and the overjet. The comparative analysis demonstrated inverse relationship not only between the rotational position of the molars and the length of the arch, but also between the canine distance and the rotation of the upper molars (p<0.01). It is reported that when an overjet up to 4 mm is present,  the mediopalatal rotation of the molars is negatively affected.ConclusionLosing the length of the arch leads to compression of the dental arch, medialization of permanent molars and crowding of the frontal teeth. The problem of mesiopalatal rotation of upper first permanent molars is manifested through increased overjet and increased overbite

    The importance of upper first permanent molars position for the orthognatic occlusion

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    Development of the dental arches and occlusion in permanent dentition can be divided into several stages and has to be observed regularly. The first permanent molar eruption is related to the onset of significant changes in the developing occlusion. Although this tooth is seen as the `key to occlusion` its value as an anchorage is debatable.The aim of the article is to study the correct position of the upper first molars in the two planes of space - the sagittal and transverse planes.In this article the position of the first upper molar is examined with the aid of diagnostic records, such as study cast, orthopantomogram (OPG), and lateral cephalometrics. A literature review includes Bulgarian and foreigner authors.Angle, who in 1899 referred to the maxillary first permanent molars as the `key to occlusion`, was the first to mention their importance within the dentition. According to Angle, the line passing through the middle of the mesiobuccal cusp of the upper first molar coincides with the line passing through the buccal groove of the lower first molar. After Angle, other authors have discussed the position of upper molars from different point of view, such as their relation or position in the maxilla, anteroposterior axial inclination and rotation. As indicated by Lamons and Holmes molar rotations commonly exist in Class II malocclusions. The molars are usually rotated around an axis lingual to their central fossae. In an ideal occlusion the buccal surfaces of the upper first molars are usually parallel to each other.On the OPG Kurol and Bjerklin measured the axial mesial inclination of upper first molar. The tipping of the molars is measured by the angle formed between the tangent line to the mesial surfaces of the root and crown and the line through the lower margins of the left and right orbits.According to Sassouni, the mesial contour of upper first molar should to lie on the 4th arc - the temporal arc. If the molar is anterior to this arc, a treatment with distalization could be initiated. The temporal arcnasion distance measured on the radius is equal to the distance from point ANS to the upper first molar. The position of the upper first molar varies with the position of the upper central incisors. The basic hypothesis is that if the upper first molar has a fixed position in the face, any increase in the total upper dental arch length will be transferred to the incisor area. Any change in the anteroposterior position of the upper first molar could influence the position of the mandibular- leading to Class II malocclusion.Ricketts pointed out that the average distance from the pterygoid vertical (PTV) to the distal surface of upper first molar is the sum of the age of the patient + 3mm, in a growing patient. This diagnostic method can help the orthodontist to decide whether to extract teeth or to distalize the molars.Any loss of space in the arch is a justification for early orthodontic treatment. Mediopalatal rotation of the upper molar is an additional problem in the final phase as well. The rotation of upper first molars is measured by the angles formed by the intersection of lines going over the tips of the mesiopalatal and distobuccal cusps of each molar (Ricketts line) with a straight line marked over the palatine raphe.The problem of reduced arch length has an impact on the final treatment stage when the major orthodontic goal is establishing a tight teeth intercuspation. The molars influence the transfer of occlusal forces to the facial skeleton. The upper first molar tolerates more changes in the position than the lower one. The correct position of the upper molar ensures a stable occlusion with significantly low grade of relapse


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    В резултат на увеличаващия се брой предприятия открили производство по несъстоятелност през последните години, въпросът за усъвършенстване на диагностиката на несъстоятелността на предприятията придобива ключово значение за стабилността на икономиката. В настоящето изследване се представят факторите, симптомите и стадиите на развитие на несъстоятелността като кризисно финансово състояния в предприятието и на тази основа се предлага подход за диагностика на заболяването „несъстоятелност“. В изследването са разгледани три значения на несъстоятелността и са изведени нейните характерни черти. Рисковите фактори, отключващи процеса на развитие на финансовата несъстоятелност, са разделени на два вида: вътрешни и външни. В статията са изведени, разграничени и формулирани четири стадии на развитие на финансовата несъстоятелност, всеки един от които се характеризира с определени симптоми. As a result of the increasing number of enterprises, which have initiated insolvency proceedings in the recent years, the problem of improving the diagnosis of the insolvency of enterprises acquires the key importance for the stability of the economy (becomes a matter of great). This study presents the factors, symptoms and stages of insolvency development as a crisis financial position in the enterprise and on this basis it approach a methodology for diagnosing the disease „insolvency“. The study identifies three meanings of insolvency and brings out its characteristic features. The risk factors triggering the development process of financial insolvency are divided into two types: internal and external. The article outputs, identifies and formulates four stages, characterizing the development of financial insolvency, each of which is characterized by certain symptoms

