2,035 research outputs found


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    According to literature, in close contact within family circle adults having typical and, especially atypical forms of pertussis might be a source of infection for children.Aim – to carry out serological surveillance among adult population in order to quantify pertussis immunoglobulins G (ImG)..Materials and Methods. The study of the immunological structure of adult population concerning pertussisgerm was carried out on 80 people over the age of 18. The level of specific antibodies was identified by ELISA test-system SERO PERTUSSIS tm IgG Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) Savyon DiagnosticsLtd, Israel. The study was conducted in 4 age groups: 18–25, 26–40, 41–55 and over 55 years old. Statistical processing of data was obtained by means of intensive, extensive and mid-values assessment using Mann–Whitney U test. Anti-pertussis immunity stress level was estimated by such criteria: up to 9.9 BU/ml – antibodynegative people; 10.0 – 49.0 ВU/ml – antibody-positive people, those whose antibodies indicate that the person has already suffered from pertussis or has received immunization; 50 BU/ml and more – highly positive antibodies level indicating the period of recovery from pertussis (according to manufacturer’s instruction). Results. The number of antibody-negative population is 50 %. High titres of specific immunoglobulins G were identified in 3.75 % of people, which indicates the pe riod of recovery from pertussis. There were no important differences found in the levels of immunoglobulins G between the population of cities and villages Conclusions. Usage of this method proves that there are cases of adults suffering from pertussis, which are caused by the lack of awareness of health care professionals about case rate of pertussis in the particular age group. The fact that there are antibody-negative adults proves the necessity of anti-pertussis revaccination of the adult population.Мета – провести серологічний моніторинг серед дорослого населення щодо кількісного визначення імуноглобулінів класу G до кашлюку.Матеріали і методи. Дослідження проводились з використанням методу імуноферментного аналізу.Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. Серонегативний прошарок населення становить 50,0 %. Специфічні імуноглобуліни G у високих титрах (понад 50 BU/ml) були виявлені у 3,75 % осіб, що свідчить про період реконвалесценції після кашлюку.Висновки. Використання цього методу підтверджує наявність випадків захворювання на кашлюк серед дорослого населення при недостатній настороженості медичних працівників щодо захворюваності на кашлюк даної вікової групи. Підтверджено об’єктивність і інформативність методу та доцільність його широкого впровадження в практику громадського здоров’я з метою здійснення належного епідеміологічного нагляду

    Bacterial ribonuclease: Mutagenic effect in microbial test-systems

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    Pure enzyme samples of ribonuclease from Bacillus intermedius 7P (known commercially as 'binase') were investigated for genotoxicity in four microbial tests: the Ames plate incorporation method, Ara(R)-assay; the prophage induction test; and the DNA-repair test. The weak mutagenic effect of binase at high concentrations (0.1 mg/plate, 1 mg/plate) was established by induction of forward Ara(R)-mutations and histidine-reverse mutations (both frameshift mutations and base pair substitution). Metabolic activation with rat or chicken liver, human placenta or plant (from tulip bulbs) microsomal fractions in vitro was seen to abolish the binase mutagenicity. Bacillus intermedius 7P ribonuclease appears to possess DNA damaging activity in uvrA- and polA- mutants, but not in the recA-deficient Escherichia coil strain, and exhibits an induction of recA-dependent mutagenesis detected by the 8-fold increase of the prophage-induction level in lysogenic Bacillus subtilis culture and by the 5-fold increase of this level in the Streptomyces lavendulae 3 lysogenic strain. The importance of the roles of both of enzyme catalytic activity and native structure is emphasized. A proposed mechanism for exogenous ribonuclease action is discussed. Bacillus intermedius 7P ribonuclease probably does not act as a direct genotoxic agent interacting with DNA, but could provoke nucleotide imbalance through its catalytic action on membrane-associated RNAs, which results in alteration of DNA replication and, as a consequence, in recA-dependent mutagenesis

    Mutagenic potential as an integral index of soil pollution by oil components

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    A study was made on soil samples contaminated by oil and oil-polluted waste waters of Tatarstan oil fields. The mutagenic ability of the samples was evaluated by the plate modification of the Ames test (Salmonella/microsomes). Oil-polluted soils were shown to exhibit medium and weak mutagenic potential. The mutagenic effect was increased by metabolic activation by microsome fractions of rat liver and human placenta. The soil samples contaminated by waste waters of oil wells did not exhibit mutagenic effect. No reliable correlation was revealed between mutagenic effect and some chemical indices (heavy metal and 3,4-Benzpyrene content in the samples). Copyright © 1996 by MAHK Hayka/Interperiodica Publishing

    The effect of thermal treatment on the catalytic activity and biological properties of bacillus intermedius ribonuclease

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    Bacillus intermedius ribonuclease (binase), which is known to exert a growth-stimulating effect at low concentrations and a genotoxic effect at high concentrations, loses these abilities completely after exposure to 100°C for 10 min, but retains approximately 96% of its catalytic activity and structural integrity. Other types of modification, such as photoinactivation and site-specific mutagenesis, gave rise to enzyme forms with unaltered structure but reduced (sometimes to trace amounts) catalytic activity. Çrenotoxipity was always proportional to the catalytic activity of the native enzyme, while a notable growth-stimulating effect may be exerted by enzymes with low activity. The loss of biological activity of thermoinactivated binase was related to the increase in the number of negatively charged groups on the enzyme surface, which led to a substantial decline in the adhesive properties of the enzyme

