121 research outputs found

    On the Necessity of the Sufficient Conditions in Cone-Constrained Vector Optimization

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    The object of investigation in this paper are vector nonlinear programming problems with cone constraints. We introduce the notion of a Fritz John pseudoinvex cone-constrained vector problem. We prove that a problem with cone constraints is Fritz John pseudoinvex if and only if every vector critical point of Fritz John type is a weak global minimizer. Thus, we generalize several results, where the Paretian case have been studied. We also introduce a new Frechet differentiable pseudoconvex problem. We derive that a problem with quasiconvex vector-valued data is pseudoconvex if and only if every Fritz John vector critical point is a weakly efficient global solution. Thus, we generalize a lot of previous optimality conditions, concerning the scalar case and the multiobjective Paretian one. Additionally, we prove that a quasiconvex vector-valued function is pseudoconvex with respect to the same cone if and only if every vector critical point of the function is a weak global minimizer, a result, which is a natural extension of a known characterization of pseudoconvex scalar functions.Comment: 12 page

    Second-Order Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Optimality Conditions for Vector Problems with Continuously Differentiable Data and Second-Order Constraint Qualifications

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    Some necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for inequality constrained problems with continuously differentiable data were obtained in the papers [I. Ginchev and V.I. Ivanov, Second-order optimality conditions for problems with C\sp{1} data, J. Math. Anal. Appl., v. 340, 2008, pp. 646--657], [V.I. Ivanov, Optimality conditions for an isolated minimum of order two in C\sp{1} constrained optimization, J. Math. Anal. Appl., v. 356, 2009, pp. 30--41] and [V. I. Ivanov, Second- and first-order optimality conditions in vector optimization, Internat. J. Inform. Technol. Decis. Making, 2014, DOI: 10.1142/S0219622014500540]. In the present paper, we continue these investigations. We obtain some necessary optimality conditions of Karush--Kuhn--Tucker type for scalar and vector problems. A new second-order constraint qualification of Zangwill type is introduced. It is applied in the optimality conditions.Comment: 1

    Optimization problems with quasiconvex inequality constraints

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    The constrained optimization problem min f(x), gj(x) 0 (j = 1, . . . , p) is considered, where f : X ! R and gj : X ! R are nonsmooth functions with domain X Rn. First-order necessary and first-order sufficient optimality conditions are obtained when gj are quasiconvex functions. Two are the main features of the paper: to treat nonsmooth problems it makes use of the Dini derivative; to obtain more sensitive conditions, it admits directionally dependent multipliers. The two cases, where the Lagrange function satisfies a non-strict and a strict inequality, are considered. In the case of a non-strict inequality pseudoconvex functions are involved and in their terms some properties of the convex programming problems are generalized. The efficiency of the obtained conditions is illustrated on an example. Key words: Nonsmooth optimization, Dini directional derivatives, quasiconvex functions, pseudoconvex functions, quasiconvex programming, Kuhn-Tucker conditions.
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