    Space maintainers - different clinical approaches

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    Използването на местопазител или възстановяване на кариозен временен зъб, който впоследствие може да действа като естествен местопазител, може потенциално да предотврати намаляването на дължината на зъбната дъга и необходимостта от сложно ортодонтно лечение на по-късен етап. Целта на този литературен обзор е да обобщи видовете местопазители, да представи предимствата им и необходимостта от тяхното приложение. Местопазителите могат да бъдат едностранни, двустранни, фиксирани и снемаеми. Вероятността на фиксираните апарати да бъдат повредени, изгубени или свалени е по-малка. 91.3% е успеваемостта на местопазители, изработени от 0,7 мм тел, свързани чрез бондинг, като останалите 8.7% неуспех се дължат основно на оклузална травма или разциментирането им. Установено е, че задържането на местопазител, изработен от фибростъкло и композит, е по-добро от това на местопазител с метален пръстен. Използваните конвенционални апарати за запазване на мястото имат редица недостатъци. Цялата процедура може да бъде завършена в едно посещение при NiTi ретайнерите-местопазители, като при тях няма нужда от допълнителни процедури като: вземане на отпечатък, поставяне на пръстени, тел и запояване. Лингвалната дъга също е ефективна като местопазител по време на про бива на страничните постоянни зъби. Фрагментът от естествения зъб при фрактура на фронтални зъби може да се ползва като местопазител, за целта е необходимо да се съхрани до срещата с денталния лекар. Прави се улей на двата съседни зъба и чрез течен композит и фибровлакно се закрепя към фрактурирания зъб като местопазител до окончателния растеж на зъбната дъга. Необходимо е познаването на всички видове местопазители, за да може при ранна загуба на временен зъб да се подбере най-подходящият за случая местопазител.The use of space maintainers or restoring a carious temporary tooth, which can be a natural space maintainer, can potentially prevent a reduction in the length of the toothed arc and the need for complicated orthodontic treatment at a later stage. The purpose of this literature review is to summarize the types of space maintainers, to present their advantages and the need for their application. Space maintainers can be unilateral, bilateral, fixed, and removable. The success rate of 0.7 mm wire space maintainers is 91.3% and is linked to bonding, the remaining 8.7% failure is because of occlusal trauma or decementation. It is found that the retention of the glass fiber-reinforced composite resin space maintainer is better than a metal ring one. The conventional appliances used to pre-serve space have a lot of disadvantages. The whole procedure can be completed in one visit with NiTi space maintainers-retainers, and there is no need for additional procedures such as: impression, ring placement, wire and soldering. The lingual arch is also effective as a space maintainer during the eruption of permanent teeth. The fracture fragment of the natural tooth of frontal teeth can be used as a space maintainer, for this purpose it is necessary to keep it until the dental visit. A canal is made on the two adjacent teeth and a flowable composite and glass fiber is attached to the fractured tooth as a space maintainer until the final dental arch growth. It is necessary to know all types of space maintainers in case of early loss of temporary teeth and choose the most suitable space maintainer for the case

    Epidemiological research on the incidence of malocclusions among mouth-breathing children with primary and mixed dentition

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    Introduction: A literature review established that the number of mouth-breathing children varies between 5-75%. Girls are more often diagnosed with this condition compared to the boys. In the 19th century Linder-Aronson established the relationship between mouth-breathing and malocclusions. The recognition of the mouth-breathing pattern and the habitual mouth breathing as factors in developing malocclusions requires prophylaxis and timely treatment.Aim: The purpose of this study is to establish the incidence and type of malocclusions among mouth-breathing children with primary and mixed dentition.Materials and Methods: A total of 412 children diagnosed with mouth breathing and 317 children diagnosed with habitual mouth breathing aged 3-12 years were examined. The dental occlusion of every child was assessed in the three planes of space - sagittal, transverse and horizontal in both segments - frontal and buccal.Results: In both groups a statistically significant difference in dental malocclusions was demonstrated (p<0.001) depending on type of dentition. In both groups the vast majority of children were diagnosed with class II Angle malocclusion in both primary and mixed dentition. The children with primary dentition were more often diagnosed with class I Angle malocclusion.Conclusion:In both groups the most frequent malocclusions present were class II Angle, overjet, bilateral posterior crossbite, open bite within 3 mm in the frontal segment. In primary dentition the most frequent type of malocclusion was class I Angle.Introduction: A literature review established that the number of mouth-breathing children varies between 5-75%. Girls are more often diagnosed with this condition compared to the boys. In the 19th century Linder-Aronson established the relationship between mouth-breathing and malocclusions. The recognition of the mouth-breathing pattern and the habitual mouth breathing as factors in developing malocclusions requires prophylaxis and timely treatment.Aim: The purpose of this study is to establish the incidence and type of malocclusions among mouth-breathing children with primary and mixed dentition.Materials and Methods: A total of 412 children diagnosed with mouth breathing and 317 children diagnosed with habitual mouth breathing aged 3-12 years were examined. The dental occlusion of every child was assessed in the three planes of space - sagittal, transverse and horizontal in both segments - frontal and buccal.Results: In both groups a statistically significant difference in dental malocclusions was demonstrated (p<0.001) depending on type of dentition. In both groups the vast majority of children were diagnosed with class II Angle malocclusion in both primary and mixed dentition. The children with primary dentition were more often diagnosed with class I Angle malocclusion.Conclusion:In both groups the most frequent malocclusions present were class II Angle, overjet, bilateral posterior crossbite, open bite within 3 mm in the frontal segment. In primary dentition the most frequent type of malocclusion was class I Angle

    Diltiazem-loaded Eudragit RS 100 microparticles for drug delivery: the challenge of viscosity

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    Strongly shape-dependent viscosity has been found in drug loaded and `empty` polymeric microspheres (drug delivery systems) made of pharmacopoeial Eudragit RS 100 representative. The dramatically increased viscosity of a layer of spherical particles deposited on the gold electrode surface of quartz resonators from water suspension leads to a large dynamic resistance and inability to sustain stable oscillations in a frequency measuring circuit. The viscosity is also affected by loading the polymer matrix with Diltiazem. Its adverse impact is removed by exposing the deposed layer to acetone vapor leading to `dissolving` the investigated spheres and changing their shape to a thin layered one