    SOS-inducing ability of native and mutant microbial ribonucleases

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    The results of genotoxicity testing of microbial ribonucleases from Bacillus species with different catalytic activity obtained by site-directed mutagenesis in SOS chromotest are reported. At the concentrations 0.1-1 mg/ml, the induction factor for wild-type bacillar binase, barnase and mutant Arg58Lys binase with 100% activity was found to be significantly higher than 1.5 (1.8-2.8). Mutant RNases having decreased catalytic activity (binases with replacements Lys26Ala, Arg61Gln, His101Glu) or through natural inhibitor barstar inactivated wild-type RNase exhibited no SOS-inducing potency. The ability of native bacillar RNases and mutant enzymes possessing high catalytic activity comparable with the activity of wild-type RNase to cause the SOS response indicates that genotoxicity is mediated through the probable cleavage of cellular RNA. The possible mechanisms of mutagenesis induced by catalytically active RNases are discussed


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    The article analyzes the role of interdisciplinary links between medical and biological physics and normal human physiology, found by comparing curricula in both disciplines, in preparing students for the licensing exam ‘‘STEP-1. General medical training’’. Test questions on normal physiology were considered in the test data base for preparation and in booklets for passing the exam, and tasks that students are taught in their first year in the process of studying medical and biological physics classes were defined. It is shown that in the test database the number of such tasks averages 8.7 % of the total number of questions on normal human physiology, while in exam booklets it averages 22 %. Such data indicate the need for broad involvement of interdisciplinary links in the study of both sciences, which will avoid duplication of educational material in the learning process, opening up prospects for more thorough mastering by students of the program of normal human physiology.У статті проаналізовано роль міждисциплінарних звʼязків між медичною і біологічною фізикою та нормальною фізіологією людини для підготовки студентів до ліцензійного іспиту «Крок 1. Загальна лікарська підготовка», знайдених шляхом порівняння навчальних програм з обох дисциплін. Розглянуто тестові питання з нормальної фізіології у базі тестів для підготовки й у буклетах для складання іспиту, і визначено завдання, які студенти виконують вже на першому курсі в процесі вивчення медичної і біологічної фізики. Показано, що у базі тестів число таких завдань складає в середньому 8,7 % загальної кількості питань з нормальної фізіології людини, тоді як у буклетах іспиту – в середньому 22 %. Такі дані свідчать про необхідність широкого залучення міждисциплінарних звʼязків у вивченні обох наук, що дозволить уникнути дублювання навчального матеріалу в процесі навчання, відкриваючи перспективи для ретельнішого освоєння студентами програми з нормальної фізіології

    Compounds 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene and 2,4-diamino-6-nitrotoluene: The absence of recA-dependent mutagenesis?

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    The genotoxicity of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (2,4,6-TNT) and its amino derivative, 2,4-diamino-6-nitrotoluene (2,4-DA-6-NT), was studied using the Escherichia coli tester strain PQ37 in the SOS chromotest. The compound 2,4,6-TNT, without metabolic activation, virtually failed to induce an SOS effect in cells of the tester bacteria. Consequently, mutagenic activity of 2,4,6-TNT, which was shown earlier in the Ames test, does not depend on SOS mutagenesis. It was demonstrated that metabolic activation with the microsomal S9 human placenta fraction results in a threefold increase in the induction factor of the SOS effect caused by 2,4,6-TNT. The absence of the SOS-inducing activity of 2,4-DA-6-NT, regardless of the presence of a microsomal activating mixture, is shown. Thus, 2,4-DA-6-NT does not belong to metabolites of 2,4,6-TNT, responsible for the genotoxicity of this compound

    Genotoxicity study of a new tetraalkylammonium derivative of 6-methyluracil (agent No. 547)

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    Agent No. 547 (1,3-bis[x-(diethyl-ortho-nitrobenzylammonio)-pentyl]-6-methyluracil dibromide), a newly synthesized inhibitor of mammalian-specific acetyltcholinesterase (EC was investigated for genotoxicity using the DNA-repair test, Ames test and in vivo micronucleus test with mouse peripheral blood erythrocytes. Agent No. 547 did not cause significant changes in growth of repair-deficient Escherichia coli tester strains. The compound was non-mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98 and TA100 with and without rat microsomal activation mixture. However, we observed a marked increase in number of His+ revertants for both tester strains in preincubation assays. The results obtained in the micronucleus test indicate that agent No. 547 possesses significant clastogenic activity. At the high dose tested (0.5 mg/kg), the compound induced a seven-fold increase in the number of micronuclei over the spontaneous background 48 h after treatment. The results suggest that further work should be promoted to identify the metabolic pathways involved in genotoxicity of agent No. 547 in mammalian cells and to evaluate the real risk of its exposure

    The effect of thermal treatment on the catalytic activity and biological properties of Bacillus intermedius ribonuclease

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    Bacillus intermedius ribonuclease (binase), which is known to exert a growth-stimulating effect at low concentrations and a genotoxic effect at high concentrations, loses these abilities completely after exposure to 100°C for 10 min, but retains approximately 95% of its catalytic activity and structural integrity. Other types of modification, such as photoinactivation and site-specific mutagenesis, gave rise to enzyme forms with unaltered structure but reduced (sometimes to trace amounts) catalytic activity. Genotoxicity was always proportional to the catalytic activity of the native enzyme, while a notable growth-stimulating effect could be exerted by enzymes with low activity. The loss of biological activity of thermoinactivated binase was related to the increase in the number of negatively charged groups on the enzyme surface, which led to a substantial decline in the adhesive properties of the enzyme. © 2001 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica"