78 research outputs found

    Antibiotic-associated disorders of prothrombin synthesis and their probiotic correction with B. Clausii in breastfeed infants

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    The aim of the investigation was to study the prothrombin test and PIVKA-II serum levels changes in infants aged 1-6 month after the broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment and determine the possibility of coagulation disorders correction with the help of probiotic Bacillus clausii strains OC, NR, T, SIN spores capable to produce vitamin K2. Materials and methods. The study involved 57 convalescents after an acute respiratory infection exclusively breastfed infants aged 1 to 6 months one week after the 7-day parenteral treatment with ceftriaxone. Among them 13 children with laboratory signs of blood hypocoagulation (INR >1.3) had received probiotic Bacillus clausii spores in a daily dose of 2 × 109 CFU for 10 days. Another 13 children who had not received a probiotic made up a comparison group. Laboratory data was compared with the results of 27 healthy children of the control group. Prothrombin test parameters as a prothrombin (PT), prothrombin time (PTT), international normalized ratio (INR) and protein induced by vitamin K absence or antagonist II (PIVKA-II) were determined using the hematologic analyzer COAGUCHEC XS and ELISA kit. Results. It was found that after antibacterial treatment in infants PT was decreased and reached only 50 % of the norm. At the same time, PTT and INR were increased up to 2-folds together with a significant PIVKA-II elevation, which is typical for vitamin K deficiency. The use of probiotic treatment within 10 days has contributed to normalization of prothrombin in 11 out of 13 observed infants versus 3 out of 13 in the comparison group (χ2 = 7,58 corrected by Yates, P < 0.05). Conclusions. Cephalosporin administration for breastfed infants can lead them to latent vitamin K deficiency development, which is manifested by high levels of PIVKA-II and signs of hypocoagulation development revealed by prothrombin test. The Bacillus clausii probiotic spores prescription to infants after antibiotic therapy course for 10 days normalizes the plasma prothrombin concentration while in children of the comparison group it remains lower than normal

    Обработка сигналов домен-акустическим процессором в автокорреляционном режиме

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    Аналізується відношення сигнал/шум, яке може бути досягнуте під час оброблення сигналів домен-акустичним процесором. Показано, що якість обробки сигналів вказаним методом в ідеальному випадку визначається якістю цих первинних сигналів, при цьому за умови, що сигнал запису формується малошумним по- тужним генератором, то в автокореляцiйному режимі опорний сигнал формується із сигналу, який підлягає обробціIt is analyzed the signal / noise ratio, which can be achieved by the signal processing domain-acoustic processor. It is shown that the quality of signal processing by this method ideally determined by the quality of the primary signals. Provided that the recorded signal is formed by a powerful generator of low-noise, the autocorrelation mode, the reference signal generated from the signal, which is to be processedАнализируется отношение сигнал/шум, которое может быть достигнуто при обработки сигналов домен-акустическим процессором. Показано, что качество обработки сигналов указанным методом в идеальном случае определяется качеством этих первичных сигналов. При условии, что сигнал записи формируется малошумным мощным генератором, в автокорреляционном режиме опорный сигнал формируется из сигнала, который подлежит обработк


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    The aim of the work is investigation and determination the falsity of objections to the timeliness of anti-epidemic measures on Zika illness in the media. Objections in the mass media about anti-epidemic measures for Zika disease are discussed briefly in the article. It is reminding of the validity of the self-regulation of the epidemic process in this disease. There are considered some aspects of advertising and its possible impact on epidemic aspects of biological safety. Conclusion. The manipulation with the consciousness of people help to focus attention on the epidemiological aspects of biological safety, when in the media there are doubts about the validity of anti-epidemic measures against of particular infectious disease.Мета роботи – дослідити та визначити помилковість заперечень своєчасності протиепідемічних заходів при хворобі Зіка в засобах масової інформації. Стисло викладені міркування щодо заперечень в засобах масової інформації протиепідемічних заходів при хворобі Зіка. Нагадується про чинність саморегуляції епідемічного процесу при цьому захворюванні. Розглянуті деякі аспекти реклами та її можливий вплив на епідемічні аспекти біологічної безпеки. Висновок. Маніпуляції зі свідомістю людей, коли в засобах масової інформації оприлюднюються сумніви обґрунтованості протиепідемічних заходів щодо тієї чи іншої інфекційної хвороби, спонукають до акцентування уваги на епідемічних аспектах біологічної безпеки

