503 research outputs found

    Germany as an Immigration Country

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht einen kurzen sozialhistorischen Ɯberblick Ć¼ber das Migrationsgeschehen in Deutschland zu geben. Aus dem Auswanderungsland des 19. Jahrhunderts wurde ein Einwanderungsland neuen Typs. Die Anwerbephase der 60er-Jahre erweist sich retrospektiv als zeitliches Bindeglied zum ā€žEinwanderungsland wider Willenā€œ. Obgleich alle Beteiligten auf deutscher wie auslƤndischer Seite noch lange am Gastarbeitermythos der baldigen RĆ¼ckkehr in die jeweiligen HerkunftslƤnder festhielten, traten mit verlƤngerten Aufenthaltszeiten, Kettenwanderungen und verstƤrktem Familiennachzug bereits die Konturen der zukĆ¼nftigen Einwanderungsgesellschaft Bundesrepublik immer deutlicher zutage. Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit ist die Darstellung von Arbeitsmigranten und anderen einzelnen Zuwanderergruppen (Familennachzug, SpƤtaussiedler, jĆ¼dische Zuwanderung, politische FlĆ¼chtlinge aus ehemaligen sozialistischen LƤndern, Asylzuwanderung, sonstige FlĆ¼chtlinge) sowie Fakten und rechtliche Grundlagen der jeweiligen Zuwanderungsform.U radu su, u kontekstu socijalne povijesti, sintetizirana migracijska iskustva koja su se događala u Njemačkoj. Iz iseljeničke zemlje 19. stoljeća nastala je useljenička zemlja novoga tipa. Razdoblje primanja radne snage, 1960-ih godina, retrospektivno je pokazalo da je Njemačka postala useljenička zemlja protiv svoje volje. Naime, iako su svi sudionici ā€“ i iz Njemačke i među useljenicima ā€“ dugo zadržavali "gastarbajterski" mit brzoga povratka u zemlje podrijetla, nastale su ā€“ zbog dugih boravaka, lančanih useljenja i pojačanih doseljenja članova obitelji ā€“ prve konture useljeničkoga druÅ”tva. TežiÅ”te rada je ā€“ osim na radnim migrantima ā€“ i na prikazu doseljeničkih grupa (doseljavanje članova obitelji radnih migranata, obiteljska doseljavanja Nijemaca iz drugih zemalja, doseljavanje Židova, doseljavanja političkih prognanika iz bivÅ”ih socijalističkih zemalja te potencijalnih azilanata i ostalih izbjeglica) te na činjenicama i pravnom okviru pojedinih useljeničkih modela.In the paper the author synthesises, within the context of social history, migration experiences that took part in Germany. From a 19th century emigration country it has become a new type of immigration country. The period of accepting foreign workers in the 1960s proved retrospectively that Germany had become an immigrant country against its own will. Namely, although all the participants ā€“ on the part of Germany and on the part of the immigrants as well ā€“ had long nourished the \u27Gastarbeiter\u27 myth of a rapid return to their country of origin, because of their extended stay, chain immigration and immigration of family members, the first contours of an immigration society began to emerge. In addition to migrant workers, the paper also focuses on the presentation of various immigrant groups (immigration of family members of migrant workers, immigration of German families from other countries, immigration of Jews, immigration of political refugees from former socialist countries and potential asylum seekers as well as other refugees) and on facts and the legal framework of certain immigration models

    Relieve Fatigue by Socializing in Sidoarjo City Park

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    City parks are one of the green open public spaces. The development of city parks gives meaning to the community because city people who are busy working very rarely interact. The existence of a city park as a public space provides movement for the community to be able to interact with other individuals. In Sidoarjo, there is a City Park called Abhirama Park. The Park is strategically located with easy access. This research aims to analyze the development of city parks as a space for interaction in the Sidoarjo community. The research results are regarding the situation of the Sidoarjo city park, as for the views of the people of Sidoarjo regarding the existence of parks and the various functions of city parks. The method used is qualitative, with data collection through interviews, observation, and documentation. This study uses the theory of Herbert Mead regarding symbolic interaction


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    Disability is not only a medical problem, but rather a complex phenomenon that reflects the interaction between the features of the body and the intellect of a person on the one hand, and the characteristics of the society in which he or she lives, on the other. Overcoming the disadvantages faced by people with disabilities requires interventions that will remove all kinds of barriers, from avoiding social prejudices to architectural adaptations and redesigning products. The paper deals with the problem of developing public, with special emphasis on Croatia, which in this case involves not only increasing the number of potential associates and end-users in the cultural industry process but also sensitising general public for others, focusing attention on its invisible, forgotten or ignored part of the disabled. Disabled people do not have special needs; their needs and their right to culture are equal to the needs and rights of all ā€“ they just need to be adjusted.Invaliditet nije samo medicinski problem, već složeni fenomen koji odražava interakciju između obilježja tijela i intelekta osobe s jedne strane te karakteristika druÅ”tva u kojem on ili ona živi, s druge strane. Prevladavanje nedostataka s kojima se suočavaju osobe s invaliditetom zahtijeva intervencije koje će ukloniti sve vrste prepreka: od izbjegavanja druÅ”tvenih predrasuda do arhitektonskih prilagodbi i redizajniranja proizvoda. Rad se bavi problemom razvoja publika, s posebnim naglaskom na Hrvatsku, Å”to u ovom slučaju podrazumijeva ne samo povećanje broja potencijalnih suradnika i krajnjih korisnika u procesu kulturne industrije, već i senzibiliziranje javnosti za druge i drugačije, s naglaskom na nevidljivi, zaboravljeni ili zanemareni dio osoba s invaliditetom. Osobe s invaliditetom nemaju posebne potrebe; njihove potrebe i njihovo pravo na kulturu jednake su potrebama i pravima svih - samo ih je potrebno prilagoditi

    Electricity Access in non-OECD Countries: Do Household Size and Composition Matter?

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    Despite considerable improvements in electricity coverage, millions of people are still lacking the access to electricity. Residential electricity access is a prerequisite for numerous aspects of increased well-being and quality of life. The aim of this paper is to identify key household characteristics that are linked to the energy poverty measured as access to electricity. Literature on financial and general poverty showed mixed results on household size and characteristics as a driver of poverty. We argue that household size and proportion of children in households are key variables associated with energy poverty in developing countries with lowest levels of electricity coverage. Our research approach treats electricity access as economic good and focuses on demand side ā€“ households. By utilizing census microdata across 69 non-OECD countries, our research provides large-scale analysis on household size and characteristics as a driver of energy poverty. We found that, in majority of low-income countries, same principles for general or financial poverty apply to energy poverty which is represented by negative effect of household size and proportion of children on energy poverty

    Large Angiomyxoma of the Umbilical Cord-Uncomplicated Rupture of Tumor Membranes at 32 Weeks of Gestation

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    Publisher Copyright: Ā© 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Background: When a tumor of the umbilical cord is prenatally visualized, it is possible to propose the diagnosis depending on the sonographic appearance of the tumor. Angiomyxoma of the umbilical cord appears as a complex solid-cystic mass that is made of angiomatous component and myxoid stroma. When the tumor is diagnosed, serial ultrasound and doppler examinations are used to monitor the tumorā€™s size and the overall fetal well-being including doppler investigations and fetal growth. Angiomyxomas are not associated with fetal chromosomal pathologies. The cases of intrauterine rupture and fetal death was described in the literature. Case presentation: A 28 years-old pregnant woman was referred to our clinic for second opinion because of visualized umbilical cord tumor during second trimester ultrasound screening. The tumor gradually increased in size until 34th week of gestation, when the rupture of the cystic component was observed. The fetal doppler studies was normal during the course of pregnancy, we observed decreased AC and decreased estimated fetal weight. At the gestational age of the 37 weeks the labor was induced and heathy male infant was born. Conclusions: For the first time to our knowledge, we demonstrate the case of uncomplicated rupture of the cystic component of the angiomyxoma that lead to the possibility to manage the pregnancy conservatively without any compromise of the fetus.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Role of Life Habits as a Construct in Dementia Prevention

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    Introduction: For over three decades, Europe has been viewed as a continent of the elderly. However, despite the fact that the Republic of Croatia is a part of Europe, it is only nowadays that we have come to face this problem in the form of a large ā€“ and rapidly growing ā€“ elderly population. Since age is the main risk factor for the onset of dementia, a further increase in the number of patients is expected. Consequently, the need for new insights in the field of constructs that contribute to the prevention of dementia is implied in the context of reducing the number of patients. This research aimed at gaining insight into life habits of individuals using homes for the elderly and infirm, which habits have been shown by previous research as contributory to dementia prevention or mitigation. Materials and Methods: This research was conducted using an appropriate sample of 443 users of decentralized homes for the elderly and infirm in Osijek-Baranja County. Results: The obtained research data was divided into four categories: physical activity, cognitive activity, consumption of tobacco products, and alcohol and diet. The results showed that physical and cognitive activities are the least represented in everyday lives of users of homes for the elderly and infirm. Conclusion: Based on research results, the importance and role of physical activity and maintenance of cognitive skill will be emphasised with an aim of achieving better quality aging, especially in terms of dementia prevention in the elderly

    A Fast Dynamic Assignment Algorithm for Solving Resource Allocation Problems

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    The assignment problem is one of the fundamental problems in the field of combinatorial optimization. The Hungarian algorithm can be developed to solve various assignment problems according to each criterion. The assignment problem that is solved in this paper is a dynamic assignment to find the maximum weight on the resource allocation problems. The dynamic characteristic lies in the weight change that can occur after the optimal solution is obtained. The Hungarian algorithm can be used directly, but the initialization process must be done from the beginning every time a change occurs. The solution becomes ineffective because it takes up a lot of time and memory. This paper proposed a fast dynamic assignment algorithm based on the Hungarian algorithm. The proposed algorithm is able to obtain an optimal solution without performing the initialization process from the beginning. Based on the test results, the proposed algorithm has an average time of 0.146 s and an average memory of 4.62 M. While the Hungarian algorithm has an average time of 2.806 s and an average memory of 4.65 M. The fast dynamic assignment algorithm is influenced linearly by the number of change operations and quadratically by the number of vertices

    Rencana Pengendalian Banjir di Saluran Sekunder Rungkut Barata dan Rungkut Menanggal Kota Surabaya

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    Saluran Sekunder Rungkut Barata dan Rungkut Menanggal Kota Surabaya yang termasuk sub sistem drainase saluran Perbatasan, mengalami genangan air ketika terjadi hujan dengan intensitas curah hujan sedang atau tinggi. Genangan terjadi dalam jangka waktu kurang lebih 2 jam dengan kedalaman 10 cm s/d 30 cm. Genangan terjadi di permukiman penduduk sampai ke ruas-ruas jalan utama daerah tersebut. Diduga penyebab genangan terjadi akibat aliran balik dari Saluran Primer Perbatasan. Perhitungan debit rencana menggunakan metode rasional dengan debit Q5 untuk saluran sekunder, Q2 untuk saluran tersier. Sedangkan perhitungan debit banjir pada saluran primer menggunakan hidrograf satuan sintetik nakayasu. Adapun perhitungan aliran balik (back water) menggunakan metode tahapan langsung. Dari hasil Running menggunakan Aplikasi HECRAS kapasitas saluran Rungkut Barata dan Rungkut Menanggal mengalami luapan banjir hampir di semua ruas Saluran. Pada bagian Hilir saluran Sekunder Rungkut Barata juga terjadi aliran balik dari Saluran Primer Perbatasan sejauh 291,78m. Untuk mengatasinya di lakukan Pengendalian banjir dengan Normalisasi Saluran dengan tinggi tanggul 1,5 meter sampai 2 meter dan lebar menyesuaikan kondisi lapangan dengan menyamakan Isaluran 0,0004 ataupun melakukan pengendalian banjir mengunakan 2 Pompa air dengan kapasitas 0,5m3/det dan dilengkapai Pompa Lumpur. Kata kunci : ā€Genangan, Debit Rencana, Aliran Balik, Kapasitas Tampungan, Pompa Air, ā€. =================================================== Flood inundations frequently occur on the secondary channels of Rungkut Barata and Rungkut Menanggal, which includes sub-drainage system of Perbatasan channel, especially during moderate-intensity and high-intensity rain. The inundations typically take place approximately 2 hours with a depth of 10 cm to 30 cm, and they affect residential areas as well as main roads. The problem is allegedly caused by backwater from Perbatasanā€™s primary channel. Rational method was employed to calculate discharge plan, with discharge Q5 and Q2 for secondary channel and tertiary channel respectively. Meanwhile, flood discharge on the primary channel was calculated using Nakayasu synthetic unit hydrograph. Furthermore, direct step method was employed to calculate backwater. The HEC-RAS results indicated that floods almost hit all segments on Rungkut Barata and Rungkut Menanggal channels. There was also backwater from Perbatasanā€™s primary channel as far as 291.78m on the downstream of Rungkut Barataā€™s secondary channel. Flood controlling through channel normalization could be implemented to solve the problem, with 1.5 meter to 2 meter of levee height and width adjusting field condition by equalizing channel slope to 0.0004. In addition to channel normalization, flood controlling could be performed using 2 water pumps with each capacity of 0.5 m3/s and equiped with mud pump. Keywords: inundation, discharge plan, backwater, storage capacity, water pum
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