    Ecological-climatic characteristics of the flora of a floodplain landscape in Southeastern Europe

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    Floodplain ecosystems take on the role of active areas of biodiversity and provide many “ecosystem services”, as evidenced by a number of European scientific references. A biodiversity analysis of river floodplains in six European countries within the temperate zone has shown that the floodplains are habitats with a high-level of structural and functional dynamics. The level of their conservation reflects the floristic diversity of forest territories, which is especially important for subarid areas. Recently, a comparison of bioecological characteristics of flora in floodplain forest areas and treeless territories was conducted on the floodplain landscapes of a subarid region of Europe. The valley-terraced landscape of the Samara River, a tributary of the Dnieper can serve as a reference site of native plant complexes of subarid territory in Eastern Europe. Despite long-term anthropogenic transformation, the landscape has retained a significant phytodiversity level. The flora of the Samara River area includes 887 plant species. Of these, 177 species belonging to the rare and endangered categories. The floodplain landscape is the richest in species and most diverse part of this complex. The flora of the Samara floodplain includes 728 species (including 132 rare ones), of which 631 grow in forest communities, and 487 – in anthropogenically transformed, treeless floodplain areas. As part of the forest flora, the number of tree and shrubby species, scyophytes, hygrophytes, and megatrophs significantly increases compared to treeless sites, and the number of ruderal plant species decreases. The&nbsp;floristic composition of the floodplain forests of the subarid region is much richer and more diverse than the flora of the treeless floodplain areas, and this should encourage measures for their protection and restoration. Afforestation of floodplain territories within the steppe zone of Ukraine should be a priority in comparison with other landscapes. For the protection of the flora studied, a scientific justification for creating the National Park "Samara Bor" was prepared. Under the conditions of anthropogenic and climatic impact, this article is of great global importance for attracting the attention of specialists, authorities and society to the protection and restoration of biodiversity in the most valuable landscapes

    Urban park layers: Spatial variation in plant community structure

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    Horizontal structure of natural plant communities attracted the attention of researchers for a long time, while the problem of horizontal structure of urban park plantations was not studied sufficiently. Species richness of different tiers of park plantation in the large industrial city of Dnipro (Ukraine) was revealed in this study. Also features of variation in the structure of plant communities at different spatial levels were revealed, the influence of park plantation canopy on the understory and herbaceous layer of the park. There were 30 plant species in the tree layer of the park plantation. The most common species were Robinia pseudoacacia L., Acer platanoides L., A. negundo L., Gleditsia triacanthos L., Aesculus hippocastanum L., Populus carolinensis Moench. The variance-to-mean ratio revealed that 13 tree species were randomly distributed throughout the park, and 14 species were aggregated. The number of occurrences of a given tree species per site and variance-to-mean ratio were positively correlated. The numerous tree species showed a tendency of aggregated distribution within the park. Sixteen plant species were found in the understory. Among them, the most abundant species were Acer platanoides L., A. negundo L., A. pseudoplatanus L., Sambucus nigra L., Robinia pseudoacacia L. Eight species were found to be randomly distributed over the park area, and eight species showed an aggregate distribution. The number of species encountered in the understory and variance-to-mean ratio were positively correlated. In the herbaceous stand, 99 plant species were found, of which Chelidonium majus L., Viola odorata L., Impatiens parviflora DC., Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch., Geum urbanum L. predominated. The variance-to-mean ratio of all species was significantly less than unity, indicating regular spatial distribution. The values of alpha- and gamma-diversity of the plant community in separate layers are very different. The highest gamma diversity was found for the herbaceous stand, while the diversity of the tree stand and understory was significantly lower. Alpha biodiversity of the tree stand and the understory did not practically differ. Beta diversity values between the layers are very close, and beta diversity is practically equal for tree stand and herbaceous layer. Thus, we can assume that the mechanisms of species turnover for the plant communities of different layers are determined by the common causes. The spatial broad-scale component was able to explain 8.2% of community variation, the medium-scale component was able to explain 4.2% of community variation, and the fine-scale component was able to explain 0.7% of community variation. The understory is the most sensitive to the environmental factors, the herbaceous stand is somewhat less sensitive, and the tree stand is the least sensitive to the environmental factors. The environmental factors in this study are represented by a set of variables. The spatial variation of the stand is predominantly influenced by the factors of trophicity and moisture of the edaphotope. These same factors also act on the herbaceous stand and understory, but along with them are included the environmental variables, which are determined by the architectonics of the crown space and thus the light regime, which is regulated by the tree stand. It is important to note that the variation of the communities of the different layers of the park plantation is subject to spatial patterns. The herbaceous and understory variation is more spatially structured than the tree stand variation. The spatial patterns can arise as a result of the influence of spatially structured environmental factors and as a result of factors of a neutral nature. The latter aspect of variation is best described by the pure spatial component of community variation

    Heavy metal accumulation by Acer platanoides and Robinia pseudoacacia in an industrial city (Northern Steppe of Ukraine)

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    The role of tree species as a tool for bioaccumulation of heavy metals is an important current issue within the context of the increase of anthropogenic pressure in urban ecosystems. The article presents the results of research on the level of soil contamination with heavy metals and the processes of their accumulation by native and introduced tree species in green spaces of Dnipro city. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was used to detect concentrations of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb) in soil samples and the assimilation component in trees of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) and Norway maple (Acer platanoides). The ranges of mean concentrations of heavy metals at different study sites within the city’s green infrastructure were as follows (mg/kg): 30.7–185.5 for Zn, 5.7–22.4 for Cu, 9.0–31.3 for Pb, and 0.213–0.598 for Cd. With respect to all four of these metals, the soils of the Metallurgists Square location were characterized by the highest concentrations of the metals, and the Pridneprovsky Park in the area of the outskirts of Dnipro city was characterized by the lowest ones. Compared to soils, the two investigated tree species had a significantly lower content of all studied metals in leaves. The heavy metal accumulations in the leaves of both R. pseudoacacia and A.&nbsp;platanoides were observed in the following decreasing order: Zn &gt; Cu &gt; Pb &gt; Cd. Regarding the migration of heavy metals in the soil-plant system, the concentrations of ecopollutants in the plants were found not to be dependent on their content in the soil environment. The calculated bioaccumulation coefficients of heavy metals for both tree species were &lt; 1. However, the results of heavy metal concentration in leaves of both introduced and native tree species evidenced their special role in heavy metal bioaccumulation. Compared to R. pseudoacacia, such native species as A. platanoides can be considered to be a more “sensitive” bioindicator of environmental pollution caused by heavy metals. Planting fast-growing tree species such as R. pseudoacacia and A. platanoides can in a short time be an environmentally appropriate and cost-effective measure to mitigate the unfavourable effects of heavy metals on the environment

    Age estimation of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) based on morphometric traits

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    The use of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is still controversial, especially in managed forests, due to its invasive nature. The&nbsp;black locust has been proven effective in reclamation of degraded lands when native species are not an alternative in the face of the climate change and desertification. Therefore, the importance of black locust in European ecosystems remains a matter of debate. Of&nbsp;course, it is an adventitious species originating from another continent. However, the ecological characteristics of the species in its natural range are very useful for ensuring the restoration of vegetation cover in areas that have experienced significant anthropogenic pressure. This species has a large number of important and useful features that make it an important agent in the forestry system and provide significant environmental and economic benefits. The status of black locust as an invasive species, i.e. one that is capable of uncontrolled spread, remains speculative. Such a conclusion requires various studies, including those identifying exact age of the plants based on morphometric parameters. In our study, we tested the hypothesis that plant height and trunk diameter will allow for an accurate assessment of black locust age. The plants of black locust were measured in the zone of spontaneous self-seeding of plants from a planted 60-years-old forest. The plants dispersed towards a fallow land, formed in the corner of an agricultural field. The spreading began 15 to 20&nbsp;years ago. The plants are mainly propagated by seedlings. An expert estimated the age of the plants visually. The measured trees were cut to obtain cross sections to account for the number of annual rings. A total of 68 trees were examined for morphometric characters. Black locust communities during self-dispersal are represented by individuals of different ages. The spatial pattern of distribution of individuals of different ages can reveal the spatial and temporal dynamics of the formation of spontaneous populations of black locust. For this purpose, it is critical to accurately identify the age of a large sample. Expert estimation of age is fast and fairly accurate, but it depends greatly on the qualifications of the expert and oftentimes plant ages are underestimated, especially in the early stages of population development. Plant height is also a good predictor of plant age, but the model gives poor predictions for plants older than 10 years. The tree height ranged 2.3 to 16.0 meters. The diameter at breast height (DBH) ranged 1.0 to 17.5 cm. The diameter at the root collar (DRC) ranged 1.6 to 21.7 cm. The age of the studied trees, determined by the number of annual rings per transect, ranged 6 to 17 years. The age of the trees according to the expert estimates was 8.2 ± 4.8 years. The expert estimates of age and the age according to the number of annual rings were statistically significantly different. The expert estimates of tree age were linearly related to tree size, while estimates of the number of annual rings showed a logarithmic relationship with tree height. Expert estimates also showed a closer relationship with tree height, while the relationship of estimates based on the number of annual rings had a slightly lower dependence on the morphometric traits. Regression analysis showed that there is a linear relationship between morphometric traits of the black locust. The coefficient of determination for the dependence of diameter at breast height on tree height was 0.96, and for the dependence of diameter at the base of the trunk on diameter at breast height was 0.97. This indicates a high level of multicollinearity of these morphometric traits when considering them as predictors of plant age. Taking into account the diameter at breast height and the diameter at the level of the root collar significantly improved the predictive ability of the model for identifying the age of the black locust trees

    Ротационное обрезание листового материала во вкладочно-швейно-резальных агрегатах

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    Розглянуто нову конструкцію пристрою безупинного ротаційного обрізування аркушевого матеріалу у вкладально-швейно-різальних агрегатах.The projected device can be used in inserting-sewing-cuttings aggregates (ISCA) for trimming books, magazine and brochure blocks, preparations of their spine part to the non-sewing glue fastening. In this article the decided question of upgrading trimming of folded sheet material, preparation of his spine to the non-sewing glue fastening at simplification of device, decline of power consumption, increase of the productivity of work of device, by the structural changes of device due to diminishing of total force of cutting and simultaneous implementation of additional operation. A device is contained by two circulating drums with their general drive unit, with mechanisms of carriages and cam mechanism on the one and with arc cutting instruments on the second.В статье рассмотрена новая конструкция устройства безвыстойной ротационной обрезки листового материала во вгладочно-швейно-резательных агрегатах

    Application of ultrasound energy in surgical treatment of chronic hemorrhoids Stages III-IV

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    Objective. Improvement of quality of the patients’ treatment, who suffer chronic hemorrhoids Stages III-IV, applying ultrasound energy intraoperatively. Materials and metods. The results of treatment are presented of 129 patients, suffering chronic hemorrhoids Stages III-IV: in 58 of them ultrasound energy was applied (Group I - the main), and in 71 - a standard procedure was performed (Group II - a control one). Results. Average duration of the operation have constituted in patients of Group I - (15.8 ± 1.7) min, and in Group II - (38.6 ± 1.5) min (p < 0.05). Postoperatively the patients of Group I have complained of pain during (3.4 ± 0.2) days, while in the Group II - during (7.5 ± 0.5) days (p < 0.05). In the patients of Group I only nonnarcotic analgetics during (3.4 ± 0.2) days; while in the Group II narcotic preparations were needed (2.1 ± 0.2) days, and nonnarcotic - (5.4 ± 0.3) days. Postoperatively in the Group II patients the pain syndrome level on the first day have constituted (9.1 ± 0.4) points, what is in 2.4 times higher, than in Group I (p < 0.05). Average stationary stay have constituted in the operated patients of Group I (2.8 ± 0.2) days, and in the Group II - (4.3 ± 0.4) days (p < 0.05). Conclusion. Application of the ultrasound energy permits to shorten the operation duration, average duration of stationary stay of the patients, and to reduce the pain syndrome level. Also, while application of ultrasound, the necessity to use narcotic analgetics postoperatively is eliminated. The quality of life indices during 6 mo postoperatively were better in the patients, who were operated, using ultrasound, than in those, to whom classic hemorrhoidectomy was performed

    Modeling the spatial variation of urban park ecological properties using remote sensing data

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    Parks perform a wide range of ecosystem services in urban environments. The functional importance of parks depends on the composition and structure of the tree stand and the specific influence on soil and microclimatic conditions. The article reveals the dependence of soil and microclimatic properties on the structure of the crown space of a park stand. Spectral indices were also shown to be applicable for predicting the spatial variability of soil and climatic properties and indicators of crown space. Soil properties (temperature, moisture, and electrical conductivity in the 5–7 cm layer) and microclimatic parameters (light exposure, air temperature, and atmospheric humidity) were measured in the park plantation using a quasi-regular grid. The canopy structure and gap light transmission indices were extracted from the true-colour fisheye photographs. Thirty species of trees and shrubs were detected in the stand and understory. Robinia pseudoacacia L. was found most frequently (24.5% of all tree records). Acer negundo L. and A.&nbsp;platanoides L. were also frequent (12.4% and 15.5%, respectively). The first four principal components, whose eigenvalues exceeded unity, were extracted by the principal components analysis of the variability of ecological properties and vegetation indices. The principal component 1 explained 50.5% of the variation of the traits and positively correlated with the spectral vegetation indices. The principal component 1 reflected the variability of tree cover densities due to the edaphic trophicity. The principal component 2 described 13% of the variation in the feature space. This component correlated positively with the spectral indices. The principal component 2 was interpreted as a trend of vegetation cover variability induced by moisture variation. The principal component 3 described 8.6% of trait variation. It was most strongly correlated with the atmospheric humidity. An increase in atmospheric humidity was associated with an increase in the soil moisture and electrical conductivity and a decrease in the soil and atmospheric temperature. The principal component 4 described 7.5 % of the variation of traits. An increase in the values of principal component 4 was associated with an increase in the soil moisture and electrical conductivity and atmospheric moisture and was associated with a decrease in the soil and atmospheric temperature. The combinations of the trophotope and hygrotope create the optimal conditions for specific tree species, which is a condition for achieving the maximization of ecosystem services. The mineral nutrition conditions of plants and soil moisture exhibit spatial patterns that allow them to be considered in the design and management of park plantations. The ecological indices measured in the field were shown to be predicted using the vegetation indices. Multiple regression models were able to explain 11–61% of indicator variation. The regression relationships between markers of soil and microclimatic conditions and vegetation predictors are important for monitoring the condition of park plantations and evaluating the performance of park plantation